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Who am I?

Arthur Yan S.S 9/27/2013 Who a person is, is decided by he does. Who a person is, is decided by what he loves. Who a person is, is decided by their truths and lies. Who a person is, is decided by their family, friends, and ties. Im still trying to find out who I am! Arthur was frustrated when his friend, David had asked him the question again. He turned away and kicked the soccer ball straight into the net. Oh come on, you look like a soccer player, David said. Maybe thats who you are. But my true interests dont belong in soccer, Arthur said. It lies somewhere else. Trust me, I know where Im going. Arthur left the scene and stormed off to his locker. His teacher passed by and waved hello at Arthur. How was school today? the teacher asked. Arthur shook his head. I have other stuff to do today, Arthur said. Arthur began to walk then the teacher suddenly stopped him. Wait! the teacher called out. Arthur turned around with a slightly annoyed face. What is it, Mr. Paul? Arthur asked. Mr. Paul walked up to Arthur and put his hand on Arthur's shoulder. Listen, everyones beginning to decide what they want to be, Mr. Paul said. Maybe you should too. I had a friend ask me the same thing, Arthur said. Mr. Paul chuckled and brought Arthur into the classroom. Listen, Arthur, youre a natural at science and math, Mr. Paul said. Maybe thats where you should go? Im good, Arthur admit. But Im not as good as the people out there though. I know things that are more advanced than people in the class, but all the great people out there, Im nothing compared! You just have to try and get better, Mr. Paul said. Its my job to make sure that you lead a successful life in the future. I know, and I dont want to fail you, Arthur said. Mr. Paul smirked he waved good bye to Arthur and watched as Arthur left the class. Arthur began walking home and looked at his little sister.

What are you going to be when you grow up? Arthur asked. His little sister smiled brightly. I want to be an architect! she exclaimed. I love to design, build houses and draw. Its good you have dream, Arthur sighed, envying her sister who had a good goal to go for, whereas he, had nothing in front of him to chase after. Were home, Arthur exclaimed. His sister immediately took out a drawing board and began to draw. I need to listen to some music, Arthur exhaled. He dashed up to his room and took his MP3 player out. He played the first song and began to finally relax. I dont know why, but music has always been the best relaxing best medium for me, Arthur said. He began to browse the internet but something kept bugging Arthur. Is music where I should follow? Arthur asked. He ran downstairs and opened up the piano. He sighed nervously. I always felt that I should have gone here, Arthur said. He took out a small piece of paper and looked at the music on it. But before he began to play, Arthur pulled out a deck of cards. So I should play the music like this, and it changes over here, Arthur muttered. He suddenly looked down and the joker was sitting at the top of the deck. He snapped and the joker turned into the ace of spades. Magic, Arthur said with a grin. He set his hands onto the keyboard and began to play the music without mistake and looked at the music with a frown. He stopped before the final notes and sighed. Im not going to finish if this isnt where I want to go, Arthur declared to himself. He shuffled the cards in a complicated way then flipped the top card over. It was blank. Im not doing magic for a living, Arthur said. But I need to find something. All of these things are of my interest, but none of them are truly what I want. The phone ringed abruptly making Arthur lose his train of thought. He rushed to the phone and picked it up. David was at the phone. Hey, first of all, Im sorry, David apologized. Arthur sighed with a smirking face. Its alright, Arthur said. I dont mind. Secondly, David continued. I want to ask you something. Can you give me some ideas for the paragraph due next week? Arthur frowned. He started to explain what he did for the assignment. Soon after, David was about to hang up, but Arthur stopped David. Hey David, Arthur asked. How do you see me?

Youre a great friend! David exclaimed. Arthur sighed as he tried to reword the question. What are some of the traits I have that make me your friend? Arthur asked. Arthur heard a small sigh of struggle and after a long silence, David answered the question. Well, youre funny, David started off with. Arthur nodded although he did not completely agree. And youre smart, David continued with. You are one of the best students I know. Youre nice, generous, and carefree! I guess thats an answer? Arthur nodded. He said a good bye and hung up the phone. He revised Davids words and wondered. Im good at so many things, Arthur said. Im good at math, I excel in academics overall, in fact, and Im great at music. Arthur looked around. He started to tap a small rhythm in his hands and he toyed with the cards in the other. He looked at a calendar and began to calculate some dates with the numbers on the calendar. Arthur suddenly stopped with everything at once. David is right about me as a friend, Arthur said. But what about strangers ? They see me as a quiet, shy, and the only good thing is that Im smart. Do they know that Im better than that? Arthur whispered to himself. He dropped the cards and looked at a piece of paper. He began to write suddenly. He wrote a small story and looked at it. Is this what I want to do? Arthur asked himself. He took the piece of paper and smirked. I think I know what I want to do, Arthur said to himself. He played around with the pencil. He sighed and went to his computer. He typed out another story, and one after another, he began to write stories, all fantasies as well. I do love writing the most, dont I? Arthur asked. He began to chuckle and he nodded. I think now I actually know who I am, Arthur said. The next day, at class, a sheet of paper was passed around and Arthur's attention was directed to question number seven immediately. Describe yourself in a paragraph. Who are you? Arthur recited off of the sheet of paper. He chuckled and took out a normal lined sheet of paper. He wrote out a paragraph quickly and looked at his draft. I am who I am and no one can change that. I am a person with a vast variety of interests which range from magic tricks to music. Its incredible how many things that I like surprisingly, as it has just occurred to me. I also excel in things such as math, science and music as well, because I love it so much. But I know one thing about me; I know that I have one thing that I love directly and only. I love to

write. I am a creative person and writing can express that so well. I am a person who has the widest range of interests. I am a person with strengths in most subjects. But I still love one thing. The ability to express. And thats why I love to write. But that cannot determine me. Arthur began to smirk as he stopped to write. He sighed and wrote his last sentences. So, who am I? I am Arthur. But the true me is decided in other people. It is decided by what I love and do. It is decided by what I say, whether they be lies or truths. And finally, it is decided by my ties with people that I have relations with. But in the end, I am decided by you, and you decided who I am. Thats who I am.

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