Wireless Sensor Networks

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Joanna Christine R.

Maez CTTREND S12 Wireless Sensor Networks A Reflection Paper

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) consist of sensors which are used to monitor physical and environmental conditions for changes. Last Tuesday, September 24, 2013, Mr. Gregory Cu talked about this field, its applications, issues and its future. Technological innovations reached a point where imperceptible systems can respond or interact with the users coined as Ambient Intelligence. Numao Lab, located in Osaka University, used Phidget sensors and controllers, and wired the area to determine whether a person moves from one point to another. PCs were used to collect data, and later on, used the data for data mining. They also used Emotiv for processing the signals produced by the brain, enabling a person to do things such as controlling a room or even a game character. With WSNs, the problem of having too many interconnected wires is now addressed, and it is now easier to track environmental conditions such as earthquakes, landslide, volcanic eruptions, and others. However, there are still issues with regards to WSNs. These include processing, power, transmission techniques, and mobility. WSNs is indeed an interesting field and is an emerging area for research and commercial development. It is a technology in which a lot of people can benefit, but is it something that our country needs? In my opinion, it is. Our country is prone to environmental disasters, and it would really be a huge help if WSNs are applied to detect possible environmental changes. Conversely, sensors cost a fortune. Add to that the computers to be used for monitoring and data mining. If data are continuously collected every half a second, how should it be presented? Presenting it through raw data requires more storage, on the contrary, crunching it down or calculating it requires more processing, consequently more power. Despite the fact that raw data gives us more accurate results, it would be impractical, if not feasible. On the other hand, presenting calculated data is not what we need all of the times. Therefore, data should be presented depending on the scenario and depending on the necessary output. After all, a huge amount of funds needs to be allocated for this technology, nevertheless, this thing can save lives. Another issue with regards to WSNs, is privacy and security. With WSNs, its like eyes are everywhere determining every peoples action and location. Sooner or later, the security for WSNs will be improved and the advantages we get from WSNs outweigh the said risks, but is it enough for the public to accept? Is it something that we should entrust our lives with or something that points guns in our heads? There are still a lot of arising questions with WSNs as it grows in the field of research, and t heres no such thing as perfect technology, there will always be a loophole in every system. In spite of the presented issues, the main point is, WSNs make ourselves more and better prepared than before.

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