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This is me

A Short story Arthur Yan 9/17/2013 H.a.C.E

How are you, Arthur? Arthur chuckled. Good. He smiled at the shop owner and left. Arthur had been through a busy day as an author, and nothing cheered him up as well as a good serving of Lins homestyle Chicken Soup. He got into his carriage and was about to ride home. He looked outside then took out a pen and some parchment and began to write down something. And even though it may have had been his last day, Arthur slowly recited as he wrote it down. he was happy, for he had lived a life of no regrets. And he was damn sure of one thing. He had finally found true happiness. Arthur grinned and began to laugh in triumph. He had finished another novel and he was sure that it was going to be a big hit. All he had to do was return it home. Thank you, Arthur said as he got off the carriage. The driver nodded and rode the horses away. Arthur opened the door to his small red house and lay down on the bed. He looked at the ceiling and began to wonder. Even though the people in my books always have a great ending, why am I not happy? Arthur asked himself. But he knew living in the medieval times was a hard place for anyone. The streets were crowded; there were flies, mosquitos, and countless bugs out there. Once, he had been bitten by a most deadly insect and he was sick for over five days. Arthur moaned at the thought of his hiatus long ago. It was embarrassing time for him. Living now is very hard, Arthur grumbled to himself. I need to live my life to a better extent. Arthur, although deciding that, simply opened up his soup and began to drink it. He glared out the window and saw the Sun beginning to set. He watched at the beautiful sight enticed him and pulled him toward it. But Arthur shook his head. There was work to be done. He pulled out the rest of his book and looked at it. Some parts werent quite right. He read it over and over again, but didnt just seem to find anything wrong. Maybe its just me, Arthur concluded. I need some rest. He added the final phrase onto the book and tied the pages together and set it on the table. Arthur sighed. He knew that if were to keep on going like this, he

wold probably die alone and without friends. Although he was a celebrity, he never got to enjoy the wonders of life. Arthur finally got down and looked at his book. I wish, that I could restart my life, Arthur prayed. And live that one to the fullest. Arthur sighed once again. Although he had no religious belief, praying was never a bad option. He lay down on his bed and looked around. Taking a quick nap was never a bad option either. Im freaking late! Arthur yelled. He took his manuscripts and saw the Sun. It was but a small edge of the Sun which was popping out of the mountain range. Arthur was rushed now. He knew that he was going to get yelled at again. I have to be quick! Arthur hurried himself. He packed all the tools and whatnot into a hand sown bag and dashed off, out of the front door. He rushed down the roads, several drivers complaining about his behaviour, but Arthur waved in apology to the enraged drivers. Im sorry! Arthur squeaked as he was running across the road to the publishing house. He looked around. No one seemed to be around him so he briskly crossed the road, knowing that he wouldnt be late now. Get out of the way! Arthur looked to his left. A mad mob of cattle had been rushing toward him and downhill too! Arthur took a few steps back and avoided all of the cattle running toward him, dodging instant death. Get out of the way! The man who was guarding the cattle had been chasing the cattle for over an hour now and had finally caught up to them. But Arthur was unaware. The man was riding in the carriage and Arthur looked to his left again. It truly was too late right now for Arthur. And a crimson liquid covered the book and tainted the last few words. Ah! Arthur woke up from his deep dream. He looked around. It wasnt a hospital nor a heavenly place. He was in a room. But it was very different from his own. He was in a modern room, one that probably you and I would live in nowadays. But Arthur didnt know that. Where am I? Arthur asked. He got out of his bed. He was completely naked and he was somewhat ashamed, even though no one was there. He looked at a drawer with the label of clothing on it and frowned in disgust. These people have no taste of clothing here, Arthur remarked. This isnt even hand woven cloth. I doubt Ill find any silk here.

Arthur sighed. He took out, from the best of his ability, a set of clothes that would hope to match up with his regular clothes. Now, I better hand that manuscript in, Arthur remembered. He looked around, but no bag was there. He thought about searching the entire room, but thinking that this was another persons house, he refused to. Anybody home? Arthur asked as he exit the room. The house was a clean a nice place to live in, only slightly cramped. I used to live in a bigger house, Arthur complained. A sudden knock on the door broke Arthurs train of thought. Hello? Arthur asked as he opened the door. An elderly, smiling man greeted him and waved hello. Hi, Arthur, the man said. How are you? Isnt it an awful early to ask that? Arthur wondered. The man chuckled but Arthur didnt seem to understand. Same attitude as always, the man remarked. Well, if youre in trouble, just give your old neighbour Paul Leblanc a call. Arthur nodded while frowning slightly as he waved goodbye to his neighbour. He looked out in the hallway. There were several houses and several departments of people living in them. Paul moved onto the room 309. Arthur looked at his own door number, 307 and frowned. What is this place? Arthur asked himself. He looked around and saw a bag with a small book sticking out of it. He suddenly remembered something. Im late. Arthur sprint across streets and roads. He wondered why the carriages were moving so fast, and why they had no horses. It was mind-boggling to him that the carriages could move with four wheels and nothing to drive them. He looked around and saw a giant bell. He knew where he had to go. He dashed across the road and looked at the giant bell, following it as if he had something he needed to do there. He dashed across more people holding bags and whatnot, preparing for something. What is going on? Arthur asked himself while running. And why does this word school keep popping up into my head? Whatever, Arthur thought. He had to get to the bottom of all of this and he figured that by going to school was the best way to do it. He kept on running until he arrived at the front gates of the school. Summit Suns University, Arthur read aloud. He shrugged and walked in. he looked around then arrived at the so-called office. Excuse me, Arthur asked. The lady at the office counter looked up and smiled.

Where am I to go? Arthur asked. The lady at the counter frowned. This has been two semesters and youre still confused? she asked. She exhaled a deep breath of irritation. Just hand me your agenda, she demanded. Arthur took out the small book and handed it to her. She looked at it and clicked some things on this strange, rectangular device. According to the computer, go to room 106, she said, reading off the monitor. Arthur nodded slightly and slowly. Thank you? Arthur thanked, confused. He ran off and walked straight into the first floor. He looked around and read the numbers out loud until he saw the room he was looking for. 106, Arthur said slowly. He trotted straight in and took a seat right next to a window. Arthur knew that he had to observe both the inside of the building, and the outside. The teacher abruptly entered the room and set down a book full of loose sheets and small tabs for memorizing where everything is. Welcome again, to Writing 101, the teacher exclaimed. I hope the weekend was delightful for you all. Arthur watched attentively at the teacher and observed him. He was wearing a weird from of clothing. A silk piece of clothing on the top and a tied up strand of cloth dangling from his neck. Arthur shook his head. How the people dress was unimportant at the moment. He needed to know what was going on. He decided to not talk and let the teacher explain what was going on. Now please take out a sheet of paper and write your name and the date on the paper, the teacher instructed. Its the twenty seventh of January, 2013. 2013?! Arthur exclaimed in his mind. Last time I checked the date it was around a thousand years ago from now! Arthur held his head in confusion and shook it around. The teacher looked at Arthur and lifted an eyebrow. What are you doing, Arthur? the teacher asked. Do you need to go see a doctor? I might, Arthur sighed. The teacher shrugged and continued on with class. Writing is very delicate art, the teacher said. Now, lets try to write stories. Stories are usually split into four parts, the exposition, the rising action, the climax, and the falling action. Pardon me, Arthur said, raising his hand. I believe there is a conclusion too? The teacher and rest of the class chuckled. The conclusion is very unimportant most of the time. Readers only care about the climax and plot.

The conclusion is important, Arthur declared, standing up. It leaves the reader with whatever they have left of the story be it mystery, sadness, calmness, or joy. The teacher was struck frozen. These were the same words a great author had said a thousand years ago. But he refused to lose his position as the greater one in the class. You dont have the right to tell me what to do, the teacher retorted. Arthur stood up and nodded. Yes I do, I am Arthur, the greatest author from a thousand years ago! Arthur yelled. Everyone laughed. Youre crazy! the teacher said. Everyone was bursting in laughter and Arthur was annoyed. He flipped and knocked his book away and left the classroom in a rage. Have I gone crazy? Arthur asked himself. He went to the washroom and washed his black eyes and his skin needed some cleaning. He took several paper towels and wiped his face. He looked in the mirror and sighed. He would do it whenever he felt the need to relieve himself. He walked out and left Summit Suns University. Whats going on? Arthur asked himself again. Im sure I died in the crash, whats going on then? Arthur kept on walking, past streets, through roads until he met up with a familiar place. Arriving early? a stranger asked him. Arthur looked to his side and saw a man with open arms headed toward him. Well, the man said. if youre early, then put on an apron and start cooking! I work here? Arthur asked. The man chuckled. Trying to get out of work? the man asked. Well, if you dont know me, Im David, and this is the restaurant you work in. Arthur could understand the sarcasm, but he still didnt understand the fact that he worked at a restaurant. Alright then? Arthur said to himself. Whats taking you so long with the orders? David asked with extremely surprised eyes. Arthur held his head and looked at David. Im sorry, Arthur said. Ill do better now. Arthur stood up to walk to the kitchen. But David pushed him back down. Listen, if theres anything that you want to talk about, just tell me, David explained. Im not going to laugh at you or anything. Arthur sighed then held his head again. David suddenly smiled.

Dont worry, David sighed. If you dont feel well, take a deep breath and a day off. Arthur looked at David and nodded. David smirked. He pat Arthur on the back then stood up. Lijia Zhang! Replace Arthur for now, he doesnt feel well. David yelled out. Lijia nodded and got to Arthur's station. Arthur continued to walk and exit the door. David looked at Arthur and turned a bit sad. I hope hes alright. Arthur held his head. He was so confused! He didnt where, what, when, and he was in or why hes in his situation. He started to cry out and tears splashed everywhere onto the floor in front of him. He had no idea that wishing for a new life would be such a curse! He had no friends of which he knew of no one to turn to and absoulutely no one to trust. He sighed again and wiped the tears off his face. He almost wanted to end his life. But soon, a sound like angels singing down from the sky occurred to him. He heard the sound of an instrument he was somewhat familiar with in his past life. The piano. Arthur ran to where his ears brought him and landed in a music hall. There was a single instrument in there and it was majestic, standing in the very front of all the other instruments. It was the almighty piano. Arthur went to see it and who was playing it when suddenly the music stopped. Whos there? a girls voice asked. Arthur walked slowly up to her and waved. The girl smiled back and got down from the stage. What are you doing here? she asked. Arthur suddenly was bewildered. He barely knew what reality he was in. How was he supposed to know what hes doing? Arthur shook his head and began to walk away. Come on! the girl said. She set her hand on Arthur's shoulder turned him around. My names Crystal, what about you? she said while smiling brightly. Arthur blushed and shook her hand. Its Arthur, he responded. Crystal grinned and looked at the piano. Do you want to try? she asked. Arthur waved his hand in rejection. Crystal shrugged with inquiry. I play another type of piano, Arthur sighed. Crystals eyes suddenly grew bright. Ive always wanted to play that! Crystal exclaimed. That stringed instrument, right? Arthur nodded. Crystal suddenly began to grow excited. She then thought of something.

If you teach me how to play that piano, then I can show you how to play this one! Crystal suggested. Arthur shrugged. He had no idea what was going on so he decided that some music would be a good way to distract him of his troubles. Crystal grabbed Arthur's hand and brought him onto the stage. You should now the keys and notes, right? Crystal asked. Arthur sat down on the piano seat and nodded. Now try playing- Crystal suddenly saw Arthur already position his fingers. Crystal was impressed at how fast Arthur was with the percussion piano. Crystal grinned. Why dont we let you try it first, Crystal said. Arthur nodded and began to play while singing lightly. Remember all of feelings, your heart brings each day. So in the end of everything, you wont have to pay. Not money, not feelings, not love, or your joy. Because I already have the perfect boy, Crystal sang silently. Arthur stopped. How did you know the last part of the verse? Arthur asked. Crystal raised an eyebrow. Everyone knows that. Its the most popular novel amongst girls, Crystal said. The book Night under Stars, Smiles, and Love. I wrote that, Arthur whispered. Crystal raised her eyebrows even higher. The author died a long time ago, Crystal said. You cant be him. Arthur clenched his fist. He sighed again and Crystal giggled a bit. Arthur looked at Crystal, slightly offended. You sigh a lot, Crystal remarked. Arthur sighed, proving Crystal right but he just shook his head. I dont belong here, Arthur said. He rose up and began to leave the stage when Crystal stopped him again. What do you mean? Crystal asked. Arthur sighed once more and explained his situation to Crystal. Time travel? Crystal asked. I dont know why, but I am sort of convinced. Why do you think they called me the King of Writing in my village, Arthur asked. Crystal giggled. She took out her cell phone and began writing a text to her friend. Whats that? Arthur asked. Crystal looked at her phone and pointed at it. This is a cell phone, Crystal proudly declared. You can call people across the world with it, you can send messages to people around the world with it, and you can do so many things with it! Arthur looked at it with great interest but Crystal didnt let him touch it.

Im sorry, Crystal suddenly said. She put her phone in her pocket and began to rush. I have to leave. Why? Arthur asked Crystal looked back and sighed. I have some art lessons after this, Crystal explained. She began walking again and Arthur waved. Bye, Arthur exclaimed. Crystal waved back and Arthur looked out the window. I think I know where I belong now. Arthur woke up in the apartment again. Despite hoping that this was all a dream yesterday, he trusted that this was a place that he belonged now. He woke up and said a quick hello to Paul. He dashed off into the streets and didnt even bother to go to school. He headed straight for the piano stadium, but nobody appeared. He sighed. I guess she has school too, Arthur guessed. He went straight to the second best place he knew and went to the restaurant. He met up with David and Lijia who both were happy to see that Arthur was up and alive again. So this is how you cook? Arthur asked. Lijia nodded. You used to be the best chef around, but since you seem to have lost some skills, Im just bragging a bit now, Lijia said. Arthur chuckled he looked at the time and sighed. I have to go now, Arthur said. Lijia nodded and Arthur dashed off, thanking David on the way. He walked out of the restaurant and saw a small field of people kicking a ball around. It completely distracted him from his meeting with Crystal. Whats that? Arthur asked. A man in a jacket was watching the game go on as they cheered for the teams. Its soccer, the man in the suit explained. Im just waiting for the field to clear up to play. Arthur nodded in understanding. The man suddenly cheered on as the ball hit the inside of the net. Whenever the ball gets inside the other teams net, they score a point, the man explained. By the way, the names Bruce. Bruce set out a hand to Arthur and Arthur shook it. My names Arthur. Bruce nodded he looked back at the field. Arthur wondered what made the sport so interesting but he knew that he was attracted into it too. Why do you like soccer? Arthur asked. Bruce looked at Arthur while pondering the question. Soccer is just like any art, only a bit rougher, Bruce said carefully. Its exciting, exhilarating, and you can always enjoy it, even if you lose. Its painful

sometimes, but losing is a part of soccer you have to accept. And whenever you finish a game or practice, you feel excited yet tired. Soccer gives you a great feeling when you finish or do it. Arthur nodded. He loved the words so much that he thought that Bruce could be a poet. So, Arthur, do you want to join us later? Bruce asked. Arthur's eyes grew big and smirked. He nodded. A whistle suddenly went off and the field was cleared. Bruce called out all his friends and brought Arthur with them to the field. Listen, everyone wearing red is our enemy, blue is our team, Bruce explained. Once you get the ball, you have to run to the other side as quick as possible. Arthur nodded. The game started and Bruce passed to him. He started running with the ball toward the goal posts but somebody stole it from him. Arthur frowned and Bruce walked up to him. Next time, you have to get past the guy and get past any obstacles, Bruce explained. But if you cant, you can always pass to someone wearing blue. Arthur nodded and he tried again. This time, the when a man was standing in front of him, he carefully got his way past the man and got into the range of the goal. He shot, but it went over the net and landed far away. Good job, Bruce said. But you have to adjust the power sometimes. Arthur nodded. It was exhilarating! It was just so much fun for him to play this soccer game. Although it was tiring, he was sure that he wouldnt give up on it. He knew that he loved it already. This time though, Arthur didnt get the ball, but Bruce did and Bruce had run straight up toward the goalie. Too many people blocked Bruce though. He shot it in the air and Bruce looked at Arthur with hope. But the ball was too high! How was Arthur supposed to get it in now? Damn it, Arthur moaned. The ball was in the air though, so Arthur's first natural reflex was to jump. He did and the ball was bumped into the net. He grinned and everyone on the blue team swarmed him and crowded him. Scoring a goal felt so great in soccer! Not any of the exhilaration or awards in writing was as good as this. Maybe writing wasnt the only thing thats exciting, Arthur thought to himself. He exit the fields and looked at the Sun. He had learned to tell time by looking briefly at the Sun set or rise. Living in the medieval ages had some perks. I have to go now, Arthur told Bruce. Bruce smirked and pat Arthur on the back. Go ahead, Bruce said in a carefree manner. Were ahead by three points anyways. Arthur nodded and ran off. Bruce was a nice person and Arthur would have loved to play soccer for longer, but he knew that Crystal was waiting for him.

At least Im on time, Arthur sighed. Crystal was waiting for him in front of her house and set down the stringed piano. Can you teach me how to play now? Crystal asked. Arthur nodded and sat down. The keys are quite simple, Arthur explained. This ones A, this ones B, and so one. Its just like any other stringed instrument. Crystal nodded. Arthur gave Crystal her finger tabs and she began to stroke and lightly tap the strings. Alright, Arthur said. Now then, try playing a tune you know from the percussion piano. Crystal nodded. She played a small part from a symphony and Arthur clapped. Very nice, Arthur applauded. But it lacks flavour. Crystal frowned yet smiled. Arthur nodded and he sat down. He took the finger tabs and exhaled a deep breath of preparation. The stringed piano is a very delicate instrument, Arthur explained. You can play it, but your feelings, thoughts and emotions arent transferred through it carefully enough. A step too far on the carefree path, and the strings could break! Crystal shuddered. She passed the piano onto Arthur and laid it on his lap. He stroked the piano and sighed. You can play soft music. Arthur played a small piece of quiet and calm music. It can rock hard! Arthur then played a piece of a heavy metal song he heard on the radio in the morning. Crystal covered her mouth in amazement. You can play that? she asked. Arthur nodded. I am as passionate about music, as I am about writing, Arthur explained in a quoting manner. When you write, you bring a piece of fantasy, romance, or thrill to life. Something that doesnt exist to life with simple words! Thats what I love to do! Write out a world and let the entire world taste it too. Crystal smiled. She set the piano on her lap and played a soft music. Arthur nodded and smiled. Much better, he said. Ive been playing since I was ten and in my fourteen years of experience, I have never seen such talent. Youre 24? Crystal asked. Youre four years older than me! I am? Arthur asked. So is 24 young? You look like youre three years younger! Crystal exclaimed. Arthur smirked.

Ill take that as a compliment, Arthur boasted. Crystal chuckled she looked at the clock and grinned. Do you want to come over? she asked. Arthur frowned. Crystal smirked. Come on! This is your room? Arthur asked. It was a very sophisticated room with pencils, pens, a computer, and a small bed. Its not much, but Ive learnt to live with it, Crystal sighed. Arthur nodded. This is a luxury compared to what I used to live with, Arthur exclaimed. Crystal half smiled in triumph. Do you want anything to eat? Crystal asked. Arthur nodded and Crystal took out two oven baked pies and gave one to each of themselves. Does this taste good? Arthur asked. Crystal nodded, already eating into her pies. Arthur sighed and began to eat it too. The moment he bit into it, he was captured by the sweetness of it. It was a mix of sweet berries and a tasty, crunchy crust. The feeling was intense with the pies inner layer flowing out and filling up the mouth and quenching thirst along with it. This is great! Arthur exclaimed. Crystal laughed. I have never tried something as good as this! Well, theres more, Crystal said. Eat more if you would like. Alright then, Arthur said. But you said it, so dont complain about my appetite. Crystal chuckle and in another ten minutes, Arthur had devoured three pies. Crystal laughed out loud. You sure eat a lot, Crystal said. Arthur nodded. Back in the medieval times, you could rarely eat well, Arthur said. This is the best meal I had since who knows when?! Crystal nodded but she was taken away by something else. Arthur looked in the way Crystal did and saw an image of China. You want to go there too?! Arthur asked. Crystal was surprised now. There was China back in your day?! Crystal asked. Where did you live? I always have wanted to travel east, Arthur sighed, changing the subject all too quickly. A lot of my relatives are there. Crystal said. My parents, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, brother, and grandparents. Everyone seems to be there, but me. I just want to go for the sights, Arthur said. The great wall of China, the heaven temple, and the forbidden city. Arthur sighed. But my familys there as well. Most of my family is a group of explorers.

Crystal pat Arthur on the back. She looked outside and saw the lights of a Ferris Wheel shine through the window. Why dont we go somewhere tomorrow, a place full of excitement and fun? Crystal suggested. It can get some of the unhappy thoughts off your mind. Arthur frowned, not knowing what Crystal meant. And dress nicely too. I said to dress nicely! Crystal knocked Arthur on the shoulder as they were about to enter a carnival fair. How am I supposed to know? Arthur debated. This is the best I could find. Arthur was wearing a t-shirt, a small jacket, and a pair of jeans while Crystal, on the other hand, was wearing a scarlet dress and a necklace. Whats this then? Arthur asked. Crystal smiled. Its a carnival, full of rides and fun! Crystal exclaimed. Here, try this. Whats that? Arthur asked. And although the sound of laughs rides and screams dominated the area he was very confused and frightened. What is that?! A giant boat that moved back and forth was sitting on the top of a mountain ledge. They two got on and swung back and forth, every time, they seemed to almost have fallen off the mountain. After they got off, Arthur was extremely nauseous. I dont feel well, Arthur sighed. Crystal pat Arthur on the back and Arthur straightened up. He looked around. He went to the next ride which was a machine that launched you into the air then brought you back down extremely fast. I am sick, Arthur claimed. Crystal giggled and even when the Sun was about to set, Arthur was still having fun. Which made them both happy. Crystal suddenly saw something that caught her eye. Lets go on the roller coaster next! Crystal suggested. Arthur sighed in irritation and began waiting in line. Just then he bumped into a familiar figure. Hey! David suddenly exclaimed. Arthur looked back and David was with Lijia, waiting in line for the roller coaster. What are you doing here? Arthur asked. David looked ahead. Lijia and I just happened to be here, David said as he wrapped an arm around Lijia. And so do you, Lijia followed. Arthur smirked. At least I feel better now that you guys are here, Arthur said. Lijia and David both smiled and looked up. They were next in line. Are you sure this is safe? Arthur asked. Crystal giggled. Obviously, Crystal said. Ive been on it a million times!

Arthur was sweating very much now but it was all too late. The roller coaster spun around, in circles, in turns, and it flipped you upside down! Arthur held onto the bars handle so tight, that he might have cracked it a bit. Once they got off Arthur sighed in relief. That may have not been so bad, Arthur said. But still, Im glad to be alive. David laughed out and Lijia just nudged Arthur on the back. Crystal began to giggle and they both parted ways. Arthur and Crystal were still together while Lijia and David went their respective ways. What do we do now? Arthur asked. Crystal thought about it then grinned. Lets go watch a movie! What is this sorcery? Arthur asked. He had never seen a movie, and at every scene when the person approaches the screen, he would cover himself. The three dimensional effects were so incredible to him. The dark environment gave it an intense vibe and the mysterious glasses made everything pop out. But nonetheless, he was indeed petrified with excitement. After a few minutes, he got used to the movie and relaxed. But Crystal was still scared. Near the end of the movie, Crystals hand slid into Arthur's palms and stayed there until the final; The End. That was quite a thing there, Arthur said. He was still holding Crystals hand but he didnt seem to mind. If I could, I would become a movie director or actor, Arthur said. I mean suspense, the real life stunts and events, theyre just so real! And the emotions conveyed through it. The end was just so sad too! Arthur clenched his fist. My books will not lose. Crystal nodded and looked up at the sky. Its quite late, isnt it? Crystal asked. I think I have to go now. Crystal began walking when Arthur stopped her. Everything you taught to me today was about taking risks and trying something new, Arthur said. Dont break your own words. Crystal sighed as she looked up at Arthur. What am I supposed to do about the art classes then? Dont be foolish! Arthur said. Come with me this time! Whats this? Crystal asked. Arthur looked around. I dont know, but they have some really good music here, Arthur exclaimed. He smiled as he was listening to a preview version of a song. He smiled as the chorus came along. How did you listen to music back then? Crystal asked. Arthur sighed.

Sometimes its hard to do it, but when I do, its really fun, Arthur said. He looked around and found a small device. Whats this? Arthur asked. Crystal suddenly took it away from him making Arthur feel a bit offended. Its an MP3 player, Crystal explained. You can put music on it and you can listen to it at all times. Really? Arthur asked. Crystal nodded. Arthur found some spare money in his pocket and gave it to the shop owner. He took the MP3 and listen to the music previously installed on it. I am not leaving this thing, ever again, Arthur claimed. Crystal nodded. Im glad you like it, she said. The Sun began to set and Crystal looked around. She suddenly saw the night lights shine upon a most crowded place. A place were the warm steam of food, the laughs and cries of joy for games were, and a place where it was definitely romantic at the night. Crystal smirked. She looked at Arthur who was lost in the music of his new music device. Crystal pat Arthur on the shoulder. I have one more place to bring you to. It is so crowded here! Arthur exclaimed in complaint. Crystal giggled. Even under the starry sky, Crystals laugh was inevitable to Arthur. Arthur was flustered. He knew what this emotion was now. Its a night market, obviously its crowded, Crystal said. Now where do you want to go? Why dont I try some food, Arthur suggested. The two walked over to a food stand and bought some of the delicacies there. As Arthur took the first bite into it, a small streak of steam popped out of the bun. What is this delicious food?! Arthur asked. Crystal looked at the small bun then nodded. Its takoyaki, Crystal explained. Its a Japanese snack that includes of a bun with squid wrapped inside of it. Well, whatever it is, it taste great! Arthur said. He ate a bit more of it. After he finished Crystal looked around again. Why dont you win me something? Crystal asked. She looked at a big teddy bear hanging from the top of a game stand. Arthur walked up to the game owner, and he explained the game. If you can roll the ball into the hole and knock the pins down, without touching the side, you get to win something, the game owner explained. Its like bowling.

Whats bowling? Arthur thought. He shrugged and he rolled the ball and knocked all of the pins down. The game owner was surprised by how easily Arthur had done it. I have always prided myself on doing things like this, Arthur sighed out. Crystal laughed out. She took the teddy bear and looked at it. I think it needs to be fixed, Crystal said. The eye was a bit broken off. Ill go trade this one in. Wait! Arthur exclaimed. He wanted to have Crystal beside him all the time all of the sudden. What was this feeling? He knew he had written about it before. He thought he knew it but its different now. It became lonely. Ill be back in a second! Crystal shouted out. Arthur looked around as Crystal began to disappear in the massive crowd. Wait, Arthur muttered. He knew that Crystal didnt go far, but when he looked around, he felt so lonely. Why am I here? Arthur asked. Even after the past three days, of the exhilarating soccer, wonderful piano, the exquisite music, and exciting roller coaster, why did he still not feel at home? He sighed. He began to walk away. He knew something now. The moment I doubt myself, Ill fade away, Arthur remarked. He looked at his left hand which was already missing the tip of the fingers. Im not supposed to be alive anyways. But something made Arthur clench his hand. He still had determination. The encouragement from Bruce, the joy from David and Lijia. And the overwhelming feelings of kindness Crystal gave him. He felt all too grateful yet not to good enough sometimes. He needed to repay them. Thats what life is about! Paul emerged from the crowd suddenly and smiled at Arthur. Arthur frowned in confusion. Did Paul know he was going to be here? Other people give you happiness and you can repay them by giving them that same happiness, Paul explained. Dont give up though. Be and do the best you can. Youre right, Arthur said. He looked into the sky as Paul disappeared in to the mass crowd. Crystal came back from the crowd with the eye of the bear fixed. Lets go home now, Crystal said. I feel a little tired. Arthur sighed. He looked up and saw a bright moon shine in the sky. He looked at Crystal whose cheeks were bright red and she was a little drowsy. Arthur smirked. Take this, Arthur said. He set his jacket around Crystal and smiled a little wider. You look cold.

Arthur squat down and put his arms behind him. Crystal blushed and simply nodded. She got onto Arthur as Arthur stood up. Bring me home! Crystal commanded. Arthur chuckled. Crystal sounded just like a little girl. And dont make any mistakes along the way, Crystal added. I hate getting lost. Arthur nodded. After almost losing the way several times, he set Crystal down at her apartment and nodded. I probably cant make it to you tomorrow, Arthur said. I guess all I can say is that my time is up. Dont worry, Crystal said. I had fun! Today was definitely a day I wont forget. Crystal walked into the apartment and waved good bye to Arthur. Arthur nodded and smiled as he turned around. He listened well to Pauls words. And he knew what he had to do tomorrow. Guessing approximately, I have until noon until I disappear completely, Arthur said. Although the thought made him sad, he knew that there were more important things that had to be done aside from grieving. First, Ill go cook Lijia and David a meal, Arthur said. He took out some rice, some meat, some eggs, and some oil he took out the pan and began to cook. I hope I have the abilities of the person here, Arthur prayed. He began to cook. He added oil, the ingredients, took the pan and tossed the rice around. Once he had finished the cooking, he packed the food and without even tasting the food, he ran off into the restaurant he had been working at. He found Lijia and brought him with David and handed them the meal. I wanted to repay you for everything youve done for me in the past few days, Arthur said. and I want to say thank you for it all. Youve taught me and mentored me here. Ill never forget that. Arthur rushed off and out the door while Lijia tasted the fried rice. He smirked. Thats the real Arthur, Lijia said. Bruce! Arthur called out. He was holding a bag with a box. Bruce turned around and smiled. Arthur, what brings you here? Bruce asked. Arthur was panting. Running for three kilometers straight was no easy task. He sighed and after he caught his breath, he handed Bruce the box.

I want to thank you for teaching me how to play the awesome game known as soccer, Arthur said. I picked out with the best of my ability a pair of soccer shoes and something called shin pads. I hope you like them. Bruce smiled as he opened up the box. A pair of top quality cleats and shin pads were shining in the box. Bruce nodded but Arthur wasnt there. Arthur had already dashed off. Arthur had one more thing to do. He was almost done. Hello? Paul asked. He opened the door and saw Arthur with a walking cane. Thank you. Arthur kneeled down and handed the cane to Paul. Your words have brought me a long way. I only hope that this can help you. Arthur looked at Paul who was almost crying with gratefulness. How did you know I had problems with walking? Paul asked. He took out cane and it fit him perfectly. Ive never had the money to buy this. This me knows, Arthur said as he pointed toward his brain. Paul laughed. I cant thank you enough, Paul said. Arthur rubbed the back of his head and smirked. Then I guess were equal? Arthur asked. It says eleven thirty, Arthur said. He shrugged. It sounds like its near noon. He looked at his hand. It had almost completely disappeared. He sighed. He was happy now. Everyone had been repaid. Wait! Arthur suddenly yelled. He stopped in his tracks. What about Crystal?! He looked around and sighed. I have to do this. I wont be satisfied unless I do! Arthur walked up to the nearest shop that he needed and took out the best one he could find. Thats going to be a lot, the shop owner said. Arthur shook his he ad in irritation. It doesnt matter! I dont have the time! Arthur exclaimed. The shop owner nodded. Arthur took out a card and handed it to the shop owner. He swiped it and he handed Arthur the item he wanted. Arthur dashed off and went to the piano stadium. I cant be late! Crystal sighed. She played the last notes on the piano and got off. She heard the door open and saw Arthur burst through the door. Crystal smiled.

What are you doing? Crystal asked. Arthur walked up to Crystal and didnt answer the question. But Crystal was frightened. Arthur's left leg was fading to dust. Im not supposed to be alive, Arthur said. And I cant too long! Crystal was bewildered. What was going on? She didnt know but simply saw Arthur sigh one last time. I promised the Arthur in my previous life that I would live my life to the fullest, Arthur said. His left leg was completely gone now. I was sad then. I was sad that I hadnt been able to use my ability an time as well as in these three days. Arthur looked at the bag which he received from the shop he had just bought something from. And if I dont live my life to the fullest, then I would have never or will ever be able, to forgive myself, Arthur mumbled. He took out a small box from the bag but his lower torso was already beginning to disappear. Quickly, I dont have much time! Arthur said to himself. Only his right leg was remaining and he smirked. It was good enough. He kneeled down on his knee and looked at a shocked Crystal. Crystal, Arthur said. I know I have only been with you for three days. Arthur opened the box and a small diamond ring shined from inside of it. But I truly do, love you. Crystal, Arthur said. Im sorry Im late but, will you marry me? Crystal held her hands to her mouth in shock. She shed a tear of sadness and joy and Arthur too, was on the verge of tears. Yes! Crystal exclaimed. She looked at Arthur who already had his left arm gone. Take the ring! Arthur shouted. Crystal took it, just in time before the box disappeared along with Arthur's right hand. I love you too, Crystal said to Arthur. Arthur smiled as he stood up, but what seemed only to be a neck and a head arise up. Crystal shook her head in sadness. Arthur turned her head around and gave her a kiss. One that only two people who truly love each other give. But Crystals tears fell down and the moment one of them touched Arthur's skin. Arthur smiled. So this is what the characters felt like, Arthur said to himself. And Arthur was no more. Special delivery for Crystal! the mailman exclaimed. Three months since, and Crystal was now living in a full house, no longer an apartment. Every single dollar in Arthur's bank account and the deed to his house was given to Crystal by Paul who claimed that; Arthur would definitely have wanted it.

Crystal frowned. Nothing she had ordered was to arrive today. And nothing she didnt expect ever happened for a long time. Thank you, Crystal said to the mail man and the mail man was off. Crystal opened the package and there was a note in it. I have sent you a book, one with all of my true feelings in it. Open it and you will understand what I mean. Crystal was confused. She opened the wrapping paper and saw the book. It was titled; Love like a Crystal. What? Crystal asked herself. She looked at it and opened the book with the acknowledgements on the first few pages. This is to several people. To Bruce, who taught me how to be a soccer player. He taught how to train in soccer, how to play it, how to defend and steal the ball, and most of all, he taught me love soccer. Altogether, he was like me coach. I thank David. He taught me, he befriended me and he was amongst the best friends I have ever had. I thank Lijia, who also taught me to cook sometimes and how to write a bit. I was surprised when you knew how to write so well. I would like to thank one of my neighbours; Paul Leblanc. He was a wise elder and a great man, one to be reckoned with. He was nice, caring, and definitely a happy person. He was a great neighbour. And I hope that I have repaid all who helped me. But finally, I would like to thank one person. She has played the biggest role in my life. She has shown me to take risks even when the ride seems scary like a roller coaster. She told me how to play the most beautiful instrument I have heard, and made me love it. She showed me the wonders of a movie, something that combines suspense, actions, emotions, and effects into one video. She taught me that music is not something that should be kept in one spot, and that the MP3 player allows you to bring it around. And finally, she has told me that in the end, I may be romantic after all. And I promise her, that my words for the book will definitely fly and become a reality. So I just want to say it now. Thank you Crystal. P.S Ive been to China already. Its great! The wall, the Forbidden City, and the Heaven Temple. Theyre all great. I even met up with a descendant of my sister. Its just wonderful there. Crystal dashed outside and saw the mailman walking across the street. She knew who he was, but she knew that she shouldnt mess with him. She closed the door and the mailman looked back. He shook his head and began to fade away. Arthur sighed he pulled the collar around the mail man uniform and grinned. He

was leaving Crystal again. But this time, he knew it was for the better this time. He faded away and Crystal sighed. Well, if its from him, I better read it, Crystal said. She opened up the book and looked at the first page which was a smile, clearly pictured for the authors beloved. She smiled and read the first sentence. How are you, Arthur?

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