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NAME : ______________________ _____

CLASS : ________________

SECTION A Each questions is followed by four answers A,B,C and D. Choose and circle the correct answer. 1. Which microorganisms is the smallest? A. B. C. D. Virus Yeast Paramecium Bacterium 5. The information below is about organism P, Q, R and S. Based on the table, which of the following food chain is correct? A. B. C. D. P R Q R Q P R Q R Q S P S S P S

2. Which of the following plants are dispersed by animals? A. B. C. D. Lotus Durian Angsana Coconut

6. The picture below shows a type of microorganism.

3. In a food cycle, green plant is a . A. B. C. D. consumer predator producer carnivore The microorganism belongs to ______ group. A. B. C. D. virus mould bacteria protozoa

4. Mother bird always ________ its young until they can fly. A. B. C. D. forces feels feeds food

7. Which of the following diseases cannot Organism Explanation P Eats plants and animals Q Eats only plants R Can make own food S Eats only other animals 1

be spread from one to another? A. B. C. D. Flu AIDS Chicken pox Asthma The living things above refer to 8. A balsam plant disperses its seeds by A. B. C. D. wind animals water explosive mechanism A. B. C. D. algae organisms microorganisms small insect

9. Which of the following is NOT a microorganism? A. B. C. D. Virus Bacteria Protozoa Spores

13. Durians are dispersed by animals because of the following characteristics. I. II. III. IV. A. B. C. D. Brightly coloured Edible Have smell Have thorne I, II and III only I, III and IV only II and III only III and IV only

10. Study the picture below.

14. Plants need to disperse their seeds to A. B. C. D. protect their species ensure the survival of their species push the seeds out from the fruit. scatter them far away from the parent plants.

How is it dispersed? A. B. C. D. Wind Water Animals Explosive mechanism

15. Which of the following fruits is dispersed by animals? A. C.

11. A food web is made up from A. B. C. D. a food chain food that plants make plants that animals eat more than one food chain



12. Study the picture below

16. The information below shows four types 2

of living things. rat eagle paddy plant snake

animal R ensure the survival of the species. Lays a lot of eggs in the water Lays slimy eggs

Which of the following shows the correct food chain? A. B. C. D. Paddy plant Paddy plant Paddy plant Paddy plant rat snake snake eagle snake rat eagle snake eagle eagle rat rat

Which of the following represents animal R? A. B. C. D. Bird Frog Snake Crocodile

17. Which of the following food is made by using yeast? A. B. C. D. Noodles Chocolate Tempe Ice-cream

21. Study the type of plants below. Angsana Lallang Shorea

Why are these plants in the same group? A. B. C. D. They have waxy skin. They have light husk. They have air spaces. They are dispersed by wind.

18. Khalil found an egg in the garden. The egg has hard shells. The egg belongs to A. B. C. D. chicken frog fish spider

19. The diagram shows the growth of microorganism on bread.

22. Which of the following plants disperse their fruits the same way as the coconut tree? I Lotus II Papaya tree III Balsam IV Pong-pong tree A I and IV only. B I and II only. C I, II and III only. D I, III and IV only.

After two days, the bread A. B. C. D. turns fresh turns rotten will smell nice has more black spots

20. The information below shows how

23. The diagram below a food web of a 3

habitat. Grass Deer Lion Why are deer and buffaloes grouped as consumers? A. B. C. D. They have horns They eat grass They live in the farm They look after their youngs Buffalo

C. has nice smell D. has moulds in it 26. The diagram shows a food chain of a habitat. Plant Grasshopper Frog Eagle

Based on the food chain which of the following represents consumers? A. B. C. D. Plant, frog and eagle Grasshopper and frog Plants and grasshopper Grasshopper, frog and eagle

27. You are given informations. 24. The diagram below shows a food web. Grasshopper Cabbage Rabbit Snake Which of the following is correct about the food web? A. Rabbit is the producer. B. Snake and frog are herbivores. C. Grasshopper and rabbit are herbivores. D. There are three food chains in the food web. 25. The picture below shows a box of fresh milk. frog In a vegetable farm, there are caterpillars, grasshoppers, birds and snakes. A farmer sprays pesticide to kill the caterpillars and the grasshoppers. Based on the informations given, which of the following will increase? A. B. C. D. Caterpillars Vegetables Birds Snakes

28. Which of the following food chains is correct? I Sea weed II Caterpillar III Paddy IV Rabbit A. B. C. D. I and II only II and III only I and III only I and IV only small fish chicken rat carrot big fish snake owl snake

What will happen to the fresh milk if it is left on the table for two days? A. become sour B. become yogurt 29. Study the picture below. 4

What happens if Ali eats the bread? He will have A. B. C. D. measles tooth decay food poisoning conjunctivitis

30. The diagram shows a food web in the grass field. Caterpillar Leaf Sparrow Grasshopper Which are herbivores? A. B. C. D. Bird and grasshopper Caterpillar and sparrow Eagle and grasshopper Grasshopper and caterpillar Eagle

(30 marks)


Answer all questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided. 1. Faizal carries out an investigation. The following are the steps of his investigation. Step 1: He sprinkles a few drops of water on a slice of bread. Step 2: He puts the slice of bread in a plastic bag. Step 3: He observes the slice of bread after four days. Step 4: He views the slice of bread under a microscope. The diagram below shows the observation of Faizal.


Viewed under the microscope


a) What can be observed after four days? __________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) b) i. Where do you think the moulds come from? _______________________________________________________________ (1 mark) ii. Why do the moulds grow on the bread? _______________________________________________________________ (1 mark) c) What will be observed if the bread is left for another two days? __________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (f) From this experiment, give one reason why moulds are considered living things. __________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 2. The picture below shows a child suffering from a disease. 6

(a) Name the disease. __________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (b) How do you think the child gets the disease? __________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (c) If one of your friends has this disease, how can you prevent yourself from getting this disease? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (d) The child is advised by the doctor to stay off school until he gets better. Give one reason. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (e) Give another disease that will be given same advice as for this disease. __________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

3. Fahmi carried out an investigation to observe the effect of yeast on dough. He 7

prepared the ingredients which are 1 cup of flour, glass of water, 1 teaspoon of dried yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar. He mixed all the ingredients and put them in a glass bowl. He covered the mixture with a damp cloth and left it for 20 minutes.


a) What is the aim of the investigation? ___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) b) Suggest one device that can be used to observe the yeast. ___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) c) What will happen to the dough after 20 minutes? ____________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) d) Give one reason for your answer in (c). ____________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) e) What conclusion can you make from the investigation? ____________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

4. Figure 2 shows a boy sneezing. He is not feeling well. 8

a) What illness do you think the boy has? ___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) b) What is the cause of this illness? ___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) c) How does this illness spread? ____________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) d) Suggest two ways he can prevent this illness from spreading to his friends. i) _________________________________________________________________ ii) _________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

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