Massachusetts Bay Colony

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by Jennie Dinh, Michael Nguyen, Linh-Mai Do, and Trixie Le 0 period 9-16-13

Laborers at the bottom, had no certain skills; slavery was used but not extensively Biggest population was the skilled workers or artisans, made desirable products Top of structure, the wealthy, most land, influence in politics and economy High respect for the educated in this society, many professional jobs in the dense cities, professors valued Religion was very important, church leaders and clergy were also at the top

Family and Status of Women

Family pinnacle aspect to society, traveled to New World together; better living conditions made life span +10 yrs higher family stability and more family time early marriage was common, child birth rate was high, also very dangerous process Child raising was general occupation for women, stay home moms while the men worked Patriarchal society, less property rights, no suffrage Marriage was believed to be a commitment, very difficult to divorce due to church restrictions

Government ( a bit puritan based) started as combined governor w/ unicameral and created by charter(1629) later bicameral legislature Puritan congregations (congretional church) freemen who were puritan male adults Could vote for governor and General Court Representative government governor makes rules liberal but not a democracy did separate state from church

started charter (1629) group of non seperatist puritans religious motives Later became royal colony in 1691 due to company that chartered, ceases (1684) Low religious tolerance non puritans did not have all the rights a puritan has could not vote, had to pay more taxes, etc Native American Relations viewed natives as inferior Involved in King Phillips War (1675-1676) Indians in 1600s tried to take over land Rough relations --Natives wiped out later

Migration to New world 1630 1000 colonists migrate initial living standards hard harsh winters, very cold survive by adapting and creating larger close knight communities caused death of about 200 settlers Living standards made better influx over 20,000 colonists in next decade population 15,000 by around 1730 in Boston only

Calvinist Puritans (legacy) concerned with proper behavior predestination and covenant w/ god Intolerant Thought others threaten foundation of good society/ government Religious influence on life Old Deluder Law 1647 Belief strong influence of religion essential Not much adaptation to Native american culture showed little interest in coexisting

Beginning in the 1600s, farming, fishing, and the fur trade played key roles in developing the economy natural resources: fish,whales,forest (lumber) Maintained successful economic growth traded with England, the West Indies, and natives imported agricultural products from other colonies exported fish, furs, ships, rum, and livestock shipbuilding and fishing industry Agriculture poor soil made it difficult to grow cash crops grew basic crops such as corn, pumpkins, rye, and squash

BIBLIOGRAPHY http://americanhistory.about. com/od/colonialamerica/tp/Colonial-Governments-OfThe-Thirteen-Colonies.htm htm http://www.britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/368431/Massachusetts-BayColony Bailey, Thomas Andrew, David M. Kennedy, and Lizabeth Cohen. The American Pageant. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,

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