Advani Crisis - Snap Poll - Final Data

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Embargo: 8 pm; 12th June 2013

Randomly selected 2527 BJP supporters across all metros (those who supported BJP in last two assembly and parliamentary elections & intend to vote for BJP again in coming elections) interviewed on 11th and 12th June 2013 TOP OF THE LINE RESULTS For the first time in his career, Advani failed to sense the mood of the BJP workers and supporters. Almost two third of them said LK Advani is on wrong side of fense at the moment. Majority of the BJP supporters feel that the Advani crisis will hurt the BJP prospects in coming elections. Every fourth supporter says it will result in"Major Dent" for the party. Almost three out of four supporters (73%) clearly said that Narendra Modi is more popular than his mentor LK Advani. This is biggest leadership rating gap seen in recent years. Almost 80% BJP supporters feel that the Advani issue for more because of his "Personal" reason than "Institutional" reasons.Only 2% said for "Health" reasons and only 3% believe he resigned because Party was getting away from values and ideology; as accused in his letter.

A landslide 81% of BJP supporters feel that BJP should go ahead and project Modi as PM. Only about one in ten supporters feel that Modi should take a back seat after the current crisis.


As you know, Lal Krishna Advani's resigned and then retracted creating a crisis in BJP. According to you within the BJP: Percent 62 ValidAdvani is wrong, others are right 24 Advani is right, others are wrong 3 All of them are wrong 11 Don't know/Can't say Total 100 How will this episode affect the BJP in upcoming elections? Percent 28 ValidIt will make a major dent in BJP prospects 30 It will make a minor dent in BJP prospects 5 It will slightly boost BJP prospects 19 It will boost BJP prospects big time 18 It won't affect the BJP prospects Total 100 Who according to you is a more popular leader? Modi or Advani? Percent 73 ValidNarendra Modi 19 Lal Krishna Advani 8 Both are equally popular Total 100 What according to you could be the main reason behind Advani's resignation? ValidBeing forced out of the PM race Factionalism in party Disregard by the juniors Narendra Modi's elevation Party getting away from values & ideology Health issues Other Total What should the BJP do now? BJP should NOT project Narendra Modi as PM candidate BJP should project Narendra Modi as PM candidate Can't say Total Percent 12 81 7 100 Percent 30 19 14 18 3 2 14 100

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