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1. Nina, an oncology nurse educator is speaking to a womens group about breast cancer.

Questions and comments from the audience reveal a misunderstanding of some aspects of the disease. Various members of the audience have made all of the following statements. Which one is accurate? a. Mammography is the most reliable method for detecting breast cancer. b. Breast cancer is the leading killer of women of childbearing age. c. Breast cancer requires a mastectomy. d. Men can develop breast cancer. 2. Nurse Meredith is instructing a premenopausal woman about breast selfexamination. The nurse should tell the client to do her self-examination: a. at the end of her menstrual cycle. b. on the same day each month. c. on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle. d. immediately after her menstrual period. 3. Nurse Kent is teaching a male client to perform monthly testicular self-examinations. Which of the following points would be appropriate to make? a. Testicular cancer is a highly curable type of cancer. b. Testicular cancer is very difficult to diagnose. c. Testicular cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths in males. d. Testicular cancer is more common in older men. 4. Rhea, has malignant lymphoma. As part of her chemotherapy, the physician prescribes chlorambucil (Leukeran), 10 mg by mouth daily. When caring for the client, the nurse teaches her about adverse reactions to chlorambucil, such as alopecia. How soon after the first administration of chlorambucil might this reaction occur? a. Immediately b. 1 week c. 2 to 3 weeks d. 1 month 5. The nurse is instructing the 35 year old client to perform a testicular self-examination. The nurse tells the client: a. To examine the testicles while lying down b. That the best time for the examination is after a shower c. To gently feel the testicle with one finger to feel for a growth d. That testicular self-examination should be done at least every 6 months 6. A female client with cancer is receiving chemotherapy and develops thrombocytopenia. The nurse identifies which intervention as the highest priority in the nursing plan of care? a. Monitoring temperature b. Ambulation three times daily

c. Monitoring the platelet count d. Monitoring for pathological fractures 7. Gian, a community health nurse is instructing a group of female clients about breast selfexamination. The nurse instructs the client to perform the examination: a. At the onset of menstruation b. Every month during ovulation c. Weekly at the same time of day d. 1 week after menstruation begins 8. Nurse Cecilia is caring for a client who has undergone a vaginal hysterectomy. The nurse avoids which of the following in the care of this client? a. Elevating the knee gatch on the bed b. Assisting with range-of-motion leg exercises c. Removal of antiembolism stockings twice daily d. Checking placement of pneumatic compression boots 9. Mina, who is suspected of an ovarian tumor is scheduled for a pelvic ultrasound. The nurse provides which preprocedure instruction to the client? a. Eat a light breakfast only b. Maintain an NPO status before the procedure c. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes for the procedure d. Drink six to eight glasses of water without voiding before the test 10. A male client is diagnosed as having a bowel tumor and several diagnostic tests are prescribed. The nurse understands that which test will confirm the diagnosis of malignancy? a. Biopsy of the tumor b. Abdominal ultrasound c. Magnetic resonance imaging d. Computerized tomography scan 11. A female client diagnosed with multiple myeloma and the client asks the nurse about the diagnosis. The nurse bases the response on which description of this disorder? a. Altered red blood cell production b. Altered production of lymph nodes c. Malignant exacerbation in the number of leukocytes d. Malignant proliferation of plasma cells within the bone 12. Nurse Bea is reviewing the laboratory results of a client diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Which of the following would the nurse expect to note specifically in this disorder? a. Increased calcium b. Increased white blood cells c. Decreased blood urea nitrogen level d. Decreased number of plasma cells in the bone marrow

13. Vanessa, a community health nurse conducts a health promotion program regarding testicular cancer to community members. The nurse determines that further information needs to be provided if a community member states that which of the following is a sign of testicular cancer? a. Alopecia b. Back pain c. Painless testicular swelling d. Heavy sensation in the scrotum 14. The male client is receiving external radiation to the neck for cancer of the larynx. The most likely side effect to be expected is: a. Dyspnea b. Diarrhea c. Sore throat d. Constipation 15. Nurse Joy is caring for a client with an internal radiation implant. When caring for the client, the nurse should observe which of the following principles? a. Limit the time with the client to 1 hour per shift b. Do not allow pregnant women into the clients room c. Remove the dosimeter badge when entering the clients room d. Individuals younger than 16 years old may be allowed to go in the room as long as they are 6 feet away from the client 16. A cervical radiation implant is placed in the client for treatment of cervical cancer. The nurse initiates what most appropriate activity order for this client? a. Bed rest b. Out of bed ad lib c. Out of bed in a chair only d. Ambulation to the bathroom only 17. A female client is hospitalized for insertion of an internal cervical radiation implant. While giving care, the nurse finds the radiation implant in the bed. The initial action by the nurse is to: a. Call the physician b. Reinsert the implant into the vagina immediately c. Pick up the implant with gloved hands and flush it down the toilet d. Pick up the implant with long-handled forceps and place it in a lead container. 18. The nurse is caring for a female client experiencing neutropenia as a result of chemotherapy and develops a plan of care for the client. The nurse plans to: a. Restrict all visitors b. Restrict fluid intake c. Teach the client and family about the need for hand hygiene d. Insert an indwelling urinary catheter to prevent skin breakdown

19. The home health care nurse is caring for a male client with cancer and the client is complaining of acute pain. The appropriate nursing assessment of the clients pain would include which of the following? a. The clients pain rating b. Nonverbal cues from the client c. The nurses impression of the clients pain d. Pain relief after appropriate nursing intervention 20. Nurse Mickey is caring for a client who is postoperative following a pelvic exenteration and the physician changes the clients diet from NPO status to clear liquids. The nurse makes which priority assessment before administering the diet? a. Bowel sounds b. Ability to ambulate c. Incision appearance d. Urine specific gravity 21. A male client is admitted to the hospital with a suspected diagnosis of Hodgkins disease. Which assessment findings would the nurse expect to note specifically in the client? a. Fatigue b. Weakness c. Weight gain d. Enlarged lymph nodes 22. as: a. b. c. d. Mr. Miller has been diagnosed with bone cancer. You know this type of cancer is classified sarcoma. lymphoma. carcinoma. melanoma.

23. Nurse Farah is caring for a client following a mastectomy. Which assessment finding indicates that the client is experiencing a complication related to the surgery? a. Pain at the incisional site b. Arm edema on the operative side c. Sanguineous drainage in the Jackson-Pratt drain d. Complaints of decreased sensation near the operative site 24. The nurse is admitting a male client with laryngeal cancer to the nursing unit. The nurse assesses for which most common risk factor for this type of cancer? a. Alcohol abuse b. Cigarette smoking c. Use of chewing tobacco d. Exposure to air pollutants 25. How often should a female who is above 40 years old, go for cancer detection examination?

a. b. c. d.

daily weekly monthly yearly

26. The client is receiving internal radiation therapy. The nurse should a. b. c. d. remember to give the badge to the next-shift nurse maintain a 30-minute close contact with the patient in a shift wear gloves, mask and gown when entering the client's room instruct relatives no to visit the client during the entire duration of the treatment

27. A nurse is assessing a client with metastatic breast cancer who reports nocturia, weakness, nausea and vomiting. The client's serum electrolytes include potassium 4.2 mEq/L, sodium 135 mEq/L, calcium 7.0 mEq/L, and magnesium 2.0 mEq/L. Based on the assessment findings, the priority action for the nurse is to: a. b. c. d. start client on fluid restriction administer calcium gluconate increase the client's IV fluids administer Allopurinol

28. The nurses assesses that the client with cancer is not ready for teaching when the client asks: a. b. c. d. Am I going to loose my hair? Should I get a second opinion? Will this make me really sick? Will I have to stop exercising at the gym?

28. Knowing that chemotherapy affects the taste buds, the nurse would have the client a. b. c. d. Increase the amount of spices in the food. Avoid red meats. Medicate with Compazine before meals. Eat foods that are hot in temperature.

29. In evaluating the client with cancer what best indicates that nutritional status is adequate? a. b. c. d. Calorie intake Weight is stable Amount of nausea and vomiting Serum protein levels

30. An adult client with newly diagnosed cancer says, Im really afraid of dying. Whos going to take care of my children? What is the best initial response for the nurse to make? a. b. c. d. What makes you think you are going to die? How old are your children? This must be a difficult time for you. Most people with your kind of cancer live a long time.

31. A client with terminal cancer yells at the nurse and says, I dont need your help. I can bathe myself. Which stage of grief is the client most likely experiencing? a. b. c. d. Projection Denial Anger Depression

32. On day 14 after allogeneic stem cell transplant, the patient complains of right-upper-quadrant pain. He has gained 10 kg over the past 3 days. The preparative regimen for his AML was cyclophosphamide and busulfan. What is the most likely cause of the pain? a. Cytomegalovirus hepatitis b. Graft-versus-host disease c. Veno-occlusive liver disease d. Acute cholecystitis
Hand washing is important in every setting including hospitals. Which of the following is inappropriate during hand washing when observing a sterile technique. a. Hold the hands higher than the elbows during hand wash b. Maintaining the hands uppermost when applying soap c. After washing and rinsing, use a towel to dry one hand thoroughly in a rotating motion from the elbow to the fingers d. Let the running water run from the fingertips to the elbows he following are warning signs of cancer. Which one is not? a. Change In bladder and bowel habits b. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing c. Weight gain d. Nagging cough or hoarseness The following are warning signs of cancer. Which one is not? a. Change In bladder and bowel habits b. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing c. Weight gain d. Nagging cough or hoarseness

A form of cancer therapy wherein a beam of high-energy electromagnetic radiation desires the cancer ceils? a. surgery b. radiation therapy c. chemotherapy d. pallitive treatment Ms. May Mansur encountered vehicular accident on her way to the office and he remains conscious. Police officers brought her to the hospital. 25. You have to observe for increase intracranial pressure. Which of the following is not a sign of increased intracranial pressure? a. Headache b. Vomiting c. Vertigo d. Changes on the level of consciousness 26. Which of the following drug may be given to reduce increase intracranial pressure? a. Scopalamine b. Lanoxin c. Coumadin d. Mannitol 27. Since she medicated to reduce increased intracranial pressure. What nursing measure must be done to prevent further complication? a. Encourage her to observe bed rest b. Check blood pressure every shift c. Observe complete best rest d. Measure intake and output In what manner would you be able to assess accurately her motor strength? a. Observe how he talks b. Instruct her to squeeze her hands c. Allowing him to stand alone d. Pricking her skin with pin 29.Which of the following activities would cause her a risk in the increase of intracranial pressure? a. Coughing b. Reading c. Turning Arman Adriatico is admitted to hospital with extensive carcinoma of the descending portion of the colon with metastasis to the lymph nodes.

59. The operative procedure that would probably be perform to Mr. Adriatico is a (an): a. lleostomy b. Colectomy c. Colostomy d. Cecostomy The primary step toward long-range goals in Mr. Adriatico's rehabilitation involves his: a. Mastery of techniques of ostomy care b. Readiness to accept an altered body function c. Awareness of available community resources d. Knowledge of the necessary dietary modifications 61. When teaching Mr. Adriatico to care for a new stoma, the nurse should advice him that irrigations be done at the same time every day. The time selected should: a. Be appropriate hour before breakfast b. Provide ample uninterrupted bathroom use at home c. Approximate Mr. Adratico's usual daily time for elimination d. Be about halfway between the two largest meals of the day A nurse inserts the catheter into the stoma: a. 5cm b.10cm c.15cm d.20cm 63.Mr. Adriatico should follow a diet that is: a. Rich in protein b. Low in fiber content c. High in carbohydrate d. As close to normal possible The nurse is assigned in a counseling clinic about preventive measures for cancers. 96. Cancer is the second major cause of death in this country. What is the first step toward effective cancer control? a. Increasing governmental control of potential carcinogens b. Changing habits and customs that predispose the individual to cancer c. Conducting more mass screening programs d. Educating public and professional people about cancer 97. In order to educate clients, the nurse should understand that the most common site of cancer for a female is the: a. Uterine cervix b. Uterine body

c. Vagina d. Fallopian tube A client has just completed a course in radiation therapy and is experiencing radio-dermatitis. The most effective method of treating the skin is to: a. Wash the area with soap and warm water b. Apply a cream or lotion to the area c. Leave the skin alone until it is clear d. Avoid applying creams or lotion to the area 99.A client with cancer that has metastazised to the liver is started on chemotherapy- His physician has specified divided doses of the antimetabolite. The client asks why he could take the drug in divided doses. The appropriate response is: a. " There really is no reason your doctor just wrote the orders that way." b. "This schedule will reduce the side effect of the drug." c. "Divided doses produce greater cytotoxic effects on the diseased cells." d. "Because these drugs prevent cell division, they are more effective in divided doses," A client has possible malignancy of the colon, and surgery is scheduled. The rationale for administering Neomycin preoperatively is to: a. Prevent infection postoperatively b. Eliminate the need for preoperative enemas c. Decreased and retard the growth of normal bacteria in the intestines d. Treat cancer of the colon

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