Ratchaburri Camp, International Student Season II.: First Day

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By Decky Aspandi Latif Ratchaburi camp, is one of the activity, held by the SOLA(school of Liberal Arts), KMUTT, this event is taking about 3 days from Friday until Sunday, the member for this season also combination of international student with the local student(Thailand), this event is started by the announcement and continue up with the selection through paneling, the candidate will be present on the SOLA to be selected based of their personality, ability and so other,after the selection is made, then the orientation is held to give the adequate preparation for the members, and also in this section, the group consisted of the international student and local student is formed. First Day The first day is finally commence, the camp is starting from the SOLA at 7.30 am everyone already gathered on the bus (through some people is late :D ), bus is carrying everyone to the first destination, that is floating market, in this place, everyone will be given some money to have a lunch, also a private borrowed small boat to travel around the floating market, and no forget, avoiding to resting the hand In the edge of boat, cause the boat is tend to have small crash with another boat that will endanger your hand if your hand participate in that :p. After enjoying flying around the floating market, we all off to the next destination, which is the khnon temple, in this place the participant is showed the beautiful view of the temple and the great performance of the Nang Yai performance as well, everyone looks cheer when see the action of the actor in those performance and looks quite enjoys the presented stories on the performance, satisfy with the performance show, the next agenda is going to the Chom Bueng, place for the thai boxing show, in this agenda, every participant is given the chance to learn the thai boxing with the first, viewing the demonstration of fighting among the two thai boxer who fight quite tight and great :D, in this place everyone is train quite energic and even some of them try to punch and kick quite hard in the training area which is looks amazing :) ,but because the time limit, then everyone with sincere have to leave and go to the last place for today, the resort, place where all of the member will stay for following 3 days, the place itself is quite beautiful , with the lake in the central of the garden and the main building have 2 floor, every room is used for 3 mixed (international and local) people which makes the inter relationship among the participant is getting wider and well. After taking a short rest, after the dawn, then it s time for the international student to taking place in Game.

This case, 2 games is selected after the serious and enjoyable meeting around the international student, those are the mimicking and hand playing. Mimicking is simple game where everyone have to follow the shape of said word, as example a star which is needed few people to gather together and swirl their hand around, and hand playing, which is introduced by finland student, that is following the wave from the first hand, and playing around with that(just like deflecting or continuing the wave). Everyone is really cherish and enjoy the fun of the game, after the game is finished, then the instructor remembering everyone on each group for preparing the ingredient for the food that will be served as dinner tomorrow, hearing that everyone looks challenging, and even some of the participant on some groups have discussion about that until midnight, oh my. Second Days Morning is coming, the next adventure is ready for the participant of the Ratchaburrii camp. This time is the trip for viewing the Dragon Vessel factory to see the handycraft that is created by hand, and also the great part is, yes, the food gathering for the dinner cooking :D, along the way, everyone is served by the game by Mr. Jeffery and also some volunteer from the participant, and it relieved everyone in joynes, then everyone is arrived at the Dragon Vessel Factory, in this place, many of the vessel and pottery is spread, start from the small until the quite huge one, and also from the recognized-able form of pottery until the unique one, which is quite make everyone amazed and curious to explore more, in this place also, everyone is able to see the worker that make the gucci and pottery by traditional way that be the additional knowledge for other time for the participant The other agenda's time is coming, which is gathering the food ingridients from the market, this is quite vital agenda since the dinner food is coming from this ingridients, any mistake by buying the false ingridients, will be the sorry when eating the dinner :s , so everyone looks quite happily and seriously do that, also there will be some championship between the group for the food that is served that also reinforce the will of every participant. the noon is coming , and everyone has already got the required ingridients in the given time limit, next place is back to resort and, COOKING :D, every group is given the time limit in about 2 hours to finish the whole food with also supported by the utility for making the food, also in advance, there also the demonstration for making the thai food, that is called as PATTHAI, the noodle based Food by the instructor of food, Dr. gounchong, everyone

is recorded and memorizing the demonstration seriously because as addition thing, everygroup also have to make patthay based from the demonstration and also by some improvitation if they aim too. Finally the 6.30 pm is coming, everyone also already finished the food and ready to give the explanation of the food, judge then come and do judging to all of the food, and finally the champion is introduced, that is divided into two category which is first for patthay food and for general food,which is for the patthay food is BANANA team as the first championship and for general food is The One, congrats :D, the dinner then is last by the dance together by the champion group, after the dinner, because the tomorrow session is for the Presentation per group for the whole activities they have done together, so many people, just as before, do that overnight enjoyfully :D. Third Day This is the last day for the ratchaburri season 2, in this day, start on the early morning, every group present their presentation peacefull and enjoyfully, after the presentation, everyone is making the writing for each people's paper embedded on the back of their own and each self for writing their expression and feeling toward by and that people, and in this day also Hendry, one participant from indonesian is announced as the most kind people in this ratchaburri season 2, and congrat for him :D, before we are going back to the kmutt, we are disembark on the bangkutien campus for visiting our friend in the second days, we are having fun together and not forget, take some pictures :D, after the quite short but meaningful day finally we are arrive back at KMUTT, along the way some people also has said goodbye and go down from the bus and back to their apartement, and finally the separation is last in the bus @ SOLA, in this place everyone say good bye together and giving smile each other with bringing the good memories through the awesome days in ratchaburi season II..

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