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Basic Eng Lab Title Objectives : : Torsion moment & torsion angle of shaft


To investigate the relationship between the torsional moment, clamping length and the torsional angle of a shaft. To determine the shear modulus of steel, brass and aluminium.

Theory A torsion test can be conducted on most materials to determine the torsional properties of the material. These properties include but are not limited to: Modulus of elasticity in shear Yield shear strength Ultimate shear strength Modulus of rupture in shear Ductility

While they are not the same, they are analogous to properties that can be determined during a tensile test. In fact, the "torque versus angle" diagram looks very similar to a "stress versus strain" curve that might be generated by a tensile test.

Why Perform a Torsion Test? Many products and components are subjected to torsional forces during their operation. Products such as biomedical catheter tubing, switches, fasteners, and automotive steering columns are just a few devices subject to such torsional stresses. By testing these products in torsion, manufacturers are able to simulate real life service conditions, check product quality, verify designs, and ensure proper manufacturing techniques. __________________________________________________________________ Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, UMP

Basic Eng Lab Types of Torsion Tests


Torsion tests can be performed by applying only a rotational motion or by applying both axial (tension or compression) and torsional forces. Types of torsion testing vary from product to product but can usually be classified as failure, proof, or product operation testing. i. Torsion Only: Applying only torsional loads to the test specimen. ii. Axial-Torsion: Applying both axial (tension or compression) and torsional forces to the test specimen. iii. Failure Testing: Twisting the product, component, or specimen until failure. Failure can be classified as either a physical break or a kink/defect in the specimen. iv. Proof Testing: Applying a torsional load and holding this torque load for a fixed amount of time. v. Operational Testing: Testing complete assemblies or products such as bottle caps, switches, dial pens, or steering columns to verify that the product performs as expected under torsion loads. Shear Modulus In materials science, shear modulus or modulus of rigidity, denoted by G, or sometimes S or , is defined as the ratio of shear stress to the shear strain:

where = shear stress; F is the force which acts A is the area on which the force acts = shear strain; x is the transverse displacement h is the initial length (labelled I in the diagram opposite) Shear modulus is usually measured in GPa (gigapascals) or ksi (thousands of pounds per square inch). The shear modulus is one of several quantities for measuring the strength of materials. All of them arise in the generalized Hooke's law: __________________________________________________________________ Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, UMP

Basic Eng Lab


Young's modulus describes the material's response to linear strain (like pulling on the ends of a wire), the bulk modulus describes the material's response to uniform pressure, and the shear modulus describes the material's response to shearing strains.

The shear modulus is concerned with the deformation of a solid when it experiences a force parallel to one of its surfaces while its opposite face experiences an opposing force (such as friction). In the case of an object that's shaped like a rectangular prism, it will deform into a parallelepiped. Anisotropic materials such as wood and paper exhibit differing material response to stress or strain when tested in different directions. In this case, when the deformation is small enough so that the deformation is linear, the elastic moduli, including the shear modulus, will then be a tensor, rather than a single scalar value. Table below shows the typical value for shear modulus of certain materials.

Material Diamond Steel Copper Titanium Glass Aluminum Rubber

Typical values for shear modulus (GPa) (at room temperature) 478. 79.3 44.7 41.4 26.2 25.5 0.0006

Polyethylene 0.117

__________________________________________________________________ Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, UMP

Basic Eng Lab


r = 100 mm

__________________________________________________________________ Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, UMP

Basic Eng Lab


Procedure : Experiment 1A : Investigate the relationship between torsional moment and torsional angle 1) The span is set at 600 mm. A test specimen is put through the torsional fastening compenents of the bearers and locked into the fixed bearer first. 2) The specimenis then fastened to the lever mounted in bearings so as to be close contact with the upper limit pin 3) Set the testing device so that the top of the gauge is just in front of the groove of the lever. The gauge is lowered so that its small hand is it about 10, and the gauge is set zero by twisting its outer ring. 4) As the interval between the groove of the lever and the center of the test specimen is 57.3 mm, 1 revolution of the gauge correspond to 1. 5) Vary the load as indicate in the table and the read off the torsional angle. The load device is used as the first load. 6) Repeat the same procedure for brass and aluminium. 7) Plot torsional moment, Nmm vs torsional angle (degrees).

Load, N 2.5 7.5 12.5 17.5

Dial Gauge reading, Torsional moment, mm Nmm

Torsional Angle,

Experiment 1B : Investigate the relationship between clamping length and torsional angle. 1) A test specimen of steel is mounted. Load with 12.5 N. Vary the clamping length shown in the table and read off the tosional angle. 2) Repeat the same table for brass and aluminium. 3) Plot clamping length, mm versus torsional angle (degrees).

__________________________________________________________________ Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, UMP

Basic Eng Lab

Clamping length 200 400 600 Dial Gauge reading, mm

Torsional moment, Torsional Angle, Nmm

Experiment 2 : Determine the shear modulus of steel, brass and aluminium. Fill in Table 1 by using the data from Experiment 1a and 1b. Calculate other value by using the formula given below.


= Torsional Angel () = Clamping Length (mm) = Shear Modulus (N/mm2) = Torsional Moment (Nmm)


= Load (N) = Polar Moment of Inertia (mm4) = Torsional Moment (mm3) = Torsional Strain ((N/mm2)

Calculations :

The Law of Deformation provides:

= 180 . M
. I



G = 180 . MV. L

. I

A determination of torsional stress yields


WV = F . r

WV When circular IP =


WV =


__________________________________________________________________ Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, UMP

Basic Eng Lab


Table 1:

Torsional moment Torsional Angle Material Load (F.N) Mv (Nmm) Steel 2.5 7.5 12.5 2.5 7.5 12.5 2.5 7.5 12.5

Torsional Strain (N/mm2)

Shear Modulus Gmed G N/mm2 (N/mm2)



Question : 1) 2) 3) 4) Set the relationship between torsional moment, clamping length and torsional angle. Explain what is torsion? Compare the value of the shear modulus obtained from experiment with reference (literature review). Discuss any discrepancies between your measured value and the reference values. Suggest 2 way to improve the measurement.

__________________________________________________________________ Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering, UMP

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