Marketing Management Presentation: The Communication Process

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Marketing Management Presentation

The Communication Process The communication process consists of six key elements (refer to textbook Figure 17-1). Find two TV advertisements, one you think is effective and the other is ineffective, in communicating to the audiences. For the ad that you think is ineffective, pinpoint in what of the communication process that might have induced the miscommunication problem. What are the potential noises, and how can you improve the advertisement? The figure:

1. Introduction A) Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) The concept of designing marketing communications programs that coordinate all promotional activities Advertising Personal selling Sales promotion Public relations Direct marketing To provide a consistent message across all audiences

Advertising Any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, good, service, or idea The space of advertising must be bought Involves mass media such as TV, radio, and magazine Advertising is important as a means of reaching as many people as possible

2. Advertisement 1 (GOOD) A) Kobe Vs Messi: Legend on Board Turkish Airlines B) 3. Ask audience opinion 4. Advertisement 2 (BAD) Legend 1

5. Ask audience opinion 6. Six elements A) Definition A source A company or a person A message Information A channel of communication Salesperson, advertising media, public relations tools A receiver

Consumers who read, hear or see the message The process of encoding and decoding Encoding: the sender (advertiser) transform an idea using words, symbols, pictures Decoding: the receiver (consumer) interprets the message and transform them back according to their attitudes, values and beliefs Six elements in Advertisement 1 Six elements in Advertisement 2

B) C)

7. Effectiveness Effective Communication The sender and the receiver must have a mutually shared field of experience A similar understanding and knowledge they apply to the message Noise Extraneous factors that can work against effective communication Can be a simple error Printing mistakes that affects the meaning of a newspaper advertisement Using words or pictures that fail to communicate the message clearly A salespersons accent, use of slang terms, or communication style make hearing and understanding the message difficult A) How to evaluate effectiveness? Whether the audience can understand the message Whether can encourage the audience to buy the product Why advertisement 1 is effective? Why advertisement 2 is ineffective?
What stage of the communication process that might have induced the miscommunication problem? What are the potential noises?

B) C)

8. Recommendation for advertisement 1 9. Conclusion

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