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The Real Secret to Manifesting $


Learn how to thrive even in a troubled economy by clearing your negative subconscious beliefs concerning money, self worth and abundance. This newsletter will give you a basic understanding of the negative beliefs that inhibit your ability to manifest more than enough money and abundance for yourself, and for those you love and support. It will also explain a simple way to clear these negative beliefs using an ordinary refrigerator magnet. It is generally believed that we are imprinted with all our major beliefs by the age of 7, which means that we have incorporated the negative beliefs of our parents, caretakers or the general public, and made them our own. These beliefs reside mainly in our subconscious mind and from there, they influence our entire life. The first thing you will want to do is write down all the negative remarks you remember hearing from your parents/caretakers through the years. You might have heard your mother say repeatedly There is never enough. Or perhaps you heard your father say, You have to work hard for your living. When you have completed your list, you will use your pendulum and dowse each belief to see if you have any of those negative statements stuck in your subconscious. To clear each negative belief/statement, you will take your magnet and run the magnet from the middle of your forehead, back over the top of your head and down to the bottom of your neck in the back. Each time you run the magnet, you will say out loud or silently, Clear (the belief) Theres never enough. Do about 10 repetitions and then check if you have cleared Theres never enough. If not, do about 10 more, then dowse to see if it is clear. Keep this up till you have cleared that particular statement. Repeat this process with each statement you wish to clear. (This magnet work has been gleaned from the work of Dr. Bradley Nelson, see the newsletter on Emotion Code.) Take your time with this exercise because it is crucial for you to clear these highly personal specific negative beliefs that inhibit the manifestation of abundance in your life. Later in this newsletter will be a list of negative beliefs that you can dowse with a pendulum to see if you have the belief, then you can clear it. (See the newsletter on How to use a Pendulum if you dont know how.) The second exercise includes writing down all the negative beliefs about money that you can readily see in yourself that are not already included in your first list. You might find the you believe I cant seem to get ahead, or The economy is so bad, its hard to get clients. Even if you think something is insignificant, write it down so you can dowse it later. When your list is finished, repeat the clearing process shown in the first exercise. The following list is extensive but you may only have a few items on it to clear, or you may have a lot. Your manifesting abilities will expand with each and every negative statement you clear. Now you know why most, if not all books on manifesting money, do not work. We must clear our negative subconscious beliefs first before there will be any improvement in our finances. This is the secret to the Secret. This is the one and only way to truly turn your finances around. Name, claim and clear your negative beliefs then add in positive statements. After our negative beliefs are cleared, we will then drop positive statements into our subconscious mind by the same use of the magnet mentioned in the clearing process. There is a list of positive statements included in this newsletter also. (Yes, your subconscious knows the difference between

clearing a negative statement and imprinting a positive statement, so dont worry. Your intention to imprint a new positive statement will be honored by your subconscious mind.) Check the following list of negative statements with your preferred dowsing method, see which ones you need to clear, and then clear them with your magnet. You can always go back at a later date and do this exercise again if new negative statements regarding lack of abundance come into your awareness. Always follow up a clearing session with imprinting yourself with positive statements. How long will it take to clear your negative beliefs about money? Thats entirely up to you. The more negative beliefs you clear in yourself, the faster you will start manifesting your deepest desires. The Universe is extremely abundant, and there is more than enough for everyone. You are truly powerful. We are truly powerful. For untold millenniums, the small but wealthiest hidden hierarchy on the Planet, has intentionally kept us from knowing how truly powerful we really are, because if we knew, they would be in danger of losing their hold on us. If we knew, we could change the conditions on our lovely Planet immediately. It is now time for us to wake up and remember our magnificence. Negative beliefs about money, abundance and self-esteem: I am poor. There is never enough. I cant pay off my credit card bills. I will always be poor. My problem is the bad economy. Money is bad. I cant be spiritual and rich at the same time. Money is the root of all evil. I dont have enough money. I hate paying bills. I dont have enough clients. Everyone is holding on to her $. I will never get a good job. Its hard to save money. Money is tight right now. Suffering is all I know. People are hanging on to their money. There are no jobs right now. I dont know what to do to get more $. I dont deserve anything good. I am afraid to spend money. I worry about $ all the time. I cant make ends meet. Rich people are dishonest. I dont know how to be rich. They only want me for my $. I dont want to be materialistic. I dont know how to handle $. I am blocking my ability to receive. Ill just screw it up if I am rich. I have taken a vow of poverty. (Clear vows with magnet the same way as above.) A rich person cant get into heaven. Its easier to be poor. Rich people cheat and lie. Rich people arent to be trusted. It is better to be poor and honest. I may be poor, but I am clean. I am incompetent when it comes to $. I cant budget my $. I cant buy the things I need. There is never enough money. Everybody tries to cheat me. Money doesnt grow on trees. Money is bad; money is filthy. I will never be successful. I will never have nice things. I will never own my own home. I will never get that_________. I cant seem to get ahead. I will never have a lot of money. I will never earn enough money. I did not finish college, so I am doomed. I fail at everything I do. Money burns a hole in my pocket. Money falls through my fingers. I dont have enough $ to save any. I spend money like water. I am a failure. I am afraid of my power. I am a loser. I am always in debt. Having $ is not spiritual. I am not good enough.

There is not enough _____ ($, abundance.) The whole economy will collapse. I am unable to take care of myself, others. Min.wage is all people are paying. My friends will dislike me if I have $. They will take advantage of me. I will be killed for my $. I am not lucky. I will never be rich. I am not talented. I cant make more money than my Dad. My whole family was/is poor. My ancestors were good but poor. It is safer being poor. You are not a target if you are poor. I dont have anything to offer. I am too old. Cant teach an old dog new tricks. I simply dont know what to do. I am angry with rich people. Rich people have raped the economy. I am afraid to be rich. People will hate me if I am wealthy. Ill be like them if I am rich. I spend it faster than I get it. I cant get ahead on what I make. You need $ to make $. Jesus, Buddha, did not have $. The way to hell is paved in gold. Jesus was betrayed with silver $. I am good at being a survivor. You cant take money with you. I am not good at managing $. You cant trust rich people. You must save for a rainy day. I cant spend money on myself. Being poor is better than being rich. I dont deserve to have nice things Life is hell and then you die. I am afraid of being selfish. Its not ok for me to have nice things. I am afraid of being judged. There is something wrong with me. All life is suffering. Its not spiritual to have fine things. People are starving in the world. Its not ok to spend money on myself. I will get greedy if I have $. I hate managing money. $ will change me for the worse. I will always be poor. My $ situation is hopeless. Ill be killed for my possessions. I dont deserve to be happy. Its not ok for me to buy expensive things. I dont want to pay taxes. Having $ is too complicated. I cant see how I can get more $. My situation is utterly hopeless. Being poor is easier. Im afraid of the unknown. I am hopeless I am afraid to get ahead. I cant do anything right. I dont have sufficient training. I am worthless. Everyone is looking to make a fast buck. I am unworthy. Credit Card companies take advantage of us. I am bad. I am less than. I am stupid. People would harass me for $ all the time. Relatives would harass me for $. It is not ok to have a lot of money when people are starving on the Planet. (For an additional list of negative statements that you can clear, check out Evelyn Lims Abundance Tapestry web site.) Now that you have cleared the above negative beliefs, you will want to ask your Guidance to place in you, an etheric grid that will give you the foundational vibration of abundance. This will help you manifest even faster. The following is a suggested list of positive statements regarding money and abundance. You can also use all the above statements by turning them around from the negative into the positive. For instance: The statement I am unworthy, will change to I am worthy. You will use your magnet to drop these positive statements into your subconscious mind. As an example, you will say I manifest abundance easily while using your magnet as shown to you in the previous exercise. You will repeat this process as many times as you find necessary. (You could do 10

repetitions and then check with your pendulum to see if the positive statement is now part of your subconscious mind.) Positive Statements I know how to get the things I want regardless of how expensive they are. I am a great money magnet. Money comes to me from many different sources. I am safe. It is safe to have abundance and money. I know how to manifest easily and quickly. I AM the manifestation of wealth and abundance in my life now! I know how to manage my money. I use my money consciously. It is ok for me to be wealthy. My Path is stronger because I am able to manifest abundance for myself and others. Being in abundance IS spiritual. I can be rich and spiritual. I can help this Planet with my wealth. I have the ability to manifest whatever I need. It is ok to have nice things. I allow my Higher Self to guide me in all areas of my life. I am managing my money and my life with grace and intelligence. I am enough. I am worthy. It is ok for me to have nice things. It is safe for me to share my wealth with others. I manage my wealth with love and wisdom. I appreciate my possessions, money, accomplishments, etc. I AM a powerful manifestor. Every day in every way, I am getting richer and richer. I only manifest things of the highest order. I allow my Higher Self to guide my choices. These are just an example of some of the positive statements that are available for your use. You can also make your own list of positive statements, and there are many books out there that contain positive statements regarding acquiring money and abundance. Just how eager are you to change your monetary situation? To raise your vibration even higher, stay as much as you can in the vibration of Gratitude. Be grateful for the good things in your life. Write a list of 10 things you appreciate every morning, especially if you are experiencing a lack of abundance. Like attracts like, so if you want more abundance in your life, express Gratitude constantly. You will not only attract abundance to yourself faster, you will feel much better also. You might surprise yourself as to the many things in your life that you actually feel gratitude for. You are an immortal Being temporarily clothed in the human suit you inhabit at this very moment. You have been here before many times. You came back at this particular time in Earth history, to be present as our Mother Earth ascends in Her vibration. You can use this powerful time to clear your baggage and attain a higher form of Consciousness if you wish. Many Blessings, Amara

(All rights reserved.)

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