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PH2302: Introduction to Solid State Physics Homework 3: Crystal Binding, Phonon Vibration

Total Marks: 100 Due date: Friday, 25th October 2013 5.30 pm (at your respective tutor office)


(25 marks) One type of antidepressant used in Europe is Rubidium chloride, RbCl. Naturally it has NaCl crystal structure, with equilibrium nearest-neighbour distance . The total lattice energy can be expressed as a function of the nearest-neighbour distance : ( ) [

On this formula, and represent the strength and range of interaction of Pauli repulsion, respectively, is the number of the first nearest neighbour of each ion, while is the Madelung constant. You may assume that the Pauli repulsion only exist between nearest neighbours. In this problem, express all energies in unit. a. b. (5 marks) Estimate the cohesive energy of RbCl crystal using the information given above. (15 marks) Assuming that the Pauli repulsion parameters are constant, estimate the equilibrium nearest-neighbour distance and cohesive energy of RbCl if, hypothetically, it exists in ZnS structure. Madelung constant of ZnS structure is . (5 marks) Compare the cohesive energies of RbCl in NaCl and ZnS structure. Hence or otherwise, argue that the one with ZnS structure is not naturally favoured.



(10 marks) NaCl ( ), NaBr ( ) and KCl ( ) all have the same structure, which is the NaCl structure. Assuming the spacings are determined by the ionic radii of the relevant ions, what value would you expect for the lattice constant of KBr? (15 marks) Consider an incoming neutron of wavelength moving towards a crystal. Its found that the scattered neutron has 20% less energy compared to the incoming neutron. a. b. c. (5 marks) Calculate the wavelength of the scattered neutron. (5 marks) Calculate the frequency of the phonon, , created in the crystal. (5 marks) Assume that the direction of the phonon is on the same line as the direction of the incoming neutron. Calculate the momentum of the phonon created.



(50 marks) Consider a one-dimensional lattice with a basis of two ions of identical mass M. Their interaction is modelled by masses connected by alternating two different springs of spring constant and respectively. Neighbouring ions connected by different spring may have different separation, but distance between an ion and its second neighbour is always . A simple diagram is shown below.

( ( a.

) )

( (

) )

(20 marks) By using a similar approach as given in lecture notes (construct the equation of motions for two consecutive ions), derive the dispersion relations. Show that: | | | |

b. c. d.

)( ) Hint: | | ( (10 marks) Sketch the dispersion relations, vs. , for the first Brillouin zone, and write down the value of at the zone boundaries and the maximum point. (10 marks) Find the dispersion relations for small . (10 marks) If and , where , show that for the dispersion relation reduces to monoatomic linear chain of separation .

Hint: Reading on Ashcroft/Mermins Solid State Physics page 433-437 may be helpful. Ps: This problem can be quite long and tedious.

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