Teaching Practice Observation and Reflection

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Universidad Jurez


Escuela de Licenciatura en Docencia de Lengua Inglesa.


Estado de Durango Lenguas.

Teaching practice observation and reflection.


Consuelo Guadalupe Novoa Madrigal


Teaching practice observation and reflection.

The following essay is a reflection about the observations and teaching practices carried out in the Escuela de Lenguas (ELE) of the Universidad Juarez del Estado de Durango (UJED) in their mode of Centro de Lenguas (CELE) The target group for this observation is beginner level. The group consists of 12 men and 12 women with an age range of 1447 years old. The head teacher for this class is Luz Maria Vazquez. The observations were made from September 23 2013 to September 26 of the same year and later teaching practices were conducted by a team of students of The Licenciatura en Docencia de Lengua Inglesa (LeDLI). The team (leDLI) consists of: Sandra Daniela Alvarado, Ivonne Cabrales, Ana Patricia Gutierrez and Izcatl Serrano.

Observation. During the observation we realized that the different techniques that the head teacher implemented in the classroom in order to facilitate student learning. The development and monitoring of a class planning, provide guidance facilitating their performance. We note that all activities were related to the subjects taught in the classroom and that for each activity, provided clear examples.
The teacher at all time sought encourage the participation of students, but also noticed that not all of them participate in the same way. Overall the teacher is able to maintain good behavior and good environment in the classroom, also teacher call them by their names, although it is clear that has not managed to learn the names of all students, because the course is just beginning. Throughout this week of observation, we note the importance of monitoring students during the implementation of activities, monitoring because, the teacher could notes if the students understood the subject, based on this, the teacher reinforces the explanation of the topic and continuing with activities. We also noted the importance of establishing a good rapport with students. A good rapport allows students to feel more confident in the classroom. It also allows better management of discipline and this increases the level of learning achievement of students. Once we make the observations and an overview of the situation and environment within the classroom, it was our turn to practice teaching, each of the practitioners was put in charge of the group for one day, September 30 to October 3, 2013.

Teaching Practice. For me this was the first experience in front of a group of class. Nervousness not let me focus on what I was doing, so despite having done a lesson planning did not follow, I jump the first step and start again it later. Something that helped me is that I was well prepared with my subject and I knew I had to teach students.
During the explanation of the topic I felt good and I think they understood the subject. During the activities I try to be as clear as possible using "concept checking questions" CCQ and this worked because the students performed the activities they were asked. During monitoring I could find some students who did not understand some concepts. This gave me the opportunity to clarify learning weaknesses relating to this topic. After clarifying the doubts I turn to other activities in order for students to interact among them, it was a pair activity. This time monitoring helped me to promote the use of the target language among students. At the time of giving the feedback of the activities I made some mistakes both written and pronunciation. I try not to make too much importance in order to not add more drama to the situation, but I had to correct and apologize, and I consider this to subtract a lot of credibility to what you are doing and more in this profession. I try to establish a good Rapport rewarding their good participation students only saying that they had done very well, and I try to be polite at all times. Despite this, and evaluating the whole class, I can say that I did well, being the first time. What I liked, was the participation and behavior of students, because they were always friendly and attentive to my explanations and directed. Overall it was a very rewarding experience to know that you can do something to help overcome another human being and has taken the first step of a profession of teaching.

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