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Indic Admirers Service [ I A S ] - Proposed Syllabus Ideally, in a Nation where the pride & remembrance of the past ,confidence

in the present and ambition, hope for the future prevails - study of history and geography should suffice to keep up a steady supply of patriotic citizens who can elucidate on the civilizational thrust.Alas, in confused India its not so and we have to rely on chance and informal efforts. Till the time JNU again "Rightsizes" itself-Here's a roughly 6 years syllabus for IAS [Indic Admirers Service] - for formal or informal study. Admission criteria Patriotic Imaginative Introspective Discriminative Holistic Intellects with sustainable interest and selfless, free spirit.Capable of Original/Independent study,Thought & Expression.Indic Ideas Lover. Ideal age 30-35 years. Ideal Candidate Profile Married; Family Person, Reasonably Situated and Satiated in chosen vocation should have had sufficient exposure to the World.Balanced & Emotionally Mature. Should have knowledge about the State of the Art in at least one Worldly craft and an interest in Statecraft. Should be capable of multi-tasking, context switching and application of creative/analytic mind for Problem defining, solving. Should be capable of Trend(s) & Nuance spotting and narrative creation, communication. Selection By self invitation for informal and by written test/interview for formal [based on shortlisting - of CV/in PI] Y E A R - I AND II Pre-Study The Indic Canvas. Histo-Geographical Context of Bharata. Sanskrit Lexicon & Sayings.Principal Prayers. National Insults & Heros - Ancient, Medieval, Pre-Independence and Post-Independence. Civilizational Uniqueness; Ethos, Pathos, Logos of Bharata. Fundamentals - I Overview of Vedas, Vedang, Vedanta and Puranas. CWSV. History of India. Short History of the World. Fundamentals - II Schools of Indian Philosophy, Vedantic epistemology. Indian thinkers from all times. Overview of Classical Literature of East and West. History of Western Science & Technology. Y E A R - III and IV 1. Left Brain Studies Logic and Reasoning. Scientific Method. Technology - Types of Engines.Exposure to Analog/Digital, Calculus, Dynamics, Control-Systems theory/Cybernetics, Discrete Math. Pure Science - Overview of Modern Physics and Maths/Comp.Science/Programming/AI. NeuroScience & Genetics.

2. Right Brain Studies Intro to Psychology. Western & Far Eastern Philosophy. Military and Socio-Political History of the World. Political thought - Indian, Western & Far Eastern. Comparative Study of Political Ideologies and their evolution/genealogy. 3. Socio-Economic Studies Overview of Sociology. Overview of Journalism & Mass Comm. Intro to Law. Intro to Economics. Y E A R - V AND VI [ SPECIALIZATION [any 1 out of 3] ] 4. Introduction to Management & Marketing Research & Analysis - Data & Information Mining. Competitive Intelligence.Data Presentation/Hiding. Body Language.Observation.Situational Awareness.Inferences.Extrapolations.Interpolations. Major - Magazines.Journals.Websites. Dialectical method and Objection handling. Public Speaking & Written Communications. Negotiation, Conflicts, Resolution, Persuasion. Strategy & Tactics. Critical Appreciation of Principal Civilizational Poles. 5. Political Science [ only for Domestic Socio-Political Officer ] Indian Polity. Trends in Governance and Administration. Study of Various World Constitutions & Government forms. Overview of Psephology. R/W/S at least one language out of - Dravidian Group, Western Group [Guj-Mar-Punj-UrduSindhi], Eastern Group [Bangla-Oriya-Oxomiya] Case Studies. 6. Religious and Cultural studies [ only for Humanistic-Cultural Officer ] Overview of Philology. Overview of Archaealogy & Anthropology [Genetic & Socio-Cultural] Bharatiya Arts Music and Culture. Wellness and SelfHelp movements across the World. Comparative Study of Major and Minor Religions/Belief Systems. Expertise in at least one Religion out of - Semitic Group , Far Eastern Group , Traditional Belief Systems, NewAge. Case Studies. 7. Strategic Studies [ only for International Strategic Officer ] Classical Statecraft Manuals & Statesmen. Modern Practitioners. Globalization. International Trade & Diplomacy. International Agreements. Policy formulation - Security Foreign Economic. Blocs and Cleavages in the World Order. Psyc-ops & Propaganda. R/W/S at least one foreign language - German/French, Chinese/Japanese, Spainish/Portuguese, Russian/Hebrew. Case Studies.

8.Field Work [ as per Specialization ] Study Project. Apprentice under a Mentor. Debates & Discussions. One micro & One macro "live" project in area of specialization. Collateral for all Y E A R S GoToMarket Strategy. Souveneirs.Mementoes.Posters.Accreditions.Partnerships.Indic Calendars & Diaries. Indic Identities.Dress.Food.Traditions.Rituals.Customs.Regional Variations.Festivals.Values.Traits.Strengths.Weaknesses. List of Indic acheivements & contributions to world thought. Recent Indic Thinkers and Literature. Any Core Worker, Sympathiser, Wellwisher or Outsider can try to align with this syllabus. 100 is a healthy number for active IAS strength at any given point of time. The IAS officer should be open and discriminative liberal and conservative organic chameleonic and leonine

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