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80:1 For the Leader; upon Shoshannim. A testimony. A Psalm of Asaph. 80:2 Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, Thou that leadest Joseph like a flock; Thou that art enthroned upon the cherubim, shine forth. 80:3 Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, stir up Thy might, and come to save us. 80:4 O God, restore us; and cause Thy face to shine, and we shall be saved. 80:5 O the Lord God of hosts, how long wilt Thou be angry against the prayer of Thy people? 80:6 Thou hast fed them with the bread of tears, and given them tears to drink in large measure. 80:7 Thou makest us a strife unto our neighbours; and our enemies mock as they please. 80:8 O God of hosts, restore us; and cause Thy face to shine, and we shall be saved. 80:9 Thou didst pluck up a vine out of Egypt; Thou didst drive out the nations, and didst plant it. 80:10 Thou didst clear a place before it, and it took deep root, and filled the land. 80:11 The mountains were covered with the shadow of it, and the mighty cedars with the boughs thereof. 80:12 She sent out her branches unto the sea, and her shoots unto the River. 80:13 Why hast Thou broken down her fences, so that all they that pass by the way do pluck her? 80:14 The boar out of the wood doth ravage it, that which moveth in the field feedeth on it. 80:15 O God of hosts, return, we beseech Thee; look from heaven, and behold, and be mindful of this vine, 80:16 And of the stock which Thy right hand hath planted, and the branch that

Thou madest strong for Thyself. 80:17 It is burned with fire, it is cut down; they perish at the rebuke of Thy countenance. 80:18 Let Thy hand be upon the man of Thy right hand, upon the son of man whom Thou madest strong for Thyself. 80:19 So shall we not turn back from Thee; quicken Thou us, and we will call upon Thy name. 80:20 O the Lord God of hosts, restore us; cause Thy face to shine, and we shall be saved.

Hebrew Transliteration 80:1 lamnatsach 'el-shoshanniym `dhuth le'sph mizmor 80:2 ro`hyisr'l ha'aziynh nohgh katso'n yosph yoshbh hakkerubhiymhophiy`h 80:3 liphny 'ephrayim ubhinymin umenasheh `orerh 'eth-gebhurthekha ulekhh liyshu`thh lnu 80:4 'elohiym hashiybhnu veh'rpneykha venivvsh`h 80:5 Adonay 'elohiym tsebh'oth `adh-mthay`shant bithphillath `ammekha 80:6 he'ekhaltm lechem dim`h vattashqmobidhm`oth shliysh 80:7 tesiymnu mdhon lishkhnynu ve'oyebhynuyil`aghu-lmo 80:8 'elohiym tsebh'oth hashiybhnu veh'r pneykhavenivvsh`h 80:9 gephen mimmitsrayim tassiya` teghrsh goyimvattith`eh 80:10 pinniyth lephneyh vattashrsh shrsheyhvattemall'-'rets 80:11 kssu hriym tsillh va`anpheyh 'arzy-'l

80:12 teshallach qetsiyreh `adh-ym ve'el-nhr yoneqotheyh 80:13 lmmhpratst ghedhreyh ve'ruh kol-`obhery dhrekh 80:14 yekharsemennhchaziyr miyy`ar veziyz sdhay yir`ennh 80:15 'elohiym tsebh'oth shubh-n'habbth mishmayim ure'h upheqodh gephen zo'th 80:16 vekhannh 'asher-nth`h yemiynekha ve`al-bn 'immatsth lkh 80:17 seruphh bh'sh kesuchhmigga`arath pneykha yo'bhdhu 80:18 tehiy-ydhkha `al-'iysh yemiynekha`al-ben-'dhm 'immatst lkh 80:19 velo'-nsogh mimmekh techayynu.ubheshimkha niqr' 80:20 Adonay 'elohiym tsebh'oth hashiybhnu h'rpneykha venivvsh`h

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