T5 B61 Recommendations FDR - 4-5-04 Chapparro Email Re Breeder Docs - Terrorism Risk 202

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Tom Eldridge

From: Chaparro, James M [ChaparroJM(§j |

Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 8:13 AM
To: Susan Ginsburg
Cc: Walter Hempel; Tom Eldridge; Janice Kephart-Rot>erts
Subject: RE: Fax #?

/9/11 Personal Privacy

Your fax is on the way.
With respect to your question about breeder documents... the issue definitely warrants

The majority of the 19 hijackers on Sept. 11 had followed steps to obtain identification
without raising any red flags. Tools exist - from biometrics to smart cards - that are
capable of increasing our nation's security by ensuring the integrity of our
identification documents. With dentification so easily obtainable, a need to tighten
existing standards - or create new ones - has evolved.

There are "BIG" issues to think about - -

Some four million social security numbers /are now being used by more
than one person;

The birth certificate of most citizens ys easily and, in some

states, legally, obtainable by imposters, e/ven though that document can
become the first big step to unearned cirizenship;

Nearly one fifth of the 1.8 million applicants for general amnesty
originally entered the country not by sne,4king across the border, but by
using documents that were altered or /obtained under false pretenses;

The central enforcement feature of/ the 1986 immigration reforms

(IRCA)- penalties against employers/of illegal aliens - has what could
be a fatal flaw: it depends on the soundness of existing identification
documents for employers to determine the job seeker's right to work in the
United States. Document fraud has become a major enforcement hindrance.

Jim Chaparro
Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center
Tel: (202) 312-9685
Fax: (202)
202) 312-9874

This e-mail is unclassified according to the definitions in E.O. 12958.

Original Message
From: Susan Ginsburg jmaiito:sginsburg@9-lIcommission.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 7:46 AM
To: Chaparro, James M
Cc: Walter Hempel; Tom Eldridge; Janice Kephart-Roberts
Subject: RE: Fax #?

Thank you so much. We are at:

How big a priority do you think addressing breeder documents is?


Original Message • •
From: Chaparro, James M [mailto: ChaparroJM@| |,
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 6:33 AM
To: Walter Hempel
Cc: Susan Ginsburg
Subject: Fax #?

What is your fax number? I've got the sentencing guideline materials that you asked me to

Jim Chaparro .....--"""" 9/11 Personal Privacy

Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center ....-•••"
Tel: (202) 312-9685 ....---•""
Fax: (202) 312-9874
This e-mail is unclassified according to the definitions in E.O. 12958.

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