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Sorcerer and Warlock Spells: Evocation

Evocation is the conjuration and control of elemental and natural forces.


Evocation Level 1 Otiluke's Fungal Eruption D2d6T R60

Sickly mould spore cloud erupts from point, filling 10' radius. Creatures inside save or choke, cannot act except half movement. Once outside cloud, become normal in d4 rounds.

Evocation Level 2 Salazar's Woeful Web

D48T R10 Creates sticky mass of strands. Human-sized can break out in 2d4 turns. Str 19+ breaks out in 4 rounds. Strands are flammable, those stuck get d6 dmg per round for 2 rounds, then free.

Evocation Level 3 Invocation of Fire

R240 Sends glowing bead to visible point, bursts into fireball, d6 dmg / lvl in 20' radius, save halves. Explosion is funnelled by environment.

Evocation Level 4

Evocation Level 5

Otiluke's Fungal Blast Dweomer of Tree D1R/lvl R240 Forms cluster Striding RT Caster can
of fungal spores. Can be triggered by caster from second round to explode, or explodes when spell ends. D6 damage in 20' radius, plus save or die from choking in d6 rounds. enter a tree and travel via others within 600'. Must be living, same kind and large enough for caster. May stay in a tree for 1 round/lvl. Caster dies if tree dies.

Call to the Animal Companions R10

Attracts 2HD of normal animals of fog, all inside helpless with nausea, when leaving, save or as obedient companions. also sick for d4+1 rounds after Casting time 6 turns. leaving. Disperses very slowly with wind.

Otiluke's Fetid Cloud Mantle of the Four Call to the Sylvan R30 Creates 20' cubed bank Winds D1R/lvl RT Wraps Beings R120+10/lvl
target in 2' of winds. Attacks and damage to and from target are -2. Saves are +2. Falls lose 1 dmg per die of damage. Prevents casting, normal speech and carrying flames. Requires outdoors. Max casting time 2 turns. If in area, can summon d8 small, d4 normal, or 1 large. Creatures may save to ignore. If asked to fight, make reaction roll.

Salazar's Command of the Wind D10R/lvl

Changes wind strength in 40' radius/lvl. Calm air centred on caster of 40' diameter. 1 step change on wind chart per 3 levels (Still, light breeze, heavy breeze, wind, gale)

Furious Ray of the Solstice D1r+1/3 levels

R40 Jet of flame or ice cold from fingers, d8+1 damage to one target with successful attack roll. May make new roll each round, may choose new victims.

The Phoenix Ritual

R20 Can burn any non-living item into ash form, casting time = fire time. Collect ashes, then later can cast again to restore item in d6 rounds. With black fire which can burn for d4 / round.

Osric's Vegetal Expansion R160

Normal existing vegetation 20' square per level becomes heavily overgrown permanently. Movement drops to 15'.

Iskaal's Icy Storm

D1R R10/lvl Big hailstones in 40' diameter area, 3d10 dmg in area. Or can make a sleet storm 80' diameter, halves movement and 3/6 chance of falling.

Salazar's Abysmal Plague D1day R480 60'

diameter locust swarm, outdoors only. 2HD or less creatures flee. Caster can move swarm 20'/rnd, must concentrate (damage prevents this).

Salazar's Scorching Invocation of Fog Hands D1R 3' long cone D4R+1/lvl R10 40' high, 20'

long and wide bank of fog of fire from caster hands, in 120' degree arc. Fire damage 1 travels from caster. It looks like Otiluke's Grim Miasma but only per level, no save. blocks sight to 2'. Travels away at 10' per round.

The Storm God's Spear R180 Bolt of

lightning 60' long, 5' wide. D6 electric damage per level to all in path (save halves), melts soft metals, shatters and pierces sensible barriers.

Wall of Midwinter
D12T R120 - Ice wall in any form, 1200 cubic feet. Can be dispelled. Cannot appear on objects, must rest on a solid surface. Blocks 4HD or less; over 4HD can break through with d6 damage, or 2d6 to fire creatures.

Iskaal's Earthly Excavation D1R/lvl R30

Moves /digs earth in 5' cube (125 cubic feet) per round. Dirt moved to edge of excavation. Vertical tunnels may collapse (soil 1/6, mud 2/6 sand 3/6). Hole appearing next to creature causes save or fall in.

Salazar's Shocking Conjuration of Water Sign of Magickal Summoning of Spring Iskaal's Freezing Grasp RT Caster's active R10 Up to 1' cubed per level. Liberation (aka Dispel R160 Normal existing Curse Extreme cold from Casting takes 1 turn. vegetation 20' square per level caster hand, cone 5'/lvl long. touch deals electric damage Magic) R120 Spell (in any shape) becomes
d8+1/lvl, instant single use. effects in 20' cube negated. If dispeller lvl is < magic's causer, 5% chance per lvl difference of failure. heavily overgrown permanently. Movement drops to 10' for human-size, 20' for large. Plant beings unaffected. D4+1 cold dmg per level.

Divination of Weather
D2hrs/lvl Predicts general weather in 5 mile radius.

Blessing of the Deep Ones - D1day R30 The Pyrotechnic

Mantle of Midwinter

RT Immune to all fires until Reverse allows water creatures max 12dmg/lvl is received. to breathe air.

Sigil of Stone Shaping Sigil of Earthen RT Reshapes 3' cubed Alchemy (reversible)
+1'/lvl. No fine detail. R160 Turns rock to mud, volume 20' cubed per lvl. D1T/lvl Invisible barrier plant creatures, animated plants or plant-based missiles. 20' diameter from caster.

Mantle of Midsummer

D6T R30 Immune to natural Alchemy R120 Turns a cold, +2 Saves vs magic/breath fire into either blinding cold. Each dice of dmg is also fireworks (blindness in 120' -1 (min 1) area) or choking smoke (obscures beyond 20', 1 rnd/lvl, fills area 100xfire size.

Dweomer of Bestial Holding D2R/lvl R80

Call to the Wild R40/lvl Osric's Vegetal Ward

Summons d8 normal or giant animals, max 4HD/animal, if in Paralyses normal and giant animals, total 400lbs per lvl. 4 range. Animals help and fight for short/medium term. or more victims can save to negate. 3 save at -1, 2 save at -2, single target saves -3.

Osric's Rune of Entangling D1T R80

Plants grab creatures in 40' diameter area. Saves allows half movement.

Command of Wood Blessing of the Green Salazar's Fiery Trap Warping R10/lvl Volume Man D6T+1T/lvl Caster RT Traps an item, fiery
is 15 square inches per level (around 4 arrows).

Rune of the Watery

Bridge R1/lvl D2R/lvl and gear becomes small living explosion when opened by any Allows walking over water except caster. 5' radius, d4 fire tree, shrub or large dead trunk. barrier, 10'+3'/lvl long, 1'lvl dmg +1/lvl, save halves. Item Can observe as normal. wide. immune. Damage negates.
Rune of the Blasting Conjuration of the Storm D1R Severe blast Secret Fire R60
of air from caster, 10' wide, 10'+10/lvl long. Small beings blow back d6x10' , humansized can't move toward caster, large beings halve movement. Puts out naked flames, lanterns etc put out 1 in 4. Immobile opaque violet fire wall appears as long as caster concentrates. Covers 1200 square feet in any shape. Blocks 4HD or less; over 4HD can pass with d6 damage, or 2d6 to Undead or cold creatures. Wall cannot appear on objects.

Command the Spirit of Osric's Rune of Flame D1R/lvl R5'/lvl Stumbling D1T/lvl RT
Caster can control size of nonmagic fire, from torch to 3' diameter. This affects light output, not actual heat. Dimming halves fuel use, Brightening doubles fuel use. Fire cannot be put out unless caster allows. Enchants max 10' long stick or rope. Creatures walking on it trip to ground, Save negates. 2/10 chance to notice it's unusual. If known, may Save twice. If running and fall on hard surface, d6 dmg and d4 rnds stun (1 rnd stun on soft surface)

Otiluke's Grim Miasma

D6T Bank of poison fog 30' diameter moves and grows from caster at 20' per round, along ground. Fog sinks to lowest levels. Cannot penetrate liquids. 4HD or less save or die each round, 1 hp dmg per round. 5HD or more need no save but 1 dmg per round. Holding breath doesn't help, poison immunity helps.

10 Iskaal's Chill Vapour Otiluke's Fungal D2d4R+1/lvl R30 Opaque Growth R60 Livid
cool fog 20' cubed per level. Blocks sight beyond 2'. Strong wind can dissipate it in d4 rounds. diverse patch of fungus erupts in 10' diameter. Contains d4 monstrous fungi (roll each: 1 Shrieker (mv 9 AC 13 hp 12 xp

Call to the Stinging Ones D1R/lvl R30

Engulfs victim. Dmg 2/rnd, victim may only try to get rid of them. May be moved, taking 1 rnd to disengage; move

Flaming Shield of the Solstice D2R+1/lvl

Caster wreathed in wispy flames. Melee attacks affect caster normally, but damage also bounces back double to

Iskaal's Barrier of Stone R60 Stone wall in

any form, 1000 cubic feet. Can be dispelled. Cannot appear on objects, must rest on a solid surface.

65 screams d3 rounds in 30' or 180/60/rnd. 60' with lights) 2 Violet Fungi (mv10 AC13 hp 12 d4 tentacle attacks, save or rot to death in 1 round unless cure disease used xp80) 3 Giant Death Cap (hp 8 30' save or approach and eat, then save or die in d6 rounds xp38) 4 Giant Fly Agaric (hp 12 contains insect swarm, 5' save or be confused, xp80)

attacker. Also choose: (1) Flames are warm, +2 saves vs cold, half dmg saves become no dmg, cold attacks allowing no saves become save for half dmg. Failed saves vs fire do double dmg. (2) Flames are cool, reverse the effects listed in (1).

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