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Desert Island Rules/Laws

Common Law is law made by judges; Statutory Law is made by legislatures. Common Law: Early in England's history, judges had to decide legal cases according to what they felt the "common person" would think was right. To find this out, the judges followed the customs and the common beliefs of the people of the community. In deciding a particular case, the judge would look to previously decided cases ("precedents") with the similar issues and facts. The earlier decision was given priority and closely followed by the subsequent judges in making decisions on cases at hand. When several number of judges have decided the same kind of case, the decision becomes the "common law." It could only be changed when the customs and beliefs of the community changed.

Statutory Law: Statutory law is made by the legislature. Most legislatures consider passing new laws that are applicable to new and emerging problems. Thus, the job of the judge is to apply both the "common law" and the "statutory law" to the case at hand.

What rules would you make on a deserted island?

If you were stuck on a deserted island with other people what 10 rules would you make to keep your island safe and easy to live in?? 1. No one is allowed to wander off alone, bring at least one person with you. 2. Do not eat/touch any plants that you don't recognize. 3. We'll sleep at the highest point on the beach. 4. If you can make a fire, keep an eye on it. 5. Try to create a fire or other signal to have a better chance of a ship or a plane seeing you. 6. If you get injured, rest, and drink any fresh water that you may have. 7. Try to stay out of the sun when possible. 8. Make sure you have at least three of the people "standing guard", just in case you are not in fact, alone. 9. It will be difficult, but try to avoid arguments and control your temper. 10. If at all possible, try to explore as much of the island's shore as you can, odds are, you may find better locations to "set up camp."

1. Divide work 2. No one should be leader( as that will lead to division and *** kissing) 3. Everyone Work together, uncooperative/lazy bums will be outcast after several warnings 4. Women do housekeeping of the "huts" or shelter.. 5. Men do hard jobs, fish/lumberjack/gathering
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5. Men do hard jobs, fish/lumberjack/gathering 6. Men and Women have different quarters.( IF they want that is) ;) Thats about it....unity is of utmost importance....quote goes as "Divided we fall"
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