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MYSTERIOUS EXPERIMENTS OF THE MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL PHYSICS SEX AND THE SINGLE SAUCERER STRANGE HOAXES AND PRACTICAL JOKES A RUMOR COMES TRUE: Mr. Keel goes to D.C. A JOURNAL OF FORTEANA FALL-WINTER 1971-72 Anomaly Distributed free by SPECIALIZED RESEARCH P. 0. Box 351, Murray Hill Station New York, N.Y, 10016 If you wish to receive a copy of the next issue please send a stamped (16¢) self- addressed 9x12 manila envelope. Copies of No. 5 are still available. All other issues are out of stock. Always include your zip code. Do NOT use air mail stamps. We do not sell books or periodicals. Do not _send money. If you wish to contribute to Fortean research we suggest you send your donation to your favorite organiz- ations. Not copyrighted except where stated. A RUMOR COMES TRUE. In recent months we have been unable to maintain our usual voluminous correspondence and our silence has inspired a wide variety of wild Tumors about the state of our health, ete. Actually last summer we were invited to Washington, D.c. to serve as a "special consultant" to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. In October 1971, we transferred our base of operations from New York to Washington. We were appointed to head a special project within DHEW; a project that is now nearing completion The exact nature of this project and our role in it will probably become public knowledge within the next year. This venture has given us an opportunity to view the workings of government from the inside and many of our earlier speculations and conclusions have been completely confirmed. In fact, we found ourselves in the ludicrous and unpalatable position of stamping our own work "Restricted" and "Secret", largely to keep it from leaking out prematurely. This issue of ANOMALY contains a fair amount of seemingly irrelevant material about practical jokes and hoaxes. We feel that many UFO cases have been falsely labeled hoaxes by investigators and organizations who were unfamiliar with the whole psychological process of hoaxing. The next issue of ANOMALY will probably not be issued before June 1972. Please be patient. Our postal address remains New York City. We commute back and forth regularly. Please forgive our extended delay in answering your letters and acknowledging your clippings and reports. We do greatly appreciate everything you send. -John A. Keel 103

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