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MANUAL 06/03

System Diagnostics

System diagnostics software

7 Good Reasons Why I Use This Software as a Commissioning Engineer or Service Technician. 1. Faster overview of the bus status without requiring knowledge of message frames 2. All bus information is continuously presented ONLINE, and the bus status is summarized in a traffic light display 3. Multiple buses can be monitored at the same time, provided that multiple CPs are available 4. Powerful online filter and trigger 5. All recordings are exported to Excel - a flexible, familiar standard toolclear presentation of message frames- open SS by means of VBA, that is, all message frames can be further processed- powerful print functionality- powerful offline filters via Excel mechanisms 6. If recordings are passed on, the receiver does not have to install the Amprolyzer tool, as long as Excel is available 7. All online and offline settings can be saved in profile files. This can be created by experts and passed on to coworkers

Amprolyzer OnlineHelp
Copyright Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design,are reserved. Disclaimer of Liability I have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the described software. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, I cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed. State of the print: Juni 2003

Amprolyzer OnlineHelp

Table of Contents
Vorwort 1

Part I Online Help Part II Operation with Keyboard Part III Introduction Part IV Installation

3 7 9 11

1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 9

1 System Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 11 2 Hardware ................................................................................................................................... connection 12 3 Installations ................................................................................................................................... 12

New Installation ......................................................................................................................................................... Registering ......................................................................................................................................................... AMPROLYZER Transferring ......................................................................................................................................................... from PC1 to PC2 Installation ......................................................................................................................................................... Repair 13 16 17 18

4 Uninstalling ................................................................................................................................... 19 5 Demo Mode ................................................................................................................................... 19

Part V Quick Start

1 Start


................................................................................................................................... 22

Add Bus ......................................................................................................................................................... 23 Remove Bus ......................................................................................................................................................... 25

2 Basic Functions ................................................................................................................................... of Offline Mode 26

The Messages ......................................................................................................................................................... Worksheet The Filter ......................................................................................................................................................... Settings Worksheet The User Settings ......................................................................................................................................................... Worksheet The Time ......................................................................................................................................................... Marks Worksheet The Comment ......................................................................................................................................................... Worksheet 27 28 29 30 30

3 Basic functions ................................................................................................................................... of Online Mode 31

Show Bus ......................................................................................................................................................... state 32 Station List .................................................................................................................................................. 34 Events .................................................................................................................................................. 34 Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 37 Record Simple ......................................................................................................................................................... 37 Record Complex ......................................................................................................................................................... 38

Part VI Offline-Mode

41 43 44 44

1 The Messages ................................................................................................................................... Worksheet 40

The Toolbar ......................................................................................................................................................... The Status ......................................................................................................................................................... Bar The Data Window ......................................................................................................................................................... The Message ......................................................................................................................................................... Frame Window

2 The Filter ................................................................................................................................... Settings Worksheet 46


Creating a ......................................................................................................................................................... New Filter Profile 46 Using a Different ......................................................................................................................................................... Filter Profile 48

3 The User................................................................................................................................... Settings Worksheet 48

Settings ......................................................................................................................................................... 49 Changing......................................................................................................................................................... Default Settings 51

4 Time Marks ................................................................................................................................... Worksheet 52

Workspace ......................................................................................................................................................... 53

5 Help Filter ................................................................................................................................... 54 6 The Comment ................................................................................................................................... Worksheet 54

The Comment ......................................................................................................................................................... Worksheet 55

Part VII Record Complex


1 Recording ................................................................................................................................... 58 2 Overview ................................................................................................................................... Tab 59 3 Events Tab ................................................................................................................................... 61 4 Msg Filter ................................................................................................................................... Tab 62
Examples......................................................................................................................................................... 63

5 Msg Trigger ................................................................................................................................... Tab 66

Examples......................................................................................................................................................... 67

6 Record Tab ................................................................................................................................... 70 7 Profile Tab ................................................................................................................................... 70

Part VIII Appendix


1 Support ................................................................................................................................... 73 2 Tipps and ................................................................................................................................... Tricks 73 3 Tables ................................................................................................................................... 74

SAP Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 75 L2 Decoding ......................................................................................................................................................... Tables 75

4 References ................................................................................................................................... 81
In-Depth References ......................................................................................................................................................... 82 DP Specifications ......................................................................................................................................................... 83

5 FAQs

................................................................................................................................... 83

General FAQs ......................................................................................................................................................... 84




Amprolyzer OnlineHelp

Use of the manual
This manual provides a complete overview of working with AMPROLYZER V3.0. It is designed to support you when installing and commissioning the software. It explains how to proceed to make usefull recordings and their analysis and describes the components of the software. The manual is intended for people who are involved in carrying out control tasks using PROFIBUS DP and SIMATIC S7 automation systems. Especially for Service technicians and -engineers who are responsible for the part of PROFIBUS. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the examples in the manual. These examples provide an easy introduction to the topic "Analysis and Service of PROFIBUS on layer 2".

Basic Knowledge Required

In order to understand this manual and the software, general knowledge of automation technology is required. In addition, you must be familiar with using computers or PC-similar tools (for example, programming devices) with the Windows 2000 Professional operating system. You also should have detailed knowledge about the frame structure of PROFIBUS aswell as the datatraffic on the PROFIBUS.

Scope of the manual

This manual is valid for release 3.0 of the AMPROLYZER software package.


Online Help


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp

Online Help
You can call the Online Help from the Start menu by means of Programs->Amprolyzer->Manual:

Calling Online Help

Printing the Entire Documentation The online documentation is identical to the manual for Amprolyzer V3.0 You can print it out by opening the Acrobat Reader file of the manual. In this section, you will learn exactly how to call up the information you require in the Online Help system. The user interface is divided into three areas in which you can work: The Toolbar (1), the Contents, Index, and Find tabs (2), and the Help window (3), which contains the actual Help text. Tip: The diagrams provide detailed information about the selected section. To view this information, hover the mouse cursor for a few seconds over the relevant graphic.


Online Help

Elements of the User Interface Toolbar

Button Name Hide Back Print Options

Function Hides or shows the Contents, Index, and Find tabs. Jumps to the most recently viewed page Opens a selection menu in which you can select the current section or the entire chapter for printing Options In addition to the functions mentioned, enables: - Jump to the next chapter section via FORWARD - Jump to home page of online help via - Interruption of an action (such as an animation) via STOP, - Screen view update via REFRESH - Individual settings of INTERNET-OPTIONS of Microsoft IE


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp

Contents, Index, and Find Tabs Contents Tab The Contents tab shows you the structure of the online help. Use this view to navigate between the different chapters and sections. To open a chapter, doubleclick the book icon. You can open a specific section of a chapter by simply clicking the page symbol. Index Tab The Index tab shows you all keywords of the online help. Use this feature to display a specific keyword. First enter the required word in the input field. If the word is found, the second step is to double-click the word to select it from the list. Find Tab The Find tab allows you to perform an individual search in the online help. To use this advanced function, first enter the required search term in the upper input field and then display it via the "List Topics" button. Return to Overview


Operation with Keyboard



Amprolyzer OnlineHelp

Operation with Keyboard

Key Combination CTRL + TAB ALT + O ALT + O +T ALT + O + D ALT + O + I Cursor arrows RETURN Function Switches between the Contents, Index, and Find tabs Calls Options menu Hides Contents, Index, and Search tabs Calls Print menu Internetoptionen aufrufen Select section in Contents tab Selects a section

Navigation in Online Help

Action in Amprolyzer Key Combination F1 CTRL + F CTRL + PageUP or CTRL + PageDOWN Press and hold Shift key and select corresponding cells using the cursor buttons ALT + corresponding underlined letter Jump to radio button with TAB; Change value with SPACEBAR CTRL + END CTRL + HOME SHIFT + F10 Ctrl-Tab oder Ctrl-Shift-Tab Additional Keyboard Commands Refer to Microsoft Excel help system. Overview Function Calls online help (not in V3.0) Find Switches to another table page Selects cell areas Performs the function of a button Changes value of radio button Jumps to end of table area Jumps to beginning of table area Right mouse button Switches back and forth between workbooks





Amprolyzer OnlineHelp


The ever inreasing need for greater productivity requires a greater degree of automation in production. More and more, control systems rely on decentralized I/O in connection with a field bus system such as PROFIBUS. In order for the production plant to be utilized productively and efficiently from an economic standpoint, operators must be able to quickly recognize and remedy the causes of error in order to minimize downtime. This requires powerful diagnostic systems in the form of tools and devices. The so-called Advanced Multicard Profibus Analyzer (Amprolyzer for short) comes into play here. This standalone application is a diagnostic software that logs message frames on the PROFIBUS. It helps you find errors during commissioning and assists you with the concluding documentation for plant status. If you do not yet have much experience with online help systems, you should first familiarize yourself in the help system with the structure of the user interface and the navigation elements. If you already have experience in working with online help systems in a Windows environment, you can simply get started you will find additional information about the contents of each chapter in the Overview.

Operation with the Keyboard: If you do not have a mouse connected to your PG/ PC, you must operate the online help and Amprolyzer using the keyboard. To do so, first read the section Operation with the Keyboard" from this help menu.



Online help topics

Topic You want to install the software product Amprolyzer V3.0.

Chapter/Section: Installation

You have installed Amprolyzer and would like to learn how to operate it Quick Start as quickly as possible. If you do not yet have much experience in working with diagnostic Record Complex tools, we recommend that you start with the Record Complex chapter. Offline mode Offline mode Appendix Appendix





Amprolyzer OnlineHelp


You want to install the software product Amprolyzer V3.0. It is essential that you read this chapter.

Topic System requirements Hardware connection Example installations Uninstalling Demo mode

Chapter/Section: System requirements Connection to PB Example Installations Uninstalling Demo mode


System Requirements

The following system requirements are required to install version V3.0 of Amprolyzer PC with a CPU with Pentium II or higher Microsoft(C) WINDOWS 2000 operating system, SP2 or higher Microsoft(C) EXCEL 2000 or EXCEL XP Excel 97 is sufficient for analysis of a recording saved in Excel (.xls). CP5611 or a PG with integrated CP5611 on a hardware base of PROFIBUS ASIC ASPC2 STEP C/D/E2 This version of ASIC can be read out with Amprolyzer. Nonexistent functionalities are grayed out in an older Asic Step. To use all implemented features, PROFIBUS ASIC ASPC2 STEP E2 If you do not have Step E2, you can possibly update your CP5611 PC card. Using a hardware trigger box, you can control Amprolyzer with HW signals or have Amprolyzer generate HW signals. For more information, go to Sufficient disk space (approximately 10 Mbytes) on the Windows system partition Administrator rights on this computer The following devices are required Active Ethernet network cards The following devices are recommended as hardware


Installation PG 740 PII or PIII by SIEMENS AG Power PG by SIEMENS AG Field PG by SIEMENS AG Celsius PC 400 / 600 or 800 SINEC Professional PC PC SINEC Home Depending on the number of available CP5611s, you can use up to 3 at the same time, enabling you to monitor up to 3 bus systems at the same time. However, you can also use 1 CP for Step7 and the other CPs for Amprolyzer. For STEP7, a PCMCIA card (CP5511, CP5512) can also be used.


Hardware connection

The following recommendations must be followed to connect Amprolyzer to a PROFIBUS Connection of diagnostic computer on the end of a bus segment The terminating resistance may have to be changed in this case. Connection to a station within a bus segment Note the maximum spur line length for the specific baud rate utilized For baud rates >= 1.5 Mbaud, use the active PB cable (MLFB:6ES7901-4BD00-0XA0) or connect directly to the PG socket on a repeater or diagnostic repeater. The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any plant downtimes caused by changes in the physical characteristics of the bus due to insertion of a spur line when AMPROLYZER V3.0 is used. The Amprolyzer software is completely passive on the PROFIBUS. It does not use a PB address and does not send any message frames; it only listens passively to the data exchange on the PROFIBUS.



These example installations are intended to make it easier for you to install the product quickly and without errors. Topic How do I install the software ? How do I transfer the software from PC1 to PC2 ? How do I repair the software ? General Example New installation Transfer from PC1 to PC2 Repairing installation


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp During installation, a log file is created and stored in 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Amprolyzer.log . If an OCX file on the computer under WinDir\System32 has to be updated (English version) , a backup of the OCX is created in the backup path "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Amprolyzer.log\ OCX_Save." During an uninstall operation, the state of the OCX file prior to installation is not restored. The AMPROLYZER software can only use CP5611 devices that are also displayed in the device class SIMATIC NET in the device manager. In WINDOWS 2000, it is possible for the CP5611 to be found as a network card even if a driver is not yet installed for this card. In this case, additional installation of a Simatic Net driver is not required. Instead: Install Amprolyzer, then perform a driver update via the device manager (display list of all available drivers for this card), or remove card and perform a new search, or reboot the computer. The security settings for Excel 2000 / Excel XP must be set to Medium, since the 'High' setting requires a 'Digital certificate.' Make this setting under EXCEL Tools / Macro / Security: Security level = Medium. If you fail to do so, the macros will not be activated, meaning that all buttons and all updates in the Amprolyzer user interface will be inactive! Parallel Installations If you wish, you can have multiple, parallel Amprolyzer versions on one PC. In this case, the following rules apply: Use a separate installation directory for each version. In the group program and on the desktop, you will always see the most recently activated version. To activate a desired version, repair this version. Each version requires its own registration, that is, multiple versions can only be installed with multiple keys. If there is only one key, and if this key is to be transferred among the different versions, then the previous version is always uninstalled automatically! This is an option to park multiple licenses on one file server, from which commissioning and service personnel can obtain a license as required.


New Installation

An entire new installation is documented here to show you how perform an installation. 1.) Simply open the installation file of the Amprolyzer V3.0 from the Internet at its location or you can download it first, open it, and double-click Amprolyzer.exe.

2.) Then follow the displays and activate the Setup button.



3.) The software is unpacked and placed in a separate temporary directory, and the actual setup routine appears.

4.) The installation is started by pressing the Install button. In the next screen form, the target directory for the installation can be specified. This directory must be located on the system partition ( = drive on which Windows is installed ).


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp

5.) Confirm and accept the software license agreement for this product.

6.) Once you have successfully installed the drivers and the program, you should see the following note.



7.) If you want to install more than one version on the computer, you should go on to the screen for repairing the software product after confirming this screen.

8.) For a new installation, the registration screen form will appear immediately. Follow the instructions provided in the chapter Registering AMPROLYZER. Alternatively, you can first test the software in demo mode and complete the registration later.


Registering AMPROLYZER

Option 1 You copy the tool ID using the Copy button or by highlighting the tool ID, press CTRL-C to save it to the clipboard, and then enter this tool ID directly online on the website of the Samhammer company. You will find the relevant link on the Internet site where you downloaded the software.Once you have made your payment, the registration key will be sent to you via e-mail. Use the Paste button to copy this registration key from the clipboard directly into the Registration Key field of the screen form and confirm with OK. The following screen will then appear:

Once you have successfully registered, you can immediately begin working with your version of Amprolyzer. Option 2 If you do not want to wait for an e-mail or do not currently have an online connection, then you can use the following procedure. Exit the setup routine with Cancel and Exit Setup. Later, when you have received the registration


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp key for your software, go the Change/Remove item under Software in your Control Panel and restart the setup routine for Amprolyzer, where you can use the registration button to reaccess the screen form for entering the registration key. In this screen form, you can use the Paste button as before to copy your key from the clipboard directly into the Registration Key field and confirm with OK. The following screen will then appear:

Once you have successfully registered, you can immediately begin working with your version of Amprolyzer.


Transferring from PC1 to PC2

If the software is installed on PC1, and you want to use is on PC2, you should transfer the license from PC1 to PC2. Requirement: The software was installed error-free on PC1 and has a license. Install Amprolyzer on PC2 without entering the registration key as described in New Installation chapter Save the tool ID of the installation of PC2 in the "NEW_TOOL_ID.TXT" file using a Save As operation. Transfer file with tool ID from PC2 to PC1. Uninstall Amprolyzer on PC1. (See Uninstalling chapter) Enter tool ID from NEW_TOOL_ID.TXT in "Transfer license" field of the uninstall routine. Tool ID and registration key will automatically be saved in a file. Transfer file with tool ID and registration key from PC1 to a directory of your choice on PC2. In the Control Panel, start the setup routine on PC2 and transfer the registration key from the transferred file. The following screen will then appear:

Once you have successfully registered, you can immediately begin working with your version of Amprolyzer on PC2.




Installation Repair

Repair is required in the following cases: A key is transferred within the same computer, causing the previously active version to be uninstalled. When a version is uninstalled, the icon on the desktop and the Amprolyzer program group are deleted entirely. You switch back and forth between different versions that each contain their own keys. An OCX file in use has been corrupted by another application or overwritten by an old version. In the latter case, repair is necessary only if there is a visible error! You can access Repair by going to Control Panel->Software->Amprolyzer V3.0->Change/Remove.

and then Repair.


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp



If you uninstall software from a computer, you lose your license. Therefore, you must save your license on another medium (which can only be a system partition of another computer). A log file is also created on this other medium. At this point, proceed as if you were transferring the license from a PC1 computer to a PC2 computer. This procedure is documented in Installation from PC1 to PC2. Example transfer from PC1 -> PC2


Demo Mode

This software also has a demo mode, in which you can work with limited functionality. Online mode is not available. However, all screen forms are visible (including the display of dummy stations/events) so that you can familiarize yourself with the operation of the software. In addition, you can open and evaluate files from older versions of Amprolyzer.


Quick Start


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp

Quick Start

In this chapter, the basic functions of Amprolyzer will be presented. It is primarily intended for users who want to learn the basic functions in the shortest time possible.

Topic Startup and bus setup ? Basic functions of online mode Basic functions of offline mode

Chapter/Section: Startup and Setup Basic Online Basic Offline

Usage Guide 1. Startup 2. Install drivers 3. Show Bus State 3. Record simple 4. Record complex 4. Evaluate 5. Exit


Quick Start



Start up AMPROLYZER V3.0 by performing one of the following actions: On the desktop, double-click the AMPROLYZER 3.0 icon or In the Start menu, single-click under Start->Programs->Amprolyzer->AMPROLZYER V3.0

This startup operation sets up an interface that includes the functions described below. Sets up the driver on a selected CP and displays the operating elements of Amprolyzer for the associated Profibus strand. Removes the drives from the selected CP. Displays a file from V2.0x. Calls the online help ( not in V3.0), currently still via Start->Programs->Amprolyzer-


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp >Manual. To exit Amprolyzer V3.0.


Add Bus
provides access to a window in which you must select which available CP5611 you

want to use.

Here, each CP represents a field bus. For each CP5611, this function must be called once. Each card is displayed with its driver name and location string exactly as in the device manager of the system. Depending on the number of CP5611s inserted, it is possible to install and monitor multiple bus systems. You can add multiple buses by performing the function repeatedly.

After you have made a selection, the startup screen appears with an inserted CP5611 and the associated field bus of the already set up Amprolyzer. You can now begin recording. This is referred to as the online menu.


Quick Start

The bus name can be edited. This is useful when more than one bus is being monitored. In this way, the recordings can be better assigned to the buses physically present.


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp


Remove Bus

The button provides access to a window in which you must select which of the available CP5611 drivers you want to download to the selected CP5611. At least 2 drivers are displayed. The 'CP5611' driver appears only if a STEP/driver is installed. The drivers only need to be replaced if other products (such as Step7) are to be operated on this CP. If this is not the case, the drivers should not be replaced for performance reasons.


Quick Start

Select the CP 5611 if you want to work with STEP7 or another SIMATIC NET software again. Select the CP5611 Amprolyzer if you want to continue using the card with Amprolyzer. The CP5611 Dummy driver is used within Amprolyzer during setup, that is, it is irrelevant for you, the user. Selecting this driver by mistake does not cause any problems to occur, since the driver is automatically replaced by the Amprolyzer driver during the next Add Bus operation. Unfortunately, depending on the computer and the operating system, this can take up to 60 seconds, because the Microsoft update driver mechanism must be used here.


Basic Functions of Offline Mode

Basic Functions of Offline Mode


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp Topic Messages, message frame display Filter Settings, settings for the different filters User Settings, individual settings for color/font Time Marks, calculation page for time marks Comment, comment sheet Chapter/Section: Basic Messages Basic Filter Settings Basic User Settings Basic Time Marks Basic Comment

Amprolyzer provides a choice of two operating modes: In the second step, use the offline mode to diagnose and evaluate message frames recorded during runtime. In offline mode, several worksheets with different functions are provided in an Excel file.This functions are explained in this chapter. One of the advantages of the Amprolyzer software is that a recording can be passed on to a bus expert who will evaluate the message frame recording. This is possible due to the following: A recording is saved as an Excel file. This Excel file contains all settings made by its creator (current offline filter, comments, color settings, etc.), that is, the recipient of a recording immediately sees the same state as the sender. The recipient does not have to install Amprolyzer tool. All that is required is Excel!


The Messages Worksheet

You can use this worksheet to perform diagnostics on message frames recorded in offline mode.

The interface in this source worksheet is divided from top to bottom into 4 areas by a horizontal line


Quick Start and a different color In the Position from Top to Bottom Toolbar with the following buttons Settings Changes formatting in the different columns and cells of the message frame representation Filter Hides and shows the filtered representation in the message frame window. Export Exports the current message frame recording as an Excel table. Status bar Provides information about the message frame recording in online mode Data window Displays data for the selected message frame. Message frame window All recorded message frames are represented in this area. You can use the internal search function in Excel to relocate all special formats of the recording. For example, you can use <Ctrl-F> and <#> to search for the trigger point. The 'User' column is used to add comments about the message frames, for example, to notify coworkers of particular situations. In addition, time marks can be defined here (see Time Marks worksheet). More information about each column can be obtained in the tooltips. To view this information, hover the mouse cursor for a few seconds over the relevant table header. More in-depth information about the Messages worksheet


The Filter Settings Worksheet

Here, the user can learn how to create filters. Offline filters are used to reduce the quantity of data of a complete recording to a manageable amount. Ideally, the filters should be set so as to leave a few rows containing the exact information you need to perform a bus analysis.

User settings can also be stored in a file (called a Profile) with a meaningful name. These profiles can thus be reused and passed on to coworkers (who might not have as much product knowledge). More in-depth information about the Offline Filter worksheet


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp


The User Settings Worksheet

With the User Settings worksheet, you can individually adjust the appearance of font and color in the message frame window.

User settings can also be stored in a file (called a Profile) with a meaningful name. These profiles can thus be reused and passed on to coworkers (who might not have as much product knowledge). Note: Changes in the font type and size affect the entire message frame window, except for the Data1 to 246 column. You can apply font and table colors separately to individual cells. More in-depth information about the User Settings worksheet


Quick Start


The Time Marks Worksheet

Time marks can be defined in the Messages worksheet. The time interval between these marked message frames is automatically calculated in the Time Marks worksheet. This gives you an overview of the time elapsed between time mark x and time mark y in a recording.

You also receive information about the baud rate and time elapsed between time stamps. More in-depth information about the Time Marks worksheet


The Comment Worksheet

Use this worksheet to append important information to your message frame recording, such as: Additional message frame recordings Excel tables Word documents Graphics Diagrams To enter your own comments


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp

More in-depth information about the Comment worksheet


Basic functions of Online Mode

Basic functions of Online Mode

Topic Bus State Record Simple Record Complex

Chapter/Section: Bus State Records Simple Record Complex

Amprolyzer provides 3 operating modes, Bus State, Record Simple , and Record Complex , to choose from.


Quick Start In the first step, you use Record Simple mode to record message frames during runtime. In the second step, you perform diagnostics on the recorded message frames in offline mode in Excel.


Show Bus state

Show Bus state Show Bus State mode is a subset of Record Complex mode. For easier operation, many parameters have been set to default values. When you select the Show Bus State function by double-clicking the function in the online menu, a screen form appears.

The screen form is provided to reduce the data rate when more than one bus is operated at 12 MBaud. However, if the FdlStatus filter is not set, it is possible that the computer will not be operable as long as the bus cable is inserted, if the message rate or disturbance rate is very high. That is, the online information displayed afterwards actually is determined ONLINE! You can set the FDL status filter according to what you want to monitor on PROFIBUS. Here, it is important to know that all stations on the bus that are identified only by an FDL Status Request message frame will no longer be displayed. After you have made your selection, an interface providing information about the current state of your bus will appear. For this purpose, the right-hand section of the interface was divided into 3 tabs, which provide information about the Station List, events that have occurred, and the current settings. The left-hand section of the interface provides additional information about the bus state. The displays are defined as follows:


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp Baud rate Status Msg Counter Msg Rate Msg Trigger Internal Overrun Running Current baud rate detected or set on the bus Bus is active or the baud rate was not detected Number of message frames counted since the start of recording Number of message frames per second Number of trigger events that have occurred Number of overruns of the internal buffer list If this happens, the message or disturbance rate is too high. A "Driver too slow..." message then appears. Displays tool activity

In addition to the event page, the state is indicated in the form of a stoplight. The stoplight displays the state of the sum of all cells of the Event tab. If, for example, an event happens once during the night, and if the Station List tab is displayed, the stoplight indicates that this event has occurred!

Stoplight color: Green: No errors or repetitions on the bus Yellow: Occasional occurrence of errors and repetitions Red : Large-scale occurrence of errors and repetitions The button deletes the statistic counters, and the stoplight turns green again.


Quick Start Station List

The Station List shows you all stations on the bus in different colors.

Foreground colors: Blue Red Background colors: Light yellow Yellow Light blue Events shows token repetitions shows Request repetitions shows DP slaves in diagnostics shows all passive stations shows all active stations

On the Event page, the various bus states for statistical evaluations are counted. This provides an immediate overview of all online information, thus eliminating the need to search through huge message frame recordings.


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp

Here, the information is displayed in two columns. The left-hand column provides information about the absolute counter of an event, whereas the right-hand column reports the rate, that is, how often the event occurred in the last second. A stoplight indicates the state of the sum of all cells of the Event tab (see Show Bus State chapter) With RecordComplex mode (Events tab), it is possible to stop the recording when an event occurs. Description of events when they occur:


Quick Start Events Bus Timeout No bus activity could be detected during timeout. Timeout duration can be set in the Events tab when Record Complex mode is used. The default values used in Show Bus State and Record Simple are also displayed here. The bus did not come to neutral position within 11,385 bit counts (due to disturbances, for example). Should never occur under normal circumstances! The Profibus Asic has already received a new message frame, although the previous one has not been transferred to the memory. If this happens, the message rate or disturbance rate is too high, or the computer is too slow. A, "Asic too slow..." message then appears. Remedy: Was the FdlStatus filter activated at 12 Mbaud? Are the bus parameters set correctly? If so: - If appropriate, activate additional online filters If appropriate, increase bus parameter Tid1 for active stations If appropriate, increase bus parameter minTsdr for all stations - Activate 'Asic was too slow' check box in the 'Overview' tab of RecordComplex. This prevents all driver access attempts to the CP. As a consequence, the online information will no longer be available. This will be indicated by a notice message. Should never occur under normal circumstances! When a message frame was received, an internal Asic Fifo underrun occurred. Token message frame repetitions are occurring. Request message frame repetitions are occurring. Invalid or incomplete message frames are occurring. This can result from an illegal spur line causing reflections to occur. Warning: Particular care must be taken to ensure that Amprolyzer is properly connected to the bus structure (see Hardware Connection chapter.).) Invalid or incomplete message frames are occurring. This event can only happen if it is activated in Record Complex mode (Events tab). It can be used to generate a hardware signal when a frame error occurs. It can be used, for example, to trigger an oscillograph for viewing the bus cable when an error occurs. Meaning

Syni Error ASIC Rcve Overflow

Fifo Error Messages Token Repeats Request Repeats Frame Error

DP Slave Diagnosen Message frames with slave diagnostics are occurring.

Frame Error HW

Colors in the columns have the following meanings: Counter Column GREEN -> Event has not yet occurred. YELLOW -> Counter >= 1 Rate Column GREEN -> Event is not occurring at present YELLOW -> Rate= 1 to 9 RED -> Rate >=10


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp Another advantage of Amprolyzer is that all online information is immediately visible, thus eliminating the need to search through enormous message frame recordings.


Settings show an overview of the current filter settings and the stop condition. Different filter settings are possible as follows: Token Filter FdlStatus Filter Selectors Selectors indicate whether particular addresses or SAPs were selected during the recording.


Record Simple

'Record Simple' mode is used to generate a fast recording without filters or triggers. Recording stops as soon as all buffers of the CP are full. This makes it possible for a user who rarely works with this tool or is using the tool for the first time to have a quick overview of the bus message frames. The interface corresponds to the Bus State function, and in addition, information is provided to indicate whether the recording is complete and whether the message frames can be prepared. As soon as is displayed, the recording is available, and the data are accepted in the offline section, where they can be evaluated. When the recording is complete, the data are not exported immediately to Excel, so that the user can see any events that may have occurred up to the point of acknowledgement.


Quick Start

Up to 996 message frames are displayed without any type of filter. The offline section consists of an Excel interface, which was presented in the Basic Function area of offline mode. Record Simple mode is a subset of Record Complex mode. For easier operation, many parameters have been set to default values.


Record Complex

'Record Complex' mode is used to generate a detailed recording with online filters and trigger conditions. The recording can be stopped automatically as soon as the specified trigger conditions are satisfied. This enables experienced users to quickly obtain detailed information from the bus message frames. ShowBusState mode and RecordSimple mode are a subset of RecordComplex mode: ShowBusState corresponds to: Acceptance of default values of RecordComplex except for the FdlStatus filter. RecordSimple corresponds to: Acceptance of default values of except for the StopCondition filter. This must be set to FullRecordResource. You will find more information about Record Complex in the Record Complex chapter. .







This chapter provides all of the information you need to evaluate message frames recorded in online mode. In addition, you can find help here for creating your own filters or user profiles, enabling you to familiarize yourself with the complete functional scope of Amprolyzer offline. Detailed functions of offline mode

Topic Are you looking for detailed information ? How can filters be used to limit message frame presentation ? How can colors and fonts be defined for individual users ? How should the time calculation results be interpreted ? Where can I find help on filter settings ?

Chapter/Section: Detail Messages Detail Filter Settings Detail User Settings Detail Time Marks In the Filter Help worksheet

How and where can I add comments such as accompanying Detail Comment documents, tables, or graphics to facilitate diagnostics for others ? Navigation in Offline Mode

Offline mode has six subsections, called worksheets. To access a particular worksheet, left-click the worksheet in the lower portion of the screen.


The Messages Worksheet

Detailed functions of offline mode This section provides detailed information about the Messages worksheet. You can use this worksheet to perform diagnostics on message frames recorded in offline mode.


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The interface in this source worksheet is divided from top to bottom into 4 areas by a horizontal line and a different color In the position from the top to the bottom, there are four areas that provide information about the current message frame recording: Topic Chapter/Section:

Toolbar The Toolbar Settings, Filter, Export Status bar The Status Bar Provides information about the message frame recording in online mode Data window The Data Window Displays data for the selected message frame from the message frame window Message frame window The Message Frame Window All recorded message frames are represented in this area.


The Toolbar

The most important settings for the Messages worksheet can be defined using the Settings, Filter, and Export buttons.

Settings Use to specify in the desired check box whether a column should be shown or hidden and in which data or display format a column should be used. Certain columns are not shown in the default settings..



You can change the time-based representation of the Clock, TPre, TPreNow, and TMsg columns in the message frame window. Multiple formats can also be selected at the same time. Click the desired combo box and select among the following: msec for milliseconds usec for microseconds Tbit for bits. You can change the representation in the Addr, Sap, and Data1 to 246 columns of the message frame window. Click the desired check box and select among the following: dec for decimal hex for hexadecimal bin for binary Recommendation: In certain cases, it is useful to hide the data window. If, for example, many message frames are being recorded or if you are using a limited monitor resolution, you should hide the data window by selecting the "DataOff" radio button in the Settings toolbar. Note: Certain columns are mandatory for performing diagnostics on message frames. These columns cannot be hidden. Filters


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp With , you use the filters defined in Filter Settings. This enables you to switch the filter evaluation on or off. The unfiltered representation of the message window is the default setting. If a filter is defined in the Filter Settings worksheet, and if you then go back to the Messages worksheet, the filter is automatically applied, and the Filter button is automatically pressed. You can switch back and forth between the filtered and the unfiltered representation by pressing this button repeatedly. Previously filtered message frames are indicated by # in the TpreNow column so that they can be considered within the context of all recorded message frames. In the filtered representation, the intervals between the message frames still visible are displayed in the TpreNow column.

Export Mit knnen Sie die aktuell aufgezeichneten Telegramme in ein neues Excel-Workbook, das nicht schreibgeschtzt ist, exportieren. Dadurch knnen die Daten beliebig mit VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) weiterverarbeitet und z.B. anderen Windows-Anwendungen zur Verfgung gestellt werden. The Message Frame Window


The Status Bar

The upper area of the Messages worksheet provides information about the message frame recording in online mode.

The following information is provided: Baud rate Displays the current bus transmission rate during the message frame recording. The baud rate corresponds to the number of bits transferred per second for serial communication. Number of messages Indicates the number of recorded message frames. bytes Maximum number of data bytes of a message frame No online filter set Indicates whether online filters were activated during recording. This is important for interpreting repetitions and times (see Message Frame Window chapter) The Data Window




The Data Window

The data window always shows data of the selected message frame in the message frame window. This representation depends on the setting in the combobox for data(see Settings button in the toolbar). Use the data window to obtain information about a specific message frame at a glance.

Hiding the Data Window In certain cases, it is useful to hide the data window. If, for example, many message frames are being recorded or if you are using a limited monitor resolution, you should hide the data window by selecting the "DataOff" Settings button in the Settings toolbar. You can specify the size of the data window with the and buttons. This can be very useful in the DP environment, for example, because I/O data often exist in this environment within a range of only a few bytes, but Amprolyzer is designed here for the entire 246byte data stream. The toolbar


The Message Frame Window

This window displays all message frames recorded in online mode.

Note: The representation of the message frame window depends on the settings in the toolbar, the user settings, and the currently selected filters. For example, if you have hidden particular columns by means of the settings, these columns will not be visible in the message frame window.


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp Column Name No. User Function Indicates the name of the current message frame in ascending order.

1. Enter comments: In this column, you can add comments about the current message frame. Simply enter the require text in the corresponding cell. 2. Set Time Marks: You can use this column to set so-called time marks. A time mark marks a message frame, for which the time intervals to other marked message frames are to be determined.



TPre. TPreNow

TMsg L2Service SD Adr SAP FC LenMsg LenData Data1...20

Syntactically, a time mark begins with a T_ or t_. In the second step, you name the time mark. The time mark now looks like this: T_Your Comments . This column displays all notes and error messages available for a message frame. Note:If certain online filters are used during recording, (selection of addresses/SAPs), it might not be possible to make an assertion regarding repetitions. The "Repeat ?" attention string appears in this case. The status bar indicates whether or not filters were activated during the recording. Background: To detect repeats, all message frames containing the FCB/FCV bit must be available. This problem can not occur if only the Token and FdlStatus filter are used, since these filters do not support the FCB/FCV in their FC byte. Time stamp of the ASIC after receipt of a start delimiter Note: If an online filter was used during recording, and the interval between message frames A and B is larger than 65,536 Tbits, the time stamp for message frame B can be inverted (and thus it can also be Tpre). Background: The time stamp is generated by a 16-bit timer of PROFIBUS Asic, which can overrun. The difference between the actual and the displayed time stamp can be (n*65536) Tbits (n=1,2,3, etc. An attempt will be made to resolve this problem differently in a future version. Time between the end of the most recently recorded message frame and the start of the current message frame. Time elapsed between the end of the most recently recorded message frame and the beginning o the currently displayed message frame. Note:This time value is recalculated during each offline filtering and is also only available here. If all message frames are displayed again after filtering, the previously filtered message frames are marked with a '#' sign (see Filter button in the toolbar). Duration of message Service of current message at the Layer2 level Start delimiter of current message

Source and target address of current message. The representation can be set to decimal or hexadecimal format via a combobox in the toolbar. Source and Service Access Point of current message. The representation can be set to decimal o hexadecimal format via a combobox in the toolbar. Function Code of current message. Number of bytes for current message at Layer2 level. Number of data bytes for current message at Layer2 level.

Data bytes of current message. The representation can be set to decimal, hexadecimal, or binary format via a combobox in the toolbar. Data21...40...etc Data bytes of current message. The representation can be set to decimal, hexadecimal, or binary format via a combobox in the toolbar. For time-supported columns, the representation can be set to Tbits, microseconds, or milliseconds via a combobox in the toolbar. The times are defined as follows:


Clock1 Msg1 Clock2 Msg2

TMsg1 LenMsg1


T Msg1 Len Msg1

More information about each column... ... is provided in the tooltips. To view this information, hover the mouse cursor for a few seconds over the relevant graphic.


The Filter Settings Worksheet

This section provides detailed information about the Offline Filter worksheet. When you record signals over an extended time frame, diagnostics can usually be performed effectively only using a filtered representation. Use this feature to limit the representation in the message frame window via filter profiles that you define.

Topic Defining a filter Loading a filter

Chapter/Section: Defining a Filter Loading a filter


Creating a New Filter Profile

In this section, you will learn how to create a new filter profile. First go the Help Filter worksheet and familiarize yourself with the possible filter settings. Then go to the filter you require in the Filter Settings worksheet. Note that entries in the columns are ANDed within a row and ORed row by row. When defining an offline filter, the filter must begin in the first available row. Empty rows above the filter condition are not permitted. The first empty row found signals the end of the filter! Note also the format of the column. You can change this to a customized format at any time using the option


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The Help Filter worksheet provides more help on offline filters and the use of syntax. Example You would like to create a filter that only shows data exchange between stations 2 and 82. To do so, go the ADDR column and enter 002 -> 082" in decimal format or "02 -> 52" in hexadecimal format, depending on the format set for this column. When using an arrow, you must use the correct syntax (blank space before and after the arrow). To facilitate this, the example should always be copied from the HelpFilter worksheet.

However, all stations currently providing diagnostic messages should continue to be displayed. To enable this, go to the SAP column and enter filter conditions 060 -> 062 (or 060*062 if Request and Response are to be displayed). Enter this setting in the second row so that it will be OR-ed with the previously made address filter setting.



The diagnostic entries are only of interest to you if they are extended diagnostic entries, that is if they are AND ed . Go to the Data1 to 20 column and enter 08*

You can now use the button to save the filter profile with the filter name "ExtendDiag_02_82" if you want to reuse this filter. This is optional and spares you from having to retype when using highly complex filters. You can use the button to reset all filters.

If a filter is defined in the Filter Settings worksheet, and if you then go back to the Messages worksheet, the filter is automatically applied, and the Filter button is automatically pressed. You can switch back and forth between the filtered and the unfiltered representation by pressing this button repeatedly. Previously filtered message frames are displayed with a #' in the TpreNow column. In the filtered representation, the intervals between the message frames still visible are displayed in the TpreNow column.


Using a Different Filter Profile

In this section, you will learn how to use a different filter profile. Click and select the filter profile you want to use. The new active settings are displayed in the Messages worksheet. The offline filter is automatically applied to the message frame quantity when you switch to the Message sheet after defining or loading an offline filter.


The User Settings Worksheet

This section provides detailed information about the User Settings worksheet.


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Topic How are user-defined settings created ? How are default settings changed ?

Chapter/Section: Settings Changing Default Settings

The check box disables the update capability for colors and font. However, this does not mean that the colors are removed!



Here, you can customize the appearance of font and colors in the message frame window.

1. You can change the appearance by right-clicking the required cell and selecting Cell Format in the context menu. 2. Change the font in the Font tab, and change the colors in the Patterns tab.



Note: Changes in the font type and size affect the entire message frame window, except for the Data x to y column. You can apply font and table colors separately to individual cells. 3. The changes become visible when you click in another cell.


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp 4. If you do not like the changes, you can go back to the default settings using the Reset button. 5. Confirm the changes by pressing OK or cancel the action by pressing Cancel. 6. If you like the changes, click OK and save your new profile under a new name. The button allows you to save a profile you have created and make it available to others.

The button and the file dialog box that appears are used to open a user profile created by you or someone else. The product. button resets current user profiles and loads a default profile supplied with the

Changes do not necessarily have to be saved in a profile. This can be done later, and should not be done until the result has been checked in the Messages worksheet. Notes: For performance reasons, colors are updated in steps. Each time a new block of 1,000 message frames is selected, the color of the block is also updated. If recordings are being filtered, then only the colors of the visible message frames are updated. After you have changed the user settings and switched to the Messages worksheet, the color of the first block of 1,000 message frames is updated automatically. The font is updated automatically in one step. If a recording is opened for the first time, the first block of 1,000 message frames is also updated automatically.


Changing Default Settings

In certain cases, it is useful to overwrite the Siemens AG default profile. For example, if you want to customize the appearance to fit your corporate design, you should overwrite the default settings. In this way, the settings of the other worksheets can also be changed permanently (for example, which columns are displayed in which format, which columns are visible, etc.). These settings are effective each time a recording is opened or displayed, since Records.xlt is the template file used. How to overwrite the default profile: 1. Launch Microsoft Excel and open the Record.xlt file provided by clicking . Records.xlt may not be opened by double-clicking in Explorer, as this will generate an instance (for example, Records1.xls)! Records.xlt is located in the Bin directory of the installation catalog. 2. Modify the appearance of the message frame window according to your requirements. 3. Save the file as Record.xlt.


Offline-Mode These changes have been changed in the default profile. Restoring the default user profile You can also restore the Siemens AG default profile. To do so, use the following procedure. 1. Launch Windows Explorer 2. Delete Record.xlt. 3. Copy Records_org.xlt to Records.xlt. Do not rename this file or you will lose the original!


Time Marks Worksheet


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This section provides detailed information about the Time Marks worksheet. It contains an overview of the time-based interval between all message frames marked with time marks. All time mark combinations are taken into account. A message frame can only have one time mark.

Screen area Function Baud rate TimeMark x TimeMark y [Tbit] [Usec] [msec] [sec] Displays the current bus transmission rate during the message frame recording in online mode. The baud rate corresponds to the number of bits transferred per second for serial communication. The time marks from the User column in the Message worksheet are shown here. Recordings can have up to 350 time marks. The time marks from the User column in the Message worksheet are shown here. Recordings can have up to 350 time marks. This column shows the time elapsed between TimeMark1 and TimeMark2 in Tbit format. This column shows the time elapsed between TimeMark1 and TimeMark2 in microsecond format. This column shows the time elapsed between TimeMark1 and TimeMark2 in millisecond format. This column shows the time elapsed between TimeMark1 and TimeMark2 in second format.

All times between the marked time marks are calculated and displayed. All time mark combinations are displayed. This time always corresponds to the difference between the start times of the marked message frames.


Clock1 Msg1 Clock2 Msg2

T (TimeMark1...TimeMark2)


Help Filter

The Help Filter worksheet has been added directly to provide information to help you learn about the syntax and the offline filter options more quickly - without having to consult the manual or online help. In it, the complete value range for each column is shown.


The Comment Worksheet


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The Comment Worksheet

This section provides detailed information about the Comment worksheet. Use this worksheet to append additional information, such as comments, documents, tables, or graphics to the current message frame recording. You should always document your message frame recordings sufficiently. You can help others to quickly interpret similar bus faults by making your own results available. Use the standard EXCEL mechanisms for this purpose. A file insertion is presented here by way of example. 1. Click the cell in which you want to insert the file. In the Insert menu bar, click Object. 2. Switch to the "Create from File" tab. 3. Use the Browse button to select the required file. 4. Confirm your selection with OK or press Cancel to cancel the action.

Enter comments Document your results and conclusions about this message frame recording as completely as possible. To do this, simply click in the required cell and enter the text.


Offline-Mode Recommendation: You should always document your message frame recordings sufficiently.You can help others to quickly interpret similar bus faults by making your own results available.


Record Complex



Record Complex

Record Complex

This section provides all the information you need to operate Record Complex mode. In addition, you can find help here for creating your own filters or user profiles, enabling you to familiarize yourself with the complete functional scope of Amprolyzer online. This section and the use of the Record Complex function assume that you have precise knowledge of the processes on PROFIBUS. Detailed functions of Record Complex mode

Topic Overview of data flow during recording Use of event-driven events Settings of particular message frame filters Settings of trigger options Setting and meaning of recording depth Meaning of user profiles

Chapter/Section: Overview Event Control Message Filter Message Trigger Record Profile



'Record Complex' mode is used to generate a user-specific message frame recording with online filter and special trigger options. The recording can be stopped automatically as soon as the specified trigger conditions are satisfied. This recording type should be used by specialists to create a detailed recording for the fastest possible error localization. After all required parameters have been entered, the same interface that you have already seen in ShowBusState and. RecordSimple appears.


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If the defined trigger conditions are reached, a corresponding notice appears, and you are prompted to press the button. This accepts the data into the offline section.

The offline section consists of an Excel interface, which was presented in the Basic Function area of offline mode.


Overview Tab

This tab, which appears at the beginning of the Record Complex part of the Amprolyzer software, shows you the data cycle of all message frames from PROFIBUS to the EXCEL file in offline mode.


Record Complex

You should be aware that when you use online filter, some of the data from PROFIBUS is no longer available in offline mode. Consequently, some necessary information might be missing, or your trigger might not even be activated. As a result, you might miss highly sporadic faults, thus requiring more time and effort to localize and remedy the fault. It would be better for you to take some time at this point to familiarize yourself with the specific processes on PROFIBUS. As you can see from the figure, the first things to be limited by the online filter are the data from PROFIBUS. In the second step, the filtered data are taken to represent the Station List - as explained in the ShowBusState. The stations that were filtered out are no longer displayed in the Station List! Double-clicking a block for which a tab exists causes the corresponding tab to be displayed. If you have defined an abbreviation for the message frame depth in the Record tab, it will now become active. The last thing to occur is monitoring of the defined trigger mechanism. Note: When online filters are used and the data depth is reduced, the trigger event is to be selected such that it can also occur in the filtered message frames. Baud rate It is only useful to set a specific baud rate if you start Amprolyzer before the system and you want to see the first message frame. If you use AutoDetect, message frames are lost due to the baud rate search. Stop Condition: Use the stop condition to specify how the recording should be stopped. The trigger option is automatically activated when you define a trigger. The grayed out check boxes indicate what type of trigger is defined. By changing the stop condition, you can easily disable the triggers.


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp Msg Filter OFF: This option allows you to quickly disable your online filters temporarily. Driver was too slow: This check box should only be activated if the "Driver was too slow" error message appears in the screen form displaying online information (see chapter...) Asic was too slow: This check box should only be activated if the "Asic was too slow" error message appears in the screen form displaying online information (see chapter...)


Events Tab

In the Events tab, you can specify whether the recording should be stopped if a specific event occurs. An event can be caused on PROFIBUS by the stations or physical bus characteristics. (Example: station diagnostics)

In the default setting, all occurring trigger events from the Msg Event column and the Bus/Asic Event column are counted and are visible in the Online Info screen form (Events tab) during recording. In this tab, you can also switch to 'Stop at Trigger,' and the recording will terminate as soon as the event occurs. This provides a convenient, easy way of using basic events as triggers.


Record Complex

For the 'Bus Timeout' event, the timeout time can be defined on the right-hand side of the interface.In this way, specific timeouts on the bus can be used as triggers. You can find a description of events in the Events chapter The description is the same in all 3 modes except for the fact that the Show button is not shown in all modes.


Msg Filter Tab

The filter settings for the recording are made in this tab. Filters make it possible to filter out particular station addresses. Depending on which CP5611 you are using, you can define up to 4 filter conditions. Filtering of token message frames depends entirely on the use of the token filter, but not on the use of address or SAP selectors. These selectors can be linked together by specifying a number of hits per message frame. The number 0 can be specified so that all message frames are recorded if no hits occur. Depending on the Profibus Asic Step being used, the 'Info' field at the bottom of the screen form shows you, for example, whether the broadcast message frames are recorded. These features are Asic-specific and thus cannot be changed. Saving to hard disk in a later version (if applicable) would enable more degrees of freedom in this case. The option also exists to use the default address expansion as a filter. The default SAP is used for transfer of cyclic DP message frames, enabling this filter to be used to filter out these message frames. As a result, only acyclic data exchange is shown.


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The following general filters are available: FDL/Status Request Token Address and Address expansion filters are available for refined filtering. Filter SA/DA SSAP/DSAP SSAP/DSAP Default Formats dec / hex dec / hex dec / hex



Example 1 You only want to examine data traffic from/to station 72 and data traffic from/to station 85 occurring on your bus. Select >=1 as the number of hits. This will record all message frames in which Condition1 OR Condition2 are satisfied. Select the setting shown below.


Record Complex

Example 2 You only want to examine data traffic that does not pass through the default SAP. Select 0 as the number of hits. This will record all message frames that do not contain the default SAP. Because all cyclic message frames contain the default SAP, only strictly acyclic data traffic remains. Select the setting shown below.

Example 3 You want to check whether the Sync/Freeze command function you programmed is going over the bus. Select the setting shown below.Select >=2 as the number of hits. This will only record message frames in which both conditions are satisfied, that is, the two conditions are ANDed. Warning: Two hits will also be returned if SAP 063 appears twice in the message frame, that is, if DSAP=SSAP=063! These message frames will thus also be recorded.

Example 4


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In this example, all message frames in which there are at least two hits For example, DA=001, SA=002 DA=001, SA=001 (message frame to itself) DA=001, SSAP=044 DSAP=033, SSAP=033 (2x same SAP) Example 5

In this example, only message frames in which there are at least three hits For example, DA=001, SSAP=033, DSAP=033 Example 6

In this example, only message frames which do not contain Address 001 or Address 002. As already mentioned, the address filter has no effect on token message frames!


Record Complex


Msg Trigger Tab

In this tab, you can define comprehensive, complex trigger conditions. Triggers provide the option of responding to specific message frame content. See examples

The following trigger conditions are available Trigger LenData LenData/SA SA DA FC DA/FC SSAP DSAP SSAP/DSAP DATA(n) DATA(n/n+1) Formats dec / hex / bin dec / hex / bin dec / hex / bin dec / hex / bin dec / hex / bin dec / hex / bin dec / hex / bin dec / hex / bin dec / hex / bin dec / hex / bin dec / hex / bin

Depending on which CP5611 you are using, you can define up to 4 trigger conditions. These trigger conditions can be linked together by specifying a number of hits per message frame.


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp In addition, the response to all of these conditions can be defined. You have the following options: Stop At Trigger Count Trigger Time delay to the trigger event as a defined number of message frames These conditions can be defined individually in the lower left-hand part of the interface. An overview of all trigger conditions is provided in the right-hand side of the interface. This tree is merely for display purposes and cannot be edited! For the conditions, you specify an item, a bit mask, and a desired value. The conditions is satisfied in a message frame when the value of the desired item ANDed with the bit mask equals the desired value. This can also be used to verify whether all data bits have a particular pattern. Note: The items are preset by the Profibus Asic and thus cannot be changed. Warning: The Profibus Asic operates on a word basis and when it receives a message frame, it places a 0 in the last byte of the last word if the length received is odd. This also occurs with odd data lengths and when acknowledgment SC is received. Case 1: If you want to trigger at DataByte2=0, this condition is also valid when a message frame containing only 1 byte is received, because the Asic has placed a 0 in the second data byte in the receive buffer. This could be handled in Profibus-Asic Step-E2 by defining a second condition (such as LenData) and ANDing the two conditions (number of hits >=2). It might also be helpful to define the entire data word DATA(n/n+1). Case 2: If you want to trigger at SA=0, the trigger will also be initiated when a short acknowledgement is received, because the Asic has placed a 0 in the word, and SA is thus set to 0 in the receive buffer. As in case 1, a second condition would have to be defined in this case, or the LenData/SA word would have to be used as an item.



Example 1 You would like to trigger on slave failure with station address 25. This condition is satisfied when a message frame with DSAP=3C is sent to station address 25 (DA=025). Set the number of hits to >=2 to AND the two conditions.


Record Complex

Example 2 You want to record 300 more message frames when a sync command goes over the bus to slave group 5. This is achieved with the following settings: SSAP=3E DSAP=3A DataByte1=00100000 DataByte2=00010000. Since all 4 conditions must be satisfied simultaneously in a message frame, the number of hits is set to 4. The DATA(n/n+1) item could also have been used to define the DataByte1/DataByte2 word.

Example 3 You would like to have the maximum post-history after the fourth analog input of the slave with


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp station address 65dec has gone to a value of 820. This is achieved with the following settings: SA=065 DataByte7=008 DataByte8=020


Record Complex


Record Tab

You can specify the recording depth in this tab.

This enables you to make optimal use of the available memory of the CP5611 card. By shortening the recording depth, you can increase the number of message frames available in a recording. The data are then cut at the defined length. However, you should be aware that the data omitted in this way can no longer be used for triggering. Example If you are operating Profibus DP only, and the largest data quantity for a slave is 6 bytes, you can increase the recording length by a multiple by reducing the message frame depth to 6 bytes: for example, to 11,873 message frames instead of 996. Your Excel file and post-processing time will increase accordingly. If you unexpectedly have a slave with ore data bytes than are defined, this is indicated in the message frame window by"??."The data length is most likely symbolized by the number of "??." There is a possibility that the option of recording on hard disk will be implemented in a later version.


Profile Tab

For the tabs Events Msg Filter Msg Trigger


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp Record described above, the Profile tab enables you to save profiles or reload and reuse preset profiles. In this way, profiles for complex trigger settings can be made available to others, enabling any errors in their systems to be localized more quickly. When profiles are reused, all parameters or just some of the parameters can be reused. It is also possible to use a combination of different profiles. Enables you to save all parameters you have defined since the start of RecordComplex in one profile. Enables all parameters from all tabs to be reset to the default values Enables all parameters of an existing profile to be accepted. Enables parameters saved in a profile to be assigned as parameters for the selected tab Enables parameters of the selected tab to be reset to the default values





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This appendix contains miscellaneous information for working with Amprolyzer.

Topic Tipps and Tricks Tables References Support FAQ's

Chapter/Section: Tips & Tricks Tables References Support FAQ



For technical queries, contact: Siemens AG ComDeC Wrzburger Strasse 121 90766 Frth Deutschland / Germany Fon +49 911 750 2074 Fon +49 911 750 2080 Fax: +49 911 750 2100 email:


Tipps and Tricks

Displays Decimal values are always displayed with three place markers, for example: Station 005. Hexadecimal values are always displayed with two place markers, for example: Station 05. Binary values are always displayed with eight place markers, for example: DataByte1=00110110. Network Cards Not on Auto In the Bios, the network card may not be set to Auto Detection, otherwise Amprolyzer will not be able to start due to a license error.


Appendix Display of Token Cycle Time To display the token cycle time, you must ensure that only token message frames are displayed. To do so, you must enter 'Token.'OR 'Token*'in the 'L2Service' column. The cycle times will now be visible in the TpreNow column. Hiding Cyclic Message Frames: To hide cyclic message frames, you must enter '*' in the 'SAP' column. This hides all message frames with a "blank SAP.'



This section of the appendix presents several useful tables and references to tables that should be created and maintained by experienced users of Amprolyzer.

Topic List of most frequently used SAPs Decoding tables for L2 Frames

wird beschrieben in: Service Access Points Overview Decoding Documents


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SAP Overview

These service access points are used to select the various DP functions:
DSAP dec DSAP SSAP hex dec NIL SSAP hex Description Function DATA_EXCHANGE

NIL 00-19 20-48 49 50

51 52 53

00-13 14-30 31 32
33 34 35

50 50 49 50
51 52 53

32 32 31 32
33 34 35

54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 8.3.2

36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E

54 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62

36 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E

User data exchange DP/T MPI connections DP/T DP connections Resource manager PC/PG channel, all PG functions Data record handling Transfer an operating state Slave to Slave Parameter Master Master function, such as Upload/Download Slave Address assignment Read inputs Read outputs Send control commands Read configuration data Request slave diagnostics Set parameter assignment data Check configuration data



L2 Decoding Tables




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Amprolyzer OnlineHelp



If you would like to read more about PROFIBUS or need more information about a particular topic, a concise list of references is provided here.

Do you want to learn more about a particular topic? In-depth references? Do you need detailed information about PROFIBUS and PROFIBUS standards specifications?




In-Depth References

In-depth references

What other references are available? The following documents contain additional information about PROFIBUS /1/ Network manual for PROFIBUS Siemens AG /2/ PROFIBUS DP/DPV1 Author: Manfred POPP ISBN: 3778527819 /3/ Decentralization with PROFIBUS-DP/DPV1 Author :Josef Weigmann ISBN: 3895781894


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DP Specifications

The basic specifications for PROFIBUS are available on the PROFIBUS User Organization (PNO) homepage of the PNO at WWW.PROFIBUS.COM /1/ EN 5017012: 1996 General Purpose Field Communication System Volume 2 : Physical Layer Specification and Service Definition /2/ PNO Guideline: PROFIBUSImplementation notes for draft DIN 19245 Part 3 Version 1.0 dated Dec 14, 1995 /3/ PNO Guideline: Optical Transfer Technology for PROFIBUS Version 2.1 dated Dec '98 /4/ EIA RS485: 1983 Standard for Electrical Characteristics of Generators and Receivers for Use in Balanced Digital Multipoint Systems /5/ IEC 611582 to 6: 1993/2000 Digital data communications for measurement and control Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems



Here, you will find the most frequently asked questions relating to Amprolyzer V3.0. In general, all problems are shown with a detailed error description if the question relates to a known or expected problem. General FAQs




General FAQs

Installation Startup STEP7 OCX Error Messages

Installation Amprolyzer V3.0 can't be installed? For installation, Amprolyzer requires an active network card and administrator rights on the computer Amprolyzer V3.0 can't be installed? An OCX on the computer has been renamed and is therefore no longer available Startup Amprolyzer V3.0 can't be started? The software requires an active network card. Check with IPCONFIG /ALL to determine whether the card is active. STEP7 STEP7 is no longer going online? Check whether you have installed the drivers for STEP 7 when exiting Amprolyzer. OCX-Error What is a runtime error with an OCX ? During installation, it does not matter what the state of the OCX files is.If the required OCX is not yet available, is it installed by the setup. Old OCX files are replaced by more recent files. A known problem is that the following constellations currently exist. Another SW has resaved an OCX with a version number from 1997, and it has thus received a data element from 2001. As a result, it now is not being replaced by the Amprolyzer setup with an OCX recommended by Amprolyzer. This error is expressed as a runtime error when this OCX is used. The name of the OCX is displayed in text form. Remedy: Rename this OCX in the win\system32 directory and restart the setup or initiate Repair if the runtime error occurs only when Amprolyzer is used. Offline Mode Why aren't any actions occurring in offline mode? The macros were not activated during startup.

Error Messages What does"Driver was too slow...?' mean? The internal buffer list of the CP5611 has overrun. If this happens, the message or disturbance rate is too high. Remedy:Was the FdlStatus filter activated at 12 Mbaud? If so: - If appropriate, activate additional online filters


Amprolyzer OnlineHelp - Activate 'Driver was too slow' check box in the 'Overview' tab of RecordComplex. Now, the driver will no longer synchronize as precisely with the recording, and thus, the SW drivers may not receive all online info. This will be indicated by a notice message. If this problem occurred while you were using ShowBusState or RecordSimple mode, you can use RecordComplex mode with no problem. This requires only that you make some minor changes to the default values


-AAdr - define Filter 46

The Message Frame Window The Messages Worksheet 27 The Status Bar 43 The Time Marks Worksheet 30 The Toolbar 3, 41 The User Settings Worksheet 29 Times 53

Index 44

-BBenutzeroberflche 3

-UUserSettings 49

-CComment 55 create new filter profile 46

-FFilter profile use different 48

-HHelp 3

-KKeylayout 7

-OOperation with keyboard Overview 9 7

-SSearch about index 3 Sheet Comment 55 Sheet Times 53 Sheet UserSettings 49

-TThe Comment Worksheet 30 The Data Window 44 The Filter Settings Worksheet 28



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Endnotes 2... (after index)


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