Pre Test Govt 2305

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GOVT 2305 Pre-Test

Name: __________________________

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) Representatives to the Constitutional Convention were charged with A) B) C) D) 2) enforcing the provisions of the Articles of Confederation. weakening the national government. correcting the Articles of Confederation. writing a new Constitution.

When ratified, the Constitution did not contain a Bill of Rights. A) B) True. False.


In a system of checks and balances A) B) C) D) each branch is politically dependent upon the other. each branch has some authority over the others. a majority of voters can win control over all parts of government at one time. all branches of government must be elected at the same time.


________ is a form of government in which a constitution distributes powers between a central government and subdivisional governments. A) B) C) D) Union National supremacy Confederation Federalism


The term "federal government" refers to A) B) C) D) state government. state and national governments. central or national government. Washington, D. C.


Americans tend to A) B) C) D) believe that elected officials in Washington lose touch with the people. dislike people who get rich by working hard. be opposed to helping those who can't take care of themselves. believe that prayer is not an important part of their life.


The idea that the ultimate power resides in the people is called A) B) C) D) popular sovereignty. vox populi. human rights. democracy.


The first few months after the president is inaugurated and its policies are often supported is called the A) honeymoon.

B) C) D) 9)

breathing space. exception to the rule. era of good manners.

The assigning by Congress of congressional seats after each census is called A) B) C) D) gerrymandering. reapportionment. redistricting. none of the above


If a district is predictably won by one party, it is called a A) B) C) D) safe seat. party district. sure bet. candidate's dream.


Redistricting of congressional constituencies occurs A) B) C) D) every ten years after each national census. every twenty years regardless of population movement or the national census. whenever the state government calls for redistricting. whenever there is a major population shift.


The membership of the House of Representatives is A) B) C) D) 100. 250. 435. 567.


The term of a Senator is A) B) C) D) two years. four years. six years. eight years.


The power to confirm presidential nominations belongs to the A) B) C) D) Senate. House and Senate. Supreme Court. House.


The United States legislature is a bicameral body A) B) True. False


The framers wanted a presidency strong enough to match Congress and overpower Congress. A) B) True. False


Impoundment is a constitutional right of a president not to spend money appropriated by Congress A) B) True. False


The budget for the administration is constructed by the A) B) C) D) Office of the Vice President. General Accounting Office. Office of Management and Budget. Congress.


Law that comes from authoritative and specific lawmaking bodies, primarily legislatures but also including treaties and executive orders, is called A) B) C) D) equity law. common law. administrative law. statutory law.


Poor defendants in criminal trials may be represented by A) B) C) D) a private attorney appointed by the court. a public defender. both A and B neither A nor B


The job of a "petit jury" is to A) B) C) D) determine what evidence is admissible into the trial. determine guilt or innocence in a trial. indict. investigate.


"Senatorial courtesy" refers to the A) B) C) D) gentlemanly manners of federal judges and Senators. courteous habit of judges when addressing a jury. Senators' practice of forwarding names to the President for consideration for federal judicial appointments. Presidential custom of submitting names of prospective appointees for approval to Senators from the states in which the appointees will work.

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