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Karen Hudes - The Vatican cannot deputize James McBride - Why the Jesuits?

[I post this searchable text as I'm trying to understand Karen Hudes' accusations against the Jesuits. I posted the following: But IDK where things stand today.]

From: To: Track Record for Winning Subject: RE: Update: Offering to "Sign On"..(Greg Hunter interview) Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2013 08:37:49 -0400 Dear Track Record for Winning, What is going on? The Chinese bankers are trying to steal the world's gold and think they can inherit the cabal's place in the US via martial law. Here is my last message to the Department of Defense and the sheriffs. (The Department of Defense keeps on marking my messages as "solved", but I still think they are on board) Best, Karen ________________________________________

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Customer Karen Hudes via CSS Web09/04/2013 02:28 AM From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 1:15 AM Subject: Re: James McBride and R.C. Dam 1088 To: Authorized Signatory

Dear Authorized Signatory, After Marcos was killed, the US Treasury organized an effort to get the rest of the world to recognize Dr. R.C. Dam as Marcos' legal successor. That is the purpose of the legal opinion on pages 14 and 15 of . Now the Chinese are attempting to take over the place of the cabal, and they are planning on taking over the United States through martial law. I have informed the Chinese and the rest of the world in this article that this is illegal: I have also informed the US military and the sheriffs. A group of sheriffs are helping me to bring rule of law to these United States, and I need you and the Borci family and the rest of the Elders to stand up to the Chinese by contacting the banks and informing them that the legal heirs of Marcos are the only authorized signatories. On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 12:56 AM, <Authorized Signatory> wrote: Karen, I spoke with Arsenia the second executor/girlfriend/wife of the late Lauro Apolega De Los Reyes, as well as Larry Jr the 3rd executor. I brought them up to speed regarding our emails and phone conversations. It is my understanding that Arsenia obtained a copy of the Master Safe Keeping Receipt. One of the signatories of another account had been receiving copies of the SKR to date. Lauro personally owns many personal accounts and is the (Top Man Key Man of the Alpha Omega Comity) and is the sole signatory authorized along with the account holder(s) assigned to to co-sign for each account. There are hundreds of different accounts. Lauro's personal accounts were paid to him for services rendered as a tunnel locator, as well as for other reasons that I mentioned to you before. I instructed Arsenia to hold tight until I received further coorespondence and advice from you. I have also notified Don Tenconi, Atty form CA, as well as Steven Boyke a personal attorney as to our conversation. Both of these attorneys are also familiar with my position and history of my past travels. The person who gave us the SKR is the the daughter/POA of one of the 80 year old generals who is safeguarding a tunnel. Remember au was loaned to 54 different countries. I strongly believe a man by the name of Marquez hired by Arsenia, and who had ties to HSBC Hong Kong, organized some of the signatories to illegally extract au inventory out of 2 tunnels and sold it to the Chinese. This was done without my knowledge, and if true, would like to seek charges against him. The two private vaults belonging to Lauro contain all the banking information of all the accounts, as well as all the metal deposits and inventory. An additional set of documents is also held with the Alpha Omega Comity. Dr. Marquez is over 80 years old and doesn't care. I do know that he was instrumental in locating funding for the Birds Nest building built for the Olympics in China. I believe this is part of the AU that China is using to back the revaluation of the global monetary reset. Again thank you for your time as I know you are very busy. I will wait steadfast until I hear from you. Respectfully submitted, Authorized Signatory -----Original Message----From: Karen Hudes <> To: Authorized Signatory Sent: Tue, Sep 3, 2013 1:15 am Subject: Fwd: James McBride and R.C. Dam 1088

Dear Authorized Signatory, You or the other authorized signatories must have maps of where the tunnels are. It is important for you and the other authorized signatories to refuse to provide these to anyone. You should also have one of your lawyers notify the banks (with the correct account numbers) that Dr. R.C. Dam is not the successor to Ferdinand Marcos -- that you are, and that the designated successors to Ferdinand Marcos intend to contest any payments that you have not authorized, and provide proof of succession. Best, Karen ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 11:58 PM Subject: James McBride and R.C. Dam 1088 To: Cc: US Supreme Court , The White House, First Lady, Nancy Reagan, Attorney General Eric Holder , Counselor Gene Sperling , DNI_Lt General James R Clapper, NSA_General James Jones, OVP_Vice President Joe Biden, WH_Chief of Staff_Denis McDonough, Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter, Stephanie Cutter, President Barack Obama, Austria_Fin Min Maria Fekter, IMF_Christine Lagarde_M.D, Chairman Nout Wellink B.I.S., Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Dear Winston, A few months ago you kindly offered to be of assistance. I have been asking for an appointment with the Office of International Treasury Control and with James McBride and have not heard back. There seems to be some confusion about whether it is possible to access the Global Accounts at this time. I spoke yesterday with an authorized signatory on the master account, who inherited his signatory authority from the estate of Ferdinand Marcos. I spoke the day before that with descendants of the Borci family, who are Elders in the Philippines. These gentlemen agree that there can be no settlement of the Global Accounts without addressing corruption in the Bretton Woods institutions and the rest of the international financial system at large. The Vatican cannot deputize James McBride in order that Mr. McBride simply replaces the super entity identified in The network of global corporate control, ETH Zurich, published September 2011 available here: without regard for the underlying humanitarian global assistance purposes of the Global Accounts. Best, Karen Hudes Law Offices of Karen Hudes ________________________________________ To: Subject: Re: Video/ Important matter From: Authorized Signatory on the Master Account Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 02:49:17 -0400

Karen, My number is xxxxxxxxx I live in [state]. I am a builder/land developer/investor and am currently on site working on some of my homes that we are going to put up for sale. I will be home all day tomorrow Saturday. I have a very interesting story to tell and sometimes find it difficult to believe myself, but having physically witnessing it with my own eyes, I just say wow. Lets talk at your convenience. Thank you for getting back to me, Authorized Signatory on the Master Account

-----Original Message----From: Karen Hudes <> To: Authorized Signatory on the Master Account Sent: Fri, Aug 30, 2013 5:07 pm Subject: RE: Video/ Important matter Dear Authorized Signatory on the Master Account, Yes, you are right, I have been very busy after the last video. I tried your number and got a recording that your voicemail box is not yet functional. Best, Karen > To: > Subject: Video/ Important matter > Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 16:43:24 +0000 > From: > > From: Authorized Signatory on the Master Account > Subject: Video/ Important matter > > Message Body: > Karen, I saw your video and immediately knew that I need to talk to you. This is regarding a private, but yet global matter that will greatly benefit humanity. I am sure that you will be greatly interested in what I have to say. I am sure that you are extremelly busy after your last video. Please carve out a few minutes to talk to me. Respectfully submitted Please contact me at xxxxxxxxx Authorized Signatory on the Master Account > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes > From: To: Subject: RE: No file attached to this Karen

Date: Sun, 19 May 2013 16:37:08 +0000

Karen, I was just trying to give you some background info and history that might be helpful to you in your endeavors. The International Treasury Control and hence the Office of International Treasury Control under Dr. Dam was a result of the agreements of all the countries in 1995. Dr. Dam was signatory on thousands of accounts held by the banks across the world. Dr. Dam was selected to fill that position having worked in the US in the Dept of Treasury for some years. He was 'officially' a US citizen, and Ray C. Dam was a 'name' that he was given. He was actually Cambodian royalty descent. He is still alive, but the effects of the poison that was administered to him left him incapacitated to a large extent. With those things which happened, the Amanah (the actual owners of the gold of the Collateral Accounts) decided to pull back and restart. That was why Keith Scott, former chief of the cabinet of OITC, was nominated by them as a 'settlor' of the Sukarno Trust (which holds the accounts for the gold). In my estimation, these Bretton Woods institutions cannot be corrected until they harmonize with the 'settlor' and the Amanah. Otherwise it will just be more of the same regardless of what 'model' they create. Best wishes in your endeavors. If I can be of assistance please feel free to ask. I do have some influence in this arena and am on a close relationship with Keith Scott and others at that level. WS Auto-Response09/02/2013 07:52 AM The following answers might help you immediately. (Answers open in a separate window.) Answer Link: How Can I Get An American Flag Flown Over the Pentagon? Answer Link: Locating Service Members or Getting a Mailing Address Answer Link: Felony Waiver Report for Military Recruits Customer Karen Hudes via CSS Web09/02/2013 07:52 AM From: To: rich white hat Subject: Happy Labor Day! Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 06:04:15 -0400 To Rich White Hat The fellow msheartsong8 is a CIA or Vatican shill. The only part of what he emailed me that is true is "I gather there have been people ('good guys') who have been lurking in the shadows, accumulating wealth and biding their time until the time was right to strike out against the cabal." I need to pledge about $200,000 as a guarantee that the World Bank Board will ratify the appointment

of the security company who needs to begin mobilizing security personnel to replace Allied Barton. I believe the chance that the Board will ratify this appointment is 90-95%. Is this something you are prepared to do at this time? I am now working with the sheriffs to be reinstated. Best, Karen

From: To: Subject: RE: Happy Labor Day! Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 05:51:58 -0400 Dear Michael, You are part of the disinformation and what you have sent to me is hogwash. I know who the Dragons are and what they want. Regarding the currency reset, it is the people of the Philippines, ten times more spiritual than the Dragon banksters, who are holding up the currency reset until these United States are back on their feet, and the Chinese trojan horse into the United States is no more. The white hats in the US military are blind copied on this. So you can pack up and ship out. Best, Karen From: Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 20:19:03 -0700 Subject: Re: Happy Labor Day! To: Dear Karen Thanks for these links. There are always stories about everything, and many of the stories are often not based in reality. But the fact that outlandish stories abound doesn't mean that there is nothing at the core. Which is to say, I've been on a spiritual path for 35 years, and have personal, direct experience of the palpable truth and substance of the non-physical dimension of reality--the "place", if you will, where "ascended masters" reside. I do believe there is a consciousness people refer to as St. Germaine--who, curiously, may have no connection to an actual person by that name (who appears, during his lifetime, to have been something of a con-artist and swindler). I forget the date, but it is a famous incident, when the Catholic Church murdered all but a very few of the Knights Templars--who knew something and were blackmailing the Pope. It's all murky, but I gather there have been people ("good guys") who have been lurking in the shadows, accumulating wealth and biding their time until the time was right to strike out against the cabal.

Apparently, that time has come. POOF told me directly that the St. Germaine Trust people had joined forces with the Dragons, because their purposes were aligned: return wealth and a greater measure of freedom to people at large. We shall see. POOF also said (for what it's worth), when I asked, that the Dragons were NOT part of the government, but that they were the government's bankers--and helped prop up the regime. I have been told it was the Chinese who loaned Reagan money for the Wanta escapade (see attached) REgarding the currency reset, according to my sources, finally everything has been settled, handled, resolved: politics, power, greed, computer glitches, etc. There is apparently only one more major hurdle: the Chinese will not allow the thing to happen until the U.S. takes actual action (not just promises and words) to restore the original Republic (dismantle the corporation called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) so that, after the reset, they will not be able to go back on their word and we can only move forward. I have no way of determining if this is true, but it feels right. Which means, Congress needs to repeal or modify the Act of 1871; or pass a new law sweeping away the garbage. And there need to be some announcements explaining the tyranny, fraud, criminality that has been perpetrated on America---Wow! Can you imagine Obama explaining all of that? Suppose he does. What is the most likely reaction of people; of the stock market? There ought to be dancing the streets, and the stock market going to untold heights--but for the fact that venality runs so broad and deep, and so very many people have benefitted from the criminality--they will have to adjust. What exactly are you focused on? And is there anything I may do to help you? Very warm regards,

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 6:27 PM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: Dear Michael, I cannot profess to be a great expert in the families who control the BIS, and are often referred to as the Cabal. I am no expert either in the history of the Dragon family, which I understand exercised power in both China and Taiwan to this day. I was told that 4 of the 5 persons who head the government in Mainland China are from the Dragon family, and that they are also the persons who rule in Taiwan. These stories reflect what I have been informed:

As to the St. Germaine Trust, I have no reason to believe that any of the stories of this so-called Ascended Master are correct. If they are, so much the better. You can ask ZAP to show up on my doorstep with concrete proof if St. Germaine wants anything to do with me. Best, Karen From: Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 16:59:04 -0700 Subject: Re: Happy Labor Day! To: Dear Karen Thank you VERY much for your reply. You speak of things about which I am not knowledgeable. Could you bring me up to speed? The Qing dynasty left mainland china when? And went where? And did they have treasure? What did they do with it? I am in email communication with ZAP, whose real name I do not know (yet). I hope to meet him after the currency reset. He was a close friend/associate of POOF (James Serenius) who was enrolled ("hired?) by the St. Germaine Trust people, over 12 years ago, and was intimately involved with the behind-the-scenes machinations that are now coming to the surface with the currency reset. ZAP has written of $660 Trillion dollars coming forward to repay old debts. Somehow this all seems connected to the Reagan-Mitterand business one hears rumors about. It seems to me the world has always been controlled by the EXTREMELY wealthy (1% of the 1%) which I have always assumed meant the Rothschilds, and company. It is my understanding that they own a GREAT deal more than just gold. I use the term "cabal" and Rothschilds and "european bankers" interchangeably. Is this in accurate? The Rothschilds (it is my understanding) have worked tirelessly for several hundred years to establish privately owned (by them) central banks in countries. The patrirch, Meyer, is reputed to have said something like, "I don't care who rules the country, as long as I control the country's money." So they were behind ousting the Czar in Russia (Bolshevik revolution); getting rid of Cecuscu in Roumania (more recently--although he wasn't nearly as good a guy as the Czar actually was). I believe a great deal of the history people learn is the public relations "puff" that the Rothcschilds and their minions have disseminated over the years. They were certainly behind the House of Morgan, and behind David Rockefeller. Is that your perspective also? Ordinary people are not giants of integrity. It has not been difficult for the monied interests to corrupt many tens of thousands of other people, until the cancer is very widespread. Where to begin to cure the patient? Well, you are taking bold steps (bravo!). Kevin Arnett has found an effective avenue (bravo!). And from my perspective, a very important part of the equation and effort must be to empower ordinary people--to help them distinguish between right and wrong (again). And getting back to honest money--and broad public announcements about the criminality and fraud that has been perpetrated

against us, so that people know and understand, will help set a foundation for the work to follow. ZAP writes about $660 trillion. I have no idea where this money is coming from. Is this the treasure buried in caves in the Phillipines owned by the Chinese families (NOT the government) gathered over centuries, ever since Marco Polo?? YOU see I have only teeny bits of the story, floating around in a sea of mild confusion and GREAT curiosity. Can you fill in some of the gaps?? And, what may I do to assist you in what you are most focused upon in this great freedom movement we find ourselves in?? Very warm regards,

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: Dear Michael, Who/what is ZAP? The Rothschilds own alot of gold. But who is going to make good on the bonds the FED issued in return for treasure when the Qing dynasty left mainland China and to the remaining 60 odd countries at the start of WWII? Will there be reparations for the missing children, crimes against humanity? The Financial Stability Board was created so that these kinds of questions could be decided behind closed doors, with zero accountability. I have asked the General Assembly to refer a question to the International Court of Justice involving accountability for continued corruption in the World Bank . It would be possible for the Security Council or the General Assembly to ask the ICJ to look into the rest of the issues discussed above. Leaving them unresolved and festering should not be an option. Best, Karen From: Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 12:56:42 -0700 Subject: Re: Happy Labor Day! To: Wow! Thanks for this. According to ZAP, the cabal was given an ultimatum: let go of your ownership/involvement of the Fed, or we will take you down with it. If true, then the cabal has backed off from the Fed, which, God willing, will be dismantled and/or subsumed under the UST (and we will return to honest money, NOT debt based). But what remains of

the cabal in Europe? If the Vatican divests itself of its wealth, what of the Rothschilds, Do you have information or suppositions? It has been prophecied that this would be the last Pope. Hmmm.... Very warm regards,

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: Dear Michael, I think it is mostly what they were driven to by this guy: v=Ac_7_v3lGg4 The Vatican's bankers are the cabal; they are joined at the hip. Warm regards to you too, Karen From: Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 10:56:27 -0700 Subject: Happy Labor Day! To:

Dear Karen I trust this finds you well, and enjoying a wonderful holiday weekend! I assume you are well aware of the Pope's Apostlic letter issued back in July that takes effect today? (Attached) I wonder what you, as a trained, knowledgeable attorney makes of it. Is this the Vatican ending the easy alliance they've had with the cabal? Are they giving civil authorities the right to proceed legally and criminally against corporations (and people who run them) that were in some way operating previously under the protection of the Vatican? Were/are the Mafia and the Vatican really in league with each other? Anything you can share will be appreciated. WArm regards, -Michael Heartsong PROMETHEAN ENTERPRISES, INC. (323) 839-1578

From: To:white hat Subject: No sense writing to this shill Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 06:21:35 -0400 Dear White hat, I am familiar with Griffin's "The Creature from Jekyll Island." American people, whom I am in touch with, and the rest of the world, are working together to carve up the "super entity" into tiny little pieces, and leave the human beings who set up this monstrosity holding the bag, together with the Vatican. It is God's work. Best, Karen From: To: Subject: RE: Banking ruse Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 21:17:06 -0600 Then you are probably quite familiar with the book: The Creature from Jekyll Island? By G. Edward Griffin. Maybe stupid isnt the right word. How about duped into the Federal Reserve ruse? This socalled Federal Reserve Bank is really the cause of our financial demise I would say. Gullible might also be a good word for the American people. I am just so frustrated and fed up with our WHOLE Federal Government and their modis operands, and their spineless will to support and defend the Constitution. When are we going to get leaders in Washington that look out for the interests of the people of America? I believe we, the American people, are really fed up with the lip service they all give, and then turn around and do whatever they darn well please.that benefits them! Help me out Karen. What can we do?? Jerry From: Karen Hudes [] Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2013 7:36 PM To: Subject: RE: Banking ruse Dear Jerry, I was on Alex Jones' show and spoke about the cover-up of corruption and the super-entity reported in this study by Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston: The network of global corporate control, ETH Zurich, published September 2011 available here: The Congress and the federal and state governments are not "stupid". They are either intimidated or bought.

Best, Karen > To: > Subject: Banking ruse > Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 01:19:27 +0000 > From: > > From: Jerry Brown <> > Subject: Banking ruse > > Message Body: > Karen, have you talked with Alex Jones about this? He will certainly take an interest in this "conspiracy" about the world banks. The world's richest families really do control all these banking institutions. And YES, they want the countries to be poor so they have to borrow from them...think of the interest the USA has to pay for that which it borrows. How can our Congress and government as a whole be so "stupid"? There jut isn't another word for it. > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 3:26 PM Subject: Fwd: No Authority to Subsume US Dollar into Special Drawing Rights as International Currency Because of Massive Corruption To: Authorized Signatory

Dear Authorized Signatory I am working with whistleblowers in contact with the US armed forces. Here is the article I mentioned that describes what happens if the Vatican and the Chinese try and inherit the corruption from the Bank for International Settlements. The testimony in the UK Parliament is at: Elaine Colville's article is on page 178, mine is 186-7. With your help as signatory on the Global Accounts for the Philippines, we can insure that the world our children inherit from us is a better world than the one we were born into. I look forward to working together, along with the Alpha and Omega in the Philippines to get the job done. Best, Karen

For more background see: 6/21/13 RTTV, House of Commons International Development Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into The work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, published July 7, 2012 available here: House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into Public engagement in policy making, published November 2, 2012 available here: m The European Parliament Committee on Budgetary Control Hearing on Whistleblowing May 25, 2011 available here: 540EN.pdf

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 8:08 AM Subject: Fwd: No Authority to Subsume US Dollar into Special Drawing Rights as International Currency Because of Massive Corruption To:,,

I am contacting you because of your leadership position with the National Conference of State Legislatures Due to massive corruption in the United States, there is impending risk of martial law. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Law Offices of Karen Hudes 301 229-0058 ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 2:36 PM Subject: No Authority to Subsume US Dollar into Special Drawing Rights as International Currency Because of Massive Corruption

To: Cc:, mhasan <>, "" <>,,, "<>, <>, <>, <>," <>, " <>, <>, <>,<>," <>, Bill Richard <>, "<>, <>, <>, <>," <>, " <>, <>, <>,<>," <>, dmh-gb <>,,, DSH-SR <>,, "" <>, Hw W <>, ISS <>, "PAXSON, Mark" <>, "sharon.raj" <>, "rebecca.mirza" <>, "elizabeth.mccarroll" <>, "jamie.kogan" <>, rosaleen_manzi <>, "trevor.pijper" <>,, Paul_Coughlin <>, Pete Sepp <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Traci Swanson <>,,,, Lynne Ross <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Matthew Craven <>,,, Vito De Lucia <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Erlend Leonhardsen <>,,,,, Michael Mehling <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Christof Lehmann <>,, "peteris.ustubs" <>, Christopher Jones <>, "antti.karhunen" <>,,,,, "Kircher, Kerry" <>, thomas_caballero <>, bill_dauster <>,

Dear Lori, Thanks for your email. I am copying you on an email I just sent to a person who wrote me from Holland, with a translation. We have already won, and simply have to get the word out. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Governors Association, National Association of Counties, National Association of Attorneys General, International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions and International Organization of Securities Commissions and a few others are copied.

I have been in frequent communication with the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies concerning unresolved massive fraud and corruption in the international financial system. and I have also been in frequent communication with Governors Martin O'Malley, Terry Branstad, and the rest of the Governors on the Council of Governors to end the massive corruption that is lowering the US credit rating, damaging the relationship of the United States with our allies, and undermining the international reserve currency status of the US dollar. and There is no authority to transfer international reserve currency status from the US dollar to another fiat basket of currencies. Moreover, the Governors owe an explanation to the citizens of these United States how they plan to perpetrate the fraud upon US citizens by continuing to allow the legal fiction introduced after the third bankruptcy of the United States in 1933. That was when the United States pledged all present and future properties, assets and labor of U.S. citizens to the Federal Reserve System. Unincorporated federal territories, national park forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit orginizations were also pledged. Our birth certificates were used as Manufacturers' Certificates of Origin, and the states in which we were born were listed as the "port of entry." Our identities were used as FICTITIOUS PERSONS by writing our names in ALL CAPS, instead of writing our names in lower case to indicate real, living people. That is how U.S. citizens became collateral against the federal debt. Sincerely, Karen Hudes

> To: > Subject: THANK YOU!!!! > Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 12:58:49 +0000 > From: > > From: Lori Lamb <> > Subject: THANK YOU!!!! > > Message Body: > Dear Ms. Hudes, > > THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I saw your video with Project Camelot and you opened my eyes back then... and the recent interview with USA Watchdog was SPECTACULAR! I have been awake since 2006 and I was waiting for you! LOL.... Please let me know anything I can do to help. I am a professional actress for 30 plus years (SAG, AFTRA, AEA) but got out of the business due to corruption ... and have computer skills - did legal admin for years during my entertainment years... not

asking for a job, just offering help! I believe you will be a world leader in the New World...when this shabby hologram goes DOWN!!! Thank you again your video brought tears of hope to my eyes. <3 Lori Lamb (860) 7782259 (I am in Wilmington Delaware at the moment). > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes From: To: CC:; Subject: RE: Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:59:26 -0400 Lieve Mary, [translation: Great to hear that people outside America are informed about what is happening here. I have heard this morning how angry people are, and what they are doing to organize. I am forwarding a copy of a recent email. The most important thing is that people learn what is going on, and let their government know that they know. I am sitting in a very good position (as lawyer and World Bank bondholder whose lawsuit was settled by 188 Ministers of Finance). I will keep you all informed, and then everything will simply fall into place. I am copying the Dutch representatives on the Board of the World Bank.] Leuk om te horen dat mensen buiten amerika ook leren wat er hier binnen amerika gebeurt. Ik heb net vanochtend geleerd hoe boos of de mensen nu zijn, en hier aan het organiseren zijn. Ik sluit onderaan een verslag. Het allerbelangrijk is dat mensen geinformeerd zijn, en hun regering en mij dat vermelden. Ik zit op een heel goeie plek momenteel (als jurist en aandeelhouder van de wereldbank met een rechtzaak dat beslecht is door 188 ministers van financie). Ik zal jullie blijven informeren, en dan komt alles in orde. Ik stuur een verslag aan de vertegenwordigers van nederland bij de wereldbank. Beste, Karen 301 229 0058

> To:

> Subject: your interview americani kabuki > Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 12:02:42 +0000 > From: > > From: Mary tjong a tjoe <> > Subject: your interview americani kabuki > > Message Body: > Dear Karen, I am a woman from The Netherlands who just saw your interview and I want to say THANK YOU. We need people like you in this world to stop the world from being the way it is. We realize we all want the same thing; love, to be happy with our children and to live a good life. We are all one! The mother in Africa, the mother in America, The mother in Europe and the ones in the Middle East. We do not want war and we do not want to start wars on other because we know alot of innocent people will be killed. We are fed up with living under a regime of a few men and women who want to control the world for power. But how do we stop this? We feel so powerless.....Do we withdraw money from banks do we demonstrate? What do we do to stop these horrible people from killing our world and us with it? Thats the question we that see whats going on and that are awake have. The only thing we have is Mass. We outnumber them! We who want love and peace outnumber those few with power. There must be a way to turn all of this around before it too late! Thank you for your work! Kind regards from me, Mary > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes

From: To: Subject: RE: I betcha Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:51:13 -0400 The grand jury is selected and convened by a judge. A jury outside the courtroom is just theater. But take the angry citizens to the bar associations. I have copied the American Bar Association. They are getting the message loud and clear. Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:47:47 -0400 Subject: Re: I betcha From: To: I am not sure I agree. Read this for Antonin Scalia. I believe it is from U.S. v. Williams, 1992. Grand juries are meant to be erected by the people.

Justice Antonin Scalia, in a 1992 ruling stated: "Rooted in long centuries of Anglo-American history, the grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It is a constitutional fixture in its own right.." "In fact, the whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people."

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 8:35 AM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: I am glad to see citizens working together to become informed, but grand juries must be selected and convened by a judge. The materials in national liberty alliance are a little too dismissive of the Bar Associations. I have been working with bar associations, and the American Bar Association in particular, on these issues. They are fully aware that the failure of the Bar Associations to prevent these incursions into our rights are severe indictments of the legal profession. When all is said and done, the rights of lawyers and bar associations to regulate the legal profession have now been forfeited. I am copying the American Bar Association. Best, Karen Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 07:56:06 -0400 Subject: Re: I betcha From: To:

What are your thoughts on common law grand juries like ? There aqre movements to bring back the du jure government and bring indictment against the imposters.

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 7:12 AM, Greg Haa <> wrote: Absolutely not. I commend you for your bravery and thank you for what you are doing. Most wouldn't have the intestinal fortitude to make the stand you have. I guess I see the world from my own eyes as everyone does. When I was young, I smelled a rat. I still do. Although as I have grown older I have learned how to do the research and what it all means. Thanks for what you do! People appreciate more than you know.

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 1:46 AM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: Dear Greg, When we are young we take things at face value. My friend Ellen's mother was a lawyer, and I thought she was neat, and I decided that I wanted to be a lawyer. I became a development economist first, with the idea of doing something about poor nations. I didn't know why these countries were poor, but I wanted to do something about it. When I went to work for the World Bank, I had absolutely no idea about the secret agenda of the World Bank - I only learned when I was there what was actually going on. And only after working hard to find out what went wrong have I learned about the secret and hidden agendas in the international financial system. It was hard to swallow, as was all of the false flag travesties. I don't feel like I need to justify my ignorance of secret crimes. What would be wrong is if I didn't try and find out what was really going on. Am I to be blamed for having taken so long to uncover these secrets? Best, Karen > To: > Subject: I betcha > Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 04:45:21 +0000 > From: > > From: greg haa <> > Subject: I betcha > > Message Body: > you knew it. you knew the laws and what the US was. You knew the original gov of the US is intact yet dormant because the people do not occupy the seats. Did you really want to be a world bank attorney? ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:02 AM Subject: Fwd: Preempting Gold Backwardation To:

I am glad to be in contact with you as I work together with the Governor's Council and Assistant Secretary of Defense Peter Verga to restore the rule of law to these United States.

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 11:52 AM Subject: Preempting Gold Backwardation To: eds01 <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "" <> Cc:

Communication History Customer Karen Hudes via CSS Web08/13/2013 11:44 AM When you list Question Reference #130705-000291 as solved, does this mean that I have the support of the US Department of Defense? If this is not the case, please correct my email today to the President of the UN General Assembly, copied to the General Committee and the Chairpersons of the six Main Committees of the General Assembly concerning an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the authority of the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors. From: To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: Additional Item to be added to General Assembly Agenda Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 08:58:42 -0400 This is to avoid a currency war. Please see attached communication with the United States Department of Defense. From: To:

Subject: Additional Item to be added to General Assembly Agenda Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 08:15:56 -0400 Could you please direct me to the correct official so that this item can be added to the General Assembly's agenda? I am contacting the members of the General Committee on this. Please forward to the following Chairpersons of the six Main Committees: H.E. Desra Percaya (Indonesia) H.E. George Talbot (Guyana) H.E. Henry Mac-Donald (Suriname) H.E. Miguel Berger (Germany) H.E. Yurly Sergeyev (Ukraine)

Customer Karen Hudes via CSS Web08/12/2013 06:07 AM I have been warning you that this would happen. I am filing the attached document with the Superior Court of the District of Columbia today. I am going back to the World Bank as its General Counsel, and I am going to protect the national security interest of this nation, and I am going to inform the 188 member countries of the World Bank that the Department of Defense is backing me. And if this is not the case, God help us all. -------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 3:20 PM Subject: Correcting Clerical Error in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals To: Cc: Brian Efird <>,, Traci Swanson <>,,, bcc:,,,,,, thomas_caballero <>


With this impasse among regulators in each of the jurisdictions where the World Bank's 135 billion in bonds are outstanding, including the 50 states, we are on a clear collision course for a currency war. I already blind copied the associations of 600,000 taxpayers who belong to the National Taxpayers Union. I will again request the Executive Secretary of the Judicial Conference to correct the clerk's error in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals refusing to accept the World Bank Board of Governors' settlement of my bondholder litigation. I ultimately left a letter with the Administrative Office of the US Judiciary after Ms. Minor refused to respond to calls requesting an appointment. Traci Swanson only got my contact information after I called the Inspector General's office in Department of Defense to report an impasse between the federal and state governments that was compromising national security and which if it continued could require the imposition of martial law. Best, Karen 202 316 0684 ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Traci Swanson <> Date: Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 12:20 PM Subject: Re: Correcting Clerical Error in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals To: Karen Hudes <> Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, thomas_caballero <>, "" <>, "" <>, abrandt <>,

i am not sure what it is that you would like me to do. i never worked on any of the world bank projects. i am ccing brian efird who can figure this out for me

break break Jacek, hope you are doing well. Best, Traci On Feb 25, 2013, at 10:33 AM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: Dear Ms. Swanson, Thank you for your request via Linked-In, through which I have learned that you were manager of a Department of Defense project on the Sentia stakeholder analysis. Jacek Kugler ran an analysis of rule of law at the World Bank in 2004 (, commencing with page 16). In 2007 I warned the Treasury Department and US Congress that the US would lose the Gentlemen's Agreement to name the President of the World Bank if the US did not bring the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development into compliance on the capital markets. In 2010 the US lost the Gentlemen's Agreement (see paragraph 6) I warned the 50 state governors, Chief Justices of state Supreme Courts, state and federal attorneys general, as well as the Judicial Conference, that the Sentia analysis is now predicting a currency war with 90-95% accuracy because the clerk in the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals refused to recognize the settlement of my bondholder lawsuit by the 188 Ministers of Finance on the Board of Governors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The UK wants to know why it is taking so long to correct this simple clerical error. Once the UK and European Parliaments published my statements, writev/publicpolicy/m03.htm , writev/402/icai02.htm and the Sentia analysis predicted resolution of the problem in favor of the rule of law. Sincerely, Karen Hudes

202 316 0684 The best article on my story is at Asia Times refused to run it Eric Holder's prosecution of me me

For more background see: 6/21/13 RTTV, House of Commons International Development Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into The work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, published July 7, 2012 available here: House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into Public engagement in policy making, published November 2, 2012 available here: m The European Parliament Committee on Budgetary Control Hearing on Whistleblowing May 25, 2011 available here: 540EN.pdf

My Ripoff Report about this corruption is at:

See also: play=all&sort=newest bd-3f19-4571-bb1a-4ea16cb3dd92 92-0b55-4ead-b4d1-8be94569191f&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=uithumb 92-1a37-4182-a4b4-a8fe23f7814e&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=uithumb Elaine Colville and I have been reporting mass corruption at the World Bank to UK Parliament: our latest comments were published by UK Parliament House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee on page 186 of the report on Complaints: Do They Make a

Difference? "Today's dire circumstances call for immediate and forceful intervention in the hope that time still remains." and Elaine Colville's complaint on page 178 "It devolves on Parliament to sort out this egregious state of affairs." PASC @CommonsPASC 8 Aug We will be looking at #opendata #complaints & #openpublicservices this autumn. Take a look at our current inquiries: (See pages 178 and 186-7) %20Consolidated%2024%20July.pdf Retweeted by Karen Hudes I got this info as well. What I think happened is that the Chinese convinced the UN to unseal the global accounts, and are now trying to run the US behind the scenes, and keep the US apart from Europe and lose our European allies. We can't let this happen. We can prevent this. The federal government is now being run by the Chinese, who are in league with the Vatican. Let me at these crooks. We can force the governors to take back the controls from these bastards Best, Karen From: To: deleted Subject: RE: Possible Martial Law Oct 1, 2013 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 04:54:32 -0400

Thanks. Here is what I know.

> To: > Subject: Possible Martial Law Oct 1, 2013 > Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 02:52:52 +0000 > From: > > From: deleted > Subject: Possible Martial Law Oct 1, 2013 > > Message Body: > I have some very important documents of a restricted level from the UN of Disarmament Commission concerning the disarmament of the United States of America I need you to look at very soon as on Oct 1, 2013, 386,000 UN Peacekeeping foreign troops will be in your area, Region III, in full strength and Obama has also ordered all US communication to be shut down upon his command same dates upon his orders as he may instigate martial law in your area. > > --

> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes > From: To: Subject: RE: Offering to "Sign On"..(.re your interview Greg Hunter) Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 04:52:20 -0400

Dear Palladin, I would be happy to "tawk", but at the moment I learned of alot going on, and nobody brought me to the table. I have blind copied my contacts in the attached email. Perhaps it is best to wait until I am better informed. Best, Karen > To: > Subject: Offering to "Sign On"..(.re your interview Greg Hunter) > Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 08:34:13 +0000 > From: > > From: Palladin 6 <> > Subject: Offering to "Sign On"..(.re your interview Greg Hunter) > > Message Body: > Very brief. You will not find anybody more committed to reversing out the condition eferred to in the last pounding segment of a-4-mentioned interview (to wit: Blow Ourselves Up) than Moi. Pls check out (*enuf of* the Timeline): > > &/or > > > > > > ...would like to tawk. > Palladin/Dion (same person) > 818-767-4111 > Landline, Direct > > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes From: To: Subject: RE: Hope

Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 04:47:50 -0400 Dear Alon, I am as perplexed as you. I just learned that there is some kind of "reset" going on but nobody has told me if there are any conditions or who is in charge. Whether there are any lessons to be learned. Whether anybody cares about the corruption I have reported. Otherwise, I intend to retreat from the topic and play the cello. I don't want to "bless" something and annoint it as cured when it is not. Stay tuned. Best, Karen > To: > Subject: Hope > Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 08:19:19 +0000 > From: > > From: Alon Ehrenreich <> > Subject: Hope > > Message Body: > Hi there, > > I have recently learnt about the misconduct and corruption of the world bank, among with certain multinational corporations. The power these institutions hold is obviously tremendous. > > After learning about these issues I have become very fearful of the direction in which the world is heading, As you know, the world is governed primarily by monetary motives and institutions. As such, the welfare and well-being of the world's people have been super-seeded, leading to growth in poverty, growth in the income gap, and a shocking state of wealth distribution. The US government extends its tentacles throughout the vast majority of the world, invading the privacy, and thus breeching the liberties, of human beings. > > To be perfectly honest, this state of affairs has produced in me a state of sheer terror. And this is why I am writing to you. The messages of Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' ring resoundingly true as the world's people appear to be indoctrinated from childhood on a number of levels: through numerous media such as television, the education system and propaganda. However, more shocking than any of these factors combined is the pursuit of money - as though this fabricated object has holy significance to the real human beings it effects, and which has produced in people pathological levels of obsession and ferocious competition. > I also believe that the level of critical thought possessed and exercised by the US people today is in a state of diminishment, and were it not to rise, and rise immediately, there could be disastrous consequences. > > This is my take on the situation, and more than anything I would love for my understanding to be

corrected. However, if this opinion is shared (even to a degree), I would like to know if this organisation holds the belief that 'we will get these bad guys' and put an end to the injustice which is inherent in the economic system today. > > Thanks for reading, > Fearfully, > Alon > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes > From: To: Subject: RE: Hope Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 04:47:50 -0400 Dear Alon, I am as perplexed as you. I just learned that there is some kind of "reset" going on but nobody has told me if there are any conditions or who is in charge. Whether there are any lessons to be learned. Whether anybody cares about the corruption I have reported. Stay tuned. Best, Karen > To: > Subject: Hope > Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 08:19:19 +0000 > From: > > From: Alon Ehrenreich <> > Subject: Hope > > Message Body: > Hi there, > > I have recently learnt about the misconduct and corruption of the world bank, among with certain multinational corporations. The power these institutions hold is obviously tremendous. > > After learning about these issues I have become very fearful of the direction in which the world is heading, As you know, the world is governed primarily by monetary motives and institutions. As such, the welfare and well-being of the world's people have been super-seeded, leading to growth in poverty, growth in the income gap, and a shocking state of wealth distribution. The US government extends its tentacles throughout the vast majority of the world, invading the privacy, and thus breeching the liberties, of human beings.

> > To be perfectly honest, this state of affairs has produced in me a state of sheer terror. And this is why I am writing to you. The messages of Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' ring resoundingly true as the world's people appear to be indoctrinated from childhood on a number of levels: through numerous media such as television, the education system and propaganda. However, more shocking than any of these factors combined is the pursuit of money - as though this fabricated object has holy significance to the real human beings it effects, and which has produced in people pathological levels of obsession and ferocious competition. > I also believe that the level of critical thought possessed and exercised by the US people today is in a state of diminishment, and were it not to rise, and rise immediately, there could be disastrous consequences. > > This is my take on the situation, and more than anything I would love for my understanding to be corrected. However, if this opinion is shared (even to a degree), I would like to know if this organisation holds the belief that 'we will get these bad guys' and put an end to the injustice which is inherent in the economic system today. > > Thanks for reading, > Fearfully, > Alon > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes > From: To: Subject: RE: The coming Global currency reset Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 04:58:33 -0400 Dear Michael, How did POOF die? I have been in touch with these same Chinese, and they are grabbing power and unaccountable. I just heard of a military take-over in the US. We have limited time to act and virtually nobody but us chickens. Best, Karen From: Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 18:43:03 -0700 Subject: Re: The coming Global currency reset To: Dear Karen Thank you so much for your prompt reply.

Until he died in June [ )-: ], I was in communication with a person whose screen name was POOF, who was "hired" by the St. Germaine Trust people over 12 years ago, and since then was intimately involved in the behind the scenes that--praise God it is so!--eventually resulted in the "good guys" beating back the bad guys. POOF (real name James) worked closely with someone whose screen name is ZAP, also working directly with the Chinese (family, not govt). POOF told me the St. Germaine people had joined forces with, and contributed the wealth they controlled (since the Crusades, I gathered), to the Chinese, since their purposes were aligned. Assuming all of this that we are hearing rumors of is true, I suspect it will take years for it all to be revealed (so as to avoid riots and mass hysteria). And history books will need to be re-written. What I know is only what I hear from others--apparently people well-placed. I have no personal involvement--except that I care ferverently...And reclaiming the vision of the Founding Fathers is going to take more than this global reset. It's going to take education, and, as you have pointed out, individual people behaving differently toward themselves and others. But it is simply not effective to suggest people should change the way they think or behave. Even if they want to, most people cannot change, or don't know how to begin. Toward that end, here is something I suggest people do: 1)Accord everyone you meet dignity, courtesy and respect. 2) Get the idea that everyone you meet is your teacher, with something vital that you need to learn. 3) The only way to learn is to ask questions, and listen loudly (God gave us two ears and one mouth. Is this a hint regarding what we should do more of??) These are things people can DO. If they do them, their behavior toward themselves and other will inevitably shift. Warm regards,

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 5:24 PM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: Dear Michael, The Vatican and the Rothschilds were in an erstwhile partnership. But they are no longer, because we have built a bigger and better partnership and they are no longer calling the shots. Yes, I am a fan of Brown's and know Web of Debt. The global currency reset is now in place, I just learned today. Everyone gets to keep their own currencies, and the Fed is no longer in charge of issuing dollars. The Treasury is, and the currency is backed 100% by the gold from the Global Accounts which is now there for mankind. I hope this is true, but I have no reason to doubt the source, who also gave me some other information that gives me some confidence in this. I look forward to staying in touch as well. Best, Karen > To:

> Subject: The coming Global currency reset > Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:15:50 +0000 > From: > > From: Michael Heartsong <> > Subject: The coming Global currency reset > > Message Body: > Dear Karen > > Just watched in interview with you speaking about the oppression and ssuppresion on the planet. How do the Rothscilds fit into the picture of the control the Vatican has had? > > I always thought it was the Rothschilds who owned the Federal Reserve . ARe they in league with the Vatican I always thought there was some measure of conflict between the bankers and the Vatican. > > I assume you are familiar with Brown's book, WEB OD DE BT?? > > Have you been following the global currency reset? Apparently the Chinese wealthy families are involved, and the treaure you spoke of that has been hidden for over 100 years is going to surface. > > God willing, and the river don't rise, we are on the brink of a new chapter in thistory of humanity. > > I look forward to being in occasional communication with you. Please feel free to google me, I am a very public person. > > WARm regards, > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes >

Thursday, 5 September 2013



HOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! The recap:

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

We have been telling you, all along (7000+ posts now!): 'The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is The People versus The Banks.' Lord Acton.

Karen Hudes: We're Running Out of Time! We're Dealing with Whether We Can Continue as Human The evidence she discusses of this:

VAST GLOBAL COVERT CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY USES *RUTHLESS* MEANS ... someone prevented me from obtaining for display see this page:

us.html (blur tech) ;)

Published on Aug 27, 2013 - World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes says this is not a fight about money, but survival of the planet. "We're dealing with whether we can continue as humanity and have an earth or whether we blow ourselves up. . . . whether we love each other enough to save the world, or we all go to hell in a hand basket," says Hudes. Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with World Bank Whistle Blower Karen Hudes.Source: We have been saying, and saying:

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Tuesday, 27 August 2013


Thursday, 15 August 2013




"From: To: Track Record for Winning Subject: RE: Update: Offering to "Sign On"..(Greg Hunter interview) Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2013 08:37:49 -0400 Dear Track Record for Winning, What is going on? The Chinese bankers are trying to steal the world's gold and think they can inherit the cabal's place in the US via martial law. Here is my last message to the Department of Defense and the sheriffs. (The Department of Defense keeps on marking my messages as "solved", but I still think they are on board) Best, Karen ________________________________________ Your blog post "Asking My Sheriff to Help Avoid Marshall Law" has been approved on The Constitution Club.

To view your blog post, visit: Customer Karen Hudes via CSS Web09/04/2013 02:28 AM From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 1:15 AM Subject: Re: James McBride and R.C. Dam 1088 To: Authorized Signatory Dear Authorized Signatory, After Marcos was killed, the US Treasury organized an effort to get the rest of the world to recognize Dr. R.C. Dam as Marcos' legal successor. That is the purpose of the legal opinion on pages 14 and 15 of . Now the Chinese are attempting to take over the place of the cabal, and they are planning on taking over the United States through martial law. I have informed the Chinese and the rest of the world in this article that this is illegal: I have also informed the US military and the sheriffs. A group of sheriffs are helping me to bring rule of law to these United States, and I need you and the Borci family and the rest of the Elders to stand up to the Chinese by contacting the banks and informing them that the legal heirs of Marcos are the only authorized signatories. On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 12:56 AM, <Authorized Signatory> wrote: Karen, I spoke with Arsenia the second executor/girlfriend/wife of the late Lauro Apolega De Los Reyes, as well as Larry Jr the 3rd executor. I brought them up to speed regarding our emails and phone conversations. It is my understanding that Arsenia obtained a copy of the Master Safe Keeping Receipt. One of the signatories of another account had been receiving copies of the SKR to date. Lauro personally owns many personal accounts and is the (Top Man Key Man of the Alpha Omega Comity) and is the sole signatory authorized along with the account holder(s) assigned to to co-sign for each account. There are hundreds of different accounts. Lauro's personal accounts were paid to him for services rendered as a tunnel locator, as well as for other reasons that I mentioned to you before. I instructed Arsenia to hold tight until I received further coorespondence and

advice from you. I have also notified Don Tenconi, Atty form CA, as well as Steven Boyke a personal attorney as to our conversation. Both of these attorneys are also familiar with my position and history of my past travels. The person who gave us the SKR is the the daughter/POA of one of the 80 year old generals who is safeguarding a tunnel. Remember au was loaned to 54 different countries. I strongly believe a man by the name of Marquez hired by Arsenia, and who had ties to HSBC Hong Kong, organized some of the signatories to illegally extract au inventory out of 2 tunnels and sold it to the Chinese. This was done without my knowledge, and if true, would like to seek charges against him. The two private vaults belonging to Lauro contain all the banking information of all the accounts, as well as all the metal deposits and inventory. An additional set of documents is also held with the Alpha Omega Comity. Dr. Marquez is over 80 years old and doesn't care. I do know that he was instrumental in locating funding for the Birds Nest building built for the Olympics in China. I believe this is part of the AU that China is using to back the revaluation of the global monetary reset. Again thank you for your time as I know you are very busy. I will wait steadfast until I hear from you. Respectfully submitted, Authorized Signatory -----Original Message----From: Karen Hudes <> To: Authorized Signatory Sent: Tue, Sep 3, 2013 1:15 am Subject: Fwd: James McBride and R.C. Dam 1088 Dear Authorized Signatory, You or the other authorized signatories must have maps of where the tunnels are. It is important for you and the other authorized signatories to refuse to provide these to anyone. You should also have one of your lawyers notify the banks (with the correct account numbers) that Dr. R.C. Dam is not the successor to Ferdinand Marcos -- that you are, and that the designated successors to Ferdinand Marcos intend to contest any payments that you have not authorized, and provide proof of succession. Best, Karen ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 11:58 PM

Subject: James McBride and R.C. Dam 1088 To: Cc: US Supreme Court , The White House, First Lady, Nancy Reagan, Attorney General Eric Holder , Counselor Gene Sperling , DNI_Lt General James R Clapper, NSA_General James Jones, OVP_Vice President Joe Biden, WH_Chief of Staff_Denis McDonough, Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter, Stephanie Cutter, President Barack Obama, Austria_Fin Min Maria Fekter, IMF_Christine Lagarde_M.D, Chairman Nout Wellink B.I.S., Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Dear Winston, A few months ago you kindly offered to be of assistance. I have been asking for an appointment with the Office of International Treasury Control and with James McBride and have not heard back. There seems to be some confusion about whether it is possible to access the Global Accounts at this time. I spoke yesterday with an authorized signatory on the master account, who inherited his signatory authority from the estate of Ferdinand Marcos. I spoke the day before that with descendants of the Borci family, who are Elders in the Philippines. These gentlemen agree that there can be no settlement of the Global Accounts without addressing corruption in the Bretton Woods institutions and the rest of the international financial system at large. The Vatican cannot deputize James McBride in order that Mr. McBride simply replaces the super entity identified in The network of global corporate control, ETH Zurich, published September 2011 available here: without regard for the underlying humanitarian global assistance purposes of the Global Accounts. Best, Karen Hudes Law Offices of Karen Hudes ________________________________________ To: Subject: Re: Video/ Important matter From: Authorized Signatory on the Master Account Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 02:49:17 -0400 Karen, My number is xxxxxxxxx I live in [state]. I am a builder/land developer/investor and am currently on site working on some of my homes that we are going to put up for sale. I

will be home all day tomorrow Saturday. I have a very interesting story to tell and sometimes find it difficult to believe myself, but having physically witnessing it with my own eyes, I just say wow. Lets talk at your convenience. Thank you for getting back to me, Authorized Signatory on the Master Account -----Original Message----From: Karen Hudes <> To: Authorized Signatory on the Master Account Sent: Fri, Aug 30, 2013 5:07 pm Subject: RE: Video/ Important matter Dear Authorized Signatory on the Master Account, Yes, you are right, I have been very busy after the last video. I tried your number and got a recording that your voicemail box is not yet functional. Best, Karen > To: > Subject: Video/ Important matter > Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 16:43:24 +0000 > From: > > From: Authorized Signatory on the Master Account > Subject: Video/ Important matter > > Message Body: > Karen, I saw your video and immediately knew that I need to talk to you. This is regarding a private, but yet global matter that will greatly benefit humanity. I am sure that you will be greatly interested in what I have to say. I am sure that you are extremelly busy after your last video. Please carve out a few minutes to talk to me. Respectfully submitted Please contact me at xxxxxxxxx Authorized Signatory on the Master Account > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes >

From: To: Subject: RE: No file attached to this Karen Date: Sun, 19 May 2013 16:37:08 +0000 Karen, I was just trying to give you some background info and history that might be helpful to you in your endeavors. The International Treasury Control and hence the Office of International Treasury Control under Dr. Dam was a result of the agreements of all the countries in 1995. Dr. Dam was signatory on thousands of accounts held by the banks across the world. Dr. Dam was selected to fill that position having worked in the US in the Dept of Treasury for some years. He was 'officially' a US citizen, and Ray C. Dam was a 'name' that he was given. He was actually Cambodian royalty descent. He is still alive, but the effects of the poison that was administered to him left him incapacitated to a large extent. With those things which happened, the Amanah (the actual owners of the gold of the Collateral Accounts) decided to pull back and restart. That was why Keith Scott, former chief of the cabinet of OITC, was nominated by them as a 'settlor' of the Sukarno Trust (which holds the accounts for the gold). In my estimation, these Bretton Woods institutions cannot be corrected until they harmonize with the 'settlor' and the Amanah. Otherwise it will just be more of the same regardless of what 'model' they create. Best wishes in your endeavors. If I can be of assistance please feel free to ask. I do have some influence in this arena and am on a close relationship with Keith Scott and others at that level. WS Auto-Response09/02/2013 07:52 AM The following answers might help you immediately. (Answers open in a separate window.) Answer Link: How Can I Get An American Flag Flown Over the Pentagon? Answer Link: Locating Service Members or Getting a Mailing Address Answer Link: Felony Waiver Report for Military Recruits Customer Karen Hudes via CSS Web09/02/2013 07:52 AM From: To: rich white hat Subject: Happy Labor Day! Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 06:04:15 -0400

To Rich White Hat The fellow msheartsong8 is a CIA or Vatican shill. The only part of what he emailed me that is true is "I gather there have been people ('good guys') who have been lurking in the shadows, accumulating wealth and biding their time until the time was right to strike out against the cabal." I need to pledge about $200,000 as a guarantee that the World Bank Board will ratify the appointment of the security company who needs to begin mobilizing security personnel to replace Allied Barton. I believe the chance that the Board will ratify this appointment is 90-95%. Is this something you are prepared to do at this time? I am now working with the sheriffs to be reinstated. Best, Karen

From: To: Subject: RE: Happy Labor Day! Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 05:51:58 -0400 Dear Michael, You are part of the disinformation and what you have sent to me is hogwash. I know who the Dragons are and what they want. Regarding the currency reset, it is the people of the Philippines, ten times more spiritual than the Dragon banksters, who are holding up the currency reset until these United States are back on their feet, and the Chinese trojan horse into the United States is no more. The white hats in the US military are blind copied on this. So you can pack up and ship out. Best, Karen From: Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 20:19:03 -0700 Subject: Re: Happy Labor Day! To:

Dear Karen Thanks for these links. There are always stories about everything, and many of the stories are often not based in reality. But the fact that outlandish stories abound doesn't mean that there is nothing at the core. Which is to say, I've been on a spiritual path for 35 years, and have personal, direct experience of the palpable truth and substance of the non-physical dimension of reality--the "place", if you will, where "ascended masters" reside. I do believe there is a consciousness people refer to as St. Germaine--who, curiously, may have no connection to an actual person by that name (who appears, during his lifetime, to have been something of a con-artist and swindler). I forget the date, but it is a famous incident, when the Catholic Church murdered all but a very few of the Knights Templars--who knew something and were blackmailing the Pope. It's all murky, but I gather there have been people ("good guys") who have been lurking in the shadows, accumulating wealth and biding their time until the time was right to strike out against the cabal. Apparently, that time has come. POOF told me directly that the St. Germaine Trust people had joined forces with the Dragons, because their purposes were aligned: return wealth and a greater measure of freedom to people at large. We shall see. POOF also said (for what it's worth), when I asked, that the Dragons were NOT part of the government, but that they were the government's bankers--and helped prop up the regime. I have been told it was the Chinese who loaned Reagan money for the Wanta escapade (see attached) REgarding the currency reset, according to my sources, finally everything has been settled, handled, resolved: politics, power, greed, computer glitches, etc. There is apparently only one more major hurdle: the Chinese will not allow the thing to happen until the U.S. takes actual action (not just promises and words) to restore the original Republic (dismantle the corporation called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) so that, after the reset, they will not be able to go back on their word and we can only move forward. I have no way of determining if this is true, but it feels right.

Which means, Congress needs to repeal or modify the Act of 1871; or pass a new law sweeping away the garbage. And there need to be some announcements explaining the tyranny, fraud, criminality that has been perpetrated on America---Wow! Can you imagine Obama explaining all of that? Suppose he does. What is the most likely reaction of people; of the stock market? There ought to be dancing the streets, and the stock market going to untold heights--but for the fact that venality runs so broad and deep, and so very many people have benefitted from the criminality--they will have to adjust. What exactly are you focused on? And is there anything I may do to help you? Very warm regards, On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 6:27 PM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: Dear Michael, I cannot profess to be a great expert in the families who control the BIS, and are often referred to as the Cabal. I am no expert either in the history of the Dragon family, which I understand exercised power in both China and Taiwan to this day. I was told that 4 of the 5 persons who head the government in Mainland China are from the Dragon family, and that they are also the persons who rule in Taiwan. These stories reflect what I have been informed: As to the St. Germaine Trust, I have no reason to believe that any of the stories of this so-called Ascended Master are correct. If they are, so much the better. You can ask ZAP to show up on my doorstep with concrete proof if St. Germaine wants anything to do with me. Best, Karen From: Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 16:59:04 -0700

Subject: Re: Happy Labor Day! To: Dear Karen Thank you VERY much for your reply. You speak of things about which I am not knowledgeable. Could you bring me up to speed? The Qing dynasty left mainland china when? And went where? And did they have treasure? What did they do with it? I am in email communication with ZAP, whose real name I do not know (yet). I hope to meet him after the currency reset. He was a close friend/associate of POOF (James Serenius) who was enrolled ("hired?) by the St. Germaine Trust people, over 12 years ago, and was intimately involved with the behind-the-scenes machinations that are now coming to the surface with the currency reset. ZAP has written of $660 Trillion dollars coming forward to repay old debts. Somehow this all seems connected to the Reagan-Mitterand business one hears rumors about. It seems to me the world has always been controlled by the EXTREMELY wealthy (1% of the 1%) which I have always assumed meant the Rothschilds, and company. It is my understanding that they own a GREAT deal more than just gold. I use the term "cabal" and Rothschilds and "european bankers" interchangeably. Is this in accurate? The Rothschilds (it is my understanding) have worked tirelessly for several hundred years to establish privately owned (by them) central banks in countries. The patrirch, Meyer, is reputed to have said something like, "I don't care who rules the country, as long as I control the country's money." So they were behind ousting the Czar in Russia (Bolshevik revolution); getting rid of Cecuscu in Roumania (more recently--although he wasn't nearly as good a guy as the Czar actually was). I believe a great deal of the history people learn is the public relations "puff" that the Rothcschilds and their minions have disseminated over the years. They were certainly behind the House of Morgan, and behind David Rockefeller. Is that your perspective also? Ordinary people are not giants of integrity. It has not been difficult for the monied interests to corrupt many tens of thousands of other people, until the cancer is very widespread. Where to begin to cure the patient? Well, you are taking bold steps (bravo!). Kevin Arnett has found an effective avenue (bravo!). And from my perspective, a very important part of the equation and effort must be to empower ordinary people--to help them distinguish between right and wrong (again). And getting back to honest money--and broad public announcements about the criminality and fraud that has been perpetrated against us, so that people know and

understand, will help set a foundation for the work to follow. ZAP writes about $660 trillion. I have no idea where this money is coming from. Is this the treasure buried in caves in the Phillipines owned by the Chinese families (NOT the government) gathered over centuries, ever since Marco Polo?? YOU see I have only teeny bits of the story, floating around in a sea of mild confusion and GREAT curiosity. Can you fill in some of the gaps?? And, what may I do to assist you in what you are most focused upon in this great freedom movement we find ourselves in?? Very warm regards,

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: Dear Michael, Who/what is ZAP? The Rothschilds own alot of gold. But who is going to make good on the bonds the FED issued in return for treasure when the Qing dynasty left mainland China and to the remaining 60 odd countries at the start of WWII? Will there be reparations for the missing children, crimes against humanity? The Financial Stability Board was created so that these kinds of questions could be decided behind closed doors, with zero accountability. I have asked the General Assembly to refer a question to the International Court of Justice involving accountability for continued corruption in the World Bank . It would be possible for the Security Council or the General Assembly to ask the ICJ to look into the rest of the issues discussed above. Leaving them unresolved and festering should not be an option. Best, Karen From: Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 12:56:42 -0700 Subject: Re: Happy Labor Day! To:

Wow! Thanks for this. According to ZAP, the cabal was given an ultimatum: let go of your ownership/involvement of the Fed, or we will take you down with it. If true, then the cabal has backed off from the Fed, which, God willing, will be dismantled and/or subsumed under the UST (and we will return to honest money, NOT debt based). But what remains of the cabal in Europe? If the Vatican divests itself of its wealth, what of the Rothschilds, Do you have information or suppositions? It has been prophecied that this would be the last Pope. Hmmm.... Very warm regards, On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: Dear Michael, I think it is mostly what they were driven to by this guy: The Vatican's bankers are the cabal; they are joined at the hip. Warm regards to you too, Karen From: Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 10:56:27 -0700 Subject: Happy Labor Day! To: Dear Karen I trust this finds you well, and enjoying a wonderful holiday weekend! I assume you are well aware of the Pope's Apostlic letter issued back in July that takes effect today? (Attached) I wonder what you, as a trained, knowledgeable attorney makes of it. Is this the Vatican

ending the easy alliance they've had with the cabal? Are they giving civil authorities the right to proceed legally and criminally against corporations (and people who run them) that were in some way operating previously under the protection of the Vatican? Were/are the Mafia and the Vatican really in league with each other? Anything you can share will be appreciated. WArm regards, -Michael Heartsong PROMETHEAN ENTERPRISES, INC. (323) 839-1578 From: To:white hat Subject: No sense writing to this shill Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 06:21:35 -0400 Dear White hat, I am familiar with Griffin's "The Creature from Jekyll Island." American people, whom I am in touch with, and the rest of the world, are working together to carve up the "super entity" into tiny little pieces, and leave the human beings who set up this monstrosity holding the bag, together with the Vatican. It is God's work. Best, Karen From: To: Subject: RE: Banking ruse Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 21:17:06 -0600 Then you are probably quite familiar with the book: The Creature from Jekyll Island? By G. Edward Griffin. Maybe stupid isnt the right word. How about duped into the Federal Reserve ruse? This so-called Federal Reserve Bank is really the cause of our financial demise I would say. Gullible might also be a good word for the American people. I am just so frustrated and fed up with our WHOLE Federal Government and their modis operands, and their spineless will to support and defend the

Constitution. When are we going to get leaders in Washington that look out for the interests of the people of America? I believe we, the American people, are really fed up with the lip service they all give, and then turn around and do whatever they darn well please.that benefits them! Help me out Karen. What can we do?? Jerry From: Karen Hudes [] Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2013 7:36 PM To: Subject: RE: Banking ruse Dear Jerry, I was on Alex Jones' show and spoke about the cover-up of corruption and the superentity reported in this study by Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston: The network of global corporate control, ETH Zurich, published September 2011 available here: The Congress and the federal and state governments are not "stupid". They are either intimidated or bought. Best, Karen > To: > Subject: Banking ruse > Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 01:19:27 +0000 > From: > > From: Jerry Brown <> > Subject: Banking ruse > > Message Body: > Karen, have you talked with Alex Jones about this? He will certainly take an interest in this "conspiracy" about the world banks. The world's richest families really do control all these banking institutions. And YES, they want the countries to be poor so they have to borrow from them...think of the interest the USA has to pay for that which it borrows. How can our Congress and government as a whole be so "stupid"? There jut isn't another word for it.

> > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 3:26 PM Subject: Fwd: No Authority to Subsume US Dollar into Special Drawing Rights as International Currency Because of Massive Corruption To: Authorized Signatory

Dear Authorized Signatory I am working with whistleblowers in contact with the US armed forces. Here is the article I mentioned that describes what happens if the Vatican and the Chinese try and inherit the corruption from the Bank for International Settlements. The testimony in the UK Parliament is at: Elaine Colville's article is on page 178, mine is 186-7. With your help as signatory on the Global Accounts for the Philippines, we can insure that the world our children inherit from us is a better world than the one we were born into. I look forward to working together, along with the Alpha and Omega in the Philippines to get the job done. Best, Karen For more background see: 6/21/13 RTTV, House of Commons International Development Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into The work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, published July 7, 2012 available here: ents.htm

House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into Public engagement in policy making, published November 2, 2012 available here: policy/m03.htm The European Parliament Committee on Budgetary Control Hearing on Whistleblowing May 25, 2011 available here: 110518ATT19540EN.pdf

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 8:08 AM Subject: Fwd: No Authority to Subsume US Dollar into Special Drawing Rights as International Currency Because of Massive Corruption To:,, Representative.Mike.Chenault I am contacting you because of your leadership position with the National Conference of State Legislatures Due to massive corruption in the United States, there is impending risk of martial law. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Law Offices of Karen Hudes 301 229-0058 ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 2:36 PM Subject: No Authority to Subsume US Dollar into Special Drawing Rights as International Currency Because of Massive Corruption To: Cc:, mhasan <>, "" <>,,,

"<>, kristi.craig@governor.virginia.g ov <>, <>, <>, garret.bonosky@" <>, " <>,kristi.craig@governor.virginia.g ov <>, <>,<>, garret.bonosky@" <>, Bill Richard <>, "<>, kristi.craig@governor.virginia.g ov <>, <>, <>, garret.bonosky@" <>, " <>,kristi.craig@governor.virginia.g ov <>, <>,<>, garret.bonosky@" <>, dmh-gb <>,,, DSH-SR <>,, "" <>, Hw W <>, ISS <>, "PAXSON, Mark" <>, "sharon.raj" <>, "rebecca.mirza" <>, "elizabeth.mccarroll" <>, "jamie.kogan" <>, rosaleen_manzi <>, "trevor.pijper" <>,, Paul_Coughlin <>, Pete Sepp <>,,, info@democ,,,laurie_rubiner,,, sioc@ic.fbi.g ov,,, info@usawat,,,,,,, bdpmny@gmai,,,,france,,,, contact,,,, missi,,,,, uk,,,, su,,, a,,,, eds04@worl,,,,eds08,,, ,,,, eds11@worldba,,,, eds19@,,,, e,,,,,,, udvikling,,,, simo,,, Traci Swanson <>,,, j, Lynne Ross <>,,, henrik.h,,, emb.washington@mf,,,, bryan.whitman,,,,, ,,,, ivar.alvi,,,,,, natasha.balendra,,, stephane.beaulac@umontreal.c a,,,,c.,,, n.a.butenscho,,,mclados@m,,, Matthew Craven <>,,, Vito De Lucia <>,,, elsig@,,,federaledu@ya,,, arne.fliflet@sivilombudsmann,,,,,,, william.henderson@g,,,, r.t.hus,,, hilde.indreb,,,, j.t.johnse,,,benedict.king,,, n.c.langtvedt@stude,,, Erlend Leonhardsen <>,,, abeckerl@l,, Michael Mehling <>,,, ola.mestad,,,,,,,helge.s,,, t.skouteris@law.leidenuniv.n l,,,, jo.stigen,,,, maki.ta,,, vassilis.tzevelek, Christof Lehmann <>,, "peteris.ustubs" <>, Christopher Jones <>, "antti.karhunen" <>,,,,, "Kircher, Kerry" <>, thomas_caballero <>, bill_dauster <>, Dear Lori, Thanks for your email. I am copying you on an email I just sent to a person who wrote me from Holland, with a translation. We have already won, and simply have to get the word out. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Governors Association, National Association of Counties, National Association of Attorneys General, International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions and International Organization of Securities Commissions and a few others are copied. I have been in frequent communication with the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies concerning unresolved massive fraud and corruption in the international financial system. and I have also been in frequent communication with Governors Martin O'Malley, Terry Branstad, and the rest of the Governors on the Council of Governors to end the massive corruption that is lowering the US credit rating, damaging the relationship of the United States with our allies, and undermining the international reserve currency status of the US dollar. and There is no authority to transfer international reserve currency status from the US dollar to another fiat basket of currencies. Moreover, the Governors owe an explanation to the citizens of these United States how they plan to perpetrate the fraud upon US citizens by continuing to allow the legal fiction introduced after the third bankruptcy of the United States in 1933. That was when the United States pledged all present and future properties, assets and labor of U.S. citizens to the Federal Reserve System.

Unincorporated federal territories, national park forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit orginizations were also pledged. Our birth certificates were used as Manufacturers' Certificates of Origin, and the states in which we were born were listed as the "port of entry." Our identities were used as FICTITIOUS PERSONS by writing our names in ALL CAPS, instead of writing our names in lower case to indicate real, living people. That is how U.S. citizens became collateral against the federal debt. Sincerely, Karen Hudes

> To: > Subject: THANK YOU!!!! > Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 12:58:49 +0000 > From: > > From: Lori Lamb <> > Subject: THANK YOU!!!! > > Message Body: > Dear Ms. Hudes, > > THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I saw your video with Project Camelot and you opened my eyes back then... and the recent interview with USA Watchdog was SPECTACULAR! I have been awake since 2006 and I was waiting for you! LOL.... Please let me know anything I can do to help. I am a professional actress for 30 plus years (SAG, AFTRA, AEA) but got out of the business due to corruption ... and have computer skills - did legal admin for years during my entertainment years... not asking for a job, just offering help! I believe you will be a world leader in the New World...when this shabby hologram goes DOWN!!! Thank you again your video brought tears of hope to my eyes. <3 Lori Lamb (860) 7782259 (I am in Wilmington Delaware at the moment). > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes

From: To: CC:; Subject: RE: Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:59:26 -0400 Lieve Mary, [translation: Great to hear that people outside America are informed about what is happening here. I have heard this morning how angry people are, and what they are doing to organize. I am forwarding a copy of a recent email. The most important thing is that people learn what is going on, and let their government know that they know. I am sitting in a very good position (as lawyer and World Bank bondholder whose lawsuit was settled by 188 Ministers of Finance). I will keep you all informed, and then everything will simply fall into place. I am copying the Dutch representatives on the Board of the World Bank.] Leuk om te horen dat mensen buiten amerika ook leren wat er hier binnen amerika gebeurt. Ik heb net vanochtend geleerd hoe boos of de mensen nu zijn, en hier aan het organiseren zijn. Ik sluit onderaan een verslag. Het allerbelangrijk is dat mensen geinformeerd zijn, en hun regering en mij dat vermelden. Ik zit op een heel goeie plek momenteel (als jurist en aandeelhouder van de wereldbank met een rechtzaak dat beslecht is door 188 ministers van financie). Ik zal jullie blijven informeren, en dan komt alles in orde. Ik stuur een verslag aan de vertegenwordigers van nederland bij de wereldbank. Beste, Karen 301 229 0058

> To: > Subject: your interview americani kabuki > Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 12:02:42 +0000

> From: > > From: Mary tjong a tjoe <> > Subject: your interview americani kabuki > > Message Body: > Dear Karen, I am a woman from The Netherlands who just saw your interview and I want to say THANK YOU. We need people like you in this world to stop the world from being the way it is. We realize we all want the same thing; love, to be happy with our children and to live a good life. We are all one! The mother in Africa, the mother in America, The mother in Europe and the ones in the Middle East. We do not want war and we do not want to start wars on other because we know alot of innocent people will be killed. We are fed up with living under a regime of a few men and women who want to control the world for power. But how do we stop this? We feel so powerless.....Do we withdraw money from banks do we demonstrate? What do we do to stop these horrible people from killing our world and us with it? Thats the question we that see whats going on and that are awake have. The only thing we have is Mass. We outnumber them! We who want love and peace outnumber those few with power. There must be a way to turn all of this around before it too late! Thank you for your work! Kind regards from me, Mary > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes From: To: Subject: RE: I betcha Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:51:13 -0400 The grand jury is selected and convened by a judge. A jury outside the courtroom is just theater. But take the angry citizens to the bar associations. I have copied the American Bar Association. They are getting the message loud and clear. Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 08:47:47 -0400 Subject: Re: I betcha From:

To: I am not sure I agree. Read this for Antonin Scalia. I believe it is from U.S. v. Williams, 1992. Grand juries are meant to be erected by the people. Justice Antonin Scalia, in a 1992 ruling stated: "Rooted in long centuries of Anglo-American history, the grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It is a constitutional fixture in its own right.." "In fact, the whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people." On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 8:35 AM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: I am glad to see citizens working together to become informed, but grand juries must be selected and convened by a judge. The materials in national liberty alliance are a little too dismissive of the Bar Associations. I have been working with bar associations, and the American Bar Association in particular, on these issues. They are fully aware that the failure of the Bar Associations to prevent these incursions into our rights are severe indictments of the legal profession. When all is said and done, the rights of lawyers and bar associations to regulate the legal profession have now been forfeited. I am copying the American Bar Association. Best, Karen Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 07:56:06 -0400 Subject: Re: I betcha From: To: What are your thoughts on common law grand juries like ? There aqre movements to bring back the du jure government and bring indictment against the imposters.

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 7:12 AM, Greg Haa <> wrote: Absolutely not. I commend you for your bravery and thank you for what you are doing. Most wouldn't have the intestinal fortitude to make the stand you have. I guess I see the world from my own eyes as everyone does. When I was young, I smelled a rat. I still do. Although as I have grown older I have learned how to do the research and what it all means. Thanks for what you do! People appreciate more than you know. On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 1:46 AM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: Dear Greg, When we are young we take things at face value. My friend Ellen's mother was a lawyer, and I thought she was neat, and I decided that I wanted to be a lawyer. I became a development economist first, with the idea of doing something about poor nations. I didn't know why these countries were poor, but I wanted to do something about it. When I went to work for the World Bank, I had absolutely no idea about the secret agenda of the World Bank - I only learned when I was there what was actually going on. And only after working hard to find out what went wrong have I learned about the secret and hidden agendas in the international financial system. It was hard to swallow, as was all of the false flag travesties. I don't feel like I need to justify my ignorance of secret crimes. What would be wrong is if I didn't try and find out what was really going on. Am I to be blamed for having taken so long to uncover these secrets? Best, Karen > To: > Subject: I betcha > Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 04:45:21 +0000 > From: > > From: greg haa <>

> Subject: I betcha > > Message Body: > you knew it. you knew the laws and what the US was. You knew the original gov of the US is intact yet dormant because the people do not occupy the seats. Did you really want to be a world bank attorney? ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 12:02 AM Subject: Fwd: Preempting Gold Backwardation To: I am glad to be in contact with you as I work together with the Governor's Council and Assistant Secretary of Defense Peter Verga to restore the rule of law to these United States. ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 11:52 AM Subject: Preempting Gold Backwardation To: eds01 <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "" <> Cc: Communication History Customer Karen Hudes via CSS Web08/13/2013 11:44 AM When you list Question Reference #130705-000291 as solved, does this mean that I have the support of the US Department of Defense?

If this is not the case, please correct my email today to the President of the UN General Assembly, copied to the General Committee and the Chairpersons of the six Main Committees of the General Assembly concerning an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the authority of the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors. From: To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: Additional Item to be added to General Assembly Agenda Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 08:58:42 -0400 This is to avoid a currency war. Please see attached communication with the United States Department of Defense. From: To: Subject: Additional Item to be added to General Assembly Agenda Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 08:15:56 -0400 Could you please direct me to the correct official so that this item can be added to the General Assembly's agenda? I am contacting the members of the General Committee on this. Please forward to the following Chairpersons of the six Main Committees: H.E. Desra Percaya (Indonesia) H.E. George Talbot (Guyana) H.E. Henry Mac-Donald (Suriname) H.E. Miguel Berger (Germany) H.E. Yurly Sergeyev (Ukraine)

Customer Karen Hudes via CSS Web08/12/2013 06:07 AM I have been warning you that this would happen. I am filing the attached document with the Superior Court of the District of Columbia today. I am going back to the World Bank as its General Counsel, and I am going to protect the national security interest of this nation, and I am going to inform the 188 member countries of the World Bank that the Department of Defense is backing me. And if this is not the case, God help us all. -------- Forwarded message ---------From: Karen Hudes <> Date: Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 3:20 PM Subject: Correcting Clerical Error in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals To: Cc: Brian Efird <>,, Traci Swanson <>,,, bcc:,,,dllr@dllr.stat,,, thomas_caballero <> Raymond, With this impasse among regulators in each of the jurisdictions where the World Bank's 135 billion in bonds are outstanding, including the 50 states, we are on a clear collision course for a currency war. I already blind copied the associations of 600,000 taxpayers who belong to the National Taxpayers Union. I will again request the Executive Secretary of the Judicial Conference to correct the clerk's error in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals refusing to accept the World Bank Board of Governors' settlement of my bondholder litigation. I ultimately left a letter with the Administrative Office of the US Judiciary after Ms. Minor refused to respond to calls requesting an appointment.

Traci Swanson only got my contact information after I called the Inspector General's office in Department of Defense to report an impasse between the federal and state governments that was compromising national security and which if it continued could require the imposition of martial law. Best, Karen 202 316 0684 ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Traci Swanson <> Date: Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 12:20 PM Subject: Re: Correcting Clerical Error in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals To: Karen Hudes <> Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, thomas_caballero <>, "" <>, "" <>, abrandt <>, i am not sure what it is that you would like me to do. i never worked on any of the world bank projects. i am ccing brian efird who can figure this out for me break break Jacek, hope you are doing well. Best, Traci

On Feb 25, 2013, at 10:33 AM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: Dear Ms. Swanson, Thank you for your request via Linked-In, through which I have learned that you were manager of a Department of Defense project on the Sentia stakeholder analysis. Jacek Kugler ran an analysis of rule of law at the World Bank in 2004 (, commencing with page 16). In 2007 I warned the Treasury Department and US Congress that the US would lose the Gentlemen's Agreement to name the President of the World Bank if the US did not bring the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development into compliance on the capital markets. In 2010 the US lost the Gentlemen's Agreement (see paragraph 6) I warned the 50 state governors, Chief Justices of state Supreme Courts, state and federal attorneys general, as well as the Judicial Conference, that the Sentia analysis is now predicting a currency war with 90-95% accuracy because the clerk in the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals refused to recognize the settlement of my bondholder lawsuit by the 188 Ministers of Finance on the Board of Governors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The UK wants to know why it is taking so long to correct this simple clerical error. Once the UK and European Parliaments published my statements, writev/publicpolicy/m03.htm , writev/402/icai02.htm and the Sentia analysis predicted resolution of the problem in favor of the rule of law. Sincerely, Karen Hudes

202 316 0684 The best article on my story is at Asia Times refused to run it Eric Holder's prosecution of me me For more background see: 6/21/13 RTTV, House of Commons International Development Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into The work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, published July 7, 2012 available here: /contents.htm House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into Public engagement in policy making, published November 2, 2012 available here: ublicpolicy/m03.htm The European Parliament Committee on Budgetary Control Hearing on Whistleblowing May 25, 2011 available here: 40/20110518ATT19540EN.pdf My Ripoff Report about this corruption is at: See also:

whistle-blower-preciousmetals-to-serve-as-an-underpinning-for-papercurrencies/ play=all&sort=newest utm_campaign=website&utm_source=email&utm_medium=emailhttp://www.huffingto bd-3f19-4571-bb1a-4ea16cb3dd92 clipId=pla_d3caed 92-0b55-4ead-b4d1-8be94569191f&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=uithumb 92-1a37-4182-a4b4-a8fe23f7814e&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=uithumb

hudes/ Elaine Colville and I have been reporting mass corruption at the World Bank to UK Parliament: our latest comments were published by UK Parliament House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee on page 186 of the report on Complaints: Do They Make a Difference? "Today's dire circumstances call for immediate and forceful intervention in the hope that time still remains." and Elaine Colville's complaint on page 178 "It devolves on Parliament to sort out this egregious state of affairs." PASC @CommonsPASC 8 Aug We will be looking at #opendata #complaints & #openpublicservices this autumn. Take a look at our current inquiries: (See pages 178 and 186-7) Retweeted by Karen Hudes I got this info as well. What I think happened is that the Chinese convinced the UN to unseal the global accounts, and are now trying to run the US behind the scenes, and keep the US apart from Europe and lose our European allies. We can't let this happen. We can prevent this. The federal government is now being run by the Chinese, who are in league with the Vatican. Let me at these crooks. We can force the governors to take back the controls from these bastards Best, Karen From: To: deleted Subject: RE: Possible Martial Law Oct 1, 2013 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 04:54:32 -0400 Thanks. Here is what I know. > To: > Subject: Possible Martial Law Oct 1, 2013 > Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 02:52:52 +0000 > From:

> > From: deleted > Subject: Possible Martial Law Oct 1, 2013 > > Message Body: > I have some very important documents of a restricted level from the UN of Disarmament Commission concerning the disarmament of the United States of America I need you to look at very soon as on Oct 1, 2013, 386,000 UN Peacekeeping foreign troops will be in your area, Region III, in full strength and Obama has also ordered all US communication to be shut down upon his command same dates upon his orders as he may instigate martial law in your area. > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes > From: To: Subject: RE: Offering to "Sign On"..(.re your interview Greg Hunter) Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 04:52:20 -0400 Dear Palladin, I would be happy to "tawk", but at the moment I learned of alot going on, and nobody brought me to the table. I have blind copied my contacts in the attached email. Perhaps it is best to wait until I am better informed. Best, Karen > To: > Subject: Offering to "Sign On"..(.re your interview Greg Hunter) > Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 08:34:13 +0000 > From: > > From: Palladin 6 <> > Subject: Offering to "Sign On"..(.re your interview Greg Hunter) > > Message Body: > Very brief. You will not find anybody more committed to reversing out the condition eferred to in the last pounding segment of a-4-mentioned interview (to wit: Blow

Ourselves Up) than Moi. Pls check out (*enuf of* the Timeline): > > &/or > > > > > > ...would like to tawk. > Palladin/Dion (same person) > 818-767-4111 > Landline, Direct > > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes From: To: Subject: RE: Hope Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 04:47:50 -0400 Dear Alon, I am as perplexed as you. I just learned that there is some kind of "reset" going on but nobody has told me if there are any conditions or who is in charge. Whether there are any lessons to be learned. Whether anybody cares about the corruption I have reported. Otherwise, I intend to retreat from the topic and play the cello. I don't want to "bless" something and annoint it as cured when it is not. Stay tuned. Best, Karen > To: > Subject: Hope > Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 08:19:19 +0000 > From: >

> From: Alon Ehrenreich <> > Subject: Hope > > Message Body: > Hi there, > > I have recently learnt about the misconduct and corruption of the world bank, among with certain multinational corporations. The power these institutions hold is obviously tremendous. > > After learning about these issues I have become very fearful of the direction in which the world is heading, As you know, the world is governed primarily by monetary motives and institutions. As such, the welfare and well-being of the world's people have been super-seeded, leading to growth in poverty, growth in the income gap, and a shocking state of wealth distribution. The US government extends its tentacles throughout the vast majority of the world, invading the privacy, and thus breeching the liberties, of human beings. > > To be perfectly honest, this state of affairs has produced in me a state of sheer terror. And this is why I am writing to you. The messages of Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' ring resoundingly true as the world's people appear to be indoctrinated from childhood on a number of levels: through numerous media such as television, the education system and propaganda. However, more shocking than any of these factors combined is the pursuit of money - as though this fabricated object has holy significance to the real human beings it effects, and which has produced in people pathological levels of obsession and ferocious competition. > I also believe that the level of critical thought possessed and exercised by the US people today is in a state of diminishment, and were it not to rise, and rise immediately, there could be disastrous consequences. > > This is my take on the situation, and more than anything I would love for my understanding to be corrected. However, if this opinion is shared (even to a degree), I would like to know if this organisation holds the belief that 'we will get these bad guys' and put an end to the injustice which is inherent in the economic system today. > > Thanks for reading, > Fearfully, > Alon > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes

> From: To: Subject: RE: Hope Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 04:47:50 -0400 Dear Alon, I am as perplexed as you. I just learned that there is some kind of "reset" going on but nobody has told me if there are any conditions or who is in charge. Whether there are any lessons to be learned. Whether anybody cares about the corruption I have reported. Stay tuned. Best, Karen > To: > Subject: Hope > Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 08:19:19 +0000 > From: > > From: Alon Ehrenreich <> > Subject: Hope > > Message Body: > Hi there, > > I have recently learnt about the misconduct and corruption of the world bank, among with certain multinational corporations. The power these institutions hold is obviously tremendous. > > After learning about these issues I have become very fearful of the direction in which the world is heading, As you know, the world is governed primarily by monetary motives and institutions. As such, the welfare and well-being of the world's people have been super-seeded, leading to growth in poverty, growth in the income gap, and a shocking state of wealth distribution. The US government extends its tentacles throughout the vast majority of the world, invading the privacy, and thus breeching the liberties, of human beings. >

> To be perfectly honest, this state of affairs has produced in me a state of sheer terror. And this is why I am writing to you. The messages of Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' ring resoundingly true as the world's people appear to be indoctrinated from childhood on a number of levels: through numerous media such as television, the education system and propaganda. However, more shocking than any of these factors combined is the pursuit of money - as though this fabricated object has holy significance to the real human beings it effects, and which has produced in people pathological levels of obsession and ferocious competition. > I also believe that the level of critical thought possessed and exercised by the US people today is in a state of diminishment, and were it not to rise, and rise immediately, there could be disastrous consequences. > > This is my take on the situation, and more than anything I would love for my understanding to be corrected. However, if this opinion is shared (even to a degree), I would like to know if this organisation holds the belief that 'we will get these bad guys' and put an end to the injustice which is inherent in the economic system today. > > Thanks for reading, > Fearfully, > Alon > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes > From: To: Subject: RE: The coming Global currency reset Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 04:58:33 -0400 Dear Michael, How did POOF die? I have been in touch with these same Chinese, and they are grabbing power and unaccountable. I just heard of a military take-over in the US. We have limited time to act and virtually nobody but us chickens. Best, Karen From: Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 18:43:03 -0700

Subject: Re: The coming Global currency reset To: Dear Karen Thank you so much for your prompt reply. Until he died in June [ )-: ], I was in communication with a person whose screen name was POOF, who was "hired" by the St. Germaine Trust people over 12 years ago, and since then was intimately involved in the behind the scenes that--praise God it is so!-eventually resulted in the "good guys" beating back the bad guys. POOF (real name James) worked closely with someone whose screen name is ZAP, also working directly with the Chinese (family, not govt). POOF told me the St. Germaine people had joined forces with, and contributed the wealth they controlled (since the Crusades, I gathered), to the Chinese, since their purposes were aligned. Assuming all of this that we are hearing rumors of is true, I suspect it will take years for it all to be revealed (so as to avoid riots and mass hysteria). And history books will need to be re-written. What I know is only what I hear from others--apparently people well-placed. I have no personal involvement--except that I care ferverently...And reclaiming the vision of the Founding Fathers is going to take more than this global reset. It's going to take education, and, as you have pointed out, individual people behaving differently toward themselves and others. But it is simply not effective to suggest people should change the way they think or behave. Even if they want to, most people cannot change, or don't know how to begin. Toward that end, here is something I suggest people do: 1)Accord everyone you meet dignity, courtesy and respect. 2) Get the idea that everyone you meet is your teacher, with something vital that you need to learn. 3) The only way to learn is to ask questions, and listen loudly (God gave us two ears and one mouth. Is this a hint regarding what we should do more of??) These are things people can DO. If they do them, their behavior toward themselves and other will inevitably shift. Warm regards,

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 5:24 PM, Karen Hudes <> wrote: Dear Michael, The Vatican and the Rothschilds were in an erstwhile partnership. But they are no longer, because we have built a bigger and better partnership and they are no longer calling the shots. Yes, I am a fan of Brown's and know Web of Debt. The global currency reset is now in place, I just learned today. Everyone gets to keep their own currencies, and the Fed is no longer in charge of issuing dollars. The Treasury is, and the currency is backed 100% by the gold from the Global Accounts which is now there for mankind. I hope this is true, but I have no reason to doubt the source, who also gave me some other information that gives me some confidence in this. I look forward to staying in touch as well. Best, Karen > To: > Subject: The coming Global currency reset > Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:15:50 +0000 > From: > > From: Michael Heartsong <> > Subject: The coming Global currency reset > > Message Body: > Dear Karen > > Just watched in interview with you speaking about the oppression and ssuppresion on the planet. How do the Rothscilds fit into the picture of the control the Vatican has had? > > I always thought it was the Rothschilds who owned the Federal Reserve . ARe they in league with the Vatican I always thought there was some measure of conflict between the bankers and the Vatican. > > I assume you are familiar with Brown's book, WEB OD DE BT?? > > Have you been following the global currency reset? Apparently the Chinese wealthy families are involved, and the treaure you spoke of that has been hidden for over 100 years is going to surface. >

> God willing, and the river don't rise, we are on the brink of a new chapter in thistory of humanity. > > I look forward to being in occasional communication with you. Please feel free to google me, I am a very public person. > > WARm regards, > > -> This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes >

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