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1. Read and complete with a suitable form, using a negative where necessary. The extinction of dinosaurs The dinosaurs probably became extinct after a giant asteroid hit the earth about 65 million years ago. But what 1)would have happened (happen) if this asteroid 2) __________ (miss)? Scientists believe that in this case, dinosaurs 3) _____________ (continue) to dominate the Earth, and that modern animals 4) ______________ (probably exist). Instead of elephants and lions and so on, there 5) _____________(be) different types of dinosaurs, because the animals we have now simply 6) ____________ (be able) to evolve. Some scientists have even suggested that dinosaurs 7) _________________(develop) along the same lines as human beings. But the general view is that perhaps dinosaurs brains 8) _______________(grow) larger, but if they 9)______________(exist) today, dinosaurs 10) ___________(change) very much in general, and 11) ___________ (look) much the same. The prospects for human beings would not be so good, however. If the asteroid 12)___________ (collide) with The Earth, there 13) _____________(probably be) any humans alive today. When the asteroid disaster wiped out the dinosaurs, it gave mammals the advantage. Without that space collision, mammals 14) _____________ (stand) much chance against the dominant dinosaur species. 2. Choose the right form of the verb.
1. If you ___________, I would have brought my friends over to your house this evening to have a party, but I didnt want to bother you. A. had studied B. studied C. hadnt been studying D. didnt study

2. When Pete stopped talking, Steve finished his sentence for him as though Steve ________ Petes mind. A. would read A. am B. had read B. could be C. reads C. were D. can read D. had been 3. If I ________ you, I would revise all the material before the test tomorrow. 4. If someone __________ into the library, smile and say:May I help you? or What would you like to read? A. comes B. came C. would come D. could come

5. The world _____________ a better place if we had known a hundred years ago what we know today about the Earth environment. A. will be B. was C. should be D. might be

6. Here is my phone number. Thank you. Ill give you a call if I ____________some help tomorrow. A. will need B. need C. would need D. needed 7. Are we lost? I think so. I wish we __________ a map with us today. A. were bringing B. brought C. had brought D. would bring 8. _________ you, Id think twice about the decision. Its a great responsibility to conduct such experiments. A. If I had been B. If I were C. Should be D. If I am 9. Was Mary seriously injured in the automobile accident? She broke her leg. It _______ much worse if she hadnt been wearing her seat belt. A. will be B. would have been C. was D. were 10. Im really sorry about what happened during the party. I feel guilty. Its OK. Im sure you wouldnt have done it if you_____________ A. should have B. had to C. hadnt had to D. have to

3. Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the verb in brackets. THE EARTH AFTER HUMANS.
If all the people on Earth 1)disappeared (disappear) tomorrow, nature 2) ______________ (begin) to reclaim the planet. For a start, if people no longer 3) __________ (populate) the atmosphere, the air soon 4) _____________ (become) clean again. If there 5) ____________ (be) no people to maintain buildings, they 6) _________ (soon begin) to decay, but more solid parts 7) _________ (take) thousands of years to disappear. If 6.5 billion humans no longer 8) ____________ (compete) with other species on Earth, most species 9) ____________(benefit). For example, if humans no longer 10) __________ (catch) fish, the numbers of fish worldwide 11) ___________ (eventually increase). However, if humans 12) ___________ (vanish) from the Earth, endangered species of animals 13) ____________ (not necessarily recover) as some are already too few in number. Some endangered species 14) ___________(have) greater difficulty surviving if no humans 15) ________ (take) the trouble to protect them from other species. Even if we no longer 16) _________ (poison) the planet, several decades 17) ____________ (go by) before all dangerous chemicals 18) _____________ (disappear). And even if the burning of fossil fuels 19) _____________(cease) tomorrow, the oceans 20) ______________ (not absorb)all the CO in the atmosphere for thousands of years. In the end, though, if alien visitors 21)____________ (land) on the Earth in 100,000years time, they

22) ________________(find) no sighns that an advanced civilization had ever lived here. Keys: 1. 1. would have happened 2. had missed 3. would have continued 4.would probably not exist 5. would be 6. would not have been able 7. would have developed 8.would have grown 9. existed 10. would not have changed 11. would look 12. had not collided 13. would probably not be 14. would not have stood

2. 1. C
2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 3.

6. B 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. C

1) disappeared 2) would begin 3) polluted 4) would soon become 5) were 6) would soon begin 7) would take 8) competed 9) would benefit 10) caught 11) would eventually increase vanished 12) would not necessarily recover 13) would have 14) took 15) poisoned 16) would go by 17) disappeared 18) ceased 19) would not absorb 20) landed 21) would find

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