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Wink & Grow Rich

by Roger Hamilton

uide to G p e t S y b A Step oney M f o t o L a Making

re you ready to be taken on a journey?

A journey that could very well hold the keys to unlock your very own reservoir of wealth? Well, over the next 8 pages you will be given essential insights not just on how to gain wealth and riches but on how to create true abundance and fulfilment in multiple areas of your life. This wonderful story holds the essential keys that you need to find. They are in the story behind the story: The lesson behind the lesson. Time is your greatest asset, and your wealth awaits. So don't waste another minute. Just read and learn the simple keys that are embedded in these pages. The simple keys that will enable you to magically Wink And Grow Rich. I n T his Summary The Optometrist Do You See Clearly? p. 2 "This book has some timeless principles shared in the simplest manner. I highly recommend that you pick it up and read it - share it with friends. A great gift for everyone who wishes to be inspired!" Ms DC Cordova Co-founder, Money and You Program. Excellerated Business Schools. "Fun, fast-paced and insightful packed with wisdom. Should be read by every serious success - seeker." Randy Gage Peak Performance Expert and Author of How to Build a Multi-Level Money Machine

p. 3 The Plumber How're Your Taps - Flowing or Trapped? The Gardner p. 4 The Truth About the 'Well Of Wealth' The Fisherman Plan to Fail 9 times out of 10 The Lessons of The Rower The Musician Harmonise Your Time p. 6 p. 6 p. 8



"A man on a straight road never gets lost." But, something in the lady's eyes made him choose to take the overgrown path. Before he left, she pulled out a little notebook and pen. Handing them to him, she said "Think it, ink it." She held out her other hand expectantly. Richard looked at the dollar still in his hand. He handed it over, took the pad and started off.

About the Author Roger Hamilton is the Chairman of XL Results Foundation, consisting of the largest entrepreneur network in Asia Pacific and publisher of XL Magazine, the world's first magazine dedicated to social enterprise. XL Results Foundation also manages Asia Pacific's largest online business network and directory, connecting Asia Pacific with over 1 million entrepreneurs and business professionals world wide.

Richard And The Well Of Wealth

After working all his life as a Carpenter, Richard's Father had reached a sad point. He was flat broke and now flat on his back almost too tired to go on. Richard was 9 years old when his father gave him a solitary dollar and a piece of advice that would begin a journey that would change his life: "For centuries, people in this village have made it a habit to visit the Well of Wealth every day without fail. Give generously to the Well, my son, and it will give generously to you in return." With uncertainty in his heart and the understanding that the fate of his family now rested on his young shoulders Richard began his journey. Thoughts swirled through his mind as he moved towards his destination. Why hadn't the well given generously to his father or to most of the other villages for that matter? They all went to the well and got a bucket of water every day without fail. Yet, from what he could see, all they did was drink it dry. His thoughts came to a halt however when, coming to a fork in the road, he spied an old lady sitting on a deck chair. "Could you please show me the path to wealth?" "So you want to be wealthy. Well, I have a question for you. How will you know when you get there?" Richard looked at her blankly. With a smile and a twinkle in her eye she added: "How hard are you willing to work to get there?" "Oh very hard! My Dad has worked hard his whole life and he's still not wealthy. So I guess I'll have to work even harder than him." "Then you'll be wanting to take this path here. Go look for the Optometrist." Richard looked at the path she recommended. It was overgrown and uninviting compared to the other path which was well paved and wide enough for an elephant. It reminded him of one of his father's favourite sayings:

The Optometrist - Do You See Clearly?

Richard came upon a mansion in the woods. He went up and knocked on the door. A young man answered. "You must be the Optometrist. The old lady sent me. I want to be wealthy!" The optometrist looked at Richard with amusement. "Well, well, well. How wealthy?" "Wealthy enough to be Rich" Richard said. "Oh, that's simple! Just ask better questions." "Well ok. So how did you become wealthy?" "The optometrist, with a twinkle in his eye, said "I became a better Optometrist." The blank expression on Richard's face urged the Optometrist to explain further. My Job is to fix people's eyesight. I specialize in children. When a child is born with imperfect eyesight they live for the first few years in a blurred world, not knowing any better. When they put on the glasses I prescribe them they will often say "So THAT's what the world is supposed to look like!" It made me really think, because I had a feeling that I was living in a blurred world." Richard was getting into the idea of asking better questions and asked, "What gave you that feeling?" "Well, as I was saying, things felt blurry. I was following the crowd, living my life. I was even visiting that Well of Wealth every day. Then several years ago I asked myself, what if I became a better Optometrist in my life?" "The answer was simple. I would have clarity. I would have focus. I would have VISION! That's when I realised I really was blurred. Because I didn't have crystal clear clarity about who I was, I didn't have a clear focus in my life. In fact, I was quite aimless, following the crowd."

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"I soon realised that every great person started their journey with a great vision. They had the clarity to see where they were and where they needed to go. Then they had the laser focus to get there. So I decided to find my vision. When I found it, my life transformed." "Now you must listen closely to me Richard. I decided to BE a better Optometrist, not DO better Optometry. It wasn't my profession that made me wealthy. It was discovering my true vision." "So what is your vision?" Richard asked. "How about we ask a better question" said the Optometrist, "What's yours?"

"I took my passion and spread it to areas of my l ife that were important to me."
"One of those areas was making more money and when I looked at my wealth creation as a simple plumbing system, I took to it with a passion. It was fun! It's got to be fun, son." He drew Richard a picture.

Distilled Wisdom
"Think it, ink it, do it, review it" "Choose the level you want to play at." "What you see is always what you get." "Ask and you shall receive." "Learning is a game."
You see, when I realised that my money was always disappearing no matter how much money I was making, I decided that something had to be done. This was my money tap and all my money was going down the drain." To Richard this sounded just like what was happening to all those buckets of water from the Well of Wealth back in his village.

The Plumber - How're Your Taps Flowing or Trapped?

Upon the advice of the Optometrist Richard's next stop was with the Plumber. Like the Optometrist, true change happened for him after deciding to BE a better Plumber. He had great passion for plumbing. But he had no real passion for business, even though he had done quite well by franchising and partnering with a great manager.

"So, as a good Plumber I diverted some of my money to investments. This was much better than just putting my money into savings because while my savings would just sit in a bucket, my investments created new money taps. My money began to make money." "Soon my money taps from my investments outgrew my

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money tap from my own efforts so I could stop working."

The Plumbers Wise Words "Invest more of your Time. Spend less of it." "Invest more of your Money. Spend less of it."
who will show you something magical?."

The Gardner The Truth About the 'Well Of Wealth'

With more questions rising in Richard's mind, he was told to see the Gardner. She was not hard to find. A beautiful woman sitting under a mango tree with her two daughters having a picnic. It was a sight Richard would not forget nor the advice he received. "Richard. Hmmm. So which is it?" said the Gardner. "Pardon?" "Rich-hard. Your name. Which is it? Is life Rich? Or is life Hard? The voice of his father came into his mind "Life is hard isn't

A question was forming in Richard's mind but it wasn't quite right so he thought harder knowing that the better his question the better the answer would be and then asked. "How can I create a money tap with no money?" "Simple" said the Plumber. "You start with another tap of something more valuable than money time." "We all have the same time coming out of the time tap. Ironically, those who value money over their time will never become wealthy. Those who value their time over their money will attract wealth in no time." "I found that I was SPENDING my money instead of INVESTING it. I also found that I was spending my TIME instead of investing it." "So I created a better plumbing system." "24 drops come out of this time tap every day. You can use each drop on activities that add value to your life or don't. The choice is yours. But remember, once a drop is gone, it never comes back." "I think our time is at an end Richard. But your lessons are only beginning. It's time for you to meet someone Richard. Someone
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it?" He wondered to himself how he could think such a thing in a beautiful place like this. He wanted to be shown something magical, like how to turn time into money as the plumber had talked about. Then he heard a whispered melody come from the Gardner's lips. "Well, well, well." And then he saw the magic all at once. "Well, well, well?" He was so excited he danced around the Garden amusing the two girls. "Well, well, well! It's the Well of Wealth! You all know it already! Anyone can see it but most of us don't." "I soon realised that my highest value activities were sowing, nurturing and reaping. This was true for my learning, network and for my investments. I had little experience or interest in finance, but I had plenty of experience and interest in gardening." "I sowed the seeds in every new person I met and in every new tool I learnt to use. I nurtured my relationships and my investments. I reaped the rewards consciously and when the time was right. If I had not, I am likely to have tried to reap too early, not sown with enough care or not nurtured with enough commitment. So, that is how I became wealthy simply by becoming a better Gardner!" "Sow, nurture, reap." "Have you ever heard the expression 'Can't see the wood for the trees'? Until I knew what I wanted my garden to look like, I didn't know what to focus on. Once I had a vision it was very clear to me whare I should invest my 24 drops of water." "So, how do you want your Garden to look Richard?" "I want a beautiful garden like this. I want to live an inspiring life, where wealth is returned from the wealth that I give. I want to live with my great vision. How do I find it?" "If you want to find your vision, follow your passion. The less work feels like work the closer you are getting. If you seek your vision let passion be your compass." "Your passion is your compass." Richard thought of his father. His passion was complaining. So how was that going to make them wealthy? "Come with me Richard. There is someone I would like you to meet." They walked down to the water and found the two girls by a fishing boat. "This is the Fisherman. Richard is a young man seeking the wood." "Well, well, well!" exclaimed the Fisherman. "After the wood, are you? Well then, hop in, we're going down stream." Just before departing Richard turned to the Gardner and asked her for some last words of wisdom. "Girls, why don't you give Richard something to take with him." One of the girls looked at Richard, and he noticed for the first time her beautiful eyes. They twinkled. As the Fisherman cast off, she sang, "The world is waiting, Anticipating" Richard kept eye contact for as long as he dared as he felt his heart pounding. And the journey continued

"The Well is in Our Words!"

Richard could feel that the people he had met today were different than his father and the people from the village. They all have a great mindset because they use different words and they ask better questions. "All the people I have met started just like me, just like my father. But then they started changing their words, they started growing their clarity. They began to tap into the Well and that is why they are now wealthy. It's magic!"

"Your Well is in Your Words."

The Gardner was smiling at Richard again. Then she looked at him and did something peculiar. With the most enchanting twinkle in her eye, she winked. "Are you wealthy?" he asked the Gardner. "I have two wonderful daughters, an incredible husband, my health and my time. Yes, I am wealthy." "But you mean money don't you. All the land you see here. I own it. 85 wealthy residents in this area pay me rent. You see, I used to earn simply as a Gardner, but I put some earnings aside and more importantly I invested my time in becoming very convincing in front of bankers and financiers, as well as meeting and learning off a number of successful property developers." "I had a vision to own my own piece of Mother Nature, you see. My vision was that nature would give me wealth and I would give my wealth to nature in return. That's what a good Gardner does. That's what you see here. I'm living my dream." "Wealth is the beginning, not the end." "I became very focussed by simply treating my life as a garden and my focus was like the garden hose. What I focussed on got watered and grew. What I did not focus on dried up and died."

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no doing."

The Fisherman Plan to Fail 9 times out of 10

The Fisherman roared with laughter. "She's right there, lad. It's a waiting game. The world waits for us to give, while we wait for the world to give. Exactly like fishing, that is of course until I learnt to become a better fisherman." "And what wealth do you have?" "I own a retail chain. Everything I wear is from my chain. I like to spend time with my people. Like I spend time here with the fish. That's what I love. That's the wealth that I have. What about you?" "I don't have much wealth." The fisherman whistled "The World is waiting, anticipating" Then he said with a start "Are you blind, boy, knocking the side of the boat with a loud rap." "You want to find the wood? Could, should, wood. Here's the wood. It's right here. It's all around you. You're sitting in it." The Fisherman rapped the old looking boat again. Richard was left wondering why such a wealthy man would have such a worn out boat anyway. The Fisherman changed subjects abruptly. He spoke of many things. One that caught Richard's attention was becoming a better fisherman by creating a better fly. He said that this creates attraction and after you create attraction you never have to chase fish again. So he spent his time in creating value because there is no wealth where there is no value. Value is the river where wealth flows. He went on to say that you do this by not being afraid to fail. As a matter of fact you should plan to fail otherwise you will be constantly disappointed. The fisherman gestured towards the river. "In this river there are a thousand fish. When I sink my line, I am planning to fail to catch all but one of them, which means I am planning for a failure rate of 99.9%. If that failure rate becomes 99.8%, I will have caught two fish, which will have doubled my result for the day." "Plan to be wealthy by failing 9 times out of 10 times. That way, whether you are succeeding or failing you will still be wealthy." Richard didn't quite know what to make of the Fisherman but he seemed to know what he was talking about. They continued to fish, talk and eat and Richard even managed to hook a catch for the day which the Fisherman jokingly called Sally after his wife. "So when are you going to catch a fish Richard?" "But I already did", Richard protested. "I mean a real fish, a money tap. No point knowing if there ain't

The Fisherman continued to speak of his life and many truth's he had learned along his own journey. Richard was entranced by what the Fisherman was saying and he continued to scribble in his notebook

The Fisherman's Pearls of Wisdom

"To know and not to do, is to not know at all." "Value is the river in which Wealth flows." "Become an inspired work-in-progress." "Plan to fail."

They where now near the shore and Richard was starting to feel very good about himself. He asked the Fisherman, "What can I do to be wealthy today?" The Fisherman rapped the side of the boat again. "See the wood lad. That's where you'll find your wealth." He pointed the boat to the bank and Richard turned to see a boathouse.

The Lessons of The Rower

"Hi, I'm Rich, can you help me?" "Well, if you're Rich shouldn't you be asking how you can help me?" Richard reddened in embarrassment. "OK. How can I help you?" The Rower leaned back on the mooring. "I've got an hour's rowing ahead of me. Inspire me." Richard began his story. "My father was sick today. He is sick a lot. Sick and tired. I'm his only son, and love him. He is so gifted and he doesn't even know it. I help him in his work and I know how good he is. I'm going to make sure we invest our time and build a better plumbing system to grow a beautiful garden." "I'm going to go home today and create a life where we attract the wealth we deserve, and the time we deserve. The time together - because there's nothing more precious than time - and there's nothing more valuable to me than the time I have with my Dad. It isn't the biggest life but it's my life and it's going to be fantastic." Suddenly, with crystal clarity, Richard spun around and ran towards the boat house where the Fisherman had been sitting. "I'm ready! I can help you!" The Fisherman looked up and smiled. "Sorry I was a little slow, but I'm learning! Your boat: I'll sand and polish the wood. I've done it for my father many times. He's a

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Carpenter." Ah, so you finally saw the wood!" "When the Gardner said 'I can't see the wood for the trees', I heard it the way I had always heard it. The wood was the big picture - the vision. And I only just realised that the wood also means what can be created from the trees. That opportunity can be created out of every moment." "So I'm ready to help. My Dad is an amazing Carpenter, and I'm going to be as good as he is. But I'm not just going to DO better carpentry. I'm going to BE a better Carpenter. I will fix up your boat, and I can learn from you to build a better ladder to my new life with my father." At $5 an hour to fix three boats for the fisherman, Richard realised this was not a money tap but it was a wonderful opportunity to develop his learning. "Pardon?" The Rower held up his oar. "You see Richard, when I started rowing I learnt how to make my millions. When I became better, I learnt how to keep them. If you are in too much of a hurry, you will come back to the same place no wealthier, but exhausted all the same. You have to understand, there's a rhythm to wealth." The Rower pointed to his oar. "This, Richard is leverage. Put in a small amount of effort, and get out a big result. To create wealth, you need to learn how to leverage your efforts, your time and your money. You do this with other people's efforts, other people's time and other people's money." Richard could see how each of the people he had met today could not have gotten the wealth that they had without other people's efforts, time and money. Each of them had inspired the people they had met with their vision and as a result had created leverage. "But the key to leverage, like this oar, is how you use it. Use it the wrong way you'll end up exhausted." "The key to leverage is how you use it." The Rower went on to tell an amazing story of his Travel Tour Company and how he had used leverage to grow it only to have to make the decision to eventually close the company. All of this because he had not planned to fail. "In the end having to close the company was the best thing that could have happened to me. You see, I refocussed and I noticed something." "When I became a better Rower I realised that what I was doing when the oar was out of the water was more important than what I was doing when it was in the water." "What I am trying to say Richard is that when I was working on my travel company I was tired most of the time. This meant that even though I was working very hard I couldn't use my full potential." "Each day I was wearing myself down more and more. And when you're highly leveraged like I was - with people to manage and fires to put out constantly - everything gets magnified by a factor of 10." "So every day I was wearing myself down further. Each stroke, when I was rowing, was wearing me down further." "Now I'm a better Rower. I know that the more relaxed and balanced I am when the oar is out of the water, the more prepared I am for the next stroke. That's why it's called the 'recovery'." "Does that make sense Richard?" "Yes, I think it does." It was time to move on but before he left, Richard showed that "Less Pace More Haste" said the Rower.

"See the wood from the trees."

Richard ran back to the Rower with thoughts and emotions whirling through his body and mind. "You look like you're in a hurry!" "I am. I've been learning so much and now it's time for action!"

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he had not forgotten the lessons he had learnt throughout this amazing day. "Here's my number, I'd be happy to sand and varnish your boat for you." The Rower smiled. "Well, thank you. I have an entire boathouse full of boats waiting to be sanded and varnished. You're going to need to bring help." 2 more people that held the missing link to making everything he had learned a reality. They hold the final key's not only to Richards's true wealth and fulfilment, but yours as well. What are they? The Journey continues for you in the International Bestselling Book "Wink And Grow Rich"

"The World is Waiting Anticipating." The Musician - Harmonise Your Time

Having heard the sound of a flute in the air Richard made his way to a wooden gazebo on the beach. There playing her flute was the Musician. "Hi, I'm Rich! I have a quality wood care service and would love to be of assistance." The Musician laughed. "My, you're a young Entrepreneur. Unfortunately this gazebo isn't mine but my flute could do with a polish." "Could I tell you my vision?" Rich began. "Draw it for me" she said. Richard did that for the next 20 minutes. Then the Musician asked, "So now tell me why you might fail." "I don't know. How might I fail?" "If you were to sow in the summer or reap in the spring. If you were to forget about... harmony." "You see Rich, Harmony is the foundation of wealth. When you find true harmony, you find untold strength What the musician went on to say was as beautiful and powerful as the notes coming from her flute.

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Richard scribbled the key points in his notebook. "Time is your most precious asset." "Sustainable wealth follows a rhythm." "Harmony is the Foundation of Wealth." "Time has seasons."
The joy Richard felt at his new understanding was something he had never experienced before. He left the musician with a skip in his step and the joy of knowing his life would never be the same again. But unknown to him, his journey had not yet ended. The most important steps of all had yet to be taken.
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