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FACTS, PRINCIPLES, ATTITUDES AND SKILLS Grade Six Earth Sciences Standard 3.a.

Students know energy can be carried from one place to another by heat flow or by waves, including water, light and sound waves, or by moving objects. Intelligence Type VerbalLinguistic LogicalMathematical Visual-Spatial Product Assignment Students write a summary that explains the differences between the transfer of energy and the transformation or conversion of energy. Students read power bill statements to find out and record the cost of electricity, natural gas, firewood, and other sources used during a month. Have students work in groups to create a collage titled Energy Transformations in Our Life. Have them use pictures from magazines or their own art to illustrate conversions from potential energy into kinetic energy, kinetic energy into heat energy, and heat energy into kinetic energy. The use of visual information can increase comprehension of text. Students rub their hands together vigorously for 30+ seconds. They then apply lotion and do the same again. They analyze the results. They describe how the temperature of their hands changed. They identify what energy transformation occurred when they rubbed their hands together. Students create a song or poem. They write lyrics that identify the main facts of energy transfer and conversion. They can put the lyrics to a popular song and can create a music video to be watched or performed in class. Students work together to determine multiple examples of different energy conversions. They could put together a PowerPoint presentation or a video to share with the class. Have students find newspaper articles and reports about the tsunami wave in the Indian Ocean in 2004, including pictures. Student write a paper about the cause and damage, using key terms form the text to describe energy transfer. Students observe water waves and document their findings. They watch how a water wave transfers energy from one place to another, but it doesn't transfer matter.






FACTS, PRINCIPLES, ATTITUDES AND SKILLS References Focus on earth science. (2007). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw Hill. Grade Six: Focus on Earth Science. Science content standards for california public schools: kindergarten through grade twelve. Retrieved from Ventriglia, Linda D. Ph. D. (2010). Best practices differentiated instruction: the rule of foot. 8th Edition. Mexico: Younglight Educate.

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