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Food is essential to life and good health. It is also extremely important to family life.
Sharing a meal with your family allows for conversation and a chance to talk about
your day. Helping to prepare the meal gives you a chance to show off your skills
learned in Food Technology and to learn new skills from your parents. It provides the
opportunity to talk to your parents about changes to everyday foods and customs
since your parents were children. Food is especially important for special occasions
and specific foods are often always served for the same occasion eg Christmas or

Your task is to interview your parents and, if possible, your grandparents or

another older relative to determine:

• Changes in common foods eaten and preparation and service of meals.


• Roles associated with preparation, service and cleaning up after meals, ie Was it
the mother’s job or was it shared? (Q6,7,8,9)

• Foods of special significance to your family which are traditionally served on

special occasions, eg Does your Grandmother always make the Christmas
Pudding or the Trifle for Christmas? (Q10,11,12)

• Select a recipe of special significance to your family (Q13)


1 Based on the answers you collected on your question sheet you are to
write a minimum 250 word report titled “Changes to Food and
Mealtime Roles and Customs in our Family”. Hand written answers on
the question sheet should also be submitted.

2 Find a recipe of special significance to your family to include with your

article. Briefly explain why the recipe has been chosen, when it is
served and where the recipe originated.

3 Complete student reflection commenting upon your experiences whilst

researching this assignment.

1 What were common evening dinner meals your parents ate when they were children?
Grandparents (older person) _________________________________________________
What (if any) convenience foods did they use_____________________________________
2 What are your common dinner meals now? _____________________________________
How and why are they different? _______________________________________________
3 How have the kitchen appliances changed since your parents were children
4 What changes have occurred in takeaway food consumption?___________________________

5 Did your parents/grandparents have a vegetable garden when they were young? Do you have a
vegetable garden now?
6 Did your parents eat family meals at the dining table as a family and what table manners and
rituals were important to their families when they were young?
Mother ___________________________________________________________________
Father ____________________________________________________________________
Are these manners and rituals still the same for your family today?
If not, what changes to family routine have caused the changes?
6 Did your parents have set jobs for meal time eg. set the table, clear the table, wash up
etc?_________________________________ _____________________________________
Do you have the same responsibilities? __________________________________________
7 Who cooked dinner when your parents were children?
Is it the same in your family?__________________________________________________
8 How many children were in your parents’ families?
Mother _________Father____________ Your family_______________
9 Did your parents’ mothers work full time outside the home? Mother
Do both your parents work outside the home?__________________
Have the work habits of your parents influenced the types of food you regularly include in your
daily meals? _____________________________________________________________________________

10 Do you have particular foods that your family always eats at Christmas?
11 Do you have a special cake you prepare for birthdays? _________________________________
12 Who prepares the specific foods for special occasions?
13 Do you have any recipes that have special meaning to your family that are served at specific
occasions? __________________________________________________________________
Recipe Name___________________ Reason why recipe is special to your family
Name _________________________________________________ Class _______

Food and Family Traditions
Research Assignment

• information about changes to family meals - food and
• information about changes to mealtime roles and customs
• Information about changes to father/mother work habits and
family size and the effects on family meals
• a minimum 250 word report titled ‘Changes to Food and
Mealtime Roles and Customs in our Family’ based on
information obtained from interview questions
• ability to record information from verbal interview (hand
written rough notes)
• analyse effects of food and lifestyle changes from your
parents childhood and the effects on your current diet and
meal habits
• significance of your chosen recipe to your family
• a technically accurate 250 word, word processed report
• a recipe of special significance to your family
Student Reflection:
Teacher Comment:


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