Transformer Life Extension Options and Considerations 20130820

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Craig L.

Stiegemeier; ABB TRES Transformer Remanufacturing & Engineering Services; August 20, 2013

ABB Red TIE Series - Pomona Transformer Life Extension Options and Considerations
ABB Inc.2013

Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Agenda

Reliability Concerns Condition Assessment Steps to Reduce the Risk of Failure Life Beyond Nameplate Monitoring Solutions When is Action Justified Case Studies Options/actions are suited for the specific transformer Advanced Condition Assessment Techniques Repair/Remanufacturing Options Impact of Geomagnetic Disturbances on Power Transformers & The Grid

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Transformer Reliability Aging Transformers

Doble Statistics on Transformer Failures

43% winding insulation 16% load tap changers 19% bushings

Components can be easily addressed in the substation, giving an overall reliability improvement
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Hartford Steam Boiler Insurance projected:

2% annual failure rate of existing installed base by the year 2008 5% by the end of 2013 Not realized, but failures are increasing

Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Transformer Remanufacturing & Engineering Services Portfolio Overview
Engineering Solutions

MTMProgram & DTMProgram - Tools for Effective Asset Management & Maintenance Action Planning Engineering Studies Design, Thermal, Condition & Life Assessments, Natural Ester Feasibility, Geomagnetic Disturbance Impact, etc. Diagnostic and Assessment Services, including performing/ supporting field or factory testing and test result analysis Testing Services dielectric testing at transformer site, up to and including full thermal heat run testing Training Transformer & Service Overview or Specific Testing Training Preventative and Corrective Maintenance Engineered Retrofit/Repair Solutions, including adding monitoring systems LTC & Cooling System Refurbishment, Retrofit & Uprating Transportation, Relocation & Logistics Services Installation & Commissioning Services TrafoOilRenewal Oil Upgrading/Processing (on-line capability) ABB BioTemp Retrofils Technical Assistance and Training Replacement and Spare Parts Repair to original performance Remanufacture to achieve higher ratings or to eliminate problems All types, all manufacturers, including Industrial/Specialty Focus Factories based on scope of project

Field Service and Retrofit

Factory & Site Repair/Remanufacturing

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations MTMProgram Transformer Asset Management Program
The ABB Mature Transformer Management Program involves a series of assessments to provide optimal asset decisions

Phase I Fleet Risk Screening Phase II Condition & Design Evaluation of Critical Assets Phase III Life Profiling Phase IV - Implementation

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Program Processes

Probability of failure / Risk

Step 1: Fleet Screening Before assessment After program implementation

High Medium Low


Step 2: Detailed Assessment Step 3: Life Profiling Condition Assessment Design Assessment Life Assessment (Profiling)
Engineering Solutions: -Retrofit/Upgrade - Remanufacturing - Maintenance - Adv. Diagnostics - Monitoring - Spares/New units

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations MTMProgram Transformer Asset Management Program
T ra n s fo rm e r F le e t

Fleet Screening
D esign/ C onditionA ssessm ent
Advanced Diagnostics

A dvancedLife A ssessm ent

Engineered Solutions
R eplacem ent R efurbishm ent C ooling U d

Corrective Maintenance Actions

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Risk of Failure Assessment

Risk of short-circuit failure based on assessment of the short-circuit strength of the windings and clamping structure and the incidence and magnitude of short-circuit through fault events. Winding thermal condition based on the condition of the paper insulation since aged, brittle insulation is more likely to fail under the mechanical and electrical stress conditions Risk of dielectric failure based on the assessment of the dielectric withstand capability of the transformer insulation system (oil, paper, etc.) and the electrical stress imposed by the power system and naturally occurring events Accessory failures failure of a transformer accessory such as a bushing, pump, or tap changer, may cause a failure, or loss of service of the transformer. Miscellaneous or Random Failure risk due to other causes of Failure or Loss of service

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Risk Of Failure Determination

Input Data
Nameplate Information Application Information Loading History Service Record Mechanical Design Information Electrical Design Information Thermal Design Information Through-Fault History Site Inspection Information Bushing type and Diagnostic Data Conservator type and Condition Load Tap Changer Type and Diagnostics Cooling Equipment Type and Condition DGA and Oil Quality Data Electrical Test Data (PF, Resistance, PD.) Maintenance History Failure History of Similar Units Leaks and Environmental Concerns
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Risk Categories
Short-Circuit Risk


Thermal Risk

Dielectric Risk


Accessory Risk

Relative Importance to System

Miscellaneous Risk

Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Risk Example of Total Probability of Failure & Relative Importance
40 35 Number of Units 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Total Probability of Failure (% /year)
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These are these the units to focus on

Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Risk Using Total Probability of Failure & Relative Transformer Importance

The vertical axis of the risk diagram is set by the relative importance of each transformer in the customers system. Importance can be defined by any of the following: Criticality Index established via an RCM exercise System impact from service interruption Cost of replacement of transformer Cost of energy not served due to failure of transformer

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Risk Profile Importance vs. Probability of Failure


Relative Importance

A (GSU Txfmer)



B (Substation

0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

Probability of Failure (% /Year)

- Urgent Risk
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- Priority Risk

- Normal Risk

Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Reasons for High Risk Example Listing in Report

Reasons for all transformers at risk should be developed There may be several reasons that contribute to a high risk of failure.
ID No. TROF Relative Importance Position Reasons for Higher Risk




High CTG (1.03%) power factor, low CHT (0.04%) power factor and high CHG (0.58%) power factor (measured 9/8/1996); High C1 power factor for HV Bushing (1.89% measured 7/9/1996); High concentration of carbon monoxide (736 ppm measured 9/14/2006); Slightly low interfacial tension (29 dynes/cm2 measured 4/16/2001); Higher failure rate for 765kV transformers, designed for 1800kV BIL; Age of bushings and outdated bushing power factor test; LTC condition - no diagnostic data (DGA) and inspection data available for LTC

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Risk Mitigation Actions

The final step in the process is to suggest mitigation actions to address the underlying reasons For each suggested action, a time frame must be provided for the action to be completed. This attempts to address the urgency of each action that must be taken Depending on the issues uncovered in the analysis, other actions would be proposed

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Risk Mitigation Actions - Example

A suggested list of specific actions for transformers at risk should be used to drive maintenance and retrofit actions
Possible Risk Mitigation Actions [L1] = ASAP, [L2] = 1 Yr. [L3] = 1 - 3 Yrs., [L4] = 3 5 Yrs

ID No.


FRA Test (Note 1)

Retest/ Replace Bushings [L2] [L2] [L2]

Cooling equip. maintenance

Pump Inspection (Note 2) [L3] [L3] [L3]

DFR Meas.

Std. PF Tests

Oil Tests (Note 3)

3 17 6 8 23 2


[L4] [L4] [L4]

[L2] [L2] [L2] [L2]

[L2] [L2] [L2] [L2] [L2]

[L2] [L2] [L2] [L2] [L2] [L2]

[L2] [L2] [L2] [L4] [L4] [L3] [L3]



(Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3)

Check looseness in windings Unless inspection has been already done within the past 10 years Oil tests should include oil quality tests and DGA tests for the transformers and LTC compartments

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Reasons For Higher Risk

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Possible Risk Mitigation Actions

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Budget Expenditures vs. Risk
Consider: 128 Transformers = $1.28MUSD Maintenance Budget MTMProgram Risk Prioritization for 128 transformers: 11 High Risk = $110 kUSD = 9% of Budget 47 Medium Risk = $470 kUSD = 37% 70 Low Risk = $700 kUSD = 54%

Concentrating Maintenance Actions on Low Risk Transformers is a High Risk Strategy!

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Expense Optimization using Condition Evaluation
Optimized solutions provides 1st year (24%) savings = $306k Budget Now Looks Like: 128 Transformers = $0.974 kUSD Maintenance Budget MTMProgram Risk Prioritization for 128 transformers: 11 High Risk = $245.5 kUSD = 25 % of Budget Spend 47 Medium Risk = $434 kUSD = 45 % 70 Low Risk = $294.5 kUSD = 30%

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Maintenance Optimization




$$ $ $


24 %


OS=US - balanced budget OS>US - lower maintenance $$$

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Risk Mitigation Process Overview
Risk Mitigation Plan L4 ABB TRES

L1 ASAP L2 1 year L3 2-3 years L4 3-5 years

Risk Mitigation Plan L3 ABB TRES Risk Mitigation Plan L1+L2 ABB TRES

Transformer fleet

Manual data collection AssetSentry

Data input (manual)

System importance

Transformers data

Automated Data input (TEC,Serveron)

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Loss of Life - Opportunity determination by life profiling

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations TEC- Monitoring

A B 1 B 2 B 3 C D E F G H I TOP + 6 5

O I L T EMP o C + 1 4 9 F

HOT - S POT HV o o + 7 5 C + 1 6 7 F HOT - S POT L V o o + 8 0 C + 1 7 6 F HOT - S POT RV o o + 7 0 C + 1 5 0 F BO T T OM O I L o + 5 0 C + 1 2 2 LOAD 8 3% OL TC 2 1



I / I r a t POS I T I ON

OL TC T EMP o + 5 0 C + 1 2 2 HYDROGEN 1 0 0 P PM MO I S T UR E 2 P PM MO I S T UR E 1 3 P PM


Pressing the button for some seconds gives status information

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Monitoring & Diagnostics - ABB TEC Installation

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Gas Sensor


Online Sensors
H2O Sensor




Trxf. fingerprint Age Load Top Oil T. amb Tap pos. MTMP Risk of Failure FRA, DFR, Z, etc Maintenance actions Expertise Equations Trxf. 1

Utility / Computation Enterprise Industrial Headquarters


Trxf. 2 Trxf. 3 Trxf. n

Report Recommend Actions Update Risk of Failure

Routine tests

Off line DGA

Off line SOT

Static data or information Dynamic data/information On going development

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Offline Databases

Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations MTMP Program - Risk Of Failure vs. Importance (Criticality Index)

ROF, %

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations DTMProgram - Dynamic Transformer Management Program

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations DTMProgram - Dynamic Transformer Management Program

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Typical On-Site Services to Improve Reliability

Engineering Assessments (MTMP) Advanced Testing Bushing Replacement Tap Changer Services Unit Uprates / Cooling Systems

Control system upgrade Internal Inspections COPS tank modifications Reblocking Biodegradable fluid retrofills

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Typical preventive maintenance actions

Transformer General Oil tests General external inspection DGA of transformers and Tap Changers Dielectric tests (Dielectric response (DFR), power factor) Mechanical Structure/Condition of Coils Leakage Reactance test 10kV AC excitation Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) Low Voltage Excitation test Degree of Polymerization (DP) Internal CTs - Test ratio and polarity Tap Changers ratio, contact condition, timing, sequence, alignment, lubrication, oil condition, mechanical fatigue/damage, wiring, contactors, switches, gauges, indicators Bushings visual inspection, thermal imaging, dielectric testing (power factor, capacitance, Dielectric Response)

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Possible Options for Reducing Risk
System Actions: Modifying auto-reclosing practice Measures for reducing close-in faults Fault overcurrent limiters Neutral reactor application (system applicability) Transformer Service/Replacement Actions: Proactive maintenance practices Advanced diagnostics testing On line monitoring Relocating units Factory winding upgrade Need for spare transformers

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Possible Risk Mitigation for Urgent Ranked Transformers
ID # Location Serial Number Manufacturer Reasons for Higher Risk Possible Risk Mitigation Actions [L1] = ASAP, [L2] = 1 Yr. [L3] = 2 - 3 Yrs., [L4] = 3 5 Yrs

AR 2


Federal Pacific

Through-Fault failure, dielectric failure

Investigate for possible PD including installing Hydran [L1] Perform Acoustic PD measurements [L1] Increase DGA sampling to trend H2 production [L1] Perform complete oil screening test from samples taken when transformer is hot [L1] Condition Assessment [L2] SFRA test [L2] Review PF and capacitance history [L2] Implement measures to reduce number of through faults such as tree trimming [L2] Limit auto-reclosing to 1 reclose [L3]

BA 5



Possible Arcing in the tap changer compartment

Resample oil in tap changer for DGA. If Acetylene is confirmed, then remove from service and perform internal inspection on LTC compartment [L1].

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Upgrade Task
1. Replacing the oil in the transformers with new oil with lower charging tendency. This will reduce the risk of streaming electrification failure.

Reduced ROF,%

Increased Insulation Life, Years

Estim. Cost


2. Replacing the cooling system with a new, more efficient system. This will reduce the risk of a forced outage due to component failure and lower the oil temperatures in the transformer. Lower oil temperatures will reduce the future aging rate and also reduce the hot spot temperatures, thus reducing the risk of catestrophic failure caused by the overheating condition. The new cooling system will have to take into account the risk of streaming electrification caused by excessive oil velocity in the windings. 3. Removing the sound enclosure This will improve the cooling efficiency somewhat and allow better diagnostic measurement of the tank wall temperatures using infrared thermography. 4. Converting the oil preservation system from inertaire to Constant Oil Preservation System (COPS). This will eliminate the need to have a nitrogen line going to each transformer and will keep the the oil in a degassed state. Oil with a lower gas content will not have the possibility of nitrogen bubble formation, which can lead to failure in the

18 8





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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Power Uprating

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Possible Power Upgrade
Answers 3 questions:

What is the maximum power these transformers can carry with no modifications ? What is the maximum power these transformers can carry with on-site modifications? What is the maximum power these transformers can carry with factory modifications? The answers include the details of any suggested modifications

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Possible Power Upgrade

To determine a transformer's ability to handle loads, several items must be considered for the ability to carry current at safe thermal levels. Those items are:

Bushings Windings Interconnection leads De-energized Tap Changers Core hot spots Current transformers

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Possible Power Upgrade

Items that must to be evaluated as currents increase due to greater load, as there will be an increase in the stray magnetic flux:

Tank shielding Top and bottom clamp shielding Transformer core Brazed joints Tank panels Bushing bosses CT mountings

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Summary of Design Review
Cases MVA Average Oil HV Braze LV Winding H.S. 1 406 36.5 82.2 87.6 2 406 31.0 75.3 76.9 3 425 32.8 79.9 81.6 4 440 29.8 79.7 77.5

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Project Cash Flow (Months to Payback)
$1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 -$200,000 -$400,000

10 11 12


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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Transformer Uprating
Four single-phase 415 MVA GSU transformers 23.75 to 345 kV uprated to 456.5MVA (an increase for the plant of 124.5 MVA)

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Transformer Uprating
Work scope included: Engineering Thermal Loading & Upgrade Study Cooling system replacement Modification of the cooling controls Oil expansion tank upgrades Overall general maintenance on the transformers

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Transformer Cooling System Upgrade

A design evaluation must be performed to determine the weakest link Based on the design evaluation, cooling and other changes are identified to allow an upgrade and a possible uprating It is possible to supply a new nameplate as part of project Unit shown was uprated from 610 to 660 MVA, and the hot spot temperature was lowered
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Load Tap Changers Maintenance LTC Field Service Considerations

Many tap changers were/are good designs Specialists can successfully rebuild LTCs through a complete maintenance & overhaul cycle OEM-or-better quality parts are available for many LTC models LTC OEM Products Supported in the US Market Include:

ABB Reinhausen GE Westinghouse A/C FPE

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LTC Retrofit should be considered for problem units Troubleshooting & Timing Verification is critical

Load Tap Changers Maintenance LTC Field Service Options

Procure like-new or better parts (contacts, linkages, controls, etc.), you supply the labor Contract with an experienced LTC refurbishment specialist who has access to OEM or better grade parts Perform an LTC Upgrade or Retrofit of Specific Models i.e. replacing UTT with RMV A customized recommendation for each model & application Customers may feel comfortable refurbishing continuously, but quality and quantity of parts sources is dwindling On-line Oil Filtration Retrofits (Resistive Models)

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Many old LTCs are Still Supported OEM-Grade (or better) Parts and Services are available for many older tap changers:

General Electric
LR9 LR10 LR15 LR17 LR19 LR21 LR27 LR29 LR31 LR38 LR40 LR41 LR45 LR47 LR48 LR59 LR63 LR65 LR67 LR68 LR69 LR72 LR79 LR81 LR83 LR85 LR89 LR91 LR92 LR95 LR96 LR200 LR300 LR400 LR500 LR700



MA, -1,-2 MB, -1, -2 MC MH MJ

Federal Pacific
TC-15 TC-25 TC-515 TC-525 TC-546

Ferranti Packard
138RT32 25RT32 34RT32 69RT32

Allis Chalmers

McGraw Edison
220 397 500 550 996 V2A

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Load Tap Changer Condition Improvements Sampling of Tap Changer Retrofit Projects:

Westinghouse URT UVT Federal Pacific TC-25 UVT W URT-HC Reinhausen RMV-I GE LRT Westinghouse UVT Ferranti Packard RT UVT Westinghouse URT RMV-II Moloney MC Reinhausen RMV-I FP TC-25 Reinhausen RMT-I FP LR-525 Reinhausen RMT-I GE LRT-500 Reinhausen M (in-tank) Westinghouse URH Reinhausen M Westinghouse UNR RMV-II GE LR-83 Reinhausen RMV-II Installation of Westinghouse UVT to non-LTC transformer

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Load Tap Changer Condition Improvements Case Study: On Site Tap Changer Retrofit



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Example: VRLTC Field Retrofit

Maintenance challenge - Federal Pacific reactance type LTC (arcing under oil) New ABB VRLTC with Smart Grid Ready motor drive Customer Value: Life Extension, reduced maintenance intervals, on-line LTC condition information available

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Loose Windings Coil Reblocking

Certain large power transformers are prone to coil degradation due to various design, operating and environmental factors Particularly, large power substation, and generator step-up transformers that were built by General Electric in Pittsfield, MA prior to 1972 Because of aging, loading and the use of low density pressboard in original construction, its probable that the coil blocking is loose These units often have compromised oil boxes, resulting in cooling deficiencies High Risk Transformers can be identified by evaluating a number of indicators to determine if reblocking is needed, including: Design & Construction Essentially all GE Mark II designs (1965-1971), Mark I designs (1959-1964), and pre-Mark I designs (pre 1959) are at risk. Operating History The number of faults experienced and their severity, as well as the loading history, are factors that can contribute to the loosening of coils Gas-in-oil analysis, Degree of Polymerization. A high CO/CO2 ratio could indicate aging of the insulation. A more definitive test for determination of insulation degradation is the degree of polymerization test.

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Loose Windings Coil Reblocking
Results of loose blocking

Reduced coil clamping pressure drastically reducing through fault or short circuit withstand strength. Conductor and turn insulation could be abraded through excessive movement of the windings. The oil box could be ruptured, starving the winding of coolant, creating hot spots in the windings and further deteriorating the insulation. Catastrophic failure of the transformer

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Loose Windings Coil Reblocking

Internal Inspection The only way to evaluate tightness of blocking and loosening of the coils is to drain the oil from the transformer then visually and physically inspect the internals. Some of the items inspected are:

Tightness of window wedges and wedge blocks Bearing of spacers on end rings Any crushing of end rings at the bearing surface between them and spacers Clearance to the winding cylinders Alignment and tightness of radial spacers and associated channel fill. Oil box condition Areas that are inaccessible to visual inspection via human eye, are viewed through a portable boroscope for better evaluation.

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Loose Windings Coil Reblocking

It is advantageous for the engineer to be able to refer to the original design information and drawings to determine the correct clamping force, the proper reblocking and fill materials and the need for any additional components that may be necessary to ensure the future reliability of the transformer. Defining the scope of work
By evaluating the general condition of the transformer, including bushings, tap changers and their drives, coolers, tank shielding, leads and lead supports;

Determine where the work can be completed.

Either in the field or in a repair facility. Completing work in the field is preferable if there is sufficient room for positioning jacks, replacing channel fill when necessary, an in general, maneuverability inside the unit.

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations COPS /Atmoseal System Elevation

Oil Expansion System System elevation too low Allows a negative pressure on topmost gaskets Maintenance considerations and oil level risks reduced

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: 388 MVA, 1, GSU On-Site Repair

Finite Element Analysis (Engineering study) Originally Manufactured by another OEM OEM Data Used to Perform Engineering Analysis Customer Value: Field correctable Increased reliability Reduced outage time

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: 388 MVA, 1, GSU On-Site Repair

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations On Site Controls & Cooling Retrofit


Supported by design evaluation Model identified problems and opportunities Value: Modernized control and cooling systems

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: De-energized Tapchanger Retrofit

Original GE design built in Guelph, Ontario in 1980 750 MVA 500-230 kV Autotransformer Critical unit for the customer Fleet of aging 750 MVA units (>30 transformers) Unit was gassing due to arcing of De-Energized Tapchanger DeTC was no longer operational Substation near large city 1 of 2 key stations that limits the power available to the city

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: De-energized Tapchanger Retrofit

TRES examined problem for on site solution Customer eager for quick turn around Major challenge was to remove original DeTC through existing manholes & source a new DeTC that could be modified for this application Solution was found with an MR model in current production ABB provided the following on site repair alternatives: Hardwire the unit into 1 tap position Remove tapchanger and install linkboard Remove tapchanger and install new replacement tapchanger Customer choose option for new tapchanger

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: De-energized Tapchanger Retrofit

Work Scope Retrofit a new MR off load tapchanger Designed leads, support and mechanical linkage for new tap changer Design all components to fit through existing manholes Ordered and prepare materials for site On site & in transformer for 6 weeks to remove original tapchanger, prepare and support leads and install new tapchanger Field dryout of the unit Unit was successfully energized

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: De-energized Tapchanger Retrofit

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: De-energized Tapchanger Retrofit

Customer benefits: Gains back full usage of a valuable asset No loss of DeTC functionality and operation without lowering oil level Long term solution to the problem Large cost & time savings versus traditional in factory repair Quicker and more cost effective solution as compared to new Solution will be implemented for 21 other 750 MVA units of the same design with same tap changer

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Solutions for Oil Purification: Reclaiming of Oil in Power Transformers

Problem: Oxidation of the oil-cellulose transformer insulation increases the aging of the insulation materials, consequently reducing the life expectancy and reliability of the transformer. Solution: ABBs oil reclaiming process removes acids, sludge, and other degrading products from transformer oil. Value: The aging rate of oil is lowered at an environmental advantage - instead of replacing a non-renewable resource, the oil is processed. This will also have a positive impact on the aging of the paper.

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Design Review & Fleet Assessment

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Regulating Transformer

Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Design Review & Fleet Assessment
Main Unit Designation

Original Manufacturer


Transformer Serial Number



MVA (top rating) 65C

Cooling Class

Regulating Transformer No. 1

Westinghouse Electric







Regulating Transformer No. 2

Westinghouse Electric







Regulating Transformer - Spare

Westinghouse Electric







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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Case Study: Design Review & Fleet Assessment
100 Cumulative % Thermal Loss of Insulation Life 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1980
%LOL (PL1 - 2005 Load Levels) %LOL (PL2 - 2005 Load Levels) %LOL (10% Increase in PL1 Loading Beginning in 2006) %LOL (10% Increase in PL2 Loading Beginning in 2006)






Year of Service

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Cumulative Percent Loss of Insulation Life of Regulating Transformers

Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations BIOTEMP - ABB Sensible Solution

With BIOTEMP, ABB aims at offering a complete and reliable solution for distribution and power transformers associating environmental friendliness with enhanced fire safety, longer lifetime, and higher overload capacity.

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Reasons to Consider ABB BIOTEMP

Biodegradable and from renewable resources Potential regulatory relief on spill cleanup

BIOTEMP fluid is vegetable-based oil produced from oil seed crops readily available BIOTEMP fluid has a high fire point (above 300oC vs. 180oC for mineral oil) Increased fire safety and potential for lower insurance premiums BIOTEMP fluid has a much greater ability to hold moisture Increased insulation system life and transformer overload capacity BIOTEMP fluid exhibits excellent dielectric performance Dielectric constant is closer to cellulose lowering stresses in oil ducts Overall, excellent alternative to petroleum products
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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations BIOTEMP ABB sensible & proven solution
Australia Brazil Canada China Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador Egypt France Hungary Italy Japan Mongolia Norway Singapore Spain Sweden Taiwan United States Vietnam

Over 3,500 transformers (up to 56 MVA and 145 kV) sold or retrofilled with BIOTEMP since 1999

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations BIOTEMP A proven insulating fluid

ABB has produced more than 2,000 distribution transformers (up to 5 MVA and 36 kV) and more than 20 small power transformers (up to 20 MVA and 69 kV) in the US since 2005. 15 small power transformers (10 MVA, 34.5 kV) have been successfully retrofilled with Natural Ester fluid in the US.

Four small power transformers (up to 25 MVA and 145 kV) have been successfully refurbished with Natural Ester in Brazil. One of which was a 15 MVA unit upgraded to 25 MVA with an extremely high and reliable overload capacity of up to 37.5 MVA for 6 hours (i.e., 150%) or up to 42 MVA for 4 hours (i.e., 170%). This unit has been operating safely with heavy loads and frequent overloads for 2 years now in Brazil.

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Reasons to Consider ABB BIOTEMP: Biodegradability*
100% 90% 80%
80% 99%

70% 60% 50% 40% 30%


20% 10% 0%
*Based on the CEC L-33-A-93 21-day test

20% 5%


Synthetic Esters

Mineral Oil



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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Extend Transformer Life by Improving the Oil Characteristics: BIOTEMP Retro-fill Option

Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

Total turnkey retrofill service utilizing the latest biodegradable dielectric coolant BIOTEMP. Retro-fill candidates Mineral oil Wecosol (Perchloroethylene) Askarel (PCB) Benefits Longer equipment life Improved Safety virtually eliminates the possibility of costly oil fires Lower insurance and liability costs due to greatly reduced risk of fires Environmentally friendly

Hilo, Hawaii

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations TRES Remanufacturing - TrafoSiteRepair Option

TrafoSiteRepairTM may offer clear savings in time compared with factory repair. It also solves untransportable cases ABB is the global leader in site repair with more than 20 years international experience Some 200 transformers of various brands have been successfully repaired on-site by ABB across the globe All kinds of repairs can be performed, including replacement of windings and repair of the core, with the highest levels of quality assured

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TVA Southaven GSU Site Repair at TVA Muscle Shoals

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Low Frequency Heating (LFH) Principles

Apply a low frequency (1 - 50 mHz) current to the HV windings approximately 20 50% of nominal current Benefits of the low frequency Much lower impedance voltage so there is no risk of a flashover Negligible eddy (~f2) or stray losses (~f1.5) thus uniform heating of the windings Reduced power requirement Temperature of the windings is carefully controlled Apply oil spray during LFH heating to heat non winding insulation LFH typical process: Initial heating/circulation of core/coils using hot oil (assisted by LFH) Vacuum Begin cycles of LFH heating with hot oil spray followed by vacuum Temperature progresses up to 110C (winding temp) Final vacuum Shorter overall process time compared to hot oil treatment

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations LFH And Hot Oil Spray
Short circuit LV. Vacuum control valve HV.

LFH Converter

Oil treatment plant

Vacuum pumps

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Hot Oil Spray

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations 750 MVA Autotransformer Dried with LFH

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Verification: High Voltage AC Testing
Mobile High Voltage Test Trailer 3-phase Mobile HV Test System based on a solid-state frequency converters 40 semi trailer 550kVA power requirement (station service or diesel generator)

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Mobile High Voltage AC Test System
High-Voltage Tests:

Applied Voltage Tests 500 kV line-ground Induced Voltage Test (single- or three phase) up to 75 kV Electrical and Acoustical Partial Discharge (PD) Measurements Measurement of No Load Characteristics (Feasibility depends on the no load losses of the test object) Insulation Resistances Loss Dissipation Factor and Capacitance (of transformer and bushings) Frequency Domain Spectroscopy (FDS / DFR) Failure localization Short-circuit impedance Load testing Frequency range 15Hz to 200 Hz

Dielectric Tests:

Diagnostic Evaluation

Routine Electrical Tests Thermal Capability Testing Heat Run

Source capacity 2000kVA Supported by portable capacitor bank when higher kVA is necessary

Sound Power Testing No load and under load

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Mobile High Voltage AC Test System Testing Power Transformer

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Mobile High Voltage AC Test System Testing Power Transformer

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Verification: High Voltage Impulse Testing
Full impulse test capabilities through 500kV system voltage Lightning impulse test up to 1800 kV Switching impulse test up to 1300 kV Failure localization during LI / SI test

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Testing TVA Southaven GSU Transformer TVA Muscle Shoals

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Transformers Life Extension Options & Considerations Pre-established Contingency Program

Pre-Engineered Solutions

Critical path transformers can be designed in advance Upgrading/modification potential worked out in advance A proactive plan allows establishment of factory reservations for new production or repair/remanufacturing options Long-lead time commodities will no longer control the project Plan for winding replacement at/near the point of use Windings can be manufactured and stored A proactive plan can provide significant reductions in field response or the factory production schedule No surprises and identified costs

Reserved Factory Capacity

Advanced Procurement

Site Repair Option Including full AC testing

Compressed Cycle Times

Pre-Determined Logistics Plan

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Prepared by Dr. Ramsis Girgis; Global Core Performance R&D Leader; ABB Transformers

Geomagnetic disturbances Impact of GICs on power transformers and the power grid
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GIC - Geomagnetically Induced Currents

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Solar Cycle by Sun-spot Count

Source: NASA
Reported: Worst recorded in 1859, called Carrington Event
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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Factors that determine the magnitude of GIC

Affected location on Earth is dependent on location & timing of the sun activity A significant Sun-spot activity may, or may not, mean high GIC in a particular location on Earth Magnitude of GIC is a function of location on earth, resistance of the soil, direction, height, and length of the transmission lines 500 kV and 765 kV transmission lines travelling long distances North South are the most susceptible to higher levels of GIC Based on above, only specific power grids or parts of a power grid would be susceptible to high levels of GIC

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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Causes Part-Cycle Semi Saturation


GIC Shift




Length of the semi saturation period depends on core type, transformer design, and magnitude of GIC Typically 1/6th to 1/10th of a Cycle 3 phase, 3 limb cores are least susceptible All other core types are equally susceptible Non linearity of core material limits core saturation

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GIC Effects on Power Transformers DC flux path in different core types

Core Form, 3 phase, 3 limb

Core / Shell Form, 1 phase

Core Form, 3 phase, 5 limb

Shell Form, 3 phase, conventional

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Shell Form, 3 phase, 7 limb

GIC Effects on Power Transformers Magnetizing current of a transformer under effect of GIC
% Exciting Current - 1 phase transformer - 20 Amps DC
40% 35%

Duration of the core semisaturation depends on core type, transformer design, and magnitude of DC Typically 1/6th to 1/10th of a Cycle

Exciting current, % of Load Cuurent








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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Effect of GIC on magnetizing current

P.U. Magnetiing Current v/s magnitude of GIC

3 - Phase, 3 - Limb Trafo


1 - Phase, 2 - Limb Trafo

P.U. Excitation current






0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

GIC Amps / Phase

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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Current harmonics associated with core saturation
Harmonics Spectrum of Excitation current under DC Conditions


3 - Phase, 3 - Limb Transformer 1 - Phase Transformer


% Harm onics Am plitude






0% 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600 660

Harmonic Frequency, Hz
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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Injection of 75 Amps DC into 370 MVA and 550 MVA, 735 kV, 1 phase transformers, by IREQ

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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Injection of 75 Amps DC into 370 MVA and 550 MVA, 735 kV, 1 phase transformers, by IREQ

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Temperature rises in structural parts & tank are moderate even after applying 75 A DC (75 times the Excitation Current) for an hour No damage resulted in either transformer

GIC Effects on Power Transformers Winding hot spot in a single-phase transformer

Winding Hot Spot Temperature vs Time, 1-Phase Transformer 124 122

W dg Hot Spot Tem pt, Degree C




Idc = 50 Amps Idc = 30 Amps Idc = 20 Amps



108 0 5 10 15 Time, Minutes 20 25 30

Actual temperature rise is much lower due to short duration of highest peak of GIC For a 2-minute duration: Rise is 3, 4, and 6 C for GIC of 20, 30, and 50 Amps

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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Heating of core tie-plates due to GIC

Flitch-Plate Temperature vs Time 136 132 128 Flitch-Plate Tempt, Degree C 124 120 116 112 108 104 100 96 0 5 10 15 Time, Minutes 20 25 30
Idc = 20 Amps

Idc = 30 Amps
Idc = 50 Amps

Actual temperature rise is much lower due to short duration of highest peak of GIC For a 2-minute duration: Rise is 3, 7, and 11 C for GIC of 20, 30, and 50 Amps

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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Measured Temperature rises in windings & structural parts due to DC

1 phase at HQ, 75 Amps DC for 20 minutes 3 phase, 5 limb at FINGRID using 50, 100, 150, 200 Amps DC for intervals of 30 minutes each Tokyo Elec., Toshiba, Hitachi, and Mitsubishi, tested large models of core form and Shell form transformers with DC equivalent to 400 600 Amps / phase for full size transformers for 30 120 minutes. Measured from 30 110 C temp rises in mainly structural parts No damage observed in windings or major insulation Again, because of its short duration, GIC would cause much lower temperature rises and insignificant insulation damage / loss of life

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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Consequences of Core part - cycle, semi saturation on power systems

Causes a high magnitude of 1 2 msec. duration current pulse / reactive power (One / cycle) to flow in the system This pulse causes the capacitive components on the system, such as static compensators, etc. to increase their currents and may become overloaded and trip, causing grid instability The current pulse is associated with high harmonics: Resonance may occur and stability of the grid may be compromised due to the creation of virtual zero at some point and opening of lines. Low % of 2nd order harmonic could send the wrong message of fault current to the differential relays

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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Factors that determine the magnitude of GIC

Affected location on Earth is dependent on location of the activity on the sun A significant Sun-spot activity may, or may not, mean high GIC in a particular location on Earth Magnitude of GIC is a function of location on earth, resistance of the soil, and direction, height, and length of the transmission lines Therefore, 500 kV and 765 kV transmission lines travelling long distances North South are the most susceptible to the high levels of GIC Based on above, only specific power grids, or parts of a power grid, would be susceptible to high levels of GIC

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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Evaluation of impact of GIC on a power transformer

Calculate Core flux density DC shift and total (AC + DC) Calculate resulting increase in core loss and core noise Calculate exciting current magnitude, wave shape, and harmonics Calculate resulting leakage flux and its harmonics

In windings, and structural parts

Calculate effective additional I2R loss, eddy loss, Circulating current losses, and hot-spot rise in windings and structural parts

Accounting for rich content of harmonics in flux, duration of exciting current pulse per cycle, and duration of the GIC

Calculate insulation loss of life as a function of duration of the GIC

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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Available Means of Mitigating the effect of GIC

Alerting Monitoring / Measurements Simulations and evaluation of risk Increasing robustness of network Providing network protection Installation of appropriate DC blocking devices Proper operating procedures during a storm Line load sharing, desensitization of susceptible equipment, and minimizing voltage regulations Taking advice of utilities who have experience

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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Summary

The impact of GIC on 3 phase, 3 limb cores is small For other core types, the part-cycle semi saturation: Does not typically result in damage to cores, structural parts, or tanks due to overheating Some designs are susceptible to high circulating currents when the leakage flux pattern changes under effect of core saturation There is very little impact of winding hot spot and insulation loss of life For some older shell-form transformers, high levels of GIC can lead to damaging levels of circulating currents in the windings and LV group interconnection leads Because of its short duration, in the great majority of the cases GIC would not cause damaging overheating of windings or structural parts Transformer specifications should include GIC withstand requirements if GIC is expected in the area of installation For new transformers in a location with suspected significant GIC events, 3 phase transformers with 3 limb cores should be the preferred design Older transformer designs can be evaluated for GIC impact on a case-bycase basis using modern calculation methods

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GIC Effects on Power Transformers Summary on Effect of GIC on Power Systems

The main impact of GIC is the system instability it causes Due to high levels of VARS and current harmonics as a result of core part-cycle semi-saturation Mitigation of impact of a GIC event involves: Observations & Alerts Instrumentation & measurements Excess VAR consumption computations In-depth analysis of susceptible transformers Revised transformer specifications Revised protective relaying and controls DC blocking devices at transformer neutral

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Effect of GIC on Power Transformers and Power Systems Conclusions / Summary

Because of its short duration, even high levels of GIC would not cause damaging overheating of neither windings nor structural parts of the large majority of power transformers The failure of only one old shell form transformer of a very old (pre-1970) winding design is confirmed to have been a consequence of GIC. All other failures, reported in the published literature to have been caused by GIC, were not caused by GIC Cases of lead and tank overheating, reported in the published literature to have been caused by GIC, were either minor heating of minimal consequences or were only partially caused by GIC. The main impact of GIC is on the system instability it causes due to high levels of VARS and significant current harmonics as a result of transformer core part cycle, semi saturation.

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Effect of GIC on Power Transformers and Power Systems Conclusions / Summary

There are a number of means available for mitigating the effect of GIC both on transformers and power systems Manufacturers have different levels of competence in modeling technology and the know how to evaluate transformer designs for the impact of GIC It is possible to design transformers to be less vulnerable to part cycle, semi saturation during a GIC event Specifications of transformers to be subjected to high GIC levels should include information on what level of GIC is expected at the transformer location The issue should not be concern over GIC causing transformer failures, rather: Transformers can be susceptible to core saturation and not to failure

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