Mvcap CSF Carpark Working Party - 20130827

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Malmesbury And The Villages Community Area Partnership

Community Safety Forum - Station Yard carpark working group Tuesday 27th August 2013 6:00pm Outside Malmesbury Fire Station

Attending: M Rea (MVCAP) - Chair, M Allen (MVCAP) - Minutes, Edmund Dias (Residents Association), Miranda Gilmour (Community Area Manager, Wiltshire Council), Kim Power (Malmesbury Town Council), Martyn Snell (Malmesbury Town Council), Lyn Penfold (Malmesbury Town Council), Simon Killane (Wiltshire Unitary Councillor for Malmesbury and Malmesbury Town Council), PC Mike Tripp (Police), Martin Rose (Principal Traffic Engineer, Wiltshire Council) with local residents Jessica Branton and Sara Gray. 1. Recording of anti-social behaviour Mike Tripp said that it is important that this is always reported to the Police non-emergency number 101. This guarantees that the Police have evidence of the problems and when they occur. This information will then form part of the intelligence and statistical information available which, as well as helping with the immediate issue, will inform decisions about the allocation of Police resources. Simon Killane said that we need to educate residents and give them realistic expectations. Ringing 101 may not result in action on every occasion but over time it will build up of a body of evidence which can be used to influence the decisions of the Police and other organisations. There was a question about the name of the carpark when reporting to 101. 'Gloucester Road Industrial Estate Carpark', 'Mill Lane Carpark' or 'Station Road' carpark should be recognised. Do the Police also recognise the name 'Station Yard Carpark' used by many local people? Martin Rea said that the working party should organise a leaflet to be given to the residents most affected telling them about 101, what they should do, and telling them that they should not assume that a neighbour will call it in. 2. Carpark management Martyn Snell said that while residents have to pay to park in the carpark, young people seem to stop there for long periods but without paying even if parking wardens are doing their rounds. Possibly the parking wardens feel intimidated?

Miranda Gilmour said that Wiltshire Council should look at parking charge enforcement in the carpark. Martyn Snell said that the height of shrubbery in the carpark creates areas of poor visibility, including an area being used as a toilet. Addressing this would help to reduce antisocial behaviour. A 'Motorists Beware' sign about antisocial drivers was circulated. The idea was well received but it was felt that the wording was not quite right and needs reworking. A query was raised about overnight camping in campervans in the carpark. It was felt that their presence was a deterrent to antisocial behaviour in the area. Martin Rose will check what the rules are. 3. Speeding and Traffic Calming within and around carpark Drivers are behaving antisocially in and around the carpark, including a circuit running along Station Road, Gloucester Road, Abbey Row and Mill Lane. Kim Power asked about the introduction of traffic calming measures around the area. Martin Rose said that for traffic calming heavily engineered features would be required on public roads. A well designed scheme would help to manage speeds but this is only one small part of the problem. It is unclear that the issue would be a high enough priority to secure the funding required. There are measures that could be taken and are affordable. Within the carpark itself measures such as rubber speed bumps are cost effective and would make the space far less attractive for drivers looking to drive antisocially. On the roads around a 20mph zone and additional work with lines and signs could make a difference and give the Police more options for how to tackle antisocial drivers. The first step in introducing this would be a topographical survey which would give accurate measurements on which to base decisions. There is a question about 20mph zones and limits and what is enforceable. Martyn Snell suggested that another option for traffic calming might be the introduction of a small number of roadside parking spaces on Gloucester Road. Speed monitoring on Gloucester Road is ongoing. The results from this will be important when considering traffic management on this road. Regarding the signage changes for the Mill Lane access restriction, Martin

Rose said that Wiltshire Council were waiting for their contractors to do the work. It will be completed by the end of this September. 4. CCTV Simon Killane said that Malmesbury Town Council are looking at a new system to cover far more of the town. This could include the carpark area. Miranda Gilmour said that a Police representative should be part of the Malmesbury Town Council group addressing this to ensure that the solution meets their needs for use as evidence. 5. Actions Draft message to residents Get money for topographical survey Start topographical survey

6. Next meeting In about a month - date and venue to be agreed

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