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Questionnaire Evaluation:

For my research for my crime thriller I had to find out what peoples opinions were on the genre and what they thought it should include. To find this out I made a questionnaire, I then uploaded the questions to a survey site named monkey survey which allows people across the world to find my survey and come across it other the internet. To gain more feedback I sent out the survey website link over Facebook. In total twenty three people filled in my survey/questionnaire. 78% were aged 13 to 19, 20 to 40 years olds were 9% and finally 31% were 41 to 60 year olds who had filled in the survey. Out of all these age groups 70% of the people who filled in the survey were female and 30% were male.

I asked the question Do you understand what a Crime Thriller is? because there would be not much point of making a crime thriller if the audience didnt understand the genre. If the audience didnt know what this genre was they may not want to watch the film. Forunatly 70% of the feeback was a yes, 13% didnt know what a crime thriller is and 22% were unsure and thought they may know what this genre is.

To also get a better understanding if people had even seen a crime thriller before I asked the question Have you seen any Crime Thrillers? 48% answered yes but 52% answered no. I then asked if the people giving me feedback would enjoy the genre. Thirteen people answerd yes, two people answer no and the eight people answer maybe. I then followed up this question with If yes then what ones? The answers I got from the question were Inception Taken Silence of the lambs Safe Basic Instinct Sleeping with the enemy The prisoners Scream

I asked the question What would you expect a crime thriller to include? the responses I got from this were Murder A twist, action, a bit of violence and a good plot. A mysterious, exciting story/ plot about a crime. Something to keep you on the edge of your seat. Good but not too complicated story line and a decent ending. Crime, drugs, danger and murder. Key plot obviously relating around crime.

To find out what I needed to include in my own filming I had to find out what people thought was the best aspects of a crime thriller. Twenty two people answered the question while one person skipped it. This was expected as not everyone would spend all the time going through each question in detail, this is the disadvantage to surveys and questionnaires. By looking at the results of the average rating the best aspects of a crime thriller seem to be Costumes and Camera work. The worst aspects are Actors/Actress and story plot. I now know from looking at this what is the best things to include and focus on for my crime thriller to achieve the best satisfaction from the audience.

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