Y9 Fresh Pasta For TES

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Teache r Class Suppor t Staff

Subject S Richardson Date and Period 8e/ft3 Number of Students (boys/girls/ov erall)

Food Technology

Context of Lesson Topic of Lesson Working in teams to make, roll and cook fresh pasta

Context of Most recent levels for group in food/textiles: Group (Prior/Current The group is of a mixed ability, non-streamed. Achievement Information/FF T Estimate Information/AL IS estimate Information) SEN/EAL/ G&T Students and Support Needs (including the role of support staff) Learning Objectives and Outcomes (including how students will show progress during the lesson) Learning Objective: To work effectively as a team to make fresh pasta Progress shown: Starter: Pupil confidence indicated using traffic light, and identifying 3 ways to work as an effective team. Main: Questioning during the demonstration of rolling pasta. Observation and targeted questioning during group activities. Group discussion when tasted to identify differences. Plenary: 3,2,1 plenary activity to focus on core learning points, including effective team working. Revisit traffic light to indicate confidence at the end of the lesson.

Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills/Function al Skills Resources

Team workers, self managers, reflective learners. Literacy introduction of subject specific vocabulary. Citizenship/Geography linking to other cultures, climates, economics Teaching: Projector, ppt, worksheet, group lists, picture instructions for ravioli and tortelloni making (visual learners) Food: pasta dough (600g pasta flour &6 whole eggs) divided into 4. ricotta and spinach filling, water, flour for dusting, olive oil, parmesan. Equipment: pasta machines, cutters, brushes, bowls for tasting, plastic forks, flour for dusting, tea spoons, sharp knife, large saucepan, colander Group task to enable differentiation by outcome, differentiated levels of questioning and individual support given to pupils as required. Instructions for making tortellini as higher level skill extension activity. Pupils leave bags outside, pen needed Upon entry pupils are to check the lists on tables for their group. Starter: Check baseline confidence towards objective using traffic light AFL and identification of how to work effectively as a team. Register as pupils complete this


Stages of Lesson 12:10



12:30 12:40

MAIN ACTIVITIES (including mini-plenary activities): 1. Teacher demo of rolling pasta Explain how the dough was made, significance of 00 flour, durum wheat, kneading, presence of eggs and link to wealthy northern Italy and poorer southern areas where no eggs are traditionally used. - Pass it through the pasta machine on the widest gap. - Fold in half and pass through again so the pasta looks smoother and has no holes in it. - Go through all the numbers till you get to the smallest setting - Lightly dust with flour to prevent sticking as you go. - Demo ravioli (as per instructions on ppt) and cutting tagliatelle: Attach and pass through the taglliatelle part of the machine The pasta may become very long and therefore may need to be cut in half Mini Plenary: question class for key points to remember & remind them to work as a team. 2. Pupils break into groups to roll pasta n.b. each group to put a large pot of water on to boil at the start of the activity, and keep an eye on it, turn down when boiling. Mini Plenary: Check progress through observation and targeted questioning, check what they are finding difficult, how are they overcoming difficulties?


3. Pupils to make ravioli, picture instructions available to use alongside written details. 4. Cooking and tasting pasta as per instruction on sheet and board. Reminder of time constraints. 5. Clearing up as a team. FINAL PLENARY: - Revisit confidence through traffic light AFL. - Complete 3,2,1 plenary triangle - Target questions to check responses, remind pupils of the LO, focus questions on team work examples. See above

Group Work Opportunities and Planned Structure Peer/Self Assessment Opportunities Independent Learning Opportunities Homework

Starter, plenary

Completing plenary activity

Bring ingredients for next lesson free cook

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