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Nama : Ni Made Rita Sri Mahardani Nim : 04.11.


Kelas : B/Kp/III

VOMITING DISEASE Definitions Vomiting disease is the violence which must cope with the pressure hull, which is normally in place to memperthankan food and secretions in the stomach. Cause vomiting There are several causes of vomiting such as: 1. Gastroentritis 2. People with allergies and gastrointestinal hypersensitivity in children with allergies especially gastrooesephageal reflux. 3. Pyloric stenosis (in babies, this typically causes "projectile vomiting" is very strong. 4. bowel obstruction 5. Too much to eat 6. Acute abdomen or peritonitis 7. ileus 8. Cholecystitis, pancreatitis, appendicitis, hepatitis 9. food poisoning 10. Sensory system and brain 11. Metabolic disorders: hypercalcemia, uremia, adrenal insufficiency, hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia 12. Pregnancy Hyperemesis, Morning sickness 13. drug reactions 14. Diseases norwalk virus, swine flu

HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM Definition Hyperemesis gravidarum is severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy can lead to lack of fluids, weight loss or electrolyte disturbances that interfere with daily activities - day and harm the fetus in the womb. Generally occurred at weeks 6-12 of pregnancy, which can continue until week 16-20 of pregnancy. Treatment Encourage pregnant women to change her diet to become more frequent with a little portion Encourage to eat dry bread / biscuits and hot tea and avoid greasy foods and smelling of fat. If the above manner there is no improvement then the pregnant mother is given a sedative, vitamins B1 and B6, and Antiemetic Treatment in hospital when the situation gets worse Intravenous fluids were enough electrolytes, carbohydrates and protein. If you need added vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and potassium PYLORIC STENOSIS Pyloric stenosis is a narrowing at the end of the hole tepatmakanan haluas out into the intestine. As a result of the narrowing of these, only a small number that can fill holes into the colon, the rest will be spewed out so that the child lost weight. Symptoms usually appear at the age of 26 weeks in addition to severe vomiting and spray, baby also constantly feel hungry, irregular bowel movements and restless. Pyloric stenosis symptoms usually start around the age of 3 months. such as: Vomiting is the first symptom of pyloric stenosis is usually vomiting. At first it may seem that the baby is spitting up quite frequently. Changes in stools - Babies with pyloric stenosis usually have fewer, smaller stools because little or no food that can reach the intestines. Failure to gain weight or to lose weight.

HAEMATEMESIS Haematemesis is the vomiting of blood and melena are spending feces or stool is black like the tea caused by eating upper tract bleeding. Hematemesis colors depending on the length of the relationship or contact between the blood and the size of the stomach acid of bleeding, so it can be colored like coffee or reddish and lumpy. Obtained the following signs and symptoms: 1. Intestinal symptoms are not typical such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. 2. Fever, weight loss, quickly tired. 3. Ascites, and edemo hidratonaks. 4. Jaundice, sometimes the urine becomes older or brownish color. 5. Hematomegali, when it has advanced liver fibrosis can mengecilkarena. When clinically found the presence of fever, jaundice and ascites, where the fever rather than by other causes, added cirrhosis is switched on. Will carefully likelihood prekoma and hepatic coma. 6. Vascular abnormalities such as collateral-collateral wall, koput medusa, hemorrhoids and esophageal varices. 7. Endocrine disorders are a sign of hiperestrogenisme namely: 8. clubbing FOOD POISONING Food poisoning is the term given to infection with bacteria, parasites, viruses, or toxins of bacteria that affect humans through contaminated food or water that causes vomiting. Common symptoms of food poisoning Abdominal pain and pain Nausea and vomiting Headache Impotence, atrosi testes, gynecomastia, hair loss axila and pubis. Amenorrhea, hyperpigmentation mammary areola Spider naevi and erythema Hyperpigmentation

The weakness that can be severe or even cause paralysis Diarrhea-possibly redundant or watery and bloody at times. Fever with chills and vibration or harshness Muscle aches and pains

Some common causes of food poisoning: GASTRITIS Gastritis is an inflammation or bleeding in the gastric mucosa caused by the irritation factor, infection, and irregularities in the diet, such as eating late, eating too much, fast, eating too much seasoning and spicy. Causes of Gastritis can be divided according to the classification, as follows: - Acute gastritis: the cause is acute gastritis drugs analgesic, anti-inflammatory, especially aspirin. Chemicals such as alcohol, lisol, caffeine, steroids, digitalisdan people who smoke. - Chronic Gastritis: causes and pathogenesis in general is not known and the multifactor seringbersifat lately often associated with the bacteria H. pylori as a cause of chronic gastritis. Other causes of the disease gastritis include: irregular eating schedule makes it difficult to adapt and can stomach mengkibatkan excess stomach acid and will irritate the mucosal lining of the stomach Sterss can lead to hormonal changes in the body that can stimulate the stomach cells to excessive food texture hard and eaten in hot conditions such as meatballs Do not wash your hands before cooking or eating Do not wash raw fruits and vegetables before consumption before cooking Not really cooking (especially meat, eggs and fish) Do not store food properly. No refrigeration of dairy products and those containing mayonnaise example Eating food beyond expiration dat

consume drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee and tea, spicy and acidic foods, and foods that contain gas, such as sweet potatoes, green beans, cabbage, etc.

Symptoms of Gastritis Here are common symptoms of the disease Gastritis, including: nausea and vomiting Pain epigastrum arising shortly after eating and drinking the elements that can stimulate the stomach (alcohol, salicylates, food contaminated with Staphylococcus toxin) pale weak cold sweat rapid pulse drastically decreased appetite increased body temperature frequent belching, especially in a state of hunger

Prevention and Treatment of Disease Gastritis Prevention of Gastritis, Before our body disease infestation, would be much better if we make efforts to prevent it. Here are some easy things you can do to prevent the disease Gastritis, such as: regular eating avoid alcohol eat small meals and often avoid stres

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