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Activity worksheets


PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme

Forrest Gump
While reading Chapters 12 1 Match the questions with the answers. a How is Forrest different from other boys? c b How is Jenny different from other girls? c c What happened to Forrests father? c d How does Miss Henderson help Forrest? c e Why is Forrest allowed to go to high school? c f Why does Forrest have to leave town? c g What does Forrest learn at university? c h Why cant Bubba play in the game? c 1 Because he can run very fast. 2 How to catch a ball. 3 Because he pulled Jennys dress open by mistake. 4 She teaches him how to read. 5 He has trouble talking. 6 He was killed in an unusual accident. 7 She is friendly towards Forrest. 8 Because he broke his foot. 2 Work in pairs. Student A is Forrests mother and Student B is a friend of hers. Forrests mother should talk about Forrest and his problems. She should also talk about her hopes and fears for him. Her friend should ask Forrests mother questions about Forrest and give her advice about what she should do. Chapters 3 4 3 Work in pairs. Student A is Coach Bryant and Student B is Jenny. Coach Bryant meets Jenny for the first time. He should tell Jenny why he likes Forrest. He should also tell her about the big game and how Forrest played. Jenny should tell Coach Bryant why she likes Forrest. She should also tell him about her musical group and Forrests part in it. 4 Answer these questions. a Why do the men scream, Youre an idiot! at Forrest? b How long does Forrest stay in Fort Benning? c What are the showers like in Vietnam? d Who does Forrest meet in the jungle?
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e Why did Bubba stop playing football? f What happened to Jenny? 5 Write a letter. Pretend that you are Bubba and write a letter to your father. Describe the war and explain how you met up with Forrest in the jungle. Chapters 56 6 Work in groups. Form a small group and discuss what war is like. Write down all the words that you can think of to describe war. Then work together to write a story about war using seven of the words. 7 Finish these sentences. a The President is going to give Forrest a medal because . b Forrest starts running in the airport because . c The pretty girl calls Forrest an ape because . d Forrest doesnt listen to the man reading because . e Forrest is in the newspapers because . f Colonel Gooch pulls Forrest away from the President because . 8 Work in groups. In this chapter, you read about people who are against the Vietnam War. Discuss your opinions about war in general. Do you think that there are times when a country must go to war? Or do you think that war is always a bad thing? Chapters 78 9 Who says the sentences ah? Who are they talking to? a Can I wait? to b I didnt leave school. to c Where do you live? to d Wheres Rudolph? to e Whats wrong with her? to f She just got out of prison. to
Forrest Gump - Activity worksheets  of 2

Activity worksheets


PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme

Forrest Gump
g I want you to do something for me. to h Youre just the kind of person that theyre looking for! to 10 Are these sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? a Jenny sings with The Broken Eggs. c b Jenny leaves Forrest because she thinks he is interested in another girl. c c Jenny spends two nights in prison. c d Forrest throws away his medal because Jenny asks him to. c e They put Forrest in prison because he is with Jenny. c f Forrest doesnt stay in prison for long because they realise he is a good man. c g Forrest goes up into space with an ape and another man. c h It takes NASA four years to find the spaceship. c i The ape is female. c j Forrest meets Big Sam in the special hospital. c Chapters 9 10 11 Finish these sentences. a When Forrest meets Jenny again, she is working in a . b Forrest makes dollars a week arm-wrestling. c Forrest bets that he will a fight after Mike tells him to lose it. d Forrest loses all his . e In Boston, Jenny realises that she Forrest. f Jenny leaves Forrest because he does a thing. g The bus stops in on the way to Mobile. h Forrest is going to start a business. i Forrest goes to a big tournament in Los Angeles. j Raquel Welch is a film star.

12 Work in pairs. Write the conversation. Student A is Jenny and Student B is Forrest. Jenny should tell Forrest that she is leaving him and explain why she has decided to do this. Forrest should listen to Jenny and tell her how he feels about her decision to leave him. Chapters 1112 13 Match the letters with the numbers to complete the sentences. a Bayou la Batre is where b North Carolina is where c Mobile is where d Savannah is where 1 Bubbas parents live. 2 Forrest goes to have a holiday. 3 Forrests mother lives. 4 Jenny lives. 14 Discuss these questions with another student. What do you think? Write the answers. Why does Forrest decide to give away all his money? Who does he give it to? Do you think that he is right to do this? Why or why not? After reading 15 What do you think Winston Groom is trying to say in the book? Write a paragraph to answer this question.

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Forrest Gump - Activity worksheets

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Progress test


PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme

Forrest Gump
Chapters 12
1 Write the right words in the sentences. cleverer football harmonica inches milk parties singer tall a Forrest is than people think. b Forrest grows six in six months. c Fellers is a coach. d The boy throws at Forrest. e Curtis isnt very . f Nobody asks Forrest to go to . g Bubba gives Forrest a . h Jenny wants to be a .

Chapters 78
4 What happens first? What happens next? Write the numbers 1 8. a Forrest goes to Washington. c b Forrest meets Rudolph. c c NASA sends Forrest into space. c d Forrest and Jenny start kissing. c e Jenny asks Forrest to throw away his medal. c f Jenny tells Forrest to find another place to live. c g Forrest waits for Jenny at the club. c h Jenny hears Forrest playing his harmonica. c

Chapters 910
5 Who are the people in italics? a I dont know what happened to Jenny. b She went to Indianapolis. c What happened to him? d You can make a lot more money. e I can teach you. f Youre just what I need for a film that Im making. g He has to play chess in a tournament tomorrow. h He was a big man, with long black hair, and he didnt want to lose!

Chapters 3 4
2 Are these sentences true (T) or not true (NT)? a Jenny plays music with other people. b Forrest plays in the Apple Bowl. c Coach Bryant tells Forrest to run like a wild animal. d Forrests mother wants Forrest to go in the army. e The food at Fort Benning is very good. f The enemy soldiers try to blow up Forrest and the other men. g Bubbas foot is bad, so he cant be in the army. h Jenny is with a group of people who like the war. c c c c c c c c

Chapters 1112
6 Underline the right words. a Two days / years later, Forrest and Sue go to Bayou la Batre. b After a year, Forrest has thirty million / thousand dollars. c Forrest is very happy / sad when he finds out that Jenny is married. d Forrest and Curtis / Sue go to Savannah. e Donald is Jennys brother / husband. f Little Forrest is very clever / stupid. g Little Forrest wants to be a chess / football player. h Forrest and Jenny have been friends for ten / thirty years.

Chapters 5 6
3 Write before or after in these sentences. a The men move off the hill the planes come. b Forrest takes the machine gun from Bones an enemy soldier shoots Bones. c Forrest picks up his machine gun he runs toward some trees. d Forrest plays a song for Bubba Bubba dies. e Forrest goes to the White House the pretty girl calls him an ape. f The President gives Forrest the medal Forrest eats breakfast.

c Pearson Education Limited 2008

Forrest Gump - Progress test


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