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Google+:social Networking Site

Software Requirement Specifications

Social Networking Website
Version 1.0

Submitted By: Divya Parikh(090010116044) Bhumika Prajapati(090010116045)


Google+:social Networking Site

Table of Contents
1.Introduction.................................................3 1.1 Purpose..3 1.2 Document Conventions...3 1.3 Project Scope......................3 1.4 Intended Audience4 1.5 References4

2.Overall Description5 2.1 System Features.5 2.2 Product Functions.5 3.Functional Requirements.5 3.1 User Module5 3.2 Web Developer module.7 3.3 Database Administrator module.7 3.4 Network Administrator module.7 4.Operating Environment..7 5.Design and Implementation..8 6.Assumption and Dependencies.8 7.Nonfunctional Requirements8 7.1 Security Requirements.8 7.2 User Interfaces..8 7.3 Hardware Interfaces8 7.4 Software Interfaces.9 7.5 Communication Interfaces.10 8.Performance Requirements11 9.Communication Diagrams12 9.1 Use-case Diagram12 9.2 Sequence Diagram.13 9.3 Class Diagram.14 9.4 State Diagram.15 9.6 Activity Diagram16

Google+:social Networking Site

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Purpose

This software requirement specification (SRS) document describes the functional and nonfunctional requirements of the, a social networking system. Business opportunity and objectives is briefly summarized followed by detailed description of the systems scope, vision, use case, features, functionality, feasibility and other related requirement issues. In the projects later phases, such as system design, database design, implementation and testing, this document should be referred as functional model of the system.

1.2. Document Conventions

All system development activities should follow the final version of this document. Any discrepancy that found during in later phases should be modified subject to SRS.

1.3 Project Scope

The social networking website is an online community designed to make social life more active and stimulating. The social network can help you maintain existing relationships with people and share pictures and messages, and establish new ones by reaching out to people you've never met before. This website also provides the features of blogging. The main idea behind blogging is to share your thoughts with all your friends which

Google+:social Networking Site can be read by all the users using the website. This blog can be handled by the user as he wants .It also provides the features of adding videos and photos. Product intends to provide a well established web-based social networking system. As Internet and Web-based applications become more and more crucial and widely adapted in todays society, people have found that most everyday businesses can be carried out online in a more flexible and convenient way. Social network got a great place to communicate make people closer at particular place. It has all things which makes social networking site more enjoying and impressive to people who are using it.

1.4 Intended Audience

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . Web developer Database Administrator Network Administrator Security Analysts Users of the system Maintenance Team

1.5 References
This web application has been prepared on the basis of discussion with Team members, faculty members and also taken information from following books & website:

1) 2) Fundamental of Software Engineering By Rajiv Mall 3) Software Engineering : A practitioners approach Ed. By Pressman, Roger 4) Software Engineering Seventh Edition Ian Sommerville 5) Software Engineering Ed.2 by Jalota & Pankaj. 6) Schaums Series, Software Engineering

Google+:social Networking Site

2. OVERALL DESCRIPTON 2.1 System Features

The social networking website is for people to get connected with friend circle. In addition to this feature the users have the facility to add videos and photos. This website gives a lot of features all at one place.

2.2 Product Functions

Authorization: Entire authority of the system is to the founder / administrator of the system. User authentication: A newly created user is authenticated against the given email address. User form: The system offers a simple, attractive, user friendly user interface easily understandable by the users of the system. Entries of the user form are under the authority of the administrator only. Some of the entries in the form are mandatory in order to authenticate the user, describe the user thoroughly etc.

Functional requirements are nothing but the services provided by the system to its end users.There are four sub modules in this phase. The functionality of each module is as follows.

Google+:social Networking Site

3.1 User module: Create/Delete Profile :-User is allowed to create his own profile.According to the specifications required by the administrator, the user creates his own profile and submits it to the system.The users profile contains the following information: User_id/email_id First_name Last_name Hometown Sex Religion_views Interested_in Work_history Birthdate Relationship Cell-phone No. Country Screen_name

Update account:- The user is allowed to update his/her account.The administrator updates the profile accordingly.The user is not allowed to keep any mandatory fields blank while updating. e.g. Name, Last name, email Id etc. Get forgotten password through Email:- User can request for new password. Existing password will be sent to the registered email Id of the user. Message system:- Write on others wall/Delete own message from others wall/delete message from own wall. Search members /add as member/delete member:- User can search, add and delete members in his list to widen his network Blog system :-User can add,modify,delete posts. The user has the right to write his blog and publish it.

Google+:social Networking Site Add comment on others blog post. User login/Logout Add/ Delete/Modify Photo Galleries:- The user has a facility to upload and share his photographs. Add/ Delete/Modify Video Galleries:- The user can add videos from you tube and share with people.

3.2 Web developer module: Design the website:-Web Developer tries to provide a solution to match the requirements. Write code:-coding can be done by using the various scripting languages. Eg. HTML,PHP,etc. Upload:- After testing the code & developing the webpages he upload them for the public viewing. Re-Iterate:-Adds new facilities in website.

3.3 Database Administrator module: Updating the account details on the request of the users. Notification to the end users regarding proposals. Mentioning the security measures for the systems safety. Deleting an account/user from the systems databases on request of the user.

3.4 Network Administrator module: Upload the site He cares about the bugs. Authentication of the users after registration.

Google+:social Networking Site Mails to the users regarding the approval as a registered user, disapproval Mentioning the appropriate reasons.

4. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT 4.1 Internet Browser Support:

Internet Explorer 6/7/8 Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Opera Safari

4.2 Operating System Support:


4.3 Internet Connectivity Required 5. DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION CONSTRAINTS

Security: The system should take care of hacks like SQL injection. It should also not expose any sensitive information to normal users. Fault Tolerance: Data should not become corrupted in case of system crash or power failure.


Central server of the system must be able to handle all the incoming requests simultaneously. Back up of the databases in case of hardware failure, disaster, natural calamities. No data loss in case of handling of the system by the administrators or the system related personnel

Google+:social Networking Site

7. NONFUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Security Requirements

The new profile formed is validated against the given email address. The system or the system databases should not be manipulated by the normal users.

7.2 User Interfaces

Application will be accessed through a Browser Interface. The interface would be viewed best using 1024 x 768 and 800 x 600 pixels resolution setting. The software would be fully compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer for version 6 and above. No user would be able to access any part of the application without logging on to the system.

7.3 Hardware Interfaces

Server Side: Operating System: Windows 9x/xp ,Windows ME Processor: Pentium 3.0 GHz or higher RAM: 256 Mb or more Hard Drive: 10 GB or more

Client side: Operating System: Windows 9x or above, MAC or UNIX. Processor: Pentium III or 2.0 GHz or higher. RAM: 256 Mb or more

Google+:social Networking Site

7.4 Software Interfaces

Client Side : .HTML, Web Browser, Windows XP/2000/Vista Web Server: .HTML, Windows XP/2000/Vista

7.5 Communications Interfaces

The Customer must connect to the Internet to access the Website: Dialup Modem of 52 kbps Broadband Internet Dialup or Broadband Connection with a Internet Provider.

Scalability: System should be able to handle around thousand users at the same time. Usability: Simple user interfaces that a layman can understand. Speed: Speed of the system should be responsive i.e. response to a particular action should be available in short period of time. For e.g. on registering as a new user the notification about the approval is sent immediately to the respective user through email. Updating the account takes few seconds for the changes if the entry is not starred.

9.Communication Diagrams 9.1 Use-Case Diagram for Home page:

Diagram contains one actor, user.Use-cases are to message,to blog, upload videos, photos, profile, search friends, make friends, send


Google+:social Networking Site friend requests, accept or reject friend requests, add home page photo or profile picture, login/logout, etc.


Google+:social Networking Site


Google+:social Networking Site


Use-Case Diagram for Login/Registration


User fills the form for the Registration and gets the email to confirm registration.Aftre it he can login and start communication with people. In case of user forgot the password he can request for forgetted password and get password by email.


Google+:social Networking Site

9.3 Sequence Diagram

User Login Interface Larkut Controler User Table

1 : Enter Login Details() 2 : Subm it() 3 : Check Login Info()

4 : Redirect to Hom e Page() Alt 5 : Display Error Message() Opt 6 : Enter Registration Details() 7 : Subm it() 8 : Save Data() 9 : Send Em ail To Confirm Registration() 10 : Confirm Registration()

11 : Save Data of Confirm ation()


12 : Request for Forget Password()

13 : Subm it()

14 : Get Password()

16 : Send Em ail with Password Info()

15 : Post Password()


Google+:social Networking Site



Google+:social Networking Site

successful registration loged in profile updated communicate d with people logged out

9.5 State Diagram

Open the site Fill the Registration Form

complete registration

log in the site update profile


Google+:social Networking Site

9.6 Activity Diagram


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