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Online Assignments of
Unit-4 Egg Laying Animals (Life Cycle of a Butterfly), Unit-10 Matter and Unit-11 Measurement

Class: V
Name: Sec: Roll no. ..



Fill in the blanks

The pupa of a butterfly is called .

ii. . is the very active stage in the life cycle of a dragonfly. iii. .. is an insect having incomplete metamorphosis. iv. There are .. stages in a complete metamorphosis. v. The processing of shedding exoskeleton from time to time is called . .


State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALS.

The body of an insect is divided into three parts.

ii. The life cycle of all insects is completed in three stages. . iii. A cockroach has four stages in its life cycle. . iv. Larva is the most active stage in the life cycle of insects. . v. A dragonfly has three stages in its life cycle. vi. The change of egg to larva is called hatching. . vii. The young one that hatches from the egg of insects is called larva. .. viii. The baby insect which comes out of the egg of dragonfly is nymph. .


Give one word for each of the following phrases.

Animal whose body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen. ..

ii. A baby insect that looks like an adult. ... iii. Worm like stage which feeds actively and changes skin regularly. .... iv. Outer hard covering that interferes with the growth of an insect or one of its stages. .. v. A process in which an insect passes through only three stages. ....


Find out the names of the young ones of the following animals.
Mosquito: ..

ii. Housefly: .. iii. Dragonfly: .. iv. Butterfly: .. v. Snake: .. vi. Bee: .. vii. Silkworm: ..


Fill in the blanks.

The substance which does not dissolve in water is called .. matter.

ii. Light cannot pass through .. substance. iii. Easily breakable substance is called .. iv. Sugar and wax melt but .. does not melt. v. The substance whose particles are in crystals is . in nature. vi. The three states of matter .. and .. vii. A solid substance that dissolves in a liquid is called a... viii. The solute and solvent together form a .. ix. . is non combustible substance.


State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

Matter is anything that has weight and occupies space.

ii. Atoms are the building blocks of matter. iii. In solids, molecules are separated by large empty spaces. iv. Attraction between molecules is least in solid. v. Gases have no definite shape but have definite volume.


Match the following: COLUMN A COLUMN B

Opaque Insoluble Non brittle Crystalline water ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )

i. ii.

Rubber tyre Shadow

iii. Odourless iv. Wax v. salt


Write four examples of

Solid; ; ;

ii. Liquid; ; ; iii. Gas; ; ;


Tick the correct answer.

Which of these substances is found in liquid state? a. salt b. kerosene c. wood d. oxygen

ii. .. do not allow light to pass through it. a. glass b. tin c. water d. tracing paper

iii. .. is the substance which is amorphous in nature. a. sugar b. salt c. wheat flour d. sand

iv. Which of these has a typical yellow colour in the kitchen? a. chili powder b. salt c. turmeric d. ginger

v. Which of the following can be compressed easily? a. liquid b. gas c. solid d. none of these

vi. . is not considered as matter. a. books b. air c. feelings d. paint

vii. .. is the most hardest substance. a. glass b. diamond c. iron d. wood

viii. . Is a combustible matter. a. wood b. iron c. glass d. sand

A. Write True for correct sentence and False for wrong sentence.
i. Mass of a body is measured with a beam balance.

ii. We can take the exact quantity without measuring. iii. The distance between two points is called length. iv. The mass of a body changes with place. v. The hour hand moves faster than minute hand in a watch. vi. The volume of liquid is measured in liters. vii. One liter is equal to 500 milliliters. viii. Kilogram is the standard unit of mass.

B. Fill in the blanks.

i. The device used to measure purity of milk is .....

ii. The device used to measure intensity of earthquake is iii. The device used to measure temperature is..... iv. ..... is the total space occupied by an object. v. The shortest distance between two points is called ....... vi. The duration between two events is called ..... vii. One liter is equal to ..... ml. viii. One kilogram is equal to ..... grams. ix. The standard unit of mass is ...... x. The standard unit of length is ..... xi. The standard unit of time is ..... xii. . ....... is the device used to measure time. xiii. An example of a device used to measure length is ..... xiv. ...... is used to measure the volume of liquid. xv. Speed is measured using a ...... xvi. ...... is used to measure mass of a body. xvii. The device used to measure heartbeat is ......

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