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ONLINE ASSIGNMENTS OF UNIT -13 ENERGY USE and UNIT -8 Human Behaviors and environment



Sec: Roll no:

UNIT-13 ENERGY USE A. Fill in the blanks.

i. ii. the capacity of a body to do work. The sources of energy which can be produced again and again are called..sources.

iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. xx. an example of renewable source of energy. ..sources of energy are in limited amount. Petrol is an example of .. source of energy. .. is the main source of energy on the earth. Energy can neither be .nor be Energy can . from one form to another. Long and narrow leaves are a characteristics features of .plants. Energy found in a moving body is called.. energy. When an object is lifted from the ground, it will .energy is used to light the bulb. The energy possessed by .. is called magnetic energy. Windmills are run with. Hydroelectricity is produced from. Fire, wood, dung, hey, straw etc are called. The exhaustion of natural reserve of fuel is called. Developing electrical vehicles helps to control. Hydroelectricity is a .source of energy. The natural reserve of.oil is limited.

B. Circle the correct word from in the the blanks.

i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Food gives us (force/energy) to do work. Windmills get their energy from the (wind/clouds). Our main source of energy is the (moon/sun) A magnet attracts iron nails due to (magnetic/geothermal) energy. Voice produced during talking has (sound/no) energy.

C. Match the columns

COLUMN A i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Coal LPG Petrol Hydroelectricity Solar energy Wind energy COLUMN B Is a kind of kinetic energy Helps plant to make food Composed mainly of carbon Liquefied petroleum gas Mineral oil ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Energy produced from running water (

D. Write the sources and one function of the following forms of energy.
Energy Solar Sources FUNCTION






i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. xx.

Fill in the blanks.

Cutting down of trees in large numbers is called .. Industries and .. are main source of air pollution. Deforestation allows strong wind and water to cause .. Killing of wild animals also affects the .. ecosystem. The wild animals directly depend on the forest for their .. Trees prevent .. People use different types of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides in the farm to increase .. Overuse of fertilizers and pesticides reduces .. of the soil as well as human .. Refrigerators and air-conditioners releases .. in the atmosphere. .. from the vehicles and factories causes air pollution. .. protects us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Throwing of harmful chemical wastes from hospitals and factories to the river causes. . .. play a great role to improve or destroy the environment. Air, water and soil constitutes .. environment. Plant and animal constitutes .. environment. Dumping of solid wastes like plastic bags, glass bottles and metal containers causes .. pollution. We celebrate World Environment Day every year on .. World Environment Day is a day meant to think up ideas to save our .. Various water borne diseases like .. and .. are caused by water pollution. The wearing or carrying away of topsoil by natural forces is called..

i. ii. iii.

State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

Human beings are dependent on environment since their existence on the earth .. The sewage should be discharged directly in the rivers. .. National Parks and Wildlife conservation areas are important. ..

iv. v.

Unlimited population growth increases the pressure on the environment... Urbanization creates new needs and over exploitation of the natural resources

i. ii.

Give one word for each of the following.

Planting trees in large numbers in bare hills: ... Everything that surround us and constitutes living and non living components : .. human activities: ...

iii. Addition of harmful substances or harmful changes made in the environment mainly due to iv. The chemical substances used in the fields for killing harmful insects and pests: .. v. Destroying of ozone layer due to emission of harmful gases like CFC in the atmosphere: .. vi. A layer in the atmosphere made up of oxygen: ... vii. Killing of wild animals illegally: ...

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