Pentecost 22 Bulletin Track1 Yearc

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All Baptized People of God should receive the sacrament

THE LITURGY OF THE WORD.... BCP 323 Gloria.. BCP 324 The Collect of the Day First Lesson: Jeremiah 31: 27-34 Psalm 119: 97-104 The Epistle: 2 Timothy 3:144:5 The Gospel: Luke 18: 1-8 The Sermon The Nicene Creed.... BCP 326 Prayers of the People VI (Stand)..BCP 392 The Peace. BCP 332 Announcements THE HOLY COMMUNION Offertory Eucharistic Prayer I (Kneel or stand). BCP 333 The Lords Prayer (Kneel or stand)

The Breaking of the Bread The Postcommunion Prayer (Kneel or stand).. 339 The Dismissal Let us go forth in the name of Christ. Thanks be to God.


All Baptized People of God should receive the sacrament (Hymns with an S can be found in the front of the Hymnal)

Hymn 372 Praise to the living God! Leoni THE LITURGY OF THE WORD... BCP 355 Gloria S-280 Powell The Collect of the Day First Lesson: Jeremiah 31: 27-34 Psalm 119: 97-104 The Epistle: 2 Timothy 3:144:5 Hymn 631 (v. 1-2) Book of books Liebster Jesu The Gospel: Luke 18: 1-8 Hymn 631 (v. 3) Book of books Liebster Jesu The Sermon Nicene Creed. .... BCP 358 Prayers of the People VI (Stand). BCP 392 The Peace THE HOLY COMMUNION Offertory Offertory Hymn: LEVAS 178 Sweet hour of prayer (see insert) William B. Bradbury

Eucharistic Prayer C (Stand or kneel)... BCP 369 Sanctus S-125 Proulx The Lords Prayer (Stand or kneel) Fraction Anthem S-155 Near Communion Anthem: Seek ye first the kingdom of God Seek Ye First The Postcommunion Prayer (Stand or kneel). BCP 366 Hymn 530 Spread, O spread, thou mighty word Gott sei Dank Let us go forth in the name of Christ. Thanks be to God.

For all who celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, especially: Erica Foley, Tanya Moore, Susan Gifford, and Peg Corbett For bishops and others ministers: Justin Archbishop of Canterbury; Katharine Presiding Bishop; Gladstone Diocesan Bishop; for Zions Worship Committee; for the Diocese of Central New York; for our sister parish in El Salvador Mission San Pablo; for parishes in the Diocese of Central New York: St. Peter's Church, Cazenovia, and St. George's Church, Chadwicks For the sick and shut-ins: Jeannie Pearle, Kathy Gambier, Velva Pecon (Janice McNaughtons sister-in-law), Willie Talmadge, , Michael Lee, David Wiggins, Karen, Charles ONeill, Douglas Crouch, Fr. Jim Heidt, Glenn Freid, Pat Bailey, Brittany DiDanato, Annie Seymour, Father Angelicchio, Sue Selden, Steven Kimani, The Newman Family, Marjorie Babcock, Fr. Paul Bailey, Susan O'Shaughnessy, Paul Swancott, and Ed Heiligman For the departed: Diana OMeara THANK YOU Rev. Nelson Gaetz for serving as our supply priest today

TODAY: TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST OCTOBER 20, 2013 8 a.m. Priest Lay Readers Ushers Acolyte Altar Guild Rev. Nelson Gaetz Tina Rescigno Neil Wightman Don Washburn Ann Gambier Harriet Brennan 10 a.m. Rev. Nelson Gaetz Sandie Latimer Jim Mott Kirk Millington Wayne Towne II Theresa & Jim Mott Sandie Latimer

TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST OCTOBER 27, 2013 8 a.m. Priest Lay Readers Ushers Rev. Jim Heidt Rick Weltz Bill Stevens Randy Jones 10 a.m. Rev. Paul Bailey Jane Padron Jennifer Swinney Rudy Reali Brenda Outwater

Acolyte Altar Guild

Charles Abraham Tiffany Thomason Theresa Mott

Rector Director of Music Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer Parish Secretary Finance Secretary

Mr. Christian Broughton Mr. James Mott Mrs. Tina Rescigno Mr. Mike Rescigno Mrs. Caitlin Swan Ms. Malinda Abraham

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