Analyse Van Moderatoreffecten

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Analyse van moderatoreffecten: oefenen met uitvoer

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Descriptive Statistics N Sociale vergelijkingsorientatie Valid N (listwise) 88 88 Minimum 3,00 Maximum 14,00 Mean 9,6364 Std. Deviation 3,42802

> ***** Is er een moderatoreffect? ***** Zijn de effecten van Feedback afhankelijk van ***** het niveau van SVO (vergelijkingsorientatie)? . UNIANOVA Y BY Feedback WITH ZSVO /CONTRAST (Feedback)=Simple /METHOD = SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT = INCLUDE /EMMEANS = TABLES(OVERALL) WITH(ZSVO=MEAN) /EMMEANS = TABLES(Feedback) WITH(ZSVO=MEAN) /PRINT = DESCRIPTIVE PARAMETER HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA = ALPHA(.05) /DESIGN = ZSVO Feedback Feedback*ZSVO .

Page 1

Univariate Analysis of Variance

Between-Subjects Factors Value Label Feedbackcondities 1 2 3 slechter dan anderen slechter dan eerder aantal fouten (abs. oordeel) N 25 30 33

Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Feedbackcondities slechter dan anderen slechter dan eerder aantal fouten (abs. oordeel) Total Mean 5,520 5,800 4,364 5,182 Std. Deviation 2,694 2,041 ,742 2,003 N 25 30 33 88

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances Dependent Variable:prestatiescore F 9,791 df1 2 df2 85 Sig. ,000

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. a. Design: Intercept + ZSVO + Feedback + Feedback * ZSVO Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Source Corrected Model Intercept ZSVO Feedback Feedback * ZSVO Error Type III Sum of Squares 224,346

df 5 1 1 2 2 82

Mean Square 44,869 2168,739 120,366 14,908 29,719 1,521

F 29,494 1425,603 79,122 9,799 19,535

Sig. ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000

2168,739 120,366 29,815 59,438 124,745

a. R Squared = .643 (Adjusted R Squared = .621)

Page 2

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Source Total Corrected Total Type III Sum of Squares 2712,000 349,091 df 88 87 Mean Square F Sig.

a. R Squared = .643 (Adjusted R Squared = .621) Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Parameter Intercept ZSVO [Feedback=1.00] [Feedback=2.00] [Feedback=3.00] [Feedback=1.00] * ZSVO [Feedback=2.00] * ZSVO [Feedback=3.00] * ZSVO B 4,366 -,011 ,723 1,390 0

Std. Error ,219 ,247 ,334 ,314 . ,360 ,318 . . .

t 19,923 -,043 2,165 4,424 . -6,042 -4,579 .

Sig. ,000 ,966 ,033 ,000

-2,176 -1,458 0

,000 ,000

a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant. Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable:prestatiescore 95% Confidence Interval Parameter Intercept ZSVO [Feedback=1.00] [Feedback=2.00] [Feedback=3.00] [Feedback=1.00] * ZSVO [Feedback=2.00] * ZSVO [Feedback=3.00] * ZSVO . . -2,893 -2,091 . Lower Bound 3,930 -,503 ,059 ,765 . -1,460 -,824 Upper Bound 4,801 ,481 1,387 2,016

a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.

Custom Hypothesis Tests

Page 3

Contrast Results (K Matrix) Dependent Feedbackcondities Simple Contrast Level 1 vs. Level 3 Contrast Estimate Hypothesized Value Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval for Difference Level 2 vs. Level 3 Contrast Estimate Hypothesized Value Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval for Difference a. Reference category = 3 Test Results Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Source Contrast Error Sum of Squares 29,815 124,745 df 2 82 Mean Square 14,908 1,521 F 9,799 Sig. ,000 Lower Bound Upper Bound Lower Bound Upper Bound

prestatiescor e ,723 0 ,723 ,334 ,033 ,059 1,387 1,390 0 1,390 ,314 ,000 ,765 2,016

Estimated Marginal Means

1. Grand Mean Dependent Variable:prestatiescore 95% Confidence Interval Mean a Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound 5,070 ,134 4,803 5,337 a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: Zscore: Sociale vergelijkingsorientatie = .0000000.

Page 4

2. Feedbackcondities Dependent Variable:prestatiescore 95% Confidence Interval Feedbackcondities slechter dan anderen slechter dan eerder aantal fouten (abs. Mean a 5,089 a 5,756 4,366

Std. Error ,252 ,225 ,219

Lower Bound 4,587 5,308 3,930

Upper Bound 5,590 6,204 4,801

a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: Zscore: Sociale vergelijkingsorientatie = .0000000.

> ***** berekening van hulpvariabelen voor SVO ***** voor de bepaling van de effecten van Feedback ***** bij een hoge en lage waarde op SVO (sociale vergelijkingsorientatie) . compute zsvo_top= zsvo - 1. compute zsvo_low= zsvo + 1. execute. ***** schatting effecten van Feedback ***** bij een HOGE waarde op SVO (sociale vergelijkingsorientatie) . UNIANOVA Y BY Feedback WITH zsvo_top /CONTRAST (Feedback)=Simple /METHOD = SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT = INCLUDE /EMMEANS = TABLES(OVERALL) WITH(zsvo_top=MEAN) /EMMEANS = TABLES(Feedback) WITH(zsvo_top=MEAN) /PRINT = DESCRIPTIVE PARAMETER HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA = ALPHA(.05) /DESIGN = zsvo_top Feedback Feedback*zsvo_top .

Univariate Analysis of Variance

Between-Subjects Factors Value Label Feedbackcondities 1 2 slechter dan anderen slechter dan eerder N 25 30

Page 5

Between-Subjects Factors Value Label Feedbackcondities 3 aantal fouten (abs. oordeel) N 33

Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Feedbackcondities slechter dan anderen slechter dan eerder aantal fouten (abs. oordeel) Total Mean 5,5200 5,8000 4,3636 5,1818 Std. Deviation 2,69444 2,04096 ,74239 2,00313 N 25 30 33 88

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances Dependent Variable:prestatiescore F 9,791 df1 2 df2 85 Sig. ,000

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. a. Design: Intercept + zsvo_top + Feedback + Feedback * zsvo_top Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Source Corrected Model Intercept zsvo_top Feedback Feedback * zsvo_top Error Total Corrected Total Type III Sum of Squares 224,346

df 5 1 1 2 2 82 88 87

Mean Square 44,869 596,409 120,366 7,536 29,719 1,521

F 29,494 392,045 79,122 4,954 19,535

Sig. ,000 ,000 ,000 ,009 ,000

596,409 120,366 15,073 59,438 124,745 2712,000 349,091

a. R Squared = .643 (Adjusted R Squared = .621)

Custom Hypothesis Tests

Page 6

Contrast Results (K Matrix) Dependent Feedbackcondities Simple Contrast Level 1 vs. Level 3 Contrast Estimate Hypothesized Value Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval for Difference Level 2 vs. Level 3 Contrast Estimate Hypothesized Value Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval for Difference a. Reference category = 3 Test Results Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Source Contrast Error Sum of Squares 15,073 124,745 df 2 82 Mean Square 7,536 1,521 F 4,954 Sig. ,009 Lower Bound Upper Bound Lower Bound Upper Bound

prestatiescor e -1,453 0 -1,453 ,497 ,004 -2,441 -,465 -,067 0 -,067 ,425 ,875 -,913 ,779

Estimated Marginal Means

1. Grand Mean Dependent Variable:prestatiescore 95% Confidence Interval Mean 5,070

Std. Error ,134

Lower Bound 4,803

Upper Bound 5,337

a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: zsvo_top = -1.0000.

Page 7

2. Feedbackcondities Dependent Variable:prestatiescore 95% Confidence Interval Feedbackcondities slechter dan anderen slechter dan eerder Mean 5,089 5,756
a a a

Std. Error ,252 ,225

Lower Bound 4,587 5,308

Upper Bound 5,590 6,204

aantal fouten (abs. 4,366 ,219 3,930 4,801 oordeel) a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: zsvo_top = -1.0000.

> ***** schatting effecten van Feedback ***** bij een LAGE waarde op SVO (sociale vergelijkingsorientatie) . UNIANOVA Y BY Feedback WITH zsvo_low /CONTRAST (Feedback)=Simple /METHOD = SSTYPE(3) /INTERCEPT = INCLUDE /EMMEANS = TABLES(OVERALL) WITH(zsvo_low=MEAN) /EMMEANS = TABLES(Feedback) WITH(zsvo_low=MEAN) /PRINT = DESCRIPTIVE PARAMETER HOMOGENEITY /CRITERIA = ALPHA(.05) /DESIGN = zsvo_low Feedback Feedback*zsvo_low .

Univariate Analysis of Variance

Between-Subjects Factors Value Label Feedbackcondities 1 2 3 slechter dan anderen slechter dan eerder aantal fouten (abs. oordeel) N 25 30 33

Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Feedbackcondities slechter dan anderen Mean 5,5200 Std. Deviation 2,69444 N 25

Page 8

Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Feedbackcondities slechter dan eerder aantal fouten (abs. oordeel) Total Mean 5,8000 4,3636 5,1818 Std. Deviation 2,04096 ,74239 2,00313 N 30 33 88

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances Dependent Variable:prestatiescore F 9,791 df1 2 df2 85 Sig. ,000

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. a. Design: Intercept + zsvo_low + Feedback + Feedback * zsvo_low Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Source Corrected Model Intercept zsvo_low Feedback Feedback * zsvo_low Error Total Corrected Total Type III Sum of Squares 224,346

df 5 1 1 2 2 82 88 87

Mean Square 44,869 1671,258 120,366 35,070 29,719 1,521

F 29,494 1098,588 79,122 23,053 19,535

Sig. ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000

1671,258 120,366 70,141 59,438 124,745 2712,000 349,091

a. R Squared = .643 (Adjusted R Squared = .621) Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Parameter Intercept zsvo_low [Feedback=1.00] [Feedback=2.00] B 4,376 -,011 2,899 2,848 Std. Error ,362 ,247 ,486 ,468 t 12,097 -,043 5,970 6,081 Sig. ,000 ,966 ,000 ,000

a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.

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Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable:prestatiescore 95% Confidence Interval Parameter Intercept zsvo_low [Feedback=1.00] [Feedback=2.00] Lower Bound 3,657 -,503 1,933 1,916 Upper Bound 5,096 ,481 3,865 3,780

a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant. Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Parameter [Feedback=3.00] B 0

Std. Error . .

t .


[Feedback=1.00] * -2,176 ,360 -6,042 zsvo_low [Feedback=2.00] * -1,458 ,318 -4,579 zsvo_low a [Feedback=3.00] * 0 . . zsvo_low a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant. Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable:prestatiescore 95% Confidence Interval Parameter [Feedback=3.00] Lower Bound . Upper Bound .

,000 ,000 .

[Feedback=1.00] * -2,893 -1,460 zsvo_low [Feedback=2.00] * -2,091 -,824 zsvo_low [Feedback=3.00] * . . zsvo_low a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.

Custom Hypothesis Tests

Page 10

Contrast Results (K Matrix) Dependent Feedbackcondities Simple Contrast Level 1 vs. Level 3 Contrast Estimate Hypothesized Value Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval for Difference Level 2 vs. Level 3 Contrast Estimate Hypothesized Value Difference (Estimate - Hypothesized) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval for Difference a. Reference category = 3 Test Results Dependent Variable:prestatiescore Source Contrast Error Sum of Squares 70,141 124,745 df 2 82 Mean Square 35,070 1,521 F 23,053 Sig. ,000 Lower Bound Upper Bound Lower Bound Upper Bound

prestatiescor e 2,899 0 2,899 ,486 ,000 1,933 3,865 2,848 0 2,848 ,468 ,000 1,916 3,780

Estimated Marginal Means

1. Grand Mean Dependent Variable:prestatiescore 95% Confidence Interval Mean 5,070

Std. Error ,134

Lower Bound 4,803

Upper Bound 5,337

a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: zsvo_low = 1.0000.

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2. Feedbackcondities Dependent Variable:prestatiescore 95% Confidence Interval Feedbackcondities slechter dan anderen slechter dan eerder Mean 5,089 5,756
a a a

Std. Error ,252 ,225

Lower Bound 4,587 5,308

Upper Bound 5,590 6,204

aantal fouten (abs. 4,366 ,219 3,930 4,801 oordeel) a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: zsvo_low = 1.0000.

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