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James Kippen teaches a range of ethnomusicology courses at the University of Toronto.

He studied Social Anthropology and Ethnomusicology under John Blacking and John Baily at Queen's University, Belfast. His doctoral research in Lucknow, India, dealt with tabladrumming in its sociocultural context, particularly as interpreted by his teacher, the hereditary master Afaq Hussain Khan; the study was later published as The Tabla of Lucknow: A Cultural Analysis of a Musical Tradition (Cambridge University Press, 1988). He held two post-doctoral fellowships for computer-assisted musical analysis, and taught Anthropology and Ethnomusicology courses at Queens before joining the University of To ronto in January 1990. Since then he has been awarded three major research grants from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada to pursue investigations into cultural concepts of time in Indian music and society, and the changing theory and practice of rhythm and metre in Hindustani music. He continues to study and practise both tabla and pakhavaj drums. He also studies and performs Balinese gendr wayang music with the ensemble Seka Rat Nadi. James Kippen has published in a variety of scholarly journals such as Anthropological Quarterly, Music Perception, Computers and the Humanities, Minds and Machines, World of Music, Journal of the Indian Musicological Society , Asian Music etc., and has contributed a key article on North Indian metric theory and drumming to the Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. His most recent book, Gurudevs Drumming Legacy: Music, Theory and Nationalism in the Mrdang aur Tabla Vadanpaddhati of Gurudev Patwardhan (Ashgate, 2006), translates, transcribes and analyses an early reformist text on Indian drumming, and places the work in rich historical and sociocultural contexts. He is currently co-editing a book called Music and the Art of Seduction. In 2008, James Kippen was Mohindar Brar Sambhi Visiting Professor in Indian Music at the Department of Ethnomusicology, University of California at Los Angeles. James Kippen ensea una serie de cursos de etnomusicologa en la Universidad de Toronto. Estudi Antropologa Social y Etnomusicologa bajo Juan Blacking y John Baily en la Universidad de Queen, Belfast. Su investigacin doctoral en Lucknow , India , trat tabla tambores en su contexto socio-cultural , especialmente en lo interpretado por su maestro, el maestro hereditaria Afaq Hussain Khan , el estudio fue publicado ms tarde como La Tabla de Lucknow : un anlisis cultural de una tradicin musical ( Cambridge University Press , 1988 ) . l llev a cabo dos becas posdoctorales para el anlisis musical asistida por ordenador, y ense antropologa y etnomusicologa cursos en Queen antes de unirse a la Universidad de Toronto en enero de 1990 . Desde entonces, ha sido galardonado con tres importantes becas de investigacin de la Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades del Consejo de Investigacin de Canad para continuar las investigaciones sobre los conceptos culturales de tiempo en la msica y la sociedad india , y la teora y la prctica del cambio de ritmo y el comps de la msica indostnica . Sigue estudiando y practicar tanto tabla y tambores pakhavaj . Tambin estudia y realiza la msica balinesa de gnero wayang con el conjunto Seka Rat Nadi .

James Kippen ha publicado en diversas revistas especializadas como Anthropological Quarterly , Percepcin Msica , Informtica y Humanidades , Mentes y Mquinas , World of Music , Revista de la Sociedad de Musicologa india , msica asitica , etc , y ha contribuido con un artculo clave en Norte teora mtrica indio y tambores de la Enciclopedia Garland de World Music. Su libro ms reciente, Tambores legado de Gurudev : Msica, Teora y nacionalismo en el Mrdang aur Tabla Vadanpaddhati de Gurudev Patwardhan ( Ashgate , 2006 ) , se traduce , transcribe y anlisis de un texto reformista temprana en Indian tambores, y coloca el trabajo en el rico patrimonio histrico y contextos socioculturales. En la actualidad es co - editando un libro que se llama msica y el arte de la seduccin .

En 2008 , James Kippen fue Profesor Visitante Mohindar Brar Sambhi en la msica india en el Departamento de Etnomusicologa de la Universidad de California en Los Angeles.

Our Faculty

James Kippen has taught ethnomusicology at the University of Toronto since 1990. Born and raised in London, England, he studied under the pianist and conductor

David Parry. He developed an interest in Hindustani music and Javanese gamelan at the University of York (UK) under Neil Sorrell, and pursued a doctorate in social anthropology and ethnomusicology at the Queens University of Belfast under John Baily and John Blacking. He is the author ofThe Tabla of Lucknow (CUP 1988). He held three major SSHRC research grants to explore issues related to rhythm and metre in Hindustani music: he has translated and analyzed several indigenous works from the 18th to early 20th centuries, projects that led to several articles as well as the bookGurudevs Drumming Legacy: Music, Theory and Nationalism in the Mrdang aur Tabla Vadanpaddhati of Gurudev Patwar dhan (Ashgate 2006). He has contributed key articles to the Garland Encyclopedia of World Music as well as a chapter in the popular textbook on ethnographic method, Shadows in the Field (Barz & Cooley, 2nd ed. OUP 2008). He continues to play both tabla and pakhavaj drums, and is an enthusiastic Balinese gendr player with the ensemble Seka Rat Nadi. (Download list of publications.)

James Kippen ha enseado etnomusicologa en la Universidad de Toronto desde 1990.Nacido y criado en Londres, estudi con el pianista y director de

orquesta David Parry. l desarroll un inters por la msica indostan y gamelan javans en la Universidad de York (Reino Unido) con Neil Sorrell, y sigui un doctorado en antropologa social y la etnomusicologa en la Universidad de la Reina de Belfast con John Baily y John Blacking. l es el autor de La Tabla de Lucknow (CUP 1988). l llev a cabo tres importantes becas de investigacin SSHRC para explorar temas relacionados con ritmo y el comps de la msica indostnica: ha traducido y analizado varias obras indgenas de la 18 a principios de siglo 20, los proyectos que dieron lugar a varios artculos y el libro Legado Tambores de Gurudev: Msica, Teora y nacionalismo en el Mrdang aur Tabla Vadanpaddhati de Gurudev Patwardhan (Ashgate 2006). Ha contribuido con artculos clave de la Enciclopedia Garland de World Music, as como un captulo en el libro de texto popular el mtodo etnogrfico, Sombras en el campo(Barz y Cooley, 2 ed. OUP 2008). l sigue jugando tanto tabla y pakhavaj tambores, y es un entusiasta de Bali Sexo jugador con el conjunto Seka Rat Nadi . (Descargue la lista de publicaciones .)

The Tabla of Lucknow presents a synoptic overview of music making in the city of Lucknow based on ethnomusicological fieldwork conducted in the early to mid 1980s. Beginning with general information on the history of Lucknow and its pivotal role in the evolution of Hindustani music in the nineteenth century, the book studies and investigates the employment of musicians, political machinations in the music world, the social organization of Lucknow`s hereditary

specialists, and traditional versus modern methods of musical training. Throughout this book, the paradigm of Lucknow`s cultural decline from pre-eminent centre of excellence to quiet backwater is reflected in the Lucknow tabla tradition`s fight for survival and recognition amid the social and cultural upheavals of the past 150 years. The book comes with a CD.

La Tabla de Lucknow presenta una visin sinptica de la creacin musical en la ciudad de Lucknow basado en trabajo de campo etnomusicolgicas realizado a principios y mediados de 1980. A partir de la informacin de carcter general sobre la historia de Lucknow y su papel fundamental en la evolucin de la msica indostnica en el siglo XIX, el libro estudia e investiga la contratacin de msicos, maquinaciones polticas en el mundo de la msica, la organizacin social de los especialistas hereditarios `s Lucknow , y los mtodos tradicionales frente moderno de formacin musical. A lo largo de este libro, el paradigma del `s Lucknow decadencia cultural del centro por excelencia de la excelencia de remanso se refleja en la lucha de la tradicin` s Lucknow tabla para la supervivencia y el reconocimiento en medio de las convulsiones sociales y culturales de los ltimos 150 aos. El libro viene con un CD.

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