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CYCLOMANCY — The Secret Pedi Po Ge by Frank Rudolph Young ny Wort Nyack, N.Y DEDICATION te no this something mone than fenton?” Halet “There ave more things in people's minds ‘and bodies, my som, Than re dreamt of in la ther sciones™ Jol Aral Young (The authors father ‘whose memory this Dookis dee) ©1865 97 WHAT THIS BOOK WILL DO FOR You ‘his book shows you how you may develop amaing rystical powers Powers of healing, powers of maternization, powers of prophecy aud thought trnsfrencomand others even snare seting. It elelyprones that Magi realy exists, and shows how=weithout so thc as litng ‘Engerneredible reat tay be achieved! CYCLOMANGY (another name for White Mage) is simply the ws of certain hidden powers that wa all pontess. Powers given tos Toe before books sere invented Forgotten powers, For extinple ike most people you probably dout know how to move objects witht touching than Bue you sil poses the por to doit! ‘This power lie sleeping within you rght now So do untay other! Powers like tay vison, asual projection, hypnotic mental atteton, and power hearing, to ame ust fe! In every aren of you life, youl fod Mae CYCLOMANCY ean bring ‘nereble results Fa example, with xray vison, a this book shows you The ppc mater sth walle, lil ste and crate, pet Sse og hy sna i a ‘etc sad bers the contents of locked steel betes The very stowed act {2S i pone mre sn fc oot Sephcinide washer et arc a Anu ye these magis techniques ae nti to we at all On the satzay they requis no unostel abilities, no expensive eipoent of ‘ny din, Just eal tho istration and @o the exereise, and ou Mey svaken astonishing powers you never daeaned pestle, ‘What kind of powers? Power like thee 1L the power to se close wp, fom a grott distance, ith your Atal Teles! | 2. The pene tne the pt istry’ of tang Io Taig yom ha Se per tal ot lh oer, what is ging on at sven pe a ven ne, ind ig ese! wa mi ike Fee yo even soe ct meely Atal rw al nae ojots witht he Ste wih eral all ra ay la wit starvation! tt dl has othe bean! Yo se how many gamers, wor ao Peer ace lest CYCLOMANGY (as wi ECCRLES aut esses io fame aod frie, And hw fou my dhe wae if ou vo dese! sae aout: You shook be let fsa others sith ys Suh enttnce he ih your geo movement Seene sane acer ap tote tines th your mind aloe, rus ese SEOs px th yo ee prea, vd eo poole york bor oan healer spel ot fe you tpt with complete, ee fat drenons oul ee howto bring your mate to you wait ask {SE How te conmnnd peopl to do what you want thn fy wit Be sot und or fing om ti Anger How to kep epeing weer Sf acquit ul you have vty an ete sry of Ij fen and Bouter ASTONISHING SECRETS REVEALED AT Last! sek en ery we sg tan le ea gn i cee mag mee pe eli ee Hector Torito Oe gs yi res CECLOMANCY, cn fata Ea psn st ee Senne ee ae emer enantio Fe ew he aoe iar nna pope Yor tel TODS a one Pata gl die Ine ae LT aaan ak Heae f P e aw ny gig he vt win wd penne LATER de iestanriy YOUR LIME 18 cHaNcrD! XE ifs money you want y the amazing iteration teenies ‘in Lewen 20, yom want a ne home, expensive clothing or jewel, CYCLOMANCY sold dea these shige inc your life with eae, jst surely as the ight ofthe sen shines through your window. Say you have aed Payhe owes to ring yor mate you wth asking to eeemblch Contact wih lng Sendo eae, Fo fethin ore, to do wat you wat you singly pet «Psyc bt 8 tpn ind Sect ter, ls peron agrees wih you, copes a] read (0 your lingo mater ow stor he or ey ave Hoe el "With ths powers, yore wl take on fe eatag, Enc ne day, which forery tented suoter fay wll mw prescat notes conquest Problems mater bw dso or Row fog they have Tstedstould sense fo umoel and mel oy! Hens eae mime he ‘apt hea set apn! NB For CYCLOMANCY is Magic! Magic that can even oll hack the yews! Wi a as youll cover in Lessons 6 and 7, you may restore Ise and skin tone, wipe away wrinkles, look fresher, younger, tar ‘ore atraetve anos overnight.» Being che glow of radiant good al, {o skin and hale. eat Batter, ork better, play beter, ad sloep ike» Iaby, tasting this very week nce you master it simple tops, CYCLOMANCY wail do coon more for you. To money, Jove, success in Desins new fends, new ener, infite widooy ad contol ove others, may be ade 4+ A moro dynamic, commanding personality! Adeldutersemgt 1 Tnerased powers of concentration! { Inproved spooch and vorsbulry building power 1 Resbtmnoe to cals, Hu and sespiatory tobe! Cty nt th hg eu an do ith CYCLO Maney Tb ghost spay chase a al rose rr ab to dogg snd cg yu oe fags cds ed an ut ; orl distr NEW TOU whieh you ner hgh td To crc isto vans Tens we oyu bce i harvrtd fr neds fan sven diferent an oo

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