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Installation and configuration of the Citrix client to connect to Vodafone

Ericsson Data Integration & Projects 7 October 2008


Download....................................................................................................................................3 Installing the Citrix Client ..........................................................................................................4 Configuring the Citrix Client .....................................................................................................9 APPENDIX-1 : UPGRADE ACTIONS...................................................................................16

Download the Citrix client v11.0 :



Installing the Citrix Client

1) Select your preferred language

2) Click next

3) Choose to accept the license agreement and click next


4) Make sure Program Neighborhood is set to be installed on your local harddrive and click on Next

5) Leave Server address empty and click Next

6) Choose the folder in which you wish to install the application and click Next


7) Click Next

8) Click Next

9) Enable at least the checkbox of Enable Custom ICA Connections and click Next


10) Verify and click Next

11) Citrix XenApp plugin is being installed on your system

12) Click Finish to complete the installation process


13) If this window Pops Up, click on Cancel


Configuring the Citrix Client

1) Start the Citrix Program Neighborhood Start/Programs/Citrix/Progam Neighborhood 2) If the following error pops up, please ignore

3) Click on Find new Application Set


4) Click Next

5) Click server location


6) Then use the drop down button to select TCP/IP as the Network Protocol. Add and in the address list. Click on the Firewalls button.

7) Make sure everything is set like below


8) After this click OK twice. You are now back on the Find New Application Set window. For this step it is required the VPN tunnel to Vodafone is made ACTIVE!!! Now click on the pull down button. If the proper settings are made and you have the VPN connection active, you should SEE the application set entry : SRSAFarm If not do not type or enter this value !!! but check your VPN connection or connectivity Click Next

9) Change the window size and click Next


10) Click Finish

11) Your Program Neighborhood now looks like this:


12) Right click on SRSAFarm and select Application Set Settings Choose TCP/IP in the drop down menu

13) Go to the logon information tab. In this screen use the credentials provided by Ericsson Data Integration & Projects . The domain is always SRSA. Click OK


14) You have now completed the installation and configuration of the Citrix Client. When you click twice on SRSAFarm in the Citrix Program Neighborhood the programs you requested should appear. If you have any questions or issues installing the Citrix Client, contact Ericsson Data Integration & Projects



The following screens are different then the procedure above. Step number refers to the regular installation process: 2a) Click next

The rest should stay the same


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