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Vocabulary List 1


Definition: (adj.) foreign; strange; (n.) a foreigner; a stranger; a being from outer space Example 1: She felt lost in an alien culture when she moved to the city. Example 2: The movie is about an invasion by aliens.


Definition : (adj.) having to do with official relationships between countries or governments; tactful Example 1: A diplomatic attempt was made to prevent any hurt feelings. Example 2: Later in the 20th century, Bermuda hosted many diplomatic conferences between world leaders.


Definition : (n.) separate system of stars; group of well-known people Example 1: Theyre a galaxy apart when it comes to politics. Example 2: A galaxy of artists was assembled in the theatre.


Definition : (adj.) horrid; ghostlike; very unpleasant Example 1: It was a ghastly murder that shocked even hard-bitten detectives. Example 2: Such a life seems ghastly in its emptiness and sterility.


Definition : (adj.) certain to die eventually; causing death; to the death; very intense; (n.)- a being who will die, especially a human

Example 1: Sperm whales and giant squid may be mortal enemies. Example 2: These are the troubles that come to ordinary mortals.


Definition : (n.) a planet, moon, or artificial object that orbits a planet; a dependent person, company, or state

Example 1: Ganymede is a satellite of Jupiter and the largest moon in the solar system. Example 2: With good motorway and rail links, satellite towns like Thornbury have grown rapidly.


Definition : (adj.) undisturbed; calm; serene; quiet Example 1: The skyline of the city gives this tranquil setting a little urban flair. Example 2: The gardens are designed to allow guests to reflect on the tranquil beauty of nature and to instill serenity.


Definition : (adj.) possessing the best qualities of human beings; kind, sympathetic Example 1: They were humane guards who treated the prisoners decently. Example 2: I like the movies humane depiction of people who are physically and mentally challenged.


Definition : (n.) rapidity of motion; rate of speed Example 1: The velocity of light is about 186,000 miles per second. Example 2: Worker mobility gives the tech industry fluidity, velocity, and energy.


Definition : (adj.) referring to a planet or planets; global; wandering; moving in an orbit Example 1: Lots of students tend to remember that planetary orbits are elliptical and not perfectly circular. Example 2: The idea that planets can migrate great distances in the planetary system has been around for years.


Definition : (v.) to unite persons or groups; (n.) a country, person, or group joined for a common purpose; a plant, animal, or thing related to another; a helper Example 1: He wishes to ally himself with a wealthy family by marriage. Example 2: Will you make her your ally or your foe?


Definition : (v.) to turn away; to keep from happening Example 1: She had to avert her eyes at the sight of the accident. Example 2: He slowed down and averted an accident.


Definition : (n.) the inevitable order of events; fate Example 1: I just knew that it wasnt my destiny to end up in a dead-end job. Example 2: Its time to take charge of your own destiny.


Definition : (v.) to put under a spell; to bewitch; to hold motionless; to charm or captivate Example 1: For years the zoos family of giant pandas have fascinated visitors. Example 2: I can gaze at the sea for hours, fascinated by the neverending waves crashing upon the shore.


Definition : (adj.) fleeing from danger, justice, and so on; fleeting; (n.) a person who flees or has fled; a fleeting thing

Example 1: As he daydreamed, fugitive thoughts passed through his mind. Example 2: The fugitive was being chased by the guards.


Definition : (n.) movement of part of the body to express something; something said or done as a formality only; (v.)- to express an idea or emotion with movement Example 1: She made a friendly gesture with her hands. Example 2: Paula gestured toward the fireplace.


Definition : (adj.) giving light; glowing in the dark; easily understood Example 1: The luminous moon bathed the snow-covered fields with a pearly glow.

Example 2: He is an author with a simple, luminous prose style that is free of affectation and pretention.


Definition : (v.) to enter as an enemy; to intrude in Example 1: After multiplying, the microbes break out of the cell and go on to invade other cells. Example 2: Venomous lionfish are the first exotic species to invade coral reefs.


Definition : (n.) an offer; a show of willingness to deal; an introduction to an opera or other long musical work; any introductory section

Example 1: Walkers overture was followed by a series of intense negotiations.

Example 2: During the overture, the introduction, nothing happens except the music.


Definition : (adj.) of stars; superior; leading Example 1: The miniature palm tree is a stellar example of the art of bonsai. Example 2: She gave a stellar performance that day.

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