Jury Form: Student Name: - Date: Composition1: - Composition 2: - Category 1 2 3 4

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Student Name: Composition1: Composition 2:

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Composition Performance

Jury Form
_____________________________________________ _______________________ ___________________________________________ _______
Orchestration often impractical or has problems.


CATEGORY A. Musical Learning and Skills: Orchestration

Occasional impractical instrumentation or problems

Instrumentation is correct, but uninteresting. Piece 1_______ ________ Piece 2

Instrumentation is correct and result is interesting and satisfying Piece 1_______ Piece 2 _____ Melody is compelling and shape is excellent. .

Melodic Interest

Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ________ Melody has little interest, no clear and compelling shape

Piece 1_______

Piece 2________

Melody has interest, but shape is weak

Melody has interest and strong shape

Piece 1_______ ________

Piece 2 Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ________ Limited use of contrapuntal elements Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ________ Contrapuntal elements are clear, but distracting or awkward . Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ________ Form is clear and interesting, transitional elements apparent

Piece 1_______ ______

Piece 2

Contrapuntal Interest

There are no contrapuntal elements. Piece is largely homophonic.

Contrapuntal elements are clear and well integrated into the work


Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ________ Form is unclear or highly repetitive, lack of genuine transitional elements

Piece 1_______

Piece 2 ________

Basic approach to form evident, but transitional elements unclear

Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ______ Form is clear and interesting, transitional elements are interesting and compelling Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ______ Excellent use of rhythmic variation throughout Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ______ Work exhibits originality of ideas Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ______

Rhythmic Interest

Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ________ Some attempts at altering ryhthms but with limited effect Piece 1_______ ________ Piece 2

Piece 1_______

Piece 2 ________

Some successful attempts at basic rhythmic variation though limited in scope & range. Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ________ Work exhibits derivative elements as well as original ideas Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ________

Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ________ Good use of rhythmic variation throughout. Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ________ Work exhibits derivative elements, but are used in new ways Piece 1_______ Piece 2 ________


Piece is derivative of works by other composers Piece 1_______ ________ Piece 2


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