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Daily assignments

198-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 6

Question 1: Spend time around those with a similar mindset. Who do you currently associate with on a regular basis?

199-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 7

Question 1: Change requires strong and continued commitment. What change will you commit to making today?

200-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 8

Question 1: One should alternate between action, evaluation and rest. Of the three (action, evaluation, rest), which do you do the least? Question 2: Of the three (action, evaluation, rest), which do you do the most?

201-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 9

Question 1: Practice unconditional gratitude. In your own words, what does that mean to you?

202-Changing the Paradigm

Our subconscious conditioning. Question 1: What paradigm would you like to change?

203-Goal vs. Plan

What is the difference? Question 1: What goal are you currently working on?

204-Turn Your Back

To turn or not to turn Question 1: What people in your life are you considering turning your back because they are holding you back?

205-You Were Born Rich

"Let go and let God" Question 1: What would you like to LET happen in your life over the next one month?

206-Successibility Thinking 12
Declaration #12: I Am A Person Of Passion Question 1: What are you passionate about?

207-Thought For The Day

"Whatever you do, do with integrity. Wherever you go, go as a leader. Whomever you serve, serve with caring. Whenever you dream, dream with your all. And never, ever give up. -David Gergan, Director for Harvard Kennedy Schools Question 1: Type the name of someone that has experienced you with integrity. Question 2: Type the name of someone that has experienced you as a leader. Question 3: Type the name of someone that has experienced you serving them with care.

208-Improving The World

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." -- Anne Frank Question 1: What are three random acts of kindness that you can do today to improve the world of 3 different people?

209-Successibility Thinking 13
Declaration #13: I Live Out The Diamond Principle Question 1: Describe your "diamond-like" traits; in other words, describe your uniqueness.

210-Need An Adjustment?
"The whole process of mental adjustment and attunement can be summed up in one word: gratitude." -- Wallace D. Wattles Question 1: What is the name of at least one person you are grateful for? Call them and tell them why you are grateful for them.

211-Successibility Thinking 14
Declaration #14: I think BIG!

Question 1: Please fill in the blanks in the following statement: "My imagination is _________! I am a no-______ person! I _______ myself all the time!" Now, may we suggest you write out this entire statement 10 times. Speak it aloud several times today.

212-Got Problems?
Ignorance Or Stupidity Question 1: What do you do to develop, or increase, your awareness?

213-Successibility Thinking 15
Declaration #15: I Am A People Magnet Question 1: What type of people are you currently attracting into your life? Question 2: what type of people would you like to attract into your life?

214-Successibility Thinking 16
Declaration #16: I Am A Magnet To Money Question 1: What products or services do you provide to earn money? Question 2: What products or services would you LOVE to provide to earn money?

215-Your Atlantic
"Everyone has his own Atlantic to fly. Whatever you want very much to do, against opposition of tradition, neighborhood opinion, and so called "common sense" ... that is an Atlantic." -- Amelia Earhart Question 1: What is your "Atlantic?"

216-Thought For The Day

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? If not now, when?" -- Rabbi Hillel Question 1: Who do you REALLY want to become? Type it below and then share it throughout your day with 5 different people as if you are already that person.

217-Paying Rent
" the rent we pay for the space we occupy." -- Martin Luther King Question 1: What service do you currently provide to humanity and how could you do more?

218-The First Lady

"We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face...we must do that which we think we cannot." -- Eleanor Roosevelt Question 1: With respect to your goal, what is one factor you fear the most? Question 2: How can you put Eleanor Roosevelt's advice into action?

And getting back up! Question 1: Would you sign your name to today as an artist signs their name with pride of accomplishment to their masterpieces?

220-Learning vs. Learned

"In times of change the learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." -- Eric Hoffer Question 1: What are three things that you want to learn this month?

221-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 1

Me And Money. As a useful expansion to your video lesson with Bob today, take the time to read Chapter 1 of You Were Born Rich. Question 1: Why do you want to earn money? Question 2: How much money do you want to earn? Question 3: What services/products are you thinking of providing in order to earn the amount stated above?

222-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 2

How Much Is Enough? Expand the boundaries of your thinking with Chapter 2 of You Were Born Rich. Question 1: What is the minimum amount of money you must earn a month in order to ONLY take car of your absolute necessities? Question 2: How much would you like to earn beyond the amount you listed above (i.e., double, triple, etc.)?

223-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 3

The Image-Maker. You will find fascinating reading in Chapter 3 of You Were Born Rich.

Question 1: Think about the amount of money you would like to earn. What would you like to do with that money?

224-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 4

Let Go And Let God. Read Chapter 4 of You Were Born Rich. Question 1: In your own words, describe what it means to you to 'Let Go And Let God'.

225-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 5

Expect An Abundance. Enjoy reading Chapter 5 of You Were Born Rich. Question 1: What personal trait invokes the Law of Attraction? Question 2: What amount of money do you expect to earn in the next year? Question 3: What amount of money would you LIKE to earn in the next year? Question 4: Do the two amounts you listed above match? (If not, it is recommended that you watch the video over again.)

226-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 6

The Law Of Vibration & Attraction. Read Chapter 6 of You Were Born Rich. Question 1: What are you attracting into your life that you feel grateful for?

227-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 7

The Risk-Takers. Read Chapter 7 of You Were Born Rich. Question 1: What does it mean to you to "play to win?"

228-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 8

The Razor's Edge. Question 1: Describe some qualities of some successful people you know. Question 2: From your list above, type out the qualities that describe you.

229-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 9

Don't Think In Reverse. Question 1: What is on thing from you past that has been holding you back to this day?

Question 2: Do you want to let it go, release it?

230-You Were Born Rich, Chapter 10

The Vacuum Law Of Prosperity. Question 1: What change have you been desiring? Question 2: How can you make "space" for it today?

231-You Were Born Rich-1

Chapter One Question 1: How does the thought of carrying around 100 of your currency, in your pocket or purse, make you feel?

232-You Were Born Rich-2

Chapter Two Question 1: How much money will you be paying yourself every month?

233-You Were Born Rich-3

Chapter Three Question 1: Based on the conversations and the things you have been talking about recently, describe the image that those words would paint. Question 2: Is the image you described above something you want?

234-You Were Born Rich-4

Chapter Four Question 1: Describe a moment, or event, where you "let go and let God" and describe what that experience of "letting" felt like.

235-You Were Born Rich-5

Chapter Five Question 1: What is your number one goal that you are currently working on?

236-You Were Born Rich-6

Chapter Six

Question 1: Describe some of the "good" that you desire that you have been attracting into your life.

237-You Were Born Rich-7

Chapter Seven Question 1: Are you a risk-taker? Question 2: If not, what is one risk you can take today? If you are, describe the risk you are taking currently.

238-You Were Born Rich-8

Chapter Eight Question 1: Here are some examples of the division created by the "Razor's Edge." One person "just about" starts a project, the other person starts it. One individual "almost" completes a task, the other does complete it. One person sees an opportunity, the other acts on it. One student "nearly" passes the exam, the other does pass it--maybe even by just one point, but it's the one point that makes all the difference. Which side of the "Razor's Edge" are you on?

239-You Were Born Rich-9

Chapter Nine Question 1: Name one obstacle, or challenge, that is holding you back from getting what you want. Question 2: Name at least one person you are close to/trust and apply the '333' lesson to your obstacle with this person.

240-You Were Born Rich-10

Question 1: What is something you don't want that you will be getting rid of today?

241-Could Have or WILL?

Time to take action Question 1: Do you know what you would love to be or do?

Your choice Question 1: Name a person that does something you would like to do.

Question 2: What is stopping you from doing what the person you listed above does? After answering this question replay today's video and watch it again.

243-The Gift Of Giving

Look for Peoples' Values Question 1: What are the top 5 things you value most? Question 2: What is something that your closest friend or relative values most?

244-7 Key Life Lessons

The story of Alexander Question 1: How would learning about the following improve your life: Inner Wealth, Meaningful Life, Miracle of the Moment, Conquering Challenges, Leadership, Lead with Love, and Legacy?

245-7 Key Life Lessons-2

The Value Of Inner Wealth Question 1: What does inner wealth mean to you?

246-7 Key Life Lessons-3

The Meaningful Life Question 1: Describe your character.

247-7 Key Life Lessons-4

The Miracle Of The Moment Question 1: Do you tend to dwell on the past, worry about the future or consciously live life moment by moment?

248-7 Key Life Lessons-5

Conquering Challenges Question 1: Describe at least one current challenge that you would like to overcome?

249-7 Key Life Lessons-6


Question 1: Do you consider yourself a leader? If yes, why?

250-7 Key Life Lessons-7

Lead With Love Question 1: What is your heart's desire?

251-7 Key Life Lessons-8

Question 1: Describe the legacy you would like to leave behind.

252-7 Key Life Lessons-9

Enjoy Luxury Of Life Question 1: Would you like to write a book? Question 2: What is stopping you from writing a book?

I have only just a minute... Question 1: What would you like to create today?

Who would you like to work with? Question 1: Throughout this last year, you have traded six minutes of your time for growth by watching Six Minutes To Success videos each week day. In what ways have you grown over this last one year? Question 2: What achievements have you accomplished as a result of your dedication to learning from Bob Proctor with Six Minutes To Success? Question 3: What countries do you currently run business? Question 4: Would you like to expand your business globally?

255-The Life You Planned

The Life Waiting For You Question 1: Explain the Law Of Gender. Question 2: Do you believe your goal is worthy of you? If yes, understanding the Law Of Gender, do you realize the importance of committing to your goal to completion? Explain. Question 3: What life do you believe is waiting for you?

256-Big Ideas
In Small Chunks Question 1: Think of the amount of money you would like to earn in one year. What does that calculate to be per day?

257-Dealing With
How to get up Question 1: Name all the places you have your goal written down or visually portrayed. Question 2: What date have you guessed for achieving your goal? In other words, when do you expect to complete your goal? Question 3: Name some of the details of the plan you have brainstormed, or masterminded, for achieving your goal. Question 4: Who do you know that could benefit from reading "Think And Grow Rich?"

258-Surround Yourself with Greatness...

...and Some of the Greatness will Rub Off Question 1: Describe your character. Question 2: Describe your attitude.

259-Thank You
"The road to success is not a path you find but a trail you blaze." Thank you letting Six Minutes To Success be with you as you blaze your trail leading to what you truly desire. Question 1: List some of the "successes" you have created over the last year.

260-Quantum Leaps For A New Year

Making Quantum Leaps Question 1: Make a list of the quantum successes, quantum changes, or quantum leaps you would like to make over the next one year.

261-Come From The Heart

"You've got to sing like you don't need the money-- Love like you'll never get hurt-- You've got to dance like nobody's watching-- It's got to come from the heart if you want it to work." Question 1: Describe your attitude towards the goals you set and plan to achieve.

262-Power Of Study
The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale Question 1: What are you currently studying and learning?

Question 2: What are you wanting to accomplish on the next 90 days?

263-Universal Laws
Question 1: Name all the Universal Laws that you have studied thus far.

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