Daily Assignments (264-331)

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264-Working With The Law

By Raymond Holliwell Question 1: If you knew you wouldn't fail, what would you really like to do?

265-Going The Extra Mile

Action Is Key Question 1: What would it look like for you to go the extra mile? (Examples: ask for a raise, move to a new job, change careers, start a business, skydive, bungee jump, tell someone you love them, etc.)

266-The Master Key To Riches

By Napoleon Hill Question 1: Describe how you could turn a current challenge you are dealing with into a "stepping stone."

267-Take Possession Of Your Mind

Take Possession Of The Good You Desire Question 1: On a scale from 0% (never) - 100% (always), how much control do you currently have with the thoughts you think, or your mind? Question 2: Describe how the mind works, in other words, the different part of the mind.

A Creed Question 1: What does discipline mean to you? Bob Proctor defines it as "giving yourself a command and following it."

269-Sixth Sense
A Mental Faculty Of Our Mind Question 1: Would you like to develop your intuition? Question 2: Name your six mental faculties.

270-A Serene Mind

Self-Control Question 1: Would you like to learn ways to relax your mind and body? Question 2: Do you tend to be more reactive or responsive to situations and circumstances?

Think Outside Of The Box Question 1: Do you believe you are capable of making a quantum leap? Explain.

Question 2: If yes, what would you like your quantum leap to be?

272-Most of the Things We Worry About

Never Happen Question 1: Explain why worrying is an attitude and a choice.

273-Time To Soar
Think Beyond Limits Question 1: List some of your limiting thinking, or limiting beliefs, about yourself. Question 2: How can you change your statements, or beliefs, above to make them limitless.

274-Bob Proctor and Les Brown

Good is supposed to happen to me Question 1: List at least three great things that have happened to you in the last year.

275-The Unstoppable Attitude

Bob Proctor and Les Brown Question 1: Describe what it looks and feels like for you to have an "Unstoppable" attitude.

...a surrounding or pervading mood, environment, or influence Question 1: What type of atmosphere are you creating today? Question 2: What type of atmosphere would you like to create today?

277-Purpose and Mastermind

What do you love doing? Who's in your mastermind group? Question 1: What is your purpose? Question 2: Would you like to have a mastermind group?

278-Specialized Knowledge
Needed to achieve your goals. Question 1: What specialized knowledge is needed for your goal to be achieved?

Speak in a way that others want to listen. Question 1: Do you want to improve your communication skills? Question 2: How would your life be different if you communicated better such that others want to listen to you?

Before speaking Question 1: Would your friends and family consider you a good listener? Question 2: Do you consider yourself a good listener? Why or why not?

281-Want Friends?
Be a friend. Question 1: In your opinion, what are the qualities or characteristics of a good friend? Question 2: Are you any of the above qualities? All or some?

282-What needs to be done...

At least pick one or nothing gets done. Question 1: What projects are you currently, or wanting to, work on? Question 2: What are you doing today for the project(s) that you are working on or want to work on?

283-Spiritual vs. Physical

Spiritual is stronger than physical Question 1: In your own words, what does spirituality mean to you?

284-Advertise Yourself
Do you advertise? Question 1: How do you currently advertise your business? Question 2: How would you like to advertise your business?

285-Calm, Cheerful Attitude

Cheer is contagious. Question 1: What would you REALLY enjoy doing today?

286-Belief And Appreciation

For those in your life. Question 1: Who do you wish would believe in you and/or appreciate you more? Question 2: Who in your life do you really appreciate and why?

Compete only with themselves. Question 1: Do you consider yourself a professional at what you do? Question 2: In what ways would you like to get better at what you do?

Study each day. Question 1: How often do you study? Question 2: How often would you like to study (i.e., hours per day, hours per week, etc.)?

291-Settling vs. Greatness

What are you capable of being? Question 1: To actualize your full potential, what do you plan on becoming? Question 2: If you knew you could not fail, what steps would you take to be all you can be?

292-Mind Is The Master Power That Molds

by James Allen Question 1: Describe your environment as it is now (i.e., people, places, things, etc.). Question 2: Describe what you would like your environment to be like (i.e., people, places, things, etc.).

293-To Grow Is To Change

To Change Often Is To Grow Much Question 1: Describe the change that you would like to make in your life today.

294-No Sin In Great Wealth

No Virtue In Poverty Question 1: What is your financial goal over the next year? Question 2: Answer this question, "How can I provide greater service? Today? This week? This month? This year?"

295-One Of The Last Freedoms

To Choose One's Attitude Question 1: Describe your attitude toward your career. Question 2: Describe your attitude toward earning money.

296-Who Are You?

Look around at your environment. Question 1: Describe your favorite room in your house. Question 2: Does the description above describe who you are?

297-Living As You Like

How to do this?

Question 1: How would your mother or father or spouse like you to live? Question 2: How would your closest friends like you to live? Question 3: How would YOU like to live?

298-Coming Soon: The 7 Basic Principles

Write down your goal. Question 1: State your goal below. It is recommended that it start like this, "I am so happy and grateful now that..." Then describe your goal in the present tense.

299-Basic Principle #1
I have infinite potential! Question 1: Define in your own words what it means to you to have infinite potential.

300-Basic Principle #2
Want. Question 1: In your own words, describe what and where our 'want' (or desire) comes from. Question 2: What is your goal and when do you want to achieve it?

301-Basic Principle #3
Decision. Question 1: Decide on at least one action step you will take today towards achieving your goal. Type it out below.

302-Basic Principle #4
Commitment. "If you are interested in getting the things you want, you will do what you have to do when it is convenient, but if you are committed you will do it regardless." Question 1: On a scale from 0%-100% (100% being you are totally committed), what is your commitment level to your goal?

303-Basic Principle #5
Accountability. Question 1: Who is your accountability partner? If you do not have one currently, who will you ask to be your accountability partner?

304-Basic Principle #6
Focus. Question 1: What gives you the ability to focus?

Question 2: Based on the results in your life currently, what have you been giving your focus, or attention, to? Remember, Emerson said that the only thing that can grow is the thing you give energy to. What is growing in your life?

305-Basic Principle #7
Discipline...the ability to give yourself a command and then do it. Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (10 being Extremely), how disciplined are you? Question 2: Would you like to develop your ability to become more discipline?

306-Working with the Law Series

The 11 Forgotten Laws by Raymond Holliwell Question 1: What areas of your life would you like to apply the 11 Laws to?

307-Working with the Law #1

Working with the Law Question 1: Who or what controls your circumstances?

308-Working with the Law #2

The Law of Thinking Question 1: Describe your "thinking" routine. Do you allow some quite time each day to think? Are you a part of a weekly mastermind group where you think together with others? Question 2: What we think about comes about. Based on the situations and circumstances around you, what have you been thinking about in the past?

309-Working with the Law #4

The Law of Attraction Question 1: In your own words, define the Law of Attraction. Question 2: What do you intend to attract in your life over the next month?

310-Working with the Law #4, Part 2

The Law of Attraction, Part 2 Question 1: What are some things you need in order to get what you want?

311-Working with the Law #5

The Law of Receiving Question 1: "...we are continually drawing into life what we give and expect." What would you like to receive in the next month, in other words, what are you giving?

312-Working with the Law #6

The Law of Increase Question 1: Praise is a tool you can use to get more increase in your life. How and when do you intend to use this tool?

313-Working with the Law #7

The Law of Compensation Question 1: The Law of Compensation explains how you can start earning more money. How and when do you intend to use this Law?

314-Working with the Law #8

The Law of Non-Resistance Question 1: How can you use The Law Of Non-Resistance in your life now in order to improve your well being?

315-Working with the Law #9

The Law of Forgiveness Question 1: What would you like to let go of completely, or forgive, today?

316-Working with the Law #10

The Law of Sacrifice Question 1: Describe some of the "good" (your wants) that you desire. Question 2: What price are you willing to pay, in other words, what are you willing to give up for the "wants" that you listed above?

317-Working with the Law #11

The Law of Obedience Question 1: As we obey the Law, we humble our personal self to the divine self within us. We refuse to accept the outer appearances of things as being final and true but we turn within and seek that which is real and true. Describe how you can use your understanding of The Law Of Obedience to improve your way of life.

318-Mind Is the Master Power

From As A Man Thinketh Question 1: What is at least one thing in your life now that you are happy and grateful for and one thing that you would like to choose to change?

319-Choice and Change

Ownership and Responsibility Question 1: What does it mean to you to "take responsibility for the choices you" in your life?

320-The Secret of the Ages

by Robert Collier Question 1: What action steps have you taken thus far towards achieving your goal?

"It means that you should never treat another person in a manner that would make them feel small." Question 1: Name someone in your life that has treated you with "genshai." What did they do?

322-What is Your Purpose?

Thought must be linked with purpose to have intelligent accomplishments. Question 1: Define what a purpose statement is. Question 2: Type out your purpose statement below. If you do not have one, create one now. Remember, as time goes on, your purpose statement will evolve and change.

"When we have sufficient humus [humility] in our lives, we grow and develop, and foster those around us to flourish. Humility fosters growth." -- Kevin Hall from the book Aspire Question 1: Describe the areas of your life where you would benefit from having more humility.

324-Law of Prosperity
Trust, give, expect. Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=rarely, 10=almost always), how much do you TRUST yourself, others and the Universal Laws? Question 2: On a scale from 1-10 (1=rarely, 10=almost always), how often do you GIVE to yourself, others and the Universe? Question 3: On a scale from 1-10 (1=rarely, 10=almost always), do you EXPECT good things from yourself, others and the Universal?

325-Miracle Seeds for Success and Prosperity

by Don Stuart Question 1: In your own words, what insight have you learned from today's lesson?

326-The Beginning
Becoming what we want to be Question 1: How do your thoughts affect what you become and have?

Automatic Debt Repayment Program Question 1: Are you wanting to get out of debt?

Question 2: Are you wanting to multiply your income this year? Question 3: How much would you like to earn in the next one year?

328-Global Business
Looking at the world. Question 1: Would you like to have a global business? Question 2: Where in the world would you like to do business?

329-The Value Of A Mentor

Free one hour coaching call with Bob Proctor live! Details will be emailed to you soon! Question 1: Would you like to be coached by Bob Proctor?

330-A Little More

Makes a Big Difference Question 1: What one small adjustment, change, or improvement can you do at work that could potentially result in a big reward?

331-Big Improvement in Results

Think of a slight change/improvement you could make. Question 1: In your business/career, where could you put in a little bit more effort?

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