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Status of Women in Argentina Women in Argentina have not always had the rights and freedom that they

have today. The women there are still fighting for equality, and they are on their way to overcome this battle. It has been a battle women in Argentina have been fighting since the early times. The Argentina Independent1 explains it as follows, There is no doubt that women still have their work cut out. However, one area where Argentine women are making ground is in their move into roles that have been traditionally occupied by men. And with certain industries crying out for more female representation, it is a development that needs to garner further support and social awareness. Below is a map showing the number of women in the workplace that hold the position of management. We can see that in Argentina, there are not many females that hold such position comparde to North America and Europe. Argentina is continuing to grow as far as females in the workplace.

Female Managers (SASI Group & Newman, 2006)2

A few significant laws that have been passed in Argentina include, the Quota Law, which established a minimum of 30% female participation in legislative elections, the Violence against Women Act, and a law to fight against human trafficking. This is only a few of the laws and acts currently in Argentina to help women establish themselves in a fast paced world. The United Nations has played a very big role for women in Argentina. There has been recent studies done in Argentina conducted by the United Nations and the most recent has shown that there is a downfall in Gender Equality in Argentina. Out of 148 counties, Argentina ranks 71st overall compared to their 61st rank a few years ago. Argentina scored high in education, political representation, and labor. Argentina has a high violence rate against women. With that, the United Nations and many NGOs have established violence against women laws. The Executive Director, Michele Bachelet, from the UN Women attended a conference last year and stated that, Peacekeeping missions are operating in a different way, she said. Police patrols have been aligned with women's movements, and UN Women reports from Darfur indicate that this is helping to reduce the attacks on women.3 It is hard to think that in the world today, we still have many countries that dont value women as we do in America, and Europe. I would have thought that in Argentina, men and women would be more equal than they are. I wouldnt have thought there are women still being attacked and not protected by their people. When I think of violence against women, I personally thing of third world countries, not countries like Argentina that are industrialized and established. Even with the downfalls of gender equality Argentina is slowly progressing to have equality for all. They still have a long way to come, but between the United Nations assistance and the movement

women have made in Argentina, they are well on their way to one day have the same equality as men.

Sources 1. The Argentina Independent | Tag Archive | gender equality. (2012). The Argentina Independent | Tag Archive | gender equality. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from 2. Worldmapper: The world as you've never seen it before. (2006). Worldmapper: The world as you've never seen it before. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from 3. UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet visits Argentina | UN Women Headquarters. (26 April, 2012). UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet visits Argentina | UN Women - Headquarters. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from

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