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Good afternoon, Im Major Todd Swisher, Deputy Chief for the Lynchburg Police Department and, on behalf of the

Command Staff, Id like to briefly discuss the incident that occurred on Friday, October 18th at City Stadium involving Lynchburg Police Officers. During the E.C. Glass/Heritage football game, an incident occurred off the field where two male juveniles (ages 15 and 16) were arrested by Lynchburg Police Officers, due to their actions. I am not going to discuss the details of this case at this time (that would be inappropriate), but I do think its important to address the issue in a public forum since there has been some misinformation provided to the media in recent days: - The Lynchburg Police Department is committed, along with the Lynchburg City Schools, to ensuring that our community can enjoy events such as high school football games in a safe and orderly environment. - There is no room for disorderly behavior at an event where several thousand citizens are present to watch some of our great young athletes perform. - As we do with all incidents where officers utilize force, this incident is being investigated according to department policy. - Based on the information available at this time (and that information is significant as the internal review is nearing completion), it appears that our officers acted appropriately and utilized the appropriate level of force while attempting to address two individuals whose behavior placed everyones safety (especially the officers) in jeopardy. - Once the internal review is complete, it will be forwarded to the City Manager for his review.

- The following criminal charges were placed as a result of the incident: o Juvenile 1 (age 15) Assault and Battery of a Police Officer Resisting Arrest o Juvenile 2 (age 16) Assault and Battery of a Police Officer (2 counts) Resisting Arrest - One of the officers involved received a minor injury as a result of being kicked in the face by one the involved juveniles. This same juvenile also head butted and repeatedly punched the officer attempting to arrest him. This officer is doing fine and has not missed any time from work. In closing, heres the bottom line. Two young men made a conscious decision, a very poor conscious decision, to assault a police officer and resist arrest during Friday nights football game. There are consequences for this type of behavior. The Lynchburg Police Department will not tolerate this type of behavior not now, not ever. Moreover, I sincerely believe that the Lynchburg Community does not tolerate this type of behavior either.

Thank you for your time and I will now entertain some questions.

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