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1. Diff : for consistancy check as per golden stander 2 . run file name Consistency check mothered 1. compare with base line 2. comparing .log file with default value FFLINE_OUTPUT> h diff *********************************************************************** **************** diff[o][m]/ldiff[m] *********************************************************************** **************** Parameter auditing or MO dump comparisons. 1) Syntax1: diff <proxy1> <proxy2> [<proxy3>] To compare two or three MOs side by side. MOs must be of same MO class. All attribute values that are different between the MOs will be printed. Example: >> diff 4 32 17 Where 4, 32, 17 are the proxy identities of the MOs that should be compared. 2) Syntax 2: diff[o][m]/ldiff[m] <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy>|<modumpFile>| <modumpDir> [<baselineFile>|<modumpFile2>|default] [<outputDir>] To compare an MO dump with a parameter baseline file or with another MO dump. Options: - o: when comparing two MO dumps, only the changes in Operator parameters will be shown - m: when comparing against parameter baseline, any parameter not found in the baseline will be compared against the MOM default values instead . It is possible to exclude MO-types/attributes/structs from the MOM comparison by adding them in the uservariables "diffm_exclude_..." First Argument: - <moGroup>|<moFilter>|<proxy>: to specify the MOs in the current node which should be used for the comparison. - <modumpFile>: to specify an modump, taken from this node or another node. The modump file should be a zipfile taken by the command "dcgk". Al ternatively it can be a text or gzipped file containing the printout from the "get" or "kget" command.

- <modumpDir>: to specify a directory containing modump logfiles. Only files with the extension ".log" will be used in the comparison. Second Argument (optional): - empty or "default": a baseline parameter file from moshell/commonjars/pm/PARAM* will be chosen according to the MOM type and version of the c urrent node or of the modump specified in the first argument. Note: typing "default" is only necessary if one wants to specify a third argument (the outputDir). If the uservariable custom_param_file is set then the file(s) specified in custom_param_file are read after the PARAM* file, meaning that their values will override those of the PARAM* file. - <baselineFile>: a specific baseline file is used as reference, instead of the default one. In this case the file(s) specified in the uservariable custom_param_file are not read. The format of a baseline file must consist of three words on each line: <mo> <attribute> <value> The <mo> field can be either an MO class (e.g. PlugInUnit) or an MO LDN (e.g. Subrack=MS,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1) It is also possible to write a tilde sign (~) in front of the MO LDN, in which case it is treated as a regular expression. For instance: "~UniSaalTp=.*q[ab]$ maxSduSize 128" means that the reference value only applies to the MOs whose LDN matches that string. The recommended value can be a single value or several values separated by commas. For instance -1,2,25,300 : means any of these values is accep ted as recommended value. If the recommended value is a sequence of Structs or sequence of moRefs, then it shall be written on one single line. Example: EthernetSwitch pbitQueueMap [8] = 0,1;1,0;2,1;3,1;4,2;5,2;6,3;7,3 More information about the reference file format can be found in the document moshell/examples/audit_files/EAB_FJW-08_0071.doc - <modumpFile>: the two modump logfiles are compared and the following differences will be highlighted: differences in attribute values, MOs fo und in one dump but not the other, attribute names found in one dump but not the other. Third Argument: - <outputDir>: to specify the directory where to store the result files (csv comparison file and correction command file). If not specified, a default directory and file names are chosen. Result: The result is shown on screen with space-separated fields and also saved in the result directory with comma-separated fields (CSV).

Also, in the result directory is a command file to align the current values to the baseline values. The path to the CSV result file is saved in the moshell variable $diffcsvfile and the path to the command file is saved in the moshell variable $diffcmdfile. Please refer to the document moshell/examples/audit_files/EAB_FJW-08_0071.doc for more information. Note about parameter baseline files. Parameter baseline files are taken from the Winnow database and stored in CDM in excel format: RNC: 3/19059-HSD10102/n (n=3 for P3, n=4 for P4, n=5 for P5, etc) RBS: 4/19059-HSD10102/n (idem) RXI: 5/19059-HSD10102/n (idem) To use these files as reference for comparison, they need to be converted to text. This can be done by copy pasting the excel sheet to a text file. Moshell keeps a text copy of the latest version of each of these files in the f older moshell/commonjars/pm. By not specifying the baseline parameter file in the "diff" command will make moshell choose the best suited file f or the node type and mom version of the current node or modump file. Examples: >> diff . #Compare all MOs with the relevant baseline parameter file stored in moshell/commonjars/pm. >> diff . default ~/audit_070110 #Same as above but store the results in the directory ~/audit_070110 >> diff ~/moshell_logfiles/logs_mobatch/2007-01-10/mysites/11-21 #Compare all modumps under that directory against the relevant baseline para meter file stored in moshell/commonjars/pm >> ldiff msplatform=1 mgw_parameters_r4.txt #Compare all MOs under msplatform=1 in the current node with the baseline file "mgw_parameters_r4. txt" >> diff . rnc10_before_upgrade.txt #Compare all MOs in the current node with the MO dump "rnc10_before_upgrade.txt" >> diff rnc10_before_upgrade.txt rnc10_after_upgrade.txt #Compare the MO dumps "rnc10_before_upgrade.txt" and "rnc10_after_upgrade.txt"

For rectification of inconsistence

Run output.mos

run INV INVh INVl lga cvms 120302-15:54:54 OFFLINE_output 8.0t ERBS_NODE_MODEL_B_1_53 stopfile=/tmp/7180 *********************************************************************** **************** cvls/cvmk/cvms/cvset/cvrm/cvcu/cvget/cvput/cvls1 *********************************************************************** **************** CV backup handling: list, make local, make remote, remove, setstartable. Command syntax: * cvls [<cv-filter>] * cvcu * cvrm <cvname>|<cv-filter> * cvget <cvname>|<cv-filter> [<destdir>] * cvput <zipped-cvfile> * cvms <cvname> [<operator>] [<comment>] * cvmk <cvname> [<operator>] [<comment>] * cvset <cvname> * cvls1 Description: A set of commands similar to the "cv" commands in OSE but operate through MO interface instead of telnet/ssh (ie: no password). * cvls: display both the current cv information (equivalent of "cv cu") and cv list (equivalent of "cv ls"). It is possible to filter the output of cvls to only show CVs where the CV name or CV attributes match a certain string. Note: the cvls1 command is similar to the cvls command except that it executes via the OSE shell instead of the MO service. * cvcu: display the current cv information only (equivalent of "cv cu"). * cvmk: create a local cv backup. Operator name and comments (not longer than 40 characters) can be given as argument. * cvset: set a cv as startable.

* cvms: create a cv and make it startable (combination of cvmk and cvset) * cvrm: remove one or more cv's. If the argument does not match an existing CV then all CVs matching that string will be removed. A confirmation message is printed before removal. The CV(s) will automatically be removed from rollback list when necessary. * cvget: make a remote backup of a cv to the workstation. The second argument is optional. If not given, a default folder is chosen for the backup ~/moshell_logfiles/logs_moshell/cv/<node>/<date>_<time>/ * cvput: transfer a remote CV backup (zip file) from the workstation to the node. Examples: List all CVs >> cvls List all CVs using Upgradepackage CXP9011274_R9A >> cvls CXP9011274_R9A Create a cv and make it startable (no userid or comments given): >> cvms RNC11_Final Create a cv and make it startable (userid and comments given): >> cvms RNC11_Final eanzmagn cell power increased to 33dBm Remove all cv's whose name match the string "Temp": >> cvrm Temp Remove all cv's whose name don't match the string "Final": >> cvrm !Final Remove all cv's whose name don't match the string "final" or the string "RNC": >> cvrm !Final|RNC Make a remote backup of a CV to the workstation where moshell is runing: >> cvget RNC11_Final Transfer a remote cv backup from the workstation to the node: >> cvput /home/eric/

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