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3 Week Schedule/October/NOV subject to modifications

Art 3 AP Studio Art ~ Howard High Art Dept.

Sketchbook assignments are your response to the given word or phrase. Media choice is up to you. Consider your pages composition carefully please do not scribble on a page and say, Well, this was my response to the work moody. 1 assignment is given each week; 2 are given to those who are taking the course for 2 credits. Each entry is 15 points 5p for completion, 5p for experimentation, 5p for craftsmanship. Collection times are posted below. Additional assignments are on the calendar.

Week 9
SB Assignment: 1. Collect three leaves. Draw from observation using any compositional format you choose. 2. Find a new, contemporary artist from the internet or a magazine. Create a one page spread on this artist using written information, collaging, images of their work, etc. You will present this page to the class to inform them of the new artist youve discovered..

Monday 10.21

Tuesday 10/22

Wednesday 10.23

Thursday 10.24

Friday 10.25

Intro to Oil

Power Painting

Power Painting

Sustained Oil Sustained Still-Life Oil Still-Life

Week 10
Sketchbook assign. 1SB Assignment: 1. Look up the word ethnography. Write the textbook definition. Describe how being an ethnographer is applicable to you as an artist. Design this page however you wish incorporate drawings, diagrams,

Monday 10.28

Tuesday 10.29

Wednesday 10.30

Thrsday 10.31

Friday 11.1

Sustained Oil Still-Life

Sustained Oil Still-Life

Sustained Oil Still-Life

Scary! So scary!
End of quarter


collages, etc. along with your written assessment of this word.

2. Artist inspired **(see below)

Week11 Week 11

Monday 11.4

Tuesday 11.5

Wednesday 11.6

Thursday 11.7


SB Assignment 1. Draw what

is underneath your bed. 2. Draw the wrapper or package of something you just ATE. Do this in COLOR.

Sustained Oil Still-Life


Sustained Oil Still-Life

Sustained Oil Still-Life

Critique Window

**Whats a prepared surface?** A prepared surface is one that has been watercolored on, collaged on, scribbled on, drawn on, etc. etc. Basically, its a NON-white surface.

IMPORTANT COLLEGE VISIT DATES OCT 24 - MICA Nov. 13 Montserrat College of Art Nov. 15 - Delaware NOV 18 Hartford Nov 19 - Corcoran Nov 22 - Maine

NOV 7th SKETCHBOOK COLLECTION 3 pages for 1c, 6 pages for 2c (Sketchbooks are usually collected the FIRST THURSDAY of the month)

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