GULGBTQ+ EGM Mins 23.10.2013

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GULGBTQ+ EGM Minutes 23 October 2013, 19:30, QMU Committee Room 1


Time Started: 19:50 Time Adjourned: 22:30 Committee Business: Introduction from President/Go through voting process/constitutional amendments etc. Rian introduced members to voting system. Apologised for membership mix up at the start of the year that meant members didnt get newsletter, and also apologised for not giving 2 weeks notice. Talked about the summers events and reinforced fact that we are an incredibly inclusive society that does not stand for any sexism, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, etc. Chatted about events and said how everything was going. Handed over to Jen who spoke about membership having risen by 27.5% in the last 2 months. Jen handed back to Rian, who then spoke about the finances letting all know that Lauren and Rian had been in charge of the finances this year, and how sponsorship was going. Rian opened the floor to questions. Question brought up about constitutional point 2.3 the LGBTQ+ shall not affiliate to not endorse any political ideologies, groups or societies. Jen assured that the society is not political, but brought up the example of equal marriage for instance that we fight for LGBT issues. However, we are primarily a welfare society. Lauren made it clear that it just ensures that we are not affiliated with political parties and have no political alliances other than LGBT. Question about sponsorship/finances are they healthy at the moment? Rian confirmed that there is enough sponsorship to cover all of our events, and Lauren (stand-in treasurer for the last few weeks) confirmed this. It was asked what type of sponsorship this was. Rian said that the sponsorship was mostly general. However we have specific event sponsorship from AXM/Polo for events such as Halloween and Queerfest. Constitutional Amendments (if any) No constitutional amendments brought up

Break from 20:06 20:24 Rian read through constitution to make sure members knew how to vote. Vice President Treasurer Nicola Williams and Lauren McGovern are running for the position of Vice President Treasurer. Both made speeches about why they should run, and took questions from the floor afterwards Lauren 29 Nicola 6 No abstentions

Post-Mat Officer Reminder that positions are only open to postgraduate and mature students. Anna 18 Tiffany 14 David 3 1 abstain Again, all gave speeches about why they were going to run, and took questions from the floor just one this time. Majority Anna got the position. Break from 21:11 21: 30 Campaigns Officer Cori 2 Mark 6 Tiffany 15 Amy 9 Cori Mark 6 Tiffany 17 Amy 9 All gave speeches about the campaigns they were interested in: i.e. Russia, Uganda, Asylum Seekers, Gender Neutral Toilets, etc. Questions were taken from the floor by all members running.

Majority Tiffany won.

First Year Ordinary Member Rian reminded members that this position is open for first year undergraduates. 3 candidates running: - Jacques I might not be your cup of tea, but Im your shot of tequila! - Ross - Alex Jacques 9 Alex 17 Ross 13 Jacques Ross 19 Alex 19 2 abstains We have a tie Rian will flip a coin. Ross and Alex suggested working together on committee. If so, will have to vote to suspend the constitution. Suspension of constitution voted on by hands Majority of hands voted for yes, constitution is going to be suspended... ... But no! Lauren came in with a point that 14 committee members is an even number and would not help when committee come to vote on decisions. Ross and Alex have decided to go for the tossing a coin option that is in the constitution and Rian is to flip a coin. Ross Tails, Alex Heads. *dramatic tension* Heads rolled. Alex won. Conclusion: 4 new committee members are: - Lauren McGovern, Vice President Treasurer - Anna, Post-Mat Officer - Tiffany, Campaigns Officer - Alex, First Year Ordinary Member

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