Biographical SketchFX

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Bernie Boswell

Biographical Sketch
“Bringing vision and hope to families throughout the

Bernie Boswell, semi-retired, has had a distinguished career in

humanitarian services. He is the Founder of The Cottage Program International (CPI)
and creator of Families in Focus (Seven Secrets to a Successful Family). As a
community education effort, his programs include meeting with families and
neighborhood groups in their homes. His mission and commitment to promote social and
personal values consistent with the behavioral health and emotional well-being of
individuals and their environment met with overwhelming success. Because of the
universal appeal as a family and community approach to prevention his programs have
been replicated in many communities throughout the United States and abroad, bringing
new hope to thousands of families and helping communities to focus their resources in
the fight against alcohol and drug abuse.

Appointed by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Mr. Boswell
served as a member of National Advisory Council for the National Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and as liaison to the core group of the Scientific
Advisory Board as well as ad hoc to the Alcohol Drug Abuse and Mental Health
Administration. And consultant to the U.S. Department of Education

As a “Select Member” of the National Academy of Science, Washington, DC, he

participated in developing Alternative Policies Affecting the Prevention of Alcohol Abuse
and Alcoholism for our Federal Government. His contribution to the National Institute on
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention Panel supports the Public Health Model as a
standard for community-based prevention services. He is the author of a series of timely
articles on family wellness and is co-author of prevention research instruments.

Governor Michael O. Leavitt honored Bernie with the Governor’s Award “In recognition
of his outstanding commitment and service to families throughout the world and the
vision and hope given to all families through the Families in Focus program”

He has testified before the United States Congress on several occasions. He is a strong
advocate for community education and family prevention programs. Bernie’s personal
and professional life was spotlighted in a special broadcast of NBC’s PM Magazine. He
appeared frequently on national and local television always emphasizing the critical role
of family in creating an emotionally healthy society. His biographical sketch appears in
Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World.

Under the auspices of CPI in collaboration with the United Nations he was instrumental
in bringing the first “International Year of the Family” (IYF) World Conference to Salt
Lake City. Over 600 delegates from 56 countries were represented. Bernie’s Families in
Focus Program was endorsed by IYF as a premier program in setting standards for
strengthening families. Mr. Boswell was chosen as a Torch Bearer for the Salt Lake City
2002 Olympic Winter Games.
Mobile 435-632-9065 Fax 435-628-8452

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